Class 4: Blog items

Year 1 Weekly Blog

Date: 9th Feb 2024 @ 12:37pm

This week in Year 1 we have been using the text  The Kings Pant's to do lots of great English learning. Here is a link to the story if you would like to listen to it with your child.

THE KING'S PANTS 👑 Nicholas Allan | Read aloud #storyoftheweek #kingcharlesbooks - YouTube

Throughout the week the children have designed some special pants for the King to wear - they have been amazingly imaginative! On Friday they wrote a letter to describe the pants to the King - We hope he likes them!

We have continued our topic learning about Great Britain learning about human and physical features - next week we will be making some features out of junk as our end of Topic finish! And we will be creating a factfile of all the learning that we have done so far about Great Britain.

Thank you to all the parents who attended the phonics screening test parents meeting - some information for those parents who did not manage to attend will be sent home next week.

Year 1 Weekly Blog WB 29/1/2024

Date: 1st Feb 2024 @ 12:33pm

This week we have carried on with our learning about Paddinton Bear. This week he has gone on a tour of Great Britain, stopping at Mount Snowdon, Blackpool Tower,Edinburgh Castle, Giants Causeway and The Angel of the North. In our groups we have found out lots of facts about these landmarks ready to write a diary entry in Paddington's diary on Friday.

In Science we continued our learning about classifying anaimals by finding out lots of information about amphibians - making posters to share our knowledge.

In our Topic learning we have looked at British weather patterns and created a factfile on Purple Mash to show what each season looks and feels like.

Next week our new book will be 'The King's Pants' and in Science we will be looking at reptiles.

Learning in Year 1 15/01/24

Date: 18th Jan 2024 @ 5:08pm

This week, we have continued looking at the story of The Queen's hat but.. it came all the way to Glodwick! We have been using time connectives and fantastic adjectives to write super descriptive sentences.

In Maths, we have been looking at our number bonds to 10 and 20, using lots of different methods to help us.

We continued with our science learning, looking at Mammals and sorting them. 

In Topic, we had lots of fun learning all about British Traditions and will be moving onto look at the countries and captial cities in the UK.

We have had a fun week full of lots of learning! 





Year 1 Weekly Blog WB 8/1/2024

Date: 11th Jan 2024 @ 4:00pm

This week in Year 1 we have done lots of fantastic learning! Our book for this week is The Queen's Hat here is a video link if you would like to watch it with your child

The Queen's Hat read by its author and illustrator Steve Antony (

We did some fantastic drama learning using a Story Whoosh to retell the story where we made the shapes of lots of the landmarks in London that the hat flew over on its journey with our bodies. We have written a retell of the story using fantastic sentence starters. 

In topic we have started our new Science topic which is all about different sorts of animals. This week we looked at wild and pet animals and next week our learning will be about mammals.

In art we have looked at primary colours and created images with collage and pastels in the style of the artist Mondrian.

Next week we will be starting our topic learning about Great Britain!

P.E. is now on a Friday and we will be doing a half term of learning about gymnastics.


Class 4 this week!

Date: 19th Oct 2023 @ 3:57pm

This week we have had LOTS of fun as it was french week!

We read the story Madeline in Literacy and wrote setting descriptions using our senses which links to our Science learning. We also used our acting skills to perform a story whoosh!

We also learnt our numbers in French!

And our favourite was creating a beautiful watercolour painting of the sunset with the Eiffel Tower in Art.


Class 4's learning 03.05.23

Date: 4th May 2023 @ 2:18pm

This week Class 4 have done lots of exciting learning!

In literacy, we have created our very own fact files about African animals which link to our Topic Africa! We did lots of fact finding and made sure we knew all of the features of a fact file. 

We have found out lots of interesting facts about different African animals. 

In R.E, we are learning about 'belonging' and this week we spoke about what it meant to belong to Greenhill Academy!


Some of us also made/designed some crowns at home for the King's coronation! We hope you enjoyed reading all about our learning and looking at the pictures.IMG_1613.jpgIMG_1612.jpgIMG_1614.jpg

Class 4

Date: 24th Nov 2022 @ 7:51pm

This week Class 4 continued looking at the Story One Snowy Night focusing on re-telling the story. We used our fantastic drama skills to create a story whoosh, acting out the story. We really enjoyed re-telling the story through drama. We have also focused on re-telling the story through sequencing and writing using time connectives and adjectives!

In Maths this week we began looking at 2D shapes thinking about their properties and also looking at shape patterns creating our own patterns. We got to go on a shape hunt using the iPads to take pictures of different shaped objects around our classroom.

