Our blogs

w/c 25.09.23 This week in Year 5!

Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 8:14am

We have had a busy and exciting week in Year5! The children have enjoyed learning facts about William Shakespeare in preparation for writing a biography about him. They were very interested to learn that he died on his birthday when he was 52. Please ask them what else they found out.  

In science we have investigated friction and water resistance, we have learnt more about Henry VIII’s wives and used different methods to solve multiplication problems. In PE, we have been learning how to roll safely, completing log rolls, egg rolls and forward rolls from different starting points.  

Please continue to read at home, quiz on MYON and test your times tables on TTRockstars.  

Have a fantastic weekend!  

Learning in Class 9

Date: 27th Sep 2023 @ 2:46pm

Class 9 have had an exciting start to their Science learning All about Electricity. They are experimenting making different circuits and have found out what a complete circuit needs. Ask your child to tell you all about it.

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This week in Reception (25.09)

Date: 27th Sep 2023 @ 1:01pm

In Reception this week we have been learning about the story 'In Every House In Every Street' 

The children have enjoyed learning about houses, looking at different types of house and completing their table jobs. 

In maths the children have been matching items in different ways such as by colour or by size. Why not try some matching at home with different types of socks or different coloured objects!

On the corridor the children have been making a junk model maps in relation to our topic 'Being Me in my World'.


My family

Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 3:06pm

This week in the Inclusion hub we have been focusing on our family. The children have been drawing and painting pictures of themselves and their family.

This week in Reception...

Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 12:12pm

In Reception this week we have been learning about the story 'Little Red Riding Hood' 

The children have enjoyed retelling the story, listening to different versions of the story and completing their first table jobs. 

In maths the children have been matching items in different ways such as by colour or by size. Why not try some matching at home with different types of pasta or different coloured objects!

On the corridor the children have been making a shop linked to our current topic 'Being Me in my World'. They have made their own signs and the shop should be ready to open next week for the children to enjoty. 


This week in Year 5!

Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 8:29am

Many thanks to those of you who attended our ‘Meet the teacher’ sessions this week, it was great to see you and share what exciting things we have planned for this year. 


The children have had an exciting week in Year 5! They have produced some fantastic big writes based on our focus text: ‘The Boy, The Bear, The Baron and The Bard’. They have enjoyed writing their own word problems in Maths and using newton meters in Science to measure the force of objects.  


We have continued to learn about the Tudors, researching and creating a timeline of the monarchs' reigns. We were very interested to find out that Edward VI became king when he was 9 years old. Please ask your children what other exciting facts they discovered.  


Please continue to read at home and have a great weekend!

w/c 18.09.23 This week in Year 5

Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 8:27am

Many thanks to those of you who attended our ‘Meet the teacher’ sessions this week, it was great to see you and share what exciting things we have planned for this year.  

The children have had an exciting week in Year 5! They have produced some fantastic big writes based on our focus text: ‘The Boy, The Bear, The Baron and The Bard’. They have enjoyed writing their own word problems in Maths and using newton meters in Science to measure the force of objects.  

We have continued to learn about the Tudors, researching and creating a timeline of the monarchs' reigns. We were very interested to find out that Edward VI became king when he was 9 years old. Please ask your children what other exciting facts they discovered.  

Please continue to read at home and have a great weekend!  

Class 8 blog web 18.9.23

Date: 21st Sep 2023 @ 4:44pm

Class 8 have worked incredibly hard this week to write their alternative endings to Harry and the Jaggedy Daggers. They have been very creative and used a range of features in their writing and their handwriting and spelling is improving massively. Well done Class 8! IMG_1241.jpeg

Nursery Weekly Blog WB 18.9.2023

Date: 21st Sep 2023 @ 12:15pm

This week we welcomed in our final group of children into our Nursery. We are VERY proud of the way all the children have settled into their new class. We have started to learn new routines and how to care for our Nursery. All the children now have a Family Group and a Key Worker.

