Our blogs
Date: 23rd Oct 2024 @ 2:21pm
Class 8 have done some amazing learning this week. They have used the trundle wheel to measure in metres in maths, performed poems with body percussion and instruments and have taken part in our diversity and inclusion curriculum week. Thinking about how we are all different but the importance to all be included. We have also have had Dexter join our learning this week. Well done Class 8!
Nursery News: Inclusion week - Week 7
Date: 23rd Oct 2024 @ 10:01am
Celebrating Inclusion During Our Special Week
This week at school, we’ve been proudly celebrating our Inclusion Curriculum Week, a special time dedicated to recognising and embracing our similarities and differences. Our key vocabulary this week has been Same, Belong, Different, Inclusion, and Disability. We have helped the children understand these important concepts as they explore what makes each of us unique and how we all belong in our school community.
Core Story: Me, Myself and I by Helen Lumgair
Our learning was centred around the core story Me, Myself and I by Helen Lumgair. This thoughtful book supported our discussions about inclusion and disability, giving the children the opportunity to learn about different experiences, such as children who need the support of hearing aids. To make this learning hands-on and fun, we made cup and string telephones! The children loved using these simple creations to explore how sound travels, while also thinking about how hearing aids help people to hear more clearly. This activity not only supported their understanding of disabilities but also strengthened their curiosity and cooperation skills.
Maths Learning: Exploring Numbers 1, 2, and 3
In maths, our focus has been on the numbers 1, 2, and 3. The children had the exciting task of counting acorns, helping them develop their number recognition and counting skills. Whether it was holding one, two, or three acorns in their hands, the children had fun with this sensory-based learning activity, which encouraged them to apply early mathematical concepts in a playful way.
To reinforce both maths and phonics, we also incorporated some of our favourite nursery rhymes like 5 Little Aliens, Hickory Dickory Dock, and 10 Hungry Seagulls. These catchy songs not only helped the children with counting and rhythm but also made learning more interactive and enjoyable.
Expressive Art and Design: What Makes Us Special
One of the highlights of this week was when the children explored what makes them special, with a particular focus on celebrating their unique skin colours. Using materials such as skin-coloured paints, crayons, and collage materials, the children created self-portraits that showcased the diversity within our classroom. This activity tied in beautifully with the concept of inclusion, as the children were encouraged to see the beauty in the differences that make each of them special.
Celebrating Achievements and Looking Ahead
As we wind down for the half-term break, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate all the children’s incredible achievements this term. From building friendships and developing social skills to embracing their individuality, every child has grown in confidence and creativity.
Next term, we’ll be diving into a new and exciting focus—Nursery Rhymes! Our learning will centre around timeless classics like Baa Baa Black Sheep, Incy Wincy Spider, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Gingerbread Man, and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. We’re looking forward to exploring these fun stories and songs.
We hope you all enjoy a restful half-term break, and we can’t wait to continue this amazing learning journey when we return!
Please post any fantastic experiences on our childrens tapestry so we can talk about them when we return on the 5th November
Nursery News: All About Me – Week 6!
Date: 23rd Oct 2024 @ 9:36am
Nursery News: All About Me – Week 6!
What a wonderful week we’ve had in Nursery! We are so pleased to see that our newest friends are now fully settled, with relationships blossoming all around. The children are not only growing in confidence but are also learning valuable social skills, such as sharing, cooperating, and problem-solving together to reach a common goal. It's heartwarming to see them work as a team and support one another during their play.
Exploring Families Through Stories
This week, we continued our focus on families by exploring two fantastic stories: My Mum and Dad Make Me Laugh by Nick Sharratt and In Every House on Every Street by Jess Hitchman. These books provided a wonderful opportunity to delve deeper into the ideas of similarities and differences between families. Through lively discussions, the children were able to share what makes their family special while also recognising that every family is unique.
These discussions have been the perfect lead-in to our Inclusion Curriculum Week, which we will be celebrating next week. We’re excited to continue this journey of understanding and celebrating the diversity within our Nursery community.
Core Stories and Developing Number Skills
In our family groups, we’ve spent time reading some of our core stories and helping to strengthen the children’s understanding of language, story structure, and characters. The children are becoming more familiar with these beloved tales, which not only supports their Literacy development but also fosters a love for reading.
