Our blogs
Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 12:43pm
w/c 29.04.24 This week in Year 5!
Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 9:59am
Year 1 Weekly Blog WB 29/3/2024
Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 8:55am
This week we have done lots of fantastic learning based on the book 'The Ugly Five ' by Julia Donaldson. Here is a link to the story if you would like to enjoy it with your child.
The Ugly 5 - Read Aloud Story (youtube.com)
Our writing has been two different forms of poetry - an acrostic poem and a riddle. The children chose which one they would like to perform to the rest of the class.
In Topic we have continued our learning about Africa, thinking about what the climate is like in the different parts of the continent.
In Science we have continued our learning about plants. This week we learned about where plants come from and even planted our own seeds that have now sprouted and the children will be bringing home.
Next week we will be writing some factfiles about African animals!
Date: 1st May 2024 @ 8:51am
Class 14 have been working extremely hard over the past few weeks to help get themselves prepared for their upcoming SAT's tests. The children have all been trying hard with their revision, working on their areas for development.
Over the weekend, please run through some of their past papers with your child them to support them, read books and ask them lots of questions and also please ensure that your child has a good nights sleep.
Thank you for all your support.
Date: 26th Apr 2024 @ 1:14pm
Class 13 have started their revision for the SAT's tests. They have been working very hard and they have been working on any areas for development.
Over the weekend, please run through some of their past papers with your child them to support them, read books and ask them lots of questions and also please ensure that your child has a good nights sleep.
Thank you for all your support.
Date: 26th Apr 2024 @ 1:09pm
Ijaz is our star of the week for improving his handwriting.
Year 1 Weekly Blog WB 22/4/2024
Date: 25th Apr 2024 @ 4:56pm
This week in Year 1 we have been continuing our learning linked to our opic of Africa. In English we have spent another week in the company of Sunny the meercat as he went on an adventure to try an find himself a new home only to find that his old one was actually perfect after all.
Here is a link to the story if you would like to watch it at home.
All the children have written a fantastic retell of the story as their big write this week.
In Maths we have been consolidating our learning about subtraction by using numberlines as well as concrete and pictorial methods.In Topic we have continued to find out more about the continent of Africa by completeing some mapwork.
In PSHE we have been learning about germs and how they spread. We have seen how it important it is that we wash our hands thoroughly with soap frequently!
Next week we will be planting seeds in Science and writing some poetry in English.
w/c 15.04.24 This week in Year 5!
Date: 18th Apr 2024 @ 4:19pm
Year 1's learning this week...
Date: 18th Apr 2024 @ 12:59pm
Our first week back after the holidays and Year 1 have been super eager to learn! In literacy, we have been reading the story 'Meerkat Mail' which links to our Topic Africa this half term. We wrote some fantastic character descriptions all about the main character Sunny, using lots of adjectives. This week we also had a go at improving our learning by editing and adding in more adjectives and lots of different conjunctions!
In Maths, we have been re-capping our addition learning, using number lines and we have been adding 2 digit numbers as well as learning how to jump in tens and ones!
This half term, in PSHE, we are looking at healthylifestyles. This week's focus was on germs and how to make sure we do not spread them. We carried out an experiment, showing the difference between using hand soap and not using hand soap. Class 4 had lots of fun!
Class 3 Weekly Blog WB 18/3/2024
Date: 22nd Mar 2024 @ 8:37am
This week in Class 3 we had an exciting delivery! Imagine our surprise on Monday morning when we found 4 dragon's egg in a nest!
w/c 18.03.24- This week in Year 5
Date: 21st Mar 2024 @ 9:29am
This week in Year 5, we have been news reporters on the scene at the tragic fire at Notre-Dame cathedral. The children have immersed themselves and have done a great job at bringing the news to life through roleplaying as interviewers, eye-witnesses and firefighters. Please make sure to ask your children about their learning this week- can they recognise the difference between direct and reported speech? This links to our Geography topic where the children have been learning about the geogrpahical layout of France, we have learnt that France is divided into regions, what these regions are called and known for and about the mountain ranges and rivers which are significant features in the French landscape.
We hope that you enjoyed Class 11's assembly and that they are keeping you aware of the exciting learning we are doing into the story of King Lear.
Next week, we have a really exciting week planned, including our DT work, baking scones, and our Fab Finish for our French topic. Make sure that you are coming into school and not missing out on these experiences.
Date: 15th Mar 2024 @ 3:05pm
The past two weeks we have been looking at Dentist and Doctors in the Inclusion hub. How they help us and make sure we stay healthy.
The children have loved activity out the roles of doctors and denstists with their friends. We have also looked at how we can keep our teeth healthy and how doctors can make us feel better.
Check out our plaster art too!
Year 1 Weekly Blog WB 11/3/2024
Date: 14th Mar 2024 @ 4:23pm
This week we have done some fantastic learning creating an alternative re-tell of the story The Kiss That Missed. The children introduced new characters and new settings to give their own version of the story - they were very imaginative!
In Topic we have learned about how castles have changed over time and we placed the different sorts of castles on a timeline.
In Maths we have been using numberlines to solve subtraction equations and have solved real life problems in a team challenge game - the winners managed to complte all the questions accurately and showed they were very confident to use a numberline.
On Thursday we had a visit from Madeleine Lindley Bookshop and each child was able to choose a book to take home and enjoy, it is a gift from the Harmonytrust and we hope they enjoy and traesure them!
w/c 11.03.24 This week in Year 5!
