Our blogs
This week we have been reading.... Percy the park keeper
Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 4:20pm
This week in class 3 we have been reading the Percy the Park keeper story One snowy night.
The children got the chance to act out different scenes from within the book, pretending to be the different animals in the story. Take a look at some of our super freeze frames below.
We wrote some fantastic big writes, re-telling the story using super time connectives.
In maths we have been practicing telling time to the hour. The children made their very own split pin clocks and took turns testing their friends.
We have been learning about... Our Family!
Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 4:10pm
Remote Home Learning WB 23rd November
Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 3:54pm
What we have been learning about in class 2! (WB 16.11.20)
Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 3:46pm
This week in class two we have been learning about the story 'Owl Babies'. As part of this learning the children all retold the story with their group using masks. They were amazing at remembering what happened in each part. For our table jobs the children sequenced the story, matched the pictures and the words and made their own versions of the books.
In maths we have been learning about the numbers 4 and 5, the children have enjoyed using a five frame to make different amounts. We have also been experimenting with different ways to show the numbers 4 and 5 with shells, numicon, dominoes and the nuumerals.
For our topic learning we have been learning about owls and that they are nocturnal animals, here are some pictures of the owls that we have made in the creative area!
Class 1 Weekly blog Week beginning 16/11/2020
Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 3:40pm
This week we have been doing some great learning about nocturnal animals. We read the story Owl Babies and did some drama outside. We each took on the role of an owl and told the story using words and actions.
In maths we have been looking at the numbers 4 and 5 and looking at different ways of making them. We are learning to recognise what the numbers look like without having to count them and having been spotting them in lots of different ways.
We have also been talking about e-safety and how to stay safe when using the internet.
We are amazing at Design and Technology!
Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 2:36pm
Over the last few weeks we have been using our Moon Buggy design books to design and create our own Moon Buggies. We showed amazing team learning and resilience today when we made our moon buggy designs. Even though it was tricky at times we showed great persistance and made some amazing vehicles ready for our trip to the moon!
Date: 18th Nov 2020 @ 4:38pm
This week Year 6 have learnt lots about e safety. We thought about what reliable information is and how we can tell if the information s is true or false. We also thought about keeping ourselves safe and not meeting others online and how if we have any worries we can speak with an adult. We also looked at anti bullying and the difference between bullying and banter. We thought about how banter can turn into bullying.
Date: 17th Nov 2020 @ 12:07am
In Class 12 last week we have been writing our own myths. These have been based on North American stories and we put our own spin on them. We have created stories like how the Rhino got a horn and how the elephant got a trunk.
Mr Padley enjoyed finding out 'How the Baboon got a red bottom' and 'How the Unicorn got wings'
Date: 17th Nov 2020 @ 12:04am
The Star of the Week in Class 12 is Subhan
You have some fantastic maturity with your work. The Golden Jumper is all yours this week.
Keep up the Good Work!
Date: 16th Nov 2020 @ 11:53pm
We have been learning about keeping safe when using the internet as part of our E-safety day. We looked at a story about Smartie the Penguin and his new tablet. We thought about the problems that Smartie had whilst playing online including pop up adverts, websites for older children and cyber bullying and what he should do in these situations.
The children made sock puppets of Smartie, film reels of the events in the story and information posters to help other children make the right choices when using the internet.
Below are some examples of the fantastic work they have done which will be added to our new E-Safety display in the computer room.
Date: 16th Nov 2020 @ 10:48pm
Children are getting online more than ever before which is incredibly positive for their learning and development. However, they are also exposed to certain dangers if the internet is used inappropriately.
To reduce the number of risks, it’s essential that children know how to keep themselves safe online and what to do when something isn’t quite right.
Date: 16th Nov 2020 @ 10:24pm
This week in Maths we are continuing to explore fractions and we are developing our times tables by using the game- hit the button- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
In English we are writing our own stories based on last weeks story- The Queens handbag.- This week the focus will be Mr Padley and his lost laptop.
Date: 16th Nov 2020 @ 6:10pm
Learning Base 2 drew round their own hands and cut them out. They placed them all together to make a wreath and then added poppies.
