Our blogs

Year 5 Weekly Blog

Date: 17th Jun 2023 @ 8:54pm

It's been a gruesome week in Year as we finished our disgusting recipes on how to cook children. We're amazed at our student's creativity and some of the fantastic recipes that were made. It's a delight to see how far you have progressed with your writing since September and we're all so proud of you.

We hope that you have a great weekend and come back on Monday ready to take a dive into the weird and wonderful world of the Spiderwick Chronicles.

Learning in Class 9

Date: 16th Jun 2023 @ 1:04pm

Fractions with smarties. Lots of work today involving totaling, tally charts, division and fractions including simplifying and equivalents. Well done to the children for not eating the equipment during the task.

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Nursery Weekly Blog WB 12/6/2023

Date: 16th Jun 2023 @ 9:06am

This week in Nursery we have been continuing our trip around the world with a visit to Africa. We have used the book 'We're going on a Lion Hunt' to help us to develop our knowledge of what it would be like to visit there.

here is a video loink to the book if you would like to watch it with your child.


We have done lots of learning about the sorts of animals we might find in Africa , looking at what they look like including the patterns on their skin. We have done animal yoga and used binocullars to spot animals in the wild.

Next week we will be going on a trip to Pakistan!

Our Trip to Lytham St Anne

Date: 13th Jun 2023 @ 10:49am

Year 2 had an amazing day at Lytham St Anne's yesterday. We had a very noisy journey to the beach on the coach with all children very excited. We arrived, enjoyed our lunch then tasted the delicious ice cream on the pier. We then returned to the beach for seaside games, sand castle building and digging lots of holes in the sand! 



Mayan WOW afternoon

Date: 9th Jun 2023 @ 11:19am

This week Class 8 took part in our WOW afternoon to introduce our topic of The Mayans. They all tried different chocolate and tasted Xcolatol, the special chocolate drink the Mayans would drink. They also started to decorate their Mayan boxes which all their topic work this half term will go into. Image (2).jpegImage (3).jpegImage.jpegImage (1).jpeg

Nursery Weekly Blog WB 5/6/2023

Date: 8th Jun 2023 @ 1:00pm

This week in Nursery we have started our new Topic learning abou 'Where in the world would you like to go?'. The children had some fantastic ieas of where they would like to go - like New York and Disneyland.

We stared our trip around the globe in London using our book 'Hello London'.

Here is a video link to the book if you want to watch it with your child.


We have created a range of images of the landmarks of London so that on Friday when we go on an open top bus tour we can see the sights from our seats. We are all very excited to have fish and chips at the end of the tour!

Nexrt week we are off on Safari in Africa!


Date: 6th Jun 2023 @ 10:21pm

Class 9 have continued their learning on States of Matter. Today we looked at cooling and decreasing the temperature. We took the classrom temperature and then put the thermometer in to icy water with ice and saw the temperature decrease (go down) to nearly negative numbers. we talked about when the temperature decreases then the particles in the state slow down and contract. We then blew up balloons to different sizes and submerged them into cold icy water. We watched and observed the balloons getting smaller as the gas particles slowed down and contracted. Next week we are looking at heating and seeing how solids, liquids and gases respond.


Nursery Weekly Blog WB 22.5.2023

Date: 25th May 2023 @ 1:03pm

This week we have done some fantastic learning about butterflies using the book 'Butterfly Butterfly' Here is a link to the story if you would like to enjoy it with your child.


We have created butterflies using hand prints, paper plates and even made a giant one with the parachute and made it fly around our garden.

On Wednesday we said goodbye to our own butterflies which we have watched grow from tiny caterpillars into big fat caterpillars then into their coccoons and finally emerge as beautiful butterflies. All the children were mesmerised by the beautiful creatures flying into the air - a fantastic moment I'm sure they will never forget !

All the Nursery staff hope that our children and their families have a fantastic holiday and after the break our new topic  will be 'Where in the world would you like to go?'

Learning in Class 9 25.5.23

Date: 25th May 2023 @ 8:17am

This week Class 9 were measuring capacity. They were great at their estimates and so sensible when they were measuring - although we did have a few wet books! Great skills from everyone.


25.5.23 - we have got froglets

Date: 25th May 2023 @ 7:44am

The children have enjoyed learning about the life cycle of the frog.

