Our blogs

w/c 24.06.24 - This week in Year 5!

Date: 28th Jun 2024 @ 8:43am

What a fantastic week we have had in Year 5! 
The children have worked extremely hard during their end of year assessments to show what they have learnt throughout the year. 
Class 12 enjoyed visiting Class 11 to watch a rehearsal of their Shakespeare festival performance. They are doing amazingly well and we look forward to seeing the finished scene in assembly next week. 
Yesterday, Class 12 won the intra-phase football competition, beating both year 6 classes and drawing with Class 11. There were some fantastic goals and even better sportmanship. All teachers were very impressed with the team work, tactics and respect shown to opponents. Well done Class 12!  

This week in Year 1... Wb 24th June

Date: 27th Jun 2024 @ 3:59pm

This week Class 4 have done lots of fun learning!

We have been looking at the story 'No dragons for tea' and learnt all about fire safety! We have created our own Fire safety posters using imperative verbs and we also did some drama creating freeze frames from the story.

In Topic, we have been comparing now and then in relation to firefighters thinking about the differences. We are enjoying learning lots about The Great Fire of London!

We also had so much fun taste testing in Design and Technology, tasting different biscuits thinking about the smell and taste as we will be creating our own healthy biscuits in a few weeks.

In Science, we learnt all about the properties of materials! working in groups, we thought about what each object was made of and how it felt/looked.

On thursday we had a football tournament which everyone took part in and we got to show off our fantastic football skills! Well done to everyone :)

We have had such a busy week full of lots of different learning - we hope you enjoyed reading all about it.


Next week, we will be doing some letter writing to our dragon friends about fire safety and we will also be doing fractions in Maths!




Shakespeare Festival

Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 12:36pm

Class 11 had a wonderful afternoon working with Mr Kennedy from North West Drama, who came in to see the progress of our performance piece for King Lear. He was so impressed with the class's attitude and drama skills and is sure that they are going to be amazing on stage.


PARENTS: please come and see the performance on 11th July at Middleton Arena; your children are working so hard and will be so pleased to see you in the audience when they perform. Tickets are £5 for over 16s and free for under 16s. They are available to buy on ParentPay, we need to know how many tickets you want so that we can let the theatre know. 


We look forward to seeing you there, keep practicing lines with your child and get excited!!!!!

Year 1 Weekly Blog WB 17/6/2024

Date: 20th Jun 2024 @ 4:22pm

This week we have been doing some exciting learning linked to our Design annd Technology topic - Biscuits. In English we have looked at recipes and how they are structured. We followed a recipe to make our own biscuits and then we have written our own trying to include all the features that we found in our feature search. Next week we will be tasting a variety of biscuits and deciding what we want to put in the ones that we design and make later in the term.

In Maths we have done some fantastic dividing, starting with hands on concrete  examples and moving onto pictorial and more abstract examples - maybe at home they could show you how to share some things around the house equally.

In our History topic - The Great Fire of London - we have created a timeline of the events back in 1666 and are moving onto look at the differences and similarities between firefighters back then and now.

All the children were very excited to share their news from the weekend about how they celebrated Eid and we look forward to seeing them in their Eid clothes on Friday when it is Eid party afternoon!

This week in Pre-school...

Date: 20th Jun 2024 @ 9:40am

This week we have been exploring more about people and community. The children have been doing some great role-play with dressing up in the home area and with the small people, cars and houses.

We have been enjoying the fine weather and the children have been having fun in the water area splashing, filling and pouring outside.

We are looking forward to celebrating at our Eid party on Friday. 

What we have been LEARNING IN CLASS 10

Date: 12th Jun 2024 @ 1:51pm

Hello from CLASS 10, 
here you will be able to find out about all the FANTASTIC and FUN learning we have be doing in class this week.
This week for Comprehension, the text we focused on was a nautical themed text, all about the 'Shark Attack'.  Ask your child about our ‘gist’ and ‘vocab’ lessons.
I like how all the comprehension learning is in one booklet - Aleesha
In LITERACY we having been looking at a diary entry as Bushy Big Beard.  It was interesting learning about the Vikings - Uzair
In NUMERACY; we have been looking at 'TIME'.
It was good as it helped me fully understand the learning I struggled with last year - Fathima.
Please see our photos to see some of our learning in action.
Goodbye for now - Class 10 and Mr S.Rahman.

Learning in Class 9 7.6.24

Date: 7th Jun 2024 @ 10:50am

This week we have continued our learning about Invaders and Settlers. We learnt about the withdrawal of the Romans and the entering of the Anglo Saxons. All our learning so far plus what is to come was placed on a timeline. We are really enjoying the interesting and exciting topic. Timeline AS.jpg

This week in Reception...

Date: 6th Jun 2024 @ 5:08pm

This week in Reception we have started our new topic 'Fun at the Seaside' with our first book 'The Rainbow Fish'. The children have enjoyed telling us what they already know about the seaside and sharing some lovely stories of when they have been to the seaside with their family. 