Date: 16th Nov 2020 @ 6:08pm
This week in the learning base we got creative with red paint and used our handprints to make poppies using paper plates. Today we observed the silence at 11am we decorated biscuits with red icing and a chocolate button. The children have taken both home with them on Wednesday.
We have been learning about... My Body!
Date: 13th Nov 2020 @ 11:12pm
This week we have been learning about My Body- what I can do.
Preschool children have been doing lots of action songs, like heads, shoulders knees and toes, using the whole of their body. We have been learning about parts of our body, looking in the mirror at our faces and also making handprints.
What we have been learning about this week in class 2! (WB 9.11.20)
Date: 13th Nov 2020 @ 11:04pm
This week in class 2 we started our Topic of Night and Day.
In English we learnt about the story 'Cant you sleep Little Bear?', as part of this learning the children retold the story using actions and words.
In Maths we have looked at the language associated with the passage of time and followed and gave instructions about how to look after a baby. We also helped a visitor to our class - Molly the puppet to get ready for school.
We ended the week with a fantastic Pyjama Party as our Wow Starter for our topic. We danced ,sang, ate treats and played games - all in our pyjamas.
Date: 13th Nov 2020 @ 6:28pm
This week in Class 3 we continued looking at our science topic of seasons.
We started looking at Spring and all of the different things that happen during this season. We thought all about the weather, the new baby animals and the beautiful flowers that start to grow.
Linking with our art learning we made some beautiful spring flower drawings using designs inspired by the artist Georgia O' Keefe! Take a look at some examples of our amazing drawings below!
Date: 13th Nov 2020 @ 4:52pm
This week in Class 4 we have enjoyed learning about spring. We looked at how the weather gets warmer and the different baby animals that are born.
We also looked at the different kind of flowers that start to grow during the spring season.
We then went onto develop our art skills by creating our own spring flowers inspired by the artist Georgia O'Keeffe.
Class1 Weekly Blog WB 9.11.2020
Date: 13th Nov 2020 @ 4:36pm
This week we started our Topic of Night and Day.
In English we loved our book 'Cant you sleep Little Bear?' We retold the story using actions and words, with some children being fantastic mini-techers and taking over the storytelling.In Maths we have looked at the language associated with the passage of time and followed and gave instructions about how to look after a baby. We also helped a visitor to our class - Wally the puppet to get ready for school.
We ended the week with a fantastic Pyjama Party as our Wow Starter for our topic. We danced ,sang, ate treats and played games - all in our pyjamas.
Next week we start our learning about nocturnal animals.
Class 8's learning the week beginning 9th November
Date: 13th Nov 2020 @ 2:15pm
This week Class 8 have been linking their English lessons to their Topic work on the Stone Age. We used props and hooks like a woolly mammoth fur, a camp fire, food, spears, stones for making tools and wild animal footprints. The children acted out what life would be like during the Stone Age times and we brought our story of The Stone Age Boy to life.
In Science we are studing Light and Class 8 made puppets and used torches to make shadows. They also changed the size and shape of the shadows too. I'm sure your child would love to tell you all about it.
A FANTASTIC weeks learning Class 8. We are so proud of your learning and hope you are proud too.
Date: 13th Nov 2020 @ 1:31pm
This week during our PSHE we loved learning about our class mates. We played a similarity and difference game and then went on a hunt around our classroom to find people who has the same likes as we did! We had lots of fun finding new friends!
Date: 10th Nov 2020 @ 7:39am
This week Year 6 have carried on their topic work, we have looked at inventions of the 20th Century. We carried out our own research using the internet and created fact posters. Some of the inventions we researched are: The airplane, the submarine, television and rockets. We have also been looking at Anne Frank’s Diary in English and are writing persuasive letters.
Date: 9th Nov 2020 @ 11:10pm
As part of our RE learning this half term we have been thinking about places that are special to us. The children thought about where it was that was special to them, why this place is so special and how they feel when they are there. The children really explored their feelings and discussed some very important reasons as to why their special place were important to them.
Below are a few examples of class 5's special places with their own thought and feelings to give a little more detail about their choices.
Date: 9th Nov 2020 @ 5:36am
This week class 9 will be reading...
In Maths this week we will be revisiting Fractions and the children will be creating a fraction wall.
I look forward to telling you all about our learning experience as the week progresses