In our Mathematics learning, the children have been strengthening their understanding of number through a hands-on comparing-size tuff tray activity. They’ve enjoyed exploring different-sized objects, comparing them, and using mathematical language like "bigger," "smaller," and "same." This activity not only builds number awareness but also helps with the development of early reasoning skills.
Following Instructions: A Fun Maths Challenge
We’ve also been working on following simple instructions during our maths family group time. The children were tasked with going out into the environment and finding specific objects, like “two pinecones” or “three pencils.” This fun activity not only reinforces their counting skills but also encouraged independence, problem-solving, and listening skills. The children were so excited to take on these challenges and show off what they had found, making learning a fun and active process.
Looking Ahead: Inclusion Curriculum Week
Next week, we’ll be diving into our Inclusion Curriculum Week, where we’ll focus on celebrating diversity, inclusivity, and the wonderful things that make each of us unique. It will be a fantastic opportunity for the children to reflect on what makes them special, while also learning about the many different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences that we share within our Nursery.
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to sharing more of the children’s learning and achievements with you next week!
Date: 21st Oct 2024 @ 10:46am
It has been a great week in Year 5, we have finished our 2 week writing cycle on William Shakespeare and have produced some amazing biographies. We are really happy with the progress that Year 5 have been making and know that any reading you are doing with them at home is so important and influential in this. Thank you!
We have also been showing off our skills as debators by considering the English Reformation and judging which was the most significant reason why Henry VIII decided to split from the Catholic church, and to set up his own 'Church of England'. Hearing the children using great skills and some wonderfully crafted arguments was really pleasing.
Remember, this Thursday (24/10/24) is our Year 5 assembly where both classes will be performing in the large hall at 9:05. Please do make the effort to come and watch because all the children have been working and practicig hard and are excited to show off what they have done. Thank you!
w/c 14.10.24 This week in Year 2!
Date: 18th Oct 2024 @ 4:20pm
We have had a fantastic week!
In English, the children enjoyed recording their recounts on their iPads before completely their big write.
In Maths, we have been learning about multiplication and arrays. Everyone enjoyed using the cereal as a concrete resource and then eating their maths lesson!
We have been busy learning more about farms in topic and singing harvest songs in music.
We can't wait for next week!
Year 1 Weekly Blog WB 14/10/2024
Date: 18th Oct 2024 @ 4:03pm
This week we have done some fantastic learning about Autumn. In English we read an Autumn poem and wrote our own based on how all five senses are affected by it. We then performed our poem - you will be able to see it when it is Year 1's assembly in Novemeber!
In Science we also focused on our senses, particulary smell and taste. The children tried to guess what was in some containers just by smelling them and tasted sweet, savoury and sour food- they were not very keen on the lime!!
In Maths we have been doing subtraction both practically and using pictures - perhaps you could do some taking away at home?
Next week it is our curriculum week on Inclusion and Diversity until Thursday, then on Friday we have a day celebrating Black History
Date: 17th Oct 2024 @ 12:26am
Class 7 were looking at fact and opinion in their PSHE lesson this week. We talked about if it was a fact you could research and find it. However, if it's opinion then it is each persons opinion and these can be varied because we are all different. We started with mind mapping peoples opinion about the best thing at playtime. Then, the children were given the statement 'Pizza is the best food to eat'. The children had thinking time to decide in their opinion did they agree or disagree. They made points to debate on their iPads. Before we started we shared rules about respecting others opinion. Then we held our debate. About a third of the class agreed and two thirds disagreed and they all shared why. We had a respectful but heated debate.
Date: 16th Oct 2024 @ 2:41pm
What a week we have been having in Year 6! We have research, designed and started to create World War 2 Andreson Shelter models, link to our History Topic. We have had lots of fun combining materials and working within groups to create the structure. Children are so excited to decorate their models and we look forward to sharing the finished products with you.
We have also been doing some fabulous writing about the Second World War. We have used our editting skills to up level and improve our writing and we are now ready to present this is a fabulous book with illustrations.
Nursery News: All About Me – Week 6!