As part of our learning into the story 'The Rainbow Fish' we have been thinking about what he looks like and how he feels throughout the book. In the afternoon some of the children have been creating under the sea collage pictures.

In maths we have been learning about number bonds to 10.

w/c 20.05.24 This week in Year 5!

Date: 23rd May 2024 @ 10:33am

What a great last week to the term! 

We have been very bisy completing our DT projects, making Victorian style toys using cams, and completing our autobiographys of 'Frankenstein'. 

Some Class12 children have enjoyed taking part in Bikeability, Class 11s turn will be later in the term. 

Please be reminded that school is closed for the children tomorrow and that next week is the half term holiday.

We hope that you all have an enjoyable half term and look forward to hearing all about it when we return to school. 

This week Class 8 have...

Date: 22nd May 2024 @ 4:30pm

... been looking at the properties of 3D shapes in maths. They have named the properties and identified different angles in the shapes. In literacy, Class 8 have produced a non - chronological report all about The Mayans. They have included all the features and made it eye catching to the audience. Class 8 have also done some DT this week. They have planned, designed and created chocolate bars inspired from our Mayan topic this half term. Well d done Class 8! tyfedytd.PNGfjdtdtd.PNGCapturep.PNGhgchgcjuh.PNG


Date: 15th May 2024 @ 8:32am

This half term the children have been learning all about Skeletons in their science lessons.

They have learnt why our skeletons are important and have also taken part in an experiment to see if all skeletons are the same size.


IMG_3596.jpg      IMG_3598.jpg

The children had to measure eachothers heads, feet and arms. They concluded that all skeletons are different sizes.


They have also created a power point about skeletons.

Ask your child to show you their power point on their iPad.

w/c 06.05.24 This week in Year 5!

Date: 10th May 2024 @ 3:55pm

We have had another busy week in Year 5! 

We have completed our alternative endings to Little Red Riding Hood and explored measuring differents lengths, before converting units of measurements. 

During science, we have investigated the life cycle of birds and researched facts about different types of birds. 

We hope that you have a relaxing weekend and enjoy the sunshine. 


-As the weather is getting warmer please ensure that your child brings a water bottle to school in order to stay hydrated throughout the day. 

Year 1 Weekly Blog WB 6/5/2024

Date: 10th May 2024 @ 12:42pm

This week we have done lots of fantastic learning about Africa in Topic and English lessons. We have researched and created factfiles about African animals in English and in Topic we learned all about life in the African country of Kenya. The children were able to say how the country is similar to the one they live in and how it is different.

In PHSE we have continued our learning about Healthy Lifestyles and talked about why it is important to brush your teeth. All the children had a go at cleaning a set of giant teeth! In RE we looked at the Christian ceremony of Baptism and the sybolism within the ceremeny.

Next week our book is Handa's Surprise and we will be starting off the week by making a fruit salad - and eating it !!

All about animals

Date: 7th May 2024 @ 8:37am

Ths children in the Inclusion hub have been looking at animals this half term. 

They have looked at pet animals, zoo animals and farm animals.

The children have milked a cow, made bird feeders, rescued frozen animals trapped in ice, cleaned the naughtly farm animals that went in the mud and fed the penguins. 

This week the children will be looking at habitats and making the habitats for the animals. 

Class 6 Blog

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 12:43pm

The children in Class 6 managed to win the monthly competition for word millionaires. They got to spend some time in the library where the children enjoyed a lovely hot chocolate and a biscuit, while they listened to many stories. 
In class we have been working on column subtraction in Maths and learning all about the seaside in our English lessons.
Hope you enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend and we will see you on Tuesday!

w/c 29.04.24 This week in Year 5!

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 9:59am

We have had another fantastic week in Year 5! 
We have enjoyed learning facts about Queen Victoria and learning that she is the second longest reigning English monarch in our Topic lesson. We have learnt about key events in her life and have written some fantastic diary entries from her perspective. 
During English lessons we have been using our imagination to create an alternative reading to Little Red Riding Hood. There have been some superb dramatisations of a karate expert Granny overthrowing the wolf. 
In Maths, we have been learning long division. Some children have found this challenging but we have been impressed by their perseverance and determination. Well done! 
Huge well done to Class 12 for their class assembly this week! 
Please ensure that your child is completing their homework on Purple Mash and reading as often as possible. 
Reminder - school is closed on Monday 6th May due to the Bank Holiday. 
Have a great long weekend, see you all on Tuesday! 

Year 1 Weekly Blog WB 29/3/2024

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 8:55am

This week we have done lots of fantastic learning based on the book 'The Ugly Five ' by Julia Donaldson. Here is a link to the story if you would like to enjoy it with your child.

The Ugly 5 - Read Aloud Story (youtube.com)

Our writing has been two different forms of poetry - an acrostic poem and a riddle. The children chose which one they would like to perform to the rest of the class.