Next week we will be starting our Topic learning - 'All About Me!'- when we will be thinking about families and homes. If you have any photos of your childs familiy that you would be happy for us to share please give them to one of the Nursery staff.

Learning in Class 9 21.9.23

Date: 21st Sep 2023 @ 7:53am

Class 9 have loved using Google Earth as part of our EuroVISION topic. We have plotted the journey from Greenhill to other places in Oldham and worked out the distance along the roads. We also plotted the path from school to London and other places in England. Why don't you ask your child to show you what they have been learning - we are sure you will love it too. 



WB 11.09.23 This week in Year 6

Date: 17th Sep 2023 @ 4:25pm

We are so PROUD of all our Year 6's and how they have come in to school this term, eager and ready to learn!  We are enjoying getting to know all of our lovely pupils and their strengths.  

This week, we got to immerse ourselves in all things Word War Two.  We had a fabulous day on Thursday, kicking off our wonderful topic with a day of exploring artefacts, dressing up and role play.  What an amazing day! Make sure to ask your child all about it. 

This week in Year 5

Date: 15th Sep 2023 @ 5:19pm

This week has been amazing in Year 5, we have travelled back in time for our very own reconstruction of the Battle of Bosworth as well as to visit the Globe Theatre, explored the science of Sir Izaak Newton and created our own Tudor style portraits. We really are immersing ourselves in the Tudor world. It has been so encouraging to see the enthusiasm in Year 5 for our new topic, please do ask about your children about what has interested them this week in class.

It has been a wonderful first two weeks back and we are all excited for Week 3. Please continue to read at home and write in your reading records, quiz on MYON and test your times tables skills on TT Rockstars... Remember: if you don't use it, you'll lose it!


Have a restful and happy weekend and we can't wait to see you on Monday!

1,500+ Smiley Face Thumbs Up Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images -  iStock | Smiley face icon  

Great Britian

Date: 14th Sep 2023 @ 10:47am

This half term the children will be learning all about Great Britain.


The children had a wonderful afternoon tasting traditional food from the 4 countries, learning traditional dances and drawing the countries flags.


They are very excited to find out the answers to all of their questions.

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14/7/23 - Curriculum week - Making lemonade

Date: 14th Jul 2023 @ 3:48pm

This week the children have enjoyed learning how to make lemonade.

First the chidlren watched the video of 'Blippi' making a lemonade stand to sell his homemade lemonade.

Next they designed their own lemonade stand and tried to make it using junk modelling materials. 

Then they tasted lots of different shop bought lemonades to decide which they liked the best. 

Finally they made their own lemonade using lemons, sugar and water. 

Their lemonade was sold at the Summer fayre. 

7/7/23 - Curriculum week - Homemade drinks

Date: 10th Jul 2023 @ 9:27am

The children are looking forward to learning how to make homemade drinks. 

To start off the curriculum week all about 'Cooking' the children watched a video where Blippy made homemade lemonade to sell.

The children designed a homemade drinks stand.

They decided what drink they would like to make to sell at the school Fayre.

They enjoyed tasting the different lemonade drinks that can be bought in the shops. 

They are looking forward to making their own lemonade next week.  

DT Curriculum Week

Date: 7th Jul 2023 @ 5:13pm

Class 8 have had a fantastic start to our cooking curriculum week! They have started their DT booklets and researched exisiting products and designed their own banana bread to sell at our Summer Fayre. They are looking forward to making it next week. IMG_1089.jpg

Happy as pigs in mud!

Date: 7th Jul 2023 @ 2:06am

This week the children have been learning about another farm animal...pigs!

The children practiced following instructions and  worked together to make edible mud for their pigs. We had lots of fun letting our pigs play in the mud!

Nursery weekly blog WB 3/7/2023

Date: 6th Jul 2023 @ 1:12pm

This week we have started our learning for curriculum week. We will be designing and making fruit kebabs to sell at our Summer Fayre. We started off by tasting fruit and deciding which ones we would like to put on the kebabs - evryone loved the strawberries! Then we wrote a shopping list so that we knew what to buy to make them - the children had some fantastic ideas. We look forward to making them next week.