We also started out new Art topic this week drawing self portraits and portraits of our friends using the same style of art used by Picasso. We really enjoyed our art lessons and created some beautiful portraits!




Class 4

Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 11:36pm

This week Class 4 have done lots of learning!

In Literacy, we continued looking at the story the story The Lonely Beast and we focused on letter writing thinking about the different features!

In Maths, we continued looking at addition looking at number bonds and using the part-whole model.

In Design and Technology, we have really been really excited learning about levers and sliders and have looked at different toys as well as designed our own.

In Computing, we continued to explore Purple mash on the iPads becoming more familiar with the different tools and being able to navigate around it independently to be able to help us when we use it at home.

Overall, we have had a fun and interesting week and are looking forward to Poetry day! :)E241D382-C324-48A4-9FB8-8DCDFA3F8F23.jpeg90EA3F04-CA84-4098-9499-CD508C4410E1.jpeg

Science - senses

Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 12:09am

This week we continued learning about our senses in Science! We got to make sensory toys thinking about all of our different senses - we had lots of fun making them using lots of different materials! 



Class 4

Date: 16th Sep 2022 @ 1:41am

This week Class 4 have been doing lots of fun and interesting learning!

In Literacy we have been looking at the story 'You choose' by Nick Sharratt. We focused on using ADJECTIVES and NOUNS in our writing. Class 4 wrote some amazing descriptive sentences! 

In Maths we developed our numbers learning looking at less than and more than, comparing numbers in lots of different ways.

We also continued with our Topic learning on Our local area. We looked at different types of homes and thought about the types of houses we live in. We had lots of fun using Google Earth looking at Our local area and places we visit and know. 

We hope you enjoyed reading all about what we did this week!

Class 4

Date: 16th Jun 2022 @ 4:28pm

This week class 4 have looked at the story 'The Kiss that Missed' focusing on using verbs and suffixes. We have done some lovely writing using a re-tell. 

In Maths, we have been re-capping addition and subtraction thinking about the inverse which we did fantastic with!

Class 4 really enjoyed our new Topic Iin ICT this week where we began creating animated stories on the ipads using purple mash. 

Overall, we have had a week full of fantastic learning! 



Class 4 blog

Date: 23rd Mar 2022 @ 5:02pm

This week we have been writing some fantastic setting descriptions about Toby and the great fire of London, using expanded noun phrases and conjunctions! We have also been editing our learning and making it even better! The great fire of London links to our topic learning as we have been learning all about it.

In Maths, we started looking at fractions focusing on finding halves and quarters with shapes and different amounts.

In ICT, we have been using beebots which we have loved. We have been learning how to make them move in different directions and this week we wrote a program which we will be using next week!




Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 2:17pm

KS1 have had an amazing day celebrating everything.... READING! 

For world book day we have had some amazing character costumes and celebrations of vocabulary! We loved our reading party where we completed our sponsored read-a-thon. We read for 30 minutes in strange places around out classrooms. 

We want to say a massive thank you to everyone who sponsored KS1 for their reading! We raised an amazing £283 towards our classroom funds.

It has been an amazing day to READ, ACHIEVE, SUCCEED!  5156B375-C249-4504-800E-A7451E6E9603.jpeg

Our African Workshop in Year 1

Date: 4th Feb 2022 @ 5:10pm

This week Year 1 took part in an exciting African workshop as part of their Geography learning all about Africa! The children had so much fun taking part in a range of different activites.

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First the children got dressed up as lots of different African Animals and had lots of fun pretending to be each animal using a range of different movements and sounds.

IMG_1024.jpg Then the children took part in an exciting African dance, dancing to the beat of the African drums.


AfIMG_1167.jpgAfter all that dancing the children were very tired, so we sat down and tried lots of delciious African fruits, that we had already learnt about when reading the story Handa's surprise! 

Class 4's learning this week..

Date: 13th Jan 2022 @ 5:07pm

Class 4 have done lots of fun learning this week!

In Literacy, we have been looking at the story 'Handa's surprise' which links to our topic Africa! We have been focusing on using time connectives and adjectives in our writing. We also did some drama acting as Handa and the animals which we really enjoyed!

We have started our new Topic Africa and have been using atlases to look at maps. We looked at the different countries and found where they are in the world.

We have learnt lots of interesting facts about Africa!




Class 4 blog

Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 4:54pm

This week in Class 4 we have learnt about lots of exciting things!

Our story in engish this week was 'Mr Wolf's Pancake'. We had to help Mr Wolf with what ingredients and instructions he would need and then we made our own pancakes! We also wrote instructions using time connectives and imperative verbs. 

