Read, Achieve, Succeed

‘Read, Achieve, Succeed’ is a trust-wide initiative which runs across both the Oldham and Derby academies.  Our CEO, Antony Hughes, has a strong commitment and passion for reading and wanted all Harmony Children to share in this with him.  The initiative was launched in September 2016 as a commitment to develop Reading for Pleasure and to ensure that all children have a book of their own for each year that they attend a Harmony Trust academy.  

Research by The National Literacy Trust has found that children who own their own books are more likely to achieve higher educational outcomes that those without.  They also found that children who regularly enjoy reading, are three times more likely to have higher levels of mental well-being than those who do not.  

The initiative is now led by Ms Jessica Hainsworth with a R.A.S. lead in each academy.  They are responsible for implementing a range of events across the academic year which inspire children to engage with, and become active readers.


'Read, Achieve, Succeed' at Greenhill

At Greenhill, we lay a strong emphasis on the teaching of reading. The ability to read well is a vital skill that needs to be taught from Nursery. Children in EYFS and Year 1 follow the Little Wandle phonics scheme as well as take home an Little Wandle Big Cat reading book that matches their phonics stage and a book for pleasure. Children in Year 2 up to Year 6 take part in Accelerated Reader which is a programme that aims to foster independent reading in all children of primary age. All books in our Oxford Reading Tree Scheme, our school library and our class libraries are labelled with a ZPD. This allows the children to choose a reading book based on their reading level which is identified after taking a Star Reader Test.   

In school, we teach reading through both shared reading and comprehension. As well as this, all classes plan in time for ERIC (Everyone Reads in Class) daily, for 25minutes. This is time for the children to engross themselves in their chosen reading book and read to an adult or to their peers. In addition, we also offer reading support for those children who find reading challenging through interventions such as The 5 Minute Box, Reading Recovery and Little Wandle intereventions taken from the scheme. We also offer those children extra 1:1 reads a week with an adult.

Wandle Phonics Wandle.PNG

Children from Nursery to Year 2 follow the ‘Little Wandle' phonics scheme and have daily discrete phonics sessions. In our Pre-School provision, the children are taught pre-phonics through following Letter and Sounds Phase 1 aspects 1-6 such as identifying environmental sounds and making sounds through body percussion. 

All phonic lessons have four parts which are interactive, well-paced and structured so that the children are revisiting, learning, practising and applying their skills.

Children in KS2 also continue to learn phonics if necessary and all children receive spelling lists to learn weekly. 

Click on to the Little Wandle Logo above for more information. 


Phonic knowledge is assessed half termly through the appropriate phonic assessment package based on the Little Wandle assessment criteria.

Phonic knowledge is assessed during Year 1 through the statutory phonics screening check. It also be repeated during Year 2 to monitor progress and identify those children in need of intervention.

A Book for Every Child

Each year we host a pop-up bookshop supported by our friends and partners at Madeleine Lindley. Every child gets the chance to browse in the bookshop and choose a book to take home.

Follow Madeleine Lindley on Twitter @teacher_books

CEO Bookclub and Academy Book Clubs

This is an opportunity for children to read and talk and share opinions about books as a group.  They then feed this back to their school through assemblies and Amazon Reviews.

Author Visits

Visits from authors have really help to bring literature to life for our children.

Search the hashtag #ReadAchieveSucceed on Twitter to see more of our reading events across all our academies.

Harmony Street, Oldham, Lancashire OL4 1RR

Mrs C Glynn - Principal

0161 260 0621

Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)