Date: 15th Oct 2024 @ 2:02pm
What a wonderful week we’ve had in Nursery! We are so pleased to see friendships blossoming all around us. The children are not only growing in confidence but are also learning valuable social skills, such as sharing, cooperating, and problem-solving together to reach a common goal. It's heartwarming to see them work as a team and support one another during their play.
Exploring Families Through Stories
This week, we continued our focus on families by exploring two fantastic stories: My Mum and Dad Make Me Laugh by Nick Sharratt and In Every House on Every Street by Jess Hitchman. These books provided a wonderful opportunity to delve deeper into the ideas of similarities and differences between families. Through lively discussions, the children were able to share what makes their family special while also recognizing that every family is unique.These discussions have been the perfect lead-in to our Inclusion Curriculum Week, which we will be celebrating next week. We’re excited to continue this journey of understanding and celebrating the diversity within our Nursery community.
Following Instructions: A Fun Maths Challenge
In our Mathematics learning, the children have been strengthening their understanding of number through a hands-on comparing-size tuff tray activity. They’ve enjoyed exploring different-sized objects, comparing them, and using mathematical language like "bigger," "smaller," and "same size." This activity not only builds number awareness but also helps with the development of early reasoning skills. We’ve also been working on following simple instructions during our maths family group time. The children were tasked with going out into the environment and finding specific objects, like “two pinecones” or “three pencils.” This fun activity not only reinforced their counting skills but also encouraged independence, problem-solving, and listening skills. The children were so excited to take on these challenges and show off what they had found, making learning a fun and active process.
Looking Ahead: Inclusion Curriculum Week
Next week, we’ll be diving into our Inclusion Curriculum Week, where we’ll focus on celebrating diversity, inclusivity, and the wonderful things that make each of us unique. It will be a fantastic opportunity for the children to reflect on what makes them special, while also learning about the many different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences that we share within our Nursery.
Thank you for your continued support and thank you to those of you who have been showing us all the fantastic things that you get up to over the weekend! We have loved looking at these in school! We look forward to sharing more of the children’s learning and achievements with you next week!
Date: 15th Oct 2024 @ 8:34am
Date: 14th Oct 2024 @ 9:19am
This week in Year 5, we have been learning all about William Shakespeare in preparation for writing a biography about his life. Your child should be able to tell you all about his life, from his childohod, through his career up to his death and legacy. We have continued our Tudor learning in History by considering the reasons for the English Reformation and Henry VIII's split from the Catholic church. Was it for wealth, power or religion? Why not ask your child to see which they belive to be the most significant reason.
It was Year 5's 'makers space' week and we enjoyed creating minature portraits in the style of Hans Holbein and Nicholas Hilliard. The children were amazing and making sure their portrait was small whilst still keeping it detailed. We are all very impressed by the creativity of everyone in Year 5.
A date for your diaries, Thursday 24th of October will be Year 5's assembly at 9:05 and we would love to see as many of you there as possible to watch the childen's hard work on show.
Date: 10th Oct 2024 @ 8:27pm
This week Class 8 have been finding 4 figure grid reference points in our Geography lessons. They have also used all their knowledge of our Great Britain topic to produce a non - chronolgical report in Literacy. In maths they have recognised the value of coins and notes and have been making amounts. Well done Class 8 for a fantastic week of learning!
Year 1 Weekly Blog WB 7/10/2024
Date: 10th Oct 2024 @ 4:49pm
This week in Year 1 we have continued our learning based on the lovely book 'The Lonely Beast'.On Monday the children received a letter from the Beast asking for their help to find him a friend. The children used the book to decide what the friend would have to be like - one great idea was that he needed to be adventurous because the Beast loved walking and climbing mountains another one was that he needed to love eating cake and drinking tea. The children have looked at what the features of a letter are and have used them in their own letter.
In Maths we have been adding two amounts together. We started by using counting objects to make sets then combining them and counting again and at the end of the week we have been able to write an equation using + and = and solve it practically. Perhaps you could try this at home with your child?
In phonics we have now moved onto phase 5 and the children are learning to read and write different graphemes and phonemes - we are looking forward to welcoming lots of parents to our Phonics workshop on Friday!
Next week we will be looking at some Autumn poems in English and subtraction in Maths.
