Class 12 2024 - 2025
Mrs Wall
Miss Blissett
Welcome to Year 5- Class 12
Our Teachers
This year, the staff in Y5 are:
Mr Rose
- Miss Blissett, Mrs Wall, Mrs Fitzpatrick
Our Year 5 teachers are supported in class by Mrs Axford, Mrs Begum and Mrs Wray
Online Learning
All chidlren have a login to Purple Mash, TT Rockstars and Accelerated Reader. Homework will often be set on these websites. To keep children safe online they have been taught to keep their passwords and logins safe from others.
Children can login to Purple Mash here, TT Rockstars here Accelerated Reader here and Sumdog here
Reading Champions
Your child will be bringing their reading book home in their book bag every night. Please read with them as often as you can. If your child reads at least 3 times a week, they will earn a ‘Reading Champion’ sticker and will work towards a termly reward with all of the Reading Champions across Greenhill Academy!
Our Learning
This year, our topics will be:
- Tremendous Tudors
- Marvelous Maps
- Raging Rivers
- France
- What the Victorians Did for Us
PE days (Spring Term 1 & 2)
- Tuesday & Thursday
Please keep checking our Year 5 page for further updates about our learning!
Take a look at the exciting learning we will be doing this half term in Year 5: Map of Learning Yr5 Spring 1.pdf
Please click the link to read more about Year 5: Parent Information