Class 4: Blog items
Date: 6th Nov 2020 @ 5:08pm
This week we have started our new science topic, ‘Seasons’. We have looked at what it is like during the different seasons and made weather wheels to show our understanding.
Some of the children have also been creating their own autumn floors using leaves, conkers, pines cones and twigs. They looked fantastic!
Sticking with the autumn theme, we have also had great fun creating our own autumn leaf hedgehogs. They look amazing! Well done Class 4.
Class 4 Working hard at home this week.
Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 3:23pm
This week, Class 4 have been busy doing their learning at home. We are very proud of the children who have been working hard on their learning packs and have tried their best with their work on Purple Mash.
Thank you so much to the parents who have helped tremendously to support the children's learning at home. The part you play is invaluable.
Finally, well done to the fantastic readers who have been reading to Mrs Ali, We know it’s harder reading over the phone but well done for being so resilient.
We have missed all the children and can't wait to see them all again next Thursday!
Year 1 Remote home learning Overview and resource WB 19.10.20
Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 2:30pm
Please see below the overview and associated resources for the Year 1 remote home learning. The overview will outline all of the activities provided and a break down of each individual task.
Y1 Remote home learning videos WB 19.10.20
Date: 15th Oct 2020 @ 10:47am
Please see below the links to video's that your teachers have set up for each lesson in your learning pack, for Maths and literacy.
Click on each video to hear your teacher explain the task you have set for each day.
Year 1 Remote home learning video's WB 12.10.20
Date: 13th Oct 2020 @ 12:00pm
Please see below the links to video's that your teachers have set up for each lesson in your learning pack, for Maths and literacy.
Click on each video to hear your teacher explain the task you have set for each day.
Year 1 Remote Home learning - P.E
Date: 12th Oct 2020 @ 9:56am
For your P.E session this week, we would love for you to stay active at home by doing one of the Joe Wicks 5 minute workouts daily.
Joe Wicks Workout 1 - Monday
Joe Wicks Workout 2 - Tuesday
Joe Wicks Workout 3 - Wednesday
Joe Wicks Workout 4 - Thursday
Joe Wicks Workout 5 - Friday
Year 1 Remote home learning - WB 12th October 2020
Date: 11th Oct 2020 @ 6:23pm
Please see below the overview and associated resources for the Year 1 remote home learning. The overview will outline all of the activities provided and a break down of each individual task.
What have Class 4 been up to this week?
Date: 9th Oct 2020 @ 4:12pm
This week in Class 4, we have been extremely busy developing our design and technology skills. We have learnt about levers and sliders and how these mechanisms can be used to make toys. We have had a go at making toys which uses either a lever or a slider. Have a look at some of our rabbits that pop out of a magician’s hat and the cars that drives along the road.
We have started designing our own toys and next week we will be making and evaluating them. We can’t wait to see what they will look like.
Amazing learning in Class 4 W/B 28/09/20
Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 4:28pm
In Class 4 this week we have read 'The Gingerbread Man'. We had a great time pretending to be the Gingerbread Man and being chased by different characters from the story.
We had great fun retelling the story and sequencing it using time connectives. Our folding story books look amazing!
We also developed our fine motor skills by cutting out and putting together a Gingerbread Man puppet. They were hard work but looked fantastic when they were finished.
In Geography this week, we discussed and compared physical and human features in our local area. Class 4 were wonderful at using their sorting skills.
Summer Home Learning Activities
Date: 25th Jun 2020 @ 3:14pm
Here is an overview of learning for children to complete at home over the Summer holidays. These activities link to our first topics in September. Please help your child complete all the tasks and record their findings in creative ways.
Date: 20th May 2020 @ 12:39pm
19 May 2020
Our Sports Development Team have recorded their first ever LIVE PE lesson. Make sure you join them on their youtube channel to stay active!
Oldham Music Centre Learning Website
Date: 20th May 2020 @ 12:37pm
20 Apr 2020
The Music Service has moved to an online lesson delivery for the summer term so that children across Oldham can continue to access high-quality, engaging musical learning throughout the closure of schools. Please find attached details of how to login for our online learning platform. From here, they will be able to access a range of musical learning resources.
Year 2 Log in details:
Username: p858667
Password: rococo
03 April 2020 -Learning by Questions (LbQ) - Information on Home Learning
Date: 20th May 2020 @ 12:36pm
03 Apr 2020
For information on daily home learning for the children during the school closure
Each day 3 new tasks will be set by your child’s class teacher. These task will be find by following the link below your child’s class web page. All task must be at any time during the day but before 4.00pm. You can also get the LbQ Tasks app on your iPad, Android or Windows device.
Each day a new code will be added on to your child’s class web page to complete a learning task. These task will be checked by the class teacher daily and assessments can be made. This will inform any follow up tasks.
The following document has step by step instructions on how to access the learning tasks:
Geography Learning: Easter Half Term
Date: 20th May 2020 @ 12:32pm
Apr 02, 2020
During the Summer Term we will be learning all about...The Countryside. We would love for you to support your children at home by looking at our Easter Learning pack to prepare everyone for our new geography learning.
Reading Activity - Updated Weekly
Date: 20th May 2020 @ 12:31pm
Apr 01, 2020
Using the link below to the Oxford Owl E-Book site you can download FREE books and follow our guidance to help read with your child at home.
Please us the following links to read the text with your child and use the teacher sheet to ask questions. Please record your children’s answers using their home school reading diary.
Week Beginning 16th March
Week Beginning 23rd March
Week Beginning 30th March
Week Beginning 6th April
Week Beginning 20th April
Week Beginning 27th April
Week Beginning 4th May
Week Beginning 11th May
Week Beginning 18th May