Parents Guide to Remote Learning



What are the expectations of Remote Learning? 

  • It is expected that primary age children are set, on average, the minimum of 3 hours of learning for Reception and Key Stage 1 children, and 4 hours of learning for Key Stage 2 children. 

  • Teachers will set learning across all subjects- English and Maths daily, including daily phonics learning for children in Reception and Key Stage 1, and other subjects at least once a week. 

  • Your child will receive a weekly phone call from a member of staff which will be focused solely on hearing them read.  They will be allocated an e-book from MyOn, Phonics Bug or a passage of text to read to the member of staff over the phone set on Purple Mash, they will then answer some questions about what they have read.  We have put this in place to ensure that ALL children continue to read at least ONCE a week as we cannot distribute reading books to all children, only those in Provision. 

  • All learning will follow the Medium Term Plans in place for the Spring Term so no learning is lost or missed. 

  • The learning set for children will reflect the teaching and learning taking place in the onsite provision- this means that the Remote Learning set and the Onsite Provision teaching will follow the same timetable (see your child’s CLASS PAGE for the OVERVIEW) 

  • Children (and parents who are supporting their children) will be provided with clear explanations of new learning through high quality resources, these might be delivered by the teacher or through videos, powerpoints and other resources. 

  • ALL CHILDREN are expected to complete the learning set daily, whether that is remotely or whilst they are in provision. 

  • The teachers in charge of remote learning will expect to have seen that they have logged onto to Purple Mash or completed the learning set in the first lessons of the day by 11am.  

  • Every family will receive at least 1 phone calls a week- this will cover a  Safe and Well- Being Check - offering support and guidance with remote learning-and a Reading Phone call (mentioned above) where your child will read to a member of staff.  Any children deemed vulnerable for any reason (this maybe because they are not engaging in Remote Learning) will receive 2 or more phone calls per week. 

  • If there is no contact from your child, a teacher will contact you by phone to remind you that your child should be accessing their learning.  Please answer any calls from NO CALLER ID as this could be staff phoning from home. 

How is the Remote Learning set? 

  • All Remote Learning is outlined in a WEEKLY Overview that is place on to Greenhill Academy website. This shows you what your child will be expected to do each day in each lesson., click on to HOME LEARNING across the top tab.  




  • Choose the correct Class for your child  


  • On this page you will find the REMOTE LEARNING OVERVIEW which your class teacher will set at the START OF EACH WEEK. You will find the current weeks learning at the top of the page (look carefully at the dates) 

The REMOTE LEARNING OVERVIEW sheet will tell you and your child what learning they should complete daily for each subject, and how long they should spend on each task.  Your child MUST complete ALL the learning set on the overview which is the same for children onsite provision. It will contain useful links to resources that can support your child to complete tasks.  


  • The OVERVIEW will indicate where the task can be found which includes- Purple Mash, MyOn and EYFS and Yr 1 Phonics Bugs (Children should have all log ins that they need).  

  • On Purple Mash, there will be a video on how to complete a task- a child can watch and pause the video as many times as needed in order for them to feel confident in completing a task.  

  • Once your child has completed the learning for a subject they will need to submit it on Purple Mash where the teacher will check their learning and feedback via a comment.  

  • If you are struggling to download and submit learning, you can take a photograph and email to the class teacher via Purple Mash 2email.   


How will school assess and feedback to my child or myself?  

  • If your child DOES NOT log on and complete their Purple Mash learning or respond to their teacher before 11am, you will receive a phone call that afternoon from the teacher who is in charge of Remote Learning to remind you that you MUST complete learning every day. 

  • If your child is experiencing any difficulties with their learning you must email the class teacher via Purple Mash 2 email function or you can call the school office (0161 260 0621) who will contact the class teacher for you. 

  • Your child’s class teacher or the teacher in charge of Remote Learning will not be able to get back to you immediately as teachers and teaching assistants are currently: 

  • Setting daily learning for children 

  • Teaching in the Onsite Provision  

  • Carrying out Safe and Well Check and Reading Phone Calls for children once a week 

  • Responding to the learning sent back  

  • Responding to enquiries from children and parents/ carers 

  • Attending planning and Staff Meetings 

  • Preparing learning resources 

However, you or your child will receive a response to your email as soon as possible

  • Please note that teachers will be working the usual school day hours- 8:30am to 4:30pm, if you email out of these hours you may not receive a response until the following day.   

Any emails sent after 6pm will definitely not be guaranteed a response until the next working day, teachers will not be working at the weekend. 

  • All learning SHOULD take place within the school day (9:00am to 3:00pm) to keep the children in their routine, however we are aware that some children are sharing devices so they may complete their learning at other times of the day.  They must still submit their learning as soon as it is competed. 

Finally, please remember if you have issues at all you can phone the School Office to speak to a member of the Senior Leadership Team regarding your child’s Remote Learning- 0161 260 0621 

Harmony Street, Oldham, Lancashire OL4 1RR

Mrs C Glynn - Principal

0161 260 0621

Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)