Our blogs
Y1 Remote Home Learning overview WB 30.11.20
Date: 30th Nov 2020 @ 6:33am
Please see below the Remote Home Learning Overview. It will only contain learning for today, as the children will be back in class as normal Tuesday.
Date: 29th Nov 2020 @ 9:36pm
I would like to start this week’s message with how proud I am of Class 9. They have all worked really hard by completing all their assessments and showed great resilience whilst doing so.
For our writing this week the children wrote a persuasive piece of about visiting London. They used a range of language features and shared their written piece with their shoulder partner.
In Science the children have been learning about how sound travels and in Geography they have been researching rivers in Greal Britain.
Class 4 Working hard at home this week.
Date: 28th Nov 2020 @ 12:12pm
Class 4 have been busy at home writing and performing autumn poems that describe what they can see, hear, smell and feel. They have worked hard on trying to come up with fantastic adjectives and onomatopoeias to make their poems interesting.
Class 4 have also been learning the names and properties of 2D shapes. They have even used shapes to create winter pictures. We can’t wait to see these next week.
LB2 - Remote home learning -7.12.2020
Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 6:34pm
LB2 - Remote home learning
Safety message - adult supervision required for Speaking and listening activity
Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 6:31pm
Remote home learning for Learning Base 1
Safety message - adult supervision required for Speaking and listening activity
Learning - LB2 - week ending -27.11.2020
Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 6:20pm
This week, learning base 2 have enjoyed looking at the 'pilot in the cockpit pobble picture' and have researched different airports around the world.
Unfortunately the children were unable to finish their learning as the bubble closed on Wednesday and will return back to school Wednesday 9th December. Mrs.Sullivan-Lomax has spent today calling the parents and children at home to see how they are getting with their home learning packs that were given out yesterday and to check all parents have access to and can access the school website.
Please ensure you look on the website for your child's learning.
Learning LB1 - week ending 27.11.2020
Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 6:15pm
This week in the learning base we painted our hands using different primary colours and made prints to take home - unfortunately some of them are still in the children's work trays as we were all sent home early yesterday. Miss Kelly with give these out when we return on Wednesday 9th December. Miss Kelly has spent today calling the parents and children at home to see how they are getting on with their home learning packs that were given out yesterday and to check all parents have access to and can access the school website. Have a lovely weekend everyone! 🙂
How to make home made playdough
Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 4:46pm
I have attacthed an ingredients list for whats needed to make home made playdough. This is a great way to get the children the improve their fine motor skills.
Simply add all the ingredients into the bowl, (Listed in the picture) and mix away. Place the bowl into the microwave for 2 minutes, stir, microwave again and stir.
What we've been learning about..23.11.20
Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 4:40pm
This week we've been learning all about weddings. We read the story 'Scarecrows wedding'. We took part in some role play and dressed up as brides and grooms and had our own wedding, in play. We drew our own brides and grooms focusing on the features. We talked about our own experiences of celebrations, drawing mendhi patterns and looking at the teachers wedding experiences. Using junk model materials and lots of imagination we made our own wedding cakes.
WB 23/11/2020 Class 1 Weekly Blog
Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 4:33pm
Class 1 have continued their learning about nocturnal animals this week using the book Night Monkey Day Monkey in English. They have made some fantastic zigzag books based on the story and done lots of great storytelling using words and actions. They finished the week by deciding which was their favourite Julia Donaldson book - Zog was most peoples choice !
In Maths we have been looking at 1 more and one less. We have learned new songs - One elephant went out to play and 5 green bottles hanging on a wall - to help us to visualise what this looks like with numbers up to 5.
Our Christmas Nativity rehearsals have started this week - exciting times!
Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 4:10pm
Class 8 have been scientists today. We were trying to work out which material would be the best to make curtains for a Stone Age cave. We made predictions and then used the data loggers to measure the amount of light getting through the materials. Here are some photos of us in action.
Autumn Poems by class 3's super Poets
Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 4:02pm
This week class 3 have been poets and writing some amazing autumn poems linking to our science topic of seasons.
We thought carefully about all of the different things we can hear, see, smell, taste and touch in Autumn and wrote some fantastic list poems using different adjectives.
Have a look at some of our super poems below.
Click to see what learning we have done this week...
Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 3:46pm
I would like to start this week's message with how proud I am of Class 10 who have worked really hard these past two weeks by completing all their assessments and showing great resilience whilst doing so. Well done Class 10!
For our writing this week the children wrote a narrative based on 'The Sword in the Stone.' It was a magical experience for all us all as they wrote in the perspective of the sword and these were absolutely amazing!
Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 2:57pm
This week we continued our learning for our Linking Project. We read the story... Incredible You by Rhys Brisenden and thought about how we are all incredible and designed some incredible me pieces of art!