They looked at the frogspawn that was collected from Mrs.Sullivan-Boardman's pond.

They watched a video explaining the life cycle of the frog and have watched the frogspawn changing.

The tadpoles developed their hind legs and now their front legs.

The children can't wait to see the froglets going back to their mum frog in the pond.


Please watch this video which shows the life cycle of the frog


Year 5 Weekly blog

Date: 21st May 2023 @ 2:41pm

It's been a busy and exciting week in Year 5. We have had a trip to North Moor Academy to hear Emma Carrol read from her new book 'Escape to the River Sea' which all students were able to take home a signed copy of. The pupils from both classes were excellent ambassadors for the school and were engaged and enjoyed the experience.


We have also had a visit from Oldham Council to deliver Road Safety lessons and again both classes painted wonderful pictures of themselves and showed a growing maturity and responsability.


And alongside all this, we have had some excellent learning take place from writing to acquit the wrongly-accused Little Red Riding Hood of murder to exploring the lives of school children in Victorian Britian and being a bit grateful that we didn't have to go to school 150 years ago.


One week to go until half term, let's have a great push to finish on a real high.


Date: 20th May 2023 @ 10:25am

Class 9 have been working hard on their new science topic States of Matter and this week they used thermometers to carry out an experiment using ice and recorded the temperature and length of time it took to melt. They kept the test fair by testing every 5 minutes, using the same amount of ice and having the ice in the same container on each table. They found that the temperature increased over the period and finished at + 20 which was the temperature of the room. The children bserved the solid ice melt and turn to liquid water over the timed perid. The children concluded that the ice would melt and eventually match the temperature of the environment it was in. The children are all science stars!

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19.5.23 - life cycle of the frog

Date: 19th May 2023 @ 7:50am

The children in learning base 2 have been continuing with their 'Life cycle of a frog' learning 

They observed the frogspawn collected from Mrs.Sullivan-Boardman's pond and watched videos showing what will happen over the next few weeks. 

The children have watched them gradually get bigger and eating the egg that they were in. 

They have watched the tadpoles now eating spinach and lettuce.

They are so excited as the tadpoles are now developing their hind legs. 

They can't wait until they become little frogs. 

Super Science

Date: 18th May 2023 @ 4:24pm

This week in class 5 the children have been learning about how to stop the spread of germs. We took part in an experiment to find out the best way to wash your hands. We used glitter to show to the bacteria on our hands and tried a range of methods including soap and water, a paper towel or just water. We had so much fun!IMG_0667.jpeg


Reception Weekly Blog WB 15/5/2023

Date: 18th May 2023 @ 1:20pm

This week in Nursery we have been doing lots of fantastic learning about Sunflowers.

We read the book Sam Plants a Sunflower. Here is a video of it if you would like to watch it with your child.


All the children have planted their own sunflower seed and will be bringing it home to look after as it grows.Lets see who's grows the tallest!

We have also been planting in our Nursery garden and are looking forward to eating lots of vegetables that we are growing in the planters.

We have done some fantastic paintings of sunflowers and made our own garden in a tray.

Next week we hope our butterflies will emerge from their cocoons and we can release them into the garden.

Mark making

Date: 12th May 2023 @ 5:01pm

This week the children have been practicing their mark making in different materials. We are working on being able to recognise and write the first lettter of our name as well as exploring different movements to make marks.

12.5.23 - Transport in Bangladesh

Date: 12th May 2023 @ 4:33pm

The children have been learning about 'Transport in Bangladesh'. 

They have looked at the different vehicles and have described 'a Rikshaw' in more detail.

The children then drew their own Rikshaw and described it using Concept in print' words.

They then wrote about the Rikshaw.

Year 5 Weekly blog 08/05/23

Date: 12th May 2023 @ 1:38pm

Year 5 have had a great week in our learning. We've made some beautiful stories on Little Red Riding Hood in the form of powerpoint books and folded binded books. Alongside this we have made some really fascinating diagrams on the lifecycles of birds, amphibians and mammals. Can you ask your child if they can remember the 7 type of animal?


Next week we have a great trip lined up to visit an author which will be a brilliant enrichment activity that we are really looking forward to to widen our literary horizons.