In Maths, we focused on subtracting and used different methods to help us. We started using dienes to help us with understanding tens and ones and to do our subtracting. 

We also started learning about Florence Nightingale in Topic. We learnt all abut the important work she did in hospitals.

We had a very exciting week and did lots of super learning!


Using dienes to help with our subtracting.
Using number cubes to help with our subtracting.



Castles dragons and knights in Class 4.

Date: 9th Jul 2021 @ 7:30pm

This week in C4 we have been busy doing our DT unit on Castles. We started by looking at different types of castles and their structures and designs. We were even able to names the different parts of a castle such as a battlement, drawbridge, moat, dungeons, turret and many more.

The children had a go at designing their own castles. And then in small groups helped each other to make one of the designs. As a team they used many skills of designing, cutting, sticking, colouring and painting.

When finished, the children evaluated their design, looking at what they had learnt, what went well and what they would do better next time.

Keeping Simon dry in Class 4.

Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 10:54pm

Class 4 have been investigating materials in science this week. We wanted to find a material that is waterproof and could be used to make a rain coat for our class teddy Simon.

We experimented with wool, cotton and a plastic sheet. Before we tested the materials we made a prediction, where we tried to guess which material would actually be waterproof.  We made sure that our test was fair by using the same amount of water for the same amount of time with each material.

We had a great time putting the materials on Simon and testing them out.

By the end of the experiment, we found out that if Simon’s coat was made of cotton or wool, he would get very wet. The material that was best at keeping Simon dry was the plastic sheet. So this material would be good to make a raincoat.


Life Cycles in Class 4

Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 7:00pm

In PSHE lessons this week, Class 4 have been doing life cycles. The lesson helped the children to start to understand the life cycles of animals and humans and changes that happen as we grow. We played the game ‘Find your pair’ where children had a picture card and they had to find their pair for example, the baby kitten and the adult cat were a pair. The children discussed the changes the pairs went through to become adults. The children also worked together to sort the life cycles of the butterfly and the frog.

In the Reflection Puzzle Piece children drew a picture of one thing they liked about being their current age and completed their sentence: ‘When I grow up, I want to be...’ It was great to see that many of the children were very creative with what they wanted to be.

Mixing Potions in Class 4

Date: 18th Jun 2021 @ 4:43pm

This week in Maths, Class 4 has been busy looking at volume. We have been comparing different liquid amounts and later went onto measuring and recording.

We developed our skills of using measuring cylinders and measuring jugs to measure different amounts of liquid.

To finish off the week we followed a recipe to make a magical potion for Rapunzel to quickly grow her hair so that she could escape from the tower.

Out of this world in Class 4

Date: 11th Jun 2021 @ 9:53pm

This week was curriculum week, in which we looked at different ways in which technology could make our futures look very different.

Class 4 have worked hard to design futuristic sports goggles and shoes. Some designs had self-tying laces and used a shift wear app to change its design to match the outfit. We have also been busy in the computer room, designing cars that are linked to our moods. To finish off the week, we used junk modelling to make our dream bedrooms of the future. Some of our bedrooms had smart windows that would change the colour of the walls and carpet when we wanted. We also had smart wardrobes that would show us what our outfits would look like without us having to try anything on.

Telling the time in Class 4

Date: 29th May 2021 @ 3:56pm

In Cass 4 this week, we have been learning how to tell the time. We started by quickly recapping o’clock and half past. We then learnt how to tell the time using quarter past and quarter to. We had great time using clocks to tell the time and even made a clock of our own.

The Y1 Eco Councillors have also been busy this week with weeding the Y1 planter and planting seeds. The children have been trying for the past few weeks to plant their seeds but the rainy weather had made it difficult. We will be watching eagerly over the coming weeks to see what our flowers will look like.

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ICT Skills in Class 4.

Date: 21st May 2021 @ 2:08pm

This week in Class 4, we have been developing our ICT Skills. We used 2Publish to create fact sheets about famous landmarks in London. We used our fine motor skills to control the mouse and draw pictures of the landmarks. Then we named the landmarks and wrote facts about them.

Later, we further developed our skills using Scratch Junior. We choose different backgrounds and characters and programmed them to move around the screen. We had so much fun doing this that time flew by quickly and before we knew it, it was time to go home.

Y1 Home Learning WB17.05.21

Date: 17th May 2021 @ 8:44am

Please see below the Home Learning Overview for WB 17.05.21. 

Harmony Street, Oldham, Lancashire OL4 1RR

Mrs C Glynn - Principal

0161 260 0621

Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)