In Topic we have continued our learning about Africa, thinking about what the climate is like in the different parts of the continent.

In Science we have continued our learning about plants. This week we learned about where plants come from and even planted our own seeds that have now sprouted and the children will be bringing home.

Next week we will be writing some factfiles about African animals!

Week Ending 3rd May 2024

Date: 1st May 2024 @ 8:51am

Class 14 have been working extremely hard over the past few weeks to help get themselves prepared for their upcoming SAT's tests. The children have all been trying hard with their revision, working on their areas for development. 

Over the weekend, please run through some of their past papers with your child them to support them, read books and ask them lots of questions and also please ensure that your child has a good nights sleep.


Thank you for all your support.

Week Ending 26.4.2024

Date: 26th Apr 2024 @ 1:14pm

Class 13 have started their revision for the SAT's tests. They have been working very hard and they have been working on any areas for development.

Over the weekend, please run through some of their past papers with your child them to support them, read books and ask them lots of questions and also please ensure that your child has a good nights sleep.


Thank you for all your support.

Stars of the week

Date: 26th Apr 2024 @ 1:09pm

Ijaz is our star of the week for improving his handwriting.

Year 1 Weekly Blog WB 22/4/2024

Date: 25th Apr 2024 @ 4:56pm

This week in Year 1 we have been continuing our learning linked to our opic of Africa. In English we have spent another week in the company of Sunny the meercat as he went on an adventure to try an find himself a new home only to find that his old one was actually perfect after all.

Here is a link to the story if you would like to watch it at home.

Meerkat Mail (youtube.com)

All the children have written a fantastic retell of the story as their big write this week.

In Maths we have been consolidating our learning about subtraction by using numberlines as well as concrete and pictorial methods.In Topic we have continued to find out more about the continent of Africa by completeing some mapwork. 

In PSHE we have been learning about germs and how they spread. We have seen how it important it is that we wash our hands thoroughly with soap frequently!

Next week we will be planting seeds in Science and writing some poetry in English.

w/c 15.04.24 This week in Year 5!

Date: 18th Apr 2024 @ 4:19pm

We have had a great first week back! 
We have begun our new topic, Victorians. We enjoyed exploring Victorian artifacts and creating a timeline of key events. Our favourite artifact was the candle snuffer as we hadn't seen one before. 
Our PE lesson was very exciting, exploring orienteering in the playground. In music, we enjoyed performing song based on the composer Joseph Bologne and his life. 
PE this half term will be on Thursday and Friday. 
Class 12's assembly will be held on Wednesday 1st May at 9.05am in the main hall. 

Year 1's learning this week...

Date: 18th Apr 2024 @ 12:59pm

Our first week back after the holidays and Year 1 have been super eager to learn! In literacy, we have been reading the story 'Meerkat Mail' which links to our Topic Africa this half term. We wrote some fantastic character descriptions all about the main character Sunny, using lots of adjectives. This week we also had a go at improving our learning by editing and adding in more adjectives and lots of different conjunctions!

In Maths, we have been re-capping our addition learning, using number lines and we have been adding 2 digit numbers as well as learning how to jump in tens and ones! 

This half term, in PSHE, we are looking at healthylifestyles. This week's focus was on germs and how to make sure we do not spread them. We carried out an experiment, showing the difference between using hand soap and not using hand soap. Class 4 had lots of fun!




Class 3 Weekly Blog WB 18/3/2024

Date: 22nd Mar 2024 @ 8:37am

This week in Class 3 we had an exciting delivery! Imagine our surprise on Monday morning when we found 4 dragon's egg in a nest!

 All week we have been doing lots of learning based on the lovely book 'Tell me your dragon'
Here is a video link to the story.
The children have written a fantastic description of the dragon and where it lives and next week will be writing instructions for how to look after it.
In Maths we have been doing lots of learning of learning about fractions and finding halves of shapes and amounts.
We have continued our learning about castles and have been thinking about what it would be like to live in one. Next week we will be designing and making our own castles!

w/c 18.03.24- This week in Year 5

Date: 21st Mar 2024 @ 9:29am

This week in Year 5, we have been news reporters on the scene at the tragic fire at Notre-Dame cathedral. The children have immersed themselves and have done a great job at bringing the news to life through roleplaying as interviewers, eye-witnesses and firefighters. Please make sure to ask your children about their learning this week- can they recognise the difference between direct and reported speech? This links to our Geography topic where the children have been learning about the geogrpahical layout of France, we have learnt that France is divided into regions, what these regions are called and known for and about the mountain ranges and rivers which are significant features in the French landscape.

We hope that you enjoyed Class 11's assembly and that they are keeping you aware of the exciting learning we are doing into the story of King Lear.

Next week, we have a really exciting week planned, including our DT work, baking scones, and our Fab Finish for our French topic. Make sure that you are coming into school and not missing out on these experiences. 

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