Sports Funding

Greenhill Academy Use of the Sports Premium 

Our Aim

At Greenhill Academy we provide all of our children with quality and varied physical education lessons with access to excellent sports provision throughout the school year. We aim to help our children develop a healthy lifestyle and reach their full potential, as well as, improve their attainment and achievement in physical education and specific sports. 

At Greenhill we aim to build on children’s natural enthusiasm for physical exploration and providing stimulating, purposeful and challenging experiences through games, dance, gymnastics, swimming, athletics and outdoor and adventurous activities.

We want to ensure our children develop positive attitudes towards physical activity and sports and gain the relevant skills, knowledge and understanding which allow them to develop a healthy lifestyle, achieve their full potential in physical activity and gain skills for life.


  • Greenhill's PE and Sports curriculum is varied and the children participate in a range of physical exercise and games.
  • There is a good standard of teaching in PE and this is evident from monitoring teaching and learning.
  • Specialist staff and coaches are used to ensure that children receive a better quality of education across all year groups and abilities.
  • Links with other local primary schools and secondary schools are very strong and we are involved in interschool competitions and sporting events throughout the year. 
  • Stronger developed opportunities for all children regardless of ability has increased.
  • There is a good range of extra-curricular sports clubs for pupils throughout school. This not only develops sporting ability and confidence but also develops social skills.

Please click below to download our full Sports Premium report:

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Harmony Street, Oldham, Lancashire OL4 1RR

Mrs C Glynn - Principal

0161 260 0621

Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)