This week in Class 9
Date: 10th Jan 2025 @ 8:44am
It has been lovely settling in and getting to know Class 9 this week. Their behaviour and attitude to learning has been outstanding!
This week we have had our WOW starter for our Beneath the Canopy (Rainforest) Topic. The children thoroughly enjoyed researching and learning new facts about rainforests.
We had a range of activities planned, such as creating origami frogs, oil pastel animal portraits, researching about rainforests and performing drama based on the rainforest – What a fantastic experience it was for everyone involved!
In English we are working on an extended piece of writing, the children will be writing a first person re-tell based on the Vanishing Rainforest.
Our Maths focus this week is Place Value, where the children are identifying the value of a number, rounding and ordering numbers.
It has been a pleasure this week and we can’t wait to get to know the class and share our lovely learning with you all.
Mrs Khalil & Mrs Latif