This week in Reception (WB 7.10.24)
Date: 10th Oct 2024 @ 12:17pm
Date: 9th Oct 2024 @ 10:26pm
Class 7 have been learning all about forces in science and this week we investigated the force 'friction'. The children had different surfaces to test the toy car on to see which surface produced the most friction. The class decided on a question - Which surface will create the most and least friction? They made some clever predictions, carried out fair tests by only changing the surface and found out that carpet had the most friction and silk had the least friction. They were all super scientists.
Nursery News: All About Me – Week 5!
Date: 9th Oct 2024 @ 4:35pm
Nursery News: All About Me – Week 5!
What an exciting week it has been in Nursery! We are so pleased to see all of our friends settled and truly enjoying their journey with us. The children’s confidence is growing each day, and their excitement for learning is clear to see. This week, we continued our focus on families, diving deeper into exploring our homes and surroundings while also practicing important skills like counting and name writing.
Junk Modelling Our Houses
This week, we had a wonderful time creating our very own houses using junk modelling materials! The children were full of creativity as they built their homes using boxes, cardboard, and a variety of recycled materials. It was fantastic to see how each child approached the task in their own unique way. Once their houses were complete, the children eagerly described their creations, pointing out features like the number of windows, doors, and even the colour of their front doors! This activity not only sparked their imaginations but also supported Mathematical Development, as they practiced counting different parts of their houses.
Name Writing and Number Fun
Our Nursery friends have been working hard this week to practice writing their names. Through family group activities, many of the children have been able to write/ trace the letters in their names, growing in confidence and developing their literacy skills. It's been a joy to see how proud they are when they recognize and write their own names!
In addition, we’ve been practicing our numbers to ten with lots of fun and active learning. During carpet time, we’ve marched around the classroom like ants, whilst we sing “The Ants Go Marching.”. We also had a fantastic time pretending to be “hungry seagulls,” swooping down to eat our teacher’s and friends’ chips, all while practicing our counting with the song “Ten Hungry Seagulls.” These lively activities have helped the children develop their Mathematical Development in a playful and engaging way, reinforcing number recognition and counting in a context they love.
Guided Reading: 'Animal Fun'
In our guided reading sessions this week, we focused on the story Animal Fun from our brilliant Little Wandle collection. The children were captivated by the animal characters and enjoyed learning about the different sounds they make. This story provided a fantastic opportunity for the children to engage with Communication and Language and Early Reading Skills, as we explored the sounds and actions of the animals together. They particularly enjoyed acting out their favourite parts of the story, which encouraged not only language development but also physical movement.
Looking Ahead
Next week, we look forward to continuing our exploration of families, homes, and the world around us. We will also be introducing new stories and songs, and encouraging even more creative play as we further develop our literacy and numeracy skills. It’s been a fantastic week of learning and fun, and we can’t wait to see what adventures lie ahead!
Thank you for your ongoing support—it’s been a joy to see the children’s enthusiasm and excitement grow, and we look forward to sharing more of their achievements with you in the coming weeks!
Date: 9th Oct 2024 @ 2:34pm
This week in Year 6, we have been continuing with our fabulous learning based on the book, 'The Harmonica'. Children have been focussing on writing in present tense, punctuating speech and using a range of descriptive features.
In Maths, we have been learning about multiplication, including multiplying decimals.
Year 6 are blowing us away with their super attitudes to learning! Well done everyone!
Class 5 trip to Northern Roots urban farm
Date: 8th Oct 2024 @ 10:22am
We had a fantastic time at Northern Roots farm yesterday.
We met the farmers, Georgia and Tom, who showed us the polytunnels and what goes inside and outside. We picked some flowers and tasted some vegetables.
Then we spent time planting some daffodil bulbs - we can't wait to see them grow in the spring.
Year 1 Weekly Blog WB 30/9/2024
Date: 4th Oct 2024 @ 12:40pm
This week we have been doing some fantastic learning about the book The Lonely Beast by Chris Judge. Here is a link to a video of it if you would like to enjoy it at home.
The Lonely Beast - by Chris Judge, read by Mrs M. Dodd (youtube.com)
The children have produced some fantastic character descriptions of the Beast and will be writing a letter to him next week. In Maths we have been finding one less than a given number - first by using sets of objects, removing one and counting the set that remained, then moving onto using a number line. Perhaps you could practise this at home?