We used pastles and thought of an animals that we would love to be if we had an incredible side kick! We are looking forward to continuing this learning next week by writing a poem all about INCREDIBLE US!
What we have been learning about in class 2! (WB 23.11.20)
Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 8:38am
This week in class 2 we have been learning about the story 'Day Monkey Night Monkey', the children have enjoyed sequencing the story and thinking of sentences for each picture. For our teacher focus the children have drawn pictures to show what happens in the story, they have then used the phonic knowledge to label their drawings.
In maths this week we have continued our learning into number with some learning into one more and one less. We have enjoyed singing lots of one more and one less songs. For our teacher focus the children have been collecting a number of objects and placing them onto their five frame and have then taken one away or added one more and then found the new number on their number lines.
Date: 25th Nov 2020 @ 3:23pm
In Design Technology the children have made Space Buggies. They started by exploring and disassembling vehicles and labelling each part. Next they designed their own space buggy, wrote an equipment list and a method. Then they collected all their resources and began the construction process in pairs to bring their buggies to life. Finally they evaluated their work and thought about what had worked well and what they would improve next time.
We are so proud of ALL of the children and the fabulous work they have produced! Below are a few pictures of the process, our class display and our final products.
Date: 25th Nov 2020 @ 2:11pm
Year 6 have enjoyed creating puppets based on different 20th century figures. First we looked at a range of iconic figures from the 20th Century. Then we sketched them out. After this we had to start sewing our puppets we mainly used whip stitch. We have worked together and created some wonderful puppets.
Y1 Remote home learning videos WB 23.11.20
Date: 24th Nov 2020 @ 8:28am
Please see below the links to video's that your teachers have set up for each lesson in your learning pack, for Maths and literacy.
Click on each video to hear your teacher explain the task you have been set for each day.
Date: 23rd Nov 2020 @ 8:00am
Class 4 this week, we have been read the Percy the Part keeper story ‘One Snowy Night’
The children were glued to the book as the animals came knocking on Percy’s door, asking for a warm place to stay for the night.
We giggled when Percy and the animals all fell out of bed and shivered with fright when something came crawling out of the floorboards! Don’t worry, it was just a friendly mole.
Class 4 had a great time acting out the story and pretending to be the different animals that came looking for a bed.
Y1 Remote learning overview and resources WB 23.11.20
Date: 23rd Nov 2020 @ 6:44am
What we have been learning about this week (16.11.20)
Date: 21st Nov 2020 @ 3:03pm
This week we've learning about birthdays. We read a story called 'The Night Before My Birthday'. We made birthday invitations talking about who we would invite and where we have the party. In the creative area we painted birthday cakes and made birthday hats using, coloured shapes, features and pom poms. In maths we looked at numbered cupcakes and tried to match the amount using candles. On the theme of cake, we also talked about healthy and unhealthy food, looking at pictures of food and separating them into the two piles.
This week was Anti bullying week. In small groups we talked about what makes a good friend and a bad friend. We looked at pictures of behaviour we think makes us happy and sad.
What we have been learning about this week (09.11.20)
Date: 21st Nov 2020 @ 2:50pm
This week we've been learning all about the story 'The tiger who came to tea'. During the week learnt some tiger facts and recorded our answers as a group. We drew our ideal meal we would make for the tiger. On the creative side we made some tiger faces using colour, eyes and stripes, painted tigers focusing on the features of a tiger and finally we practiced our cutting.
In maths we learnt about the shapes, circle, triangle, square and triangle. We also went on a shape hunt. We also learn about money and played 5 current buns in a bakers shop.
Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 6:03pm
This week in the learning base, we have been exploring our feelings through emotions and gestures eg. pretending to cry when we are hurt and signing the word "sorry" and by hugging our friends to show empathy.
Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 5:48pm
This week in Learning Base 2, the children have been involved in anti-bullying week. They talked about what actions are nice towards other children and how they would like to be treated by others. The children added painted flowers to their cut out handprints and then added words to describe how they could be a good friend to another child.
Class 8's amazing Topic work on Stone Age weapons
Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 4:42pm
Class 8 have loved learning about Stone Age weapons. The children found out what they used to make the weapons and the different weapons for the different jobs. They worked in teams of 2 to make their own spear, then acted out being hunter gathers like in the Stone Age times. The children really took on the role as you can see from the photographs. Super stars!
Also this week Class 8 listened to Mr Padley's assembly on Anti-bullying. Then we had a PSHE lesson where we talked about the different kinds of bullying and what they should do if they were being bullied or ever saw someone else being bullied. Class 8 then made a poster with the message to everyone young and old. Let's stand together and be United Against Bullying.
Another fabulous week Class 8 with your work in school and at home. Well done!