Please can you make sure that you have returned the Road Safety letters that were sent home so that your child can particpate in the activities. 

Shakespeare festival launch

Date: 12th May 2023 @ 12:57pm

It was a super exciting afternoon in Class 11 when we kicked off our preparation for the Oldham Shakespeare festival. We started our enrichment into Shakespeare's 'Twelfth Night' by exploring the setting of the play, the land of Illyria.

First, we mapped out the borders of the island with string and then we plotting the key geogrpahical features of our Illyria. Mountains, beaches and palaces were key features of the stunning scene of our play. We then explored the theme of deception in the play and about how the trope runs deep through not only the characters and plot but within the island itself. 

Some of our favourite were: 

'Illyria, a land where there is peace and harmony everywhere and the cities are glorious, but really there there are many backstabbers who are plotting for King Orsino's death.'


'Illyria, a land where the fruit is juicy and succulent but when you bite inside, CRUNCH, there are cockroaches inside.'


Illyria, a land that seems peaceful and beautiful, but behind closed doors, war is taking place.'


We're really looking forward to further exploring 'Twelfth Night'. The performance will be taking place at Middleton Arena on Wednesday 19th of July. Ticket information will be released soon!

Learning in Class 9 11.5.23

Date: 11th May 2023 @ 5:10pm

Class 9 have really been uplevelling their editing skills this week. We edited a Teams assignment with twenty mistakes - it took a long time to find them all! After this warm up we turned to our own writing from yesterday. Before we handed our learning in we put on our 'fresh eyes' glasses for one last check. Mrs Tomlinson is very proud of how our skills are improving.

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Nursery Weekly Blog WB 8/5/2023

Date: 11th May 2023 @ 12:54pm

This week in Nursery we have started our learning about plants. We have read the book Jaspers Beanstalk and started to think about how plants grow. Jasper wanted his beanstalk to grow and got very imaptient while he waited. We thought about howJasper was feeling at different parts of the story and occasions when we had felt like that - everyone was excited when it was their birthday!

Here is a link to the video if you would like to watch it at home.


We have all been measured against our class beanstalk measuring chart so we can see who is the tallest and who is the shortest - adults and children! 

We all had great fun playing the 'Bean Game' making up actions for lots of different beans like jumping beans and runner beans! Mrs Middleton's favourite was french beans when we had to shout 'oooh la la'!

Next week we will be doing some more planting - hopefully outside if the weather improves - and learning how to care for seeds so that they grow into healthy plants 

Do you you move?

Date: 9th May 2023 @ 10:16am

This week in PE we have being looking at travelling using different parts of our body. The children have developed jumping, climbing, balancing skills using their feet, tummy, back, knees.

Well done!

Year 5 weekly blog

Date: 8th May 2023 @ 6:01pm

We hope that you all enjoyed the King's coronation and that you were able to spend the bank holiday with your friends and family.

It's been a great week in year 5, with some fantastic progress being made. We have loved expanding our knowledge in foundation subjects, learning more a range of fascinating subjects including Queen Victoria and life cycles.

Class 11 loved their launch into the world of Shakespeare and we're looking forward to delving deeper into the world of 'Twelfth Night' before the Oldham Shakespeare Festival in July.

5.5.23 - The King's Coronation

Date: 5th May 2023 @ 3:53pm

The children have been learning about the King's coronation which will be happening on the 6th May. 

They have watched videos, listened to stories and then produced some lovely artwork.

They cut and collaged the King's guard.

They created a collage of KIng Charles III in his Royal robes.

They also watched a video and discussed the Royal carriage. They then produced their own carriage. 

All their work was collated together, photographed and added to the front of a card which will be sent to the King.

The children are hoping they will receive a reply from KIng Charles III. 

Nursery Weekly Blog WB 1/5/2023

Date: 4th May 2023 @ 4:39pm

This week in Nursery we have been getting very excited about the forthcoming coronation on Saturday. We have based our learning on a lovely book called King Charles' Colourful Coronation - here is a link to the book if you would like to enjoy it withe your child


The children have made crown biscuits, a kings collage and even their own crowns. They have learned about the new kings life from being a bay and what will happen in Saturdays coronation.

Next week we will be doing lots of outdoor learning in out Nursery garden when we will be planting lots of seeds in the Nursery planters.

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