We started our Art topic this wek and the children researched the life of Andy Warhol then experimented to create a self portarait with different media!
We have also moved onto phase 5 in our phonics - learning some tricky new sounds. There will be a parents workshop on Friday to allow you to see how phonics is taught to your child and it would be fantastic to see you there!
Date: 3rd Oct 2024 @ 4:06pm
We have been #expertlearners in Year 5 this week. Our setting descriptions of the heath where MacBeth met the witches have produced some fantastic figurative language, such as "the trees stand as sacred knots, binding earth to sky, their branches reaching towards the heavens while their roots delve deep into the darkness below." Well done to everyone for tackling this learning with enthusiasm and resilience.
We have also been becoming critical learners in History as we have decided in sources on Henry VIII were primary or secondary sources and questioned which sources are the most useful for studying history and why. Ask your child if they can remember the difference between a primary and secondary source.
Thank you to all of our Year 5s for their efforts this week. You are all working hard and the effort is showing in the improvements that you are making. Well done!
Date: 3rd Oct 2024 @ 3:55pm
We have been #expertlearners in Class 11 this week. Our setting descriptions of the heath where MacBeth met the witches have produced some fantastic figurative language, such as "the trees stand as sacred knots, binding earth to sky, their branches reaching towards the heavens while their roots delve deep into the darkness below." Well done to everyone for tackling this learning with enthusiasm and resilience.
We have also been becoming critical learners in History as we have decided in sources on Henry VIII were primary or secondary sources and questioned which sources are the most useful for studying history and why. Ask your child if they can remember the difference between a primary and secondary source.
In Computing, we have been coding on Purple Mash and the children have been experts at creating the most efficient code to allow the program to run in the least steps possible.
We have also #beenaperformer, check out the audios on our main class page to hear us recreate the sounds of the heath to support us in writing our setting descriptons.
Thank you so much to all of Class 11 who are showing the best examples of themselves and are believing, achieving and succeeding.
This week in Reception (WB 30.09.24)
Date: 3rd Oct 2024 @ 9:42am
This week in reception we have been learning about the story 'In Every House on Every Street'. After reading the book we discussed where we live and what our houses look like, we then used the book 'You Choose' to pick our favourite houses and drew them labelling different parts of the house.
In Phonics this week we have learnt some new graphemes (g,o,c,k). We have enjoyed using the letter formation rhymes to form our letters correctly.
Thank you to all of the parents that completed the handwiritng sheets at home, it is really important that the children learn to form these letters correctly and the rhymes will help this.
In maths this week have been introducing and matching numerals. We have introduced the children to the numbers 1,2 and 3. They have enjoyed making the numberblock linked to each of the numbers in our workshop areas.
Date: 3rd Oct 2024 @ 7:14am
Class 7 made bridges in DT last week.On Friday a child brought a car from home to test them out. Another child brought their bridge over too and they connected them and tested their strength. They were so excited to see that their bridges were in indeed strong enough for a car to pass over.
Nursery News: All About Me – Week 4!
Date: 2nd Oct 2024 @ 7:32pm
This week in Nursery, we’ve seen our new friends settling in even more, and it’s been wonderful to watch all the children grow in confidence and curiosity. As we continue with our "All About Me" topic, everyone is becoming more of an adventurer—exploring new ideas, developing friendships, and discovering the world around them. Our focus this week has been a deeper look at families, exploring similarities and differences, while also continuing our learning around colours inspired by autumn.
Discovering Families: Similarities and Differences
As part of our Personal, Social, and Emotional Development, we’ve been encouraging the children to think more deeply about their families and how they are similar to and different from others. The children shared stories about their family members, pets, and special traditions. We talked about how every family is unique—some are big, some are small, but all are full of love! These conversations helped the children understand diversity and develop a sense of belonging.
Exploring Colours in Our Environment
Building on our recent exploration of autumn, we took a closer look at the colours we can see in our environment. The children ventured outdoors to spot autumnal colours like oranges, reds, browns, and yellows. They excitedly collected leaves and other natural items, this sparked conversations about the changes we’re seeing in nature as the weather cools and the leaves fall.