Date: 14th Mar 2024 @ 12:01pm
We have had a very busy week! We have completed our character descriptions of Madeline and learnt how to accurately draw and measure angles.
In science, we have investigated whether different materials are soluble or not.
During PE, we have been focusing on handball skills and tactics and have enjoyed playing matches together.
We especially enjoyed visiting the Madeleine Lindley book fair and choosing books to take home!
Have a great weekend!
Date: 13th Mar 2024 @ 2:24pm
This week, in class 13, the children have been learning all about inspirational people. They decided who inspires them at home, in life and from a religious perspective.
In PE ,we have been working on handball skills, throwing in different ways and dodging skills. The children have had a great time when playing competitively.
This week has also been assessment week and all of the children have worked incredibly hard and have done well. I am very proud of them!
Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 4:40pm
Class 9 have been learning about the human and physical features of the rainforest. We understand what makes a feature human or physical and can talk about the impact of human features. We are loving working in our handmade rainforest books.
Year 1 Weekly Blog WB 4/3/2024
Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 4:37pm
This week we have started our learing about Knights and Castles. We used the book 'The Kiss that Missed' for our English learning. Here is a video of the book if you would like to share it with your child!
'The Kiss that Missed' read by Karan Brar (youtube.com)
The children have written a re tell of the story focusing on including exciting verbs and good sentence starters in their writing.
In Maths the children have been doing lots of addition learning, using a number line to support them. Next week they will be moving on to using the same tool to help them with subtraction.
In topic we started to learn about the features of castles and learned some technical vocabulary to describe these buildings. Next week we will be learning about the different types of castlesthat there are in the UK.
Date: 6th Mar 2024 @ 1:27pm
This week in Reception we have been reading the story 'Monkey Puzzle' and using descriptive words to desribe different types of jungle animals.
In topic we have been learnign all about the jungle and what types of animals you might find there.
In Maths we have been looking at doubling numbers upto 10.
Date: 4th Mar 2024 @ 2:44pm
This week in Curriculum week we have been looking at the book 'Mixed'
The children were focusing on the character 'Red' They wrote a description about Red and drew his picture.
During the week this children explored colour mixing looking at how we can make different colours and made a red pizza. It was very tasty!
Date: 4th Mar 2024 @ 2:13pm
We have had an excellent start to the term! This week has been curriculum week and we have been focusing on the book 'Mixed' by Arree Chung.
The children have used the text to create two pieces of writing: a charctaer description and a persuasive speech. They have also enjoyed creating art- using colour and black and white images.
Notices for Spring 2:
Please be aware that this term our PE sessions will be on Tuesday and a Friday
Children are asked to wear their PE kits on those days.
Date: 1st Mar 2024 @ 2:41pm
This week Year three have been celebrating curriculum week.
The children listened to the story:
The children described the purple character in the story. They used similes and conjunctions to improve their writing.
Some of the similes they included were 'as cool as a cucumber, as round as a ball, as loud as a lion'.
They also tried to include different conjunctions such as; when, before, after, while and because.
Towards the end of the week the children wrote a speech from the Blue family introducing the colour Purple. They worked extremely hard on their handwriting and spelling skills. They used vocabulary linked to the type of character they were pretending to be.
The children also took part in drama where they used different techniques to act out the story.
During the afternoons the children took part in some art lessons. They practiced shading using coloured pencils and paint. They then created a picture of the purple character using their shading skills.
Date: 1st Mar 2024 @ 12:32pm
This week Year 1 have done some amazing learning based on the book Mixed which is about some colours who mix to make new ones ! The whole school have been focusing on writing and in Year 1 we have written a character description and a retell of the story. The writing the children have produced has been amazing and they should be very proud of themselves.
As well as writing the children have done some great drama learning creating a Soundscape of the city where the colours live and creating a Conscience Alley for the colours to walk through to decide whether they should mix or not.
The art work the children have created has also been based on the book and they have done some optical colour mixing based n the work of artist George Seurat. They also became illustrators for the afternoon and created some new characters for the book.
Next week our learning witll be linked to our topic learning about Knights and Castles and we will be reading the book The Kiss That Missed!
w/c 26.02.24 This week in Year 5!
Date: 29th Feb 2024 @ 8:53am
We have had an excellent start to the term! This week has been curriculum week and we have been focusing on the book 'Mixed' by Arree Chung.
The children enjoyed a 'Taskmaster' style gameshow to start the week, completing tasks in groups before realising that if they joined together they would be able to achieve more.
They have used the text to create two pieces of writing: a charctaer description and a newspaper report. They have also enjoyed doing colour related science experiments and bubble printing.
Please be aware that this term our PE sessions will be on Thursday. Children are asked to wear their PE kits on Thursday and school uniform on the other days.
Have a great weekend!
w/c 12.02.24 This week in year 5!
Date: 15th Feb 2024 @ 9:18am
The children have written some excellent diary entries as Toad from 'Wind in the Willows' this week!
We have enjoyed completing another science experiment, investigating which materials are conductors of electricity and which are not. Placing different materials in a simple electrical circuit the children found that the metal materials could conduct electricity and then ranked them according to the brightness of the bulb.
We hope that you all have a great half term and look forward to seeing you back at school on Monday 26th February.
Date: 14th Feb 2024 @ 8:46am
This half term the children in class 7 have been learning all about Ancient Egypt.
This week the children took part in a DT lesson where they designed, planned and created an Egyptian Necklace to sell at the Manchester Mueseum.
The children had lots of fun adding patterns and colours to their designs.