Everyone looked super sporty in their sports gear on Thursday!

Learning in Class 9

Date: 5th Jul 2023 @ 4:18pm

The children in Class 9 have been learning all about First Aid in their PSHE lessons. They have acted out scenarios about what to do if someone has a common injury. The children worked as teams to come up with the simple steps for how to help someone who has one of the common injury. They created powerpoints with the key steps of how to help someone and added images to make it clear and easy to follow. The childrens' learning was AMAZING and we are sending it to the teachers in Year 1, 2 and 3 to share with the children so they also know what to do. Well done Class 9 for being super First Aiders.


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30.6.23 - learning in the computer suite

Date: 30th Jun 2023 @ 2:59pm

The children have had a very strange week.

The classroom was flooded so we had to move out and do our learning in the Computer suite. 

The children have worked really hard to continue with their daily routine and tasks but have thoroughly enjoyed the extra time that they have been able to use the computers. 

All the children have completed drawing pictures on the computer using 2simple, solving maths problems on the topmarks website and have been investigating different programmes. 

All of the children have said that they had a lovely Eid celebrating with their family.


23/6/23 - All about India

Date: 23rd Jun 2023 @ 4:12pm

The children have continued with their learning about dofferent transport in India.

In Literacy and topic they have looked at the differernt transport and designed their own form of transport 

In Maths they have been doing addition calculations and have used partition numerals and dienes to solve the calculation 

Class 3 - Weekly blog

Date: 23rd Jun 2023 @ 11:50am

This week Class 3 have had so much fun. As part of our PSHE learning we have been thinking all about caring for the environment and our school. The children loved getting the opportunity to use the litter pickers on the school grounds to ensure that we keep our school clean.


In P.E , the children took part in tennis relays and had so much fun practicing how to use the ball and racket.


In Maths this week the children loved working with their partners to solve a range of different multiplication number sentences. 


Year 5 Weekly Blog

Date: 23rd Jun 2023 @ 10:51am

What a fantastical week in Year 5. We have started our learning on 'The Spiderwick Chronicles' and exploring all of the things that might be living in our walls. It might just be a squirrel... it might be something a lot more daunting. Keep asking your children how their literacy lessons are going as we continue our learning on this exciting topic. If you were interested in continuing at home, you could create a poster of some of the peculiar and amazing creatures that we will go on to read about. 

Come With Me If You Want To Read: The Spiderwick Chronicles: A ReviewPin on Enchanted Inspiration

Class 11 have had an exciting week, full of rehearsal for the Oldham Shakespeare festival. They are working so hard and their performance is shaping up to be amazing. Please don't let all of their talent and hard work go to waste, come and watch us perform on Wednesday 19th July at Middleton Arena. Letters regarding tickets have been sent out via ParentMail and the deadline is not until next week and anyone is welcome!

Nursery Weekly Blog WB 19/6/2023

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 1:20pm

This week we have continued our journey around the world by visiting Pakistan. To support our learning we used the book P is for Pakistan .

Here is a link to a video of the book if you would like to share it with your child.


We have learned lots of interesting things about the country and have been very lucky that Mrs Noor has shared a fantastic photograph album of her family visiting Pakistan - all the children were entralled by the pictures!

We have made a traditional truck and done some tasting of fruits that grow in Pakistan as well as making patterns with the sybols from the Pakistani flag.

Next week we will be continuing our learning about Pakistan and learning about how Eid is celebrated their.

Learning in Class 9

Date: 20th Jun 2023 @ 5:50pm

Class 9 have been learning all about first aid and what to do if an injury happens. The acted out different role plays making sure they reassured the person injured, helped them with either applying pressure, keeping them still or getting their asthma pipe then they called an adult or 999. They are all super star first aiders.   

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Harmony Street, Oldham, Lancashire OL4 1RR

Mrs C Grainger - Office Manager

0161 260 0621