Autumnal Art: Creativity Through Colour
Inspired by the colours of autumn, the children had the opportunity to create their own autumnal pictures using a variety of media. We explored different ways to represent the season through painting, collaging, and mark-making. The children experimented with sponges, brushes, and their own hands to create textured leaf prints, while others used collage materials like tissue paper, felt, and natural items to represent the vibrant shades of autumn. These activities not only fostered their creativity but also supported Physical Development, as the children practised using fine motor skills to manipulate tools and materials.
Their artwork is now proudly displayed in our classroom, reflecting the rich colours and textures of the season. It’s wonderful to see the individuality in each child’s creation, with some focusing on specific leaves, others blending colours, and some even creating abstract interpretations of autumn. The children’s confidence in expressing themselves through art continues to grow, and it’s been fantastic watching their imaginations flourish.
Adventuring Through Play
With each passing week, we’ve seen the children becoming bolder in their play and learning. They are more willing to take on new challenges, whether that’s trying out a new role in the home corner, exploring the climbing equipment outside, or working together on group activities. This adventurous spirit is helping the children build their confidence, independence, and problem-solving skills. Their natural curiosity is leading them to exciting discoveries every day!
Looking Ahead
As we look forward to next week, we’ll continue to explore the world around us, focusing more on nature and the seasons. We’ll also begin incorporating new themes into our maths learning and literacy activities. It’s been a joy watching the children thrive as they explore the "All About Me" theme, and we are excited to see where their adventures will take them next!
Thank you for your continued support—it’s been wonderful hearing the children talk about their experiences at home, and we’re so proud of all they’ve achieved so far!
Nursery News: All About Me – Week 3!
Date: 2nd Oct 2024 @ 7:23pm
What an exciting week we’ve had in Nursery! As we continue with our "All About Me" theme, we’ve noticed our new friends becoming more settled, confident, and adventurous in their learning. It’s been wonderful to see friendships deepening and the children becoming more comfortable in their surroundings. This week, our focus has been on exploring our closest family connections and discovering more about the world around us, especially as we welcome the beautiful season of autumn.
Learning About Our Families
In circle time, we’ve spent the week talking about our families—who lives in our homes, what we like to do together, and how our families are all different but equally special. The children loved sharing family photos and stories, and it was a great opportunity to develop their Communication and Language skills, as they practiced speaking confidently and listening to their friends. These discussions also tied into Personal, Social and Emotional Development, as they help children understand their own identity and the important role family plays in their lives.
Exploring Autumn
As part of our Understanding the World focus, we turned our attention to the changing seasons, and this week was all about autumn! We’ve been observing how the leaves are changing colours, the weather is becoming cooler, and the world around us is transforming. During outdoor play, we collected leaves, pinecones, and twigs, sparking conversations about nature and how the world works. This exploration encouraged the children to use their senses to engage with the environment around them.
Creating Autumn Sun Catchers
In a burst of creativity, the children made beautiful autumn sun catchers using collage materials. Inspired by the vibrant reds, oranges, yellows, and browns of autumn leaves, the children selected materials to represent the season. This artistic activity not only allowed them to express their creativity but also supported their Physical Development by helping them refine their fine motor skills as they cut, glued, and arranged the different pieces. Their sun catchers now brighten our classroom windows, reflecting the beauty of autumn inside!
Maths Through Music: Nursery Rhymes and Numbers
In maths this week, we’ve been securing our understanding of numbers through the magic of nursery rhymes. The children had so much fun singing “The Ants Go Marching” and other number rhymes like “Five Little Ducks” and “Ten in the Bed.” These songs are a fantastic way to support Mathematical Development as they help the children practice counting forwards and backwards. By acting out the songs with props and fingers, they also engaged their bodies in learning, making the experience more memorable.
Looking Ahead
As we move into next week, we’ll continue deepening our understanding of ourselves and the world. We’ll explore more about the people we love, extend our knowledge of autumn, and introduce new activities that challenge and inspire the children. It’s a joy to see how much progress they’ve made as individuals and as a group, and we can’t wait to see what new adventures await us in Week 4!
Thank you for all your support at home—it’s been wonderful to hear the children share their nursery experiences with such enthusiasm.