Our blogs

Our super learning this week in Class 3

Date: 9th Oct 2020 @ 4:36pm

This week in Class 3 we have had such a fantastic week. In maths we have been looking at addition and using lots of different methods to help us soliving our number sentences.

In Literacy we have been reading the book 'The lonely beast.' Class 3 wrote some amazing descriptions all about him. We were SO impressed with the different adjectives they came up with.

During our Design and Technology lessons we have started looking at lever and slider toys. We had a go at playing with some of our own, and have even started to design our very own toys that we will make on Monday.

Have a look at some of our super designs. We can't wait to see the finished product, and to enjoy another super week working really hard! 

What have Class 4 been up to this week?

Date: 9th Oct 2020 @ 4:12pm

This week in Class 4, we have been extremely busy developing our design and technology skills. We have learnt about levers and sliders and how these mechanisms can be used to make toys. We have had a go at making toys which uses either a lever or a slider. Have a look at some of our rabbits that pop out of a magician’s hat and the cars that drives along the road.


We have started designing our own toys and next week we will be making and evaluating them. We can’t wait to see what they will look like.

Remote Home Learning WB 12th October

Date: 9th Oct 2020 @ 10:28am

If you are learning from home please look at the learning attached to complete this weeks learning at home. I would love to see your  home learning. Send school and email or tweet Greenhill with a picture of your super work! 

Home Learning 12/10/20 (LbQ and Purple Mash)

Date: 9th Oct 2020 @ 8:57am

Good Morning Class 12


I hope you are all well.  

Aswell as your Literacy and Numeracy I have set up some home learning for you today online.  

Go on the LbQ website and enter the code for today which is - mny

I have also set a reading activity on Purple Mash for you to be working on. 


Stay safe everybody.


Mr Bottomley laugh

week ending 9/10 2020 The Runaway Chapatti

Date: 8th Oct 2020 @ 9:16pm

This week Class 1 have really enjoyed doing lots of learning about the Runaway Chapatti. On Tuesday we all helped to make chapattis and egg curry with Mrs Ali and loved eating it - it was delicious! This week we have also done lots of Maths learning about ordering numbers to 10 - Mr Crocodile kept on stealing numbers from our numberline!! Next week we will be looking at houses around the world


Date: 8th Oct 2020 @ 8:45pm

This week we have rounded up our final lesson on our Geography topic... India. We have loved learning lots of amazing facts and have enjoyed sharing the facts with friends and our teachers. We enjoyed our celebration afternoon where we took part in an Indian craft session and created our own Rangoli patterns, Indian slippers and mendi patterns. We then we tasted some amazing Asian cooking from our very talented parents and rounded the afternoon off with an introduction to Yoga session. We learnt some different Yoga poses and felt very relaxed when going home! 

Thank you to all the parent support and enthusiasm to our learning this half term it has been an amazing start to our Year 2 Geography learning! 


Year 6 Topic Learning

Date: 8th Oct 2020 @ 4:31pm

This week in Year 6 we have carried on our World War II learning. We thought about why children were evacuated during the war and what this would have felt like. We realised that some children will have enjoyed this experience whilst others will have just wanted to go home. We then wrote postcards in role as evacuees. After this, we looked at a range of propaganda posters. We discussed the messages from the posters and who the posters were aimed at. We used the propaganda posters as inspiration for our own posters. In English we have carried on the story of The Harmonica, focusing on writing descriptions. We have tried to include lots of descriptive features in our writing.

Learning In Class 8

Date: 6th Oct 2020 @ 10:20am

This week Class 8's learning has focused around our topic of Great Britain. We started in the ICT suite researching facts about the countries that make up Great Britain. Our note taking skills were impressive! We wrote a fabulous introduction to a report using a range of sentence types to draw the reader in and encourage them to read more. Our Big Writes showed an understanding of the features of a non-chronological report and were exciting and interesting to read. 

In maths we were learning column addition and exchanging. This challenged our maths brains but by the end we were feeling amazing as we had stretched our comfort zones. We wrote how we felt after this challenging learning on star post its. Anaya wrote 'I feel so amazing I could burst!'

Home Learning wb 5th October 2020

Date: 5th Oct 2020 @ 4:01pm

The home learning this week 

Amazing learning in Learning Base 1 - wk beg - 28/9/2020

Date: 4th Oct 2020 @ 1:17pm

This week Learning Base 1 have been learning about The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. 
The children have enjoyed watching the animated version of the story on the interactive whiteboard and have also been finger painting to create their very own very hungry caterpillars. 
We have also been making the most of the dry weather outdoors and have been practising our catching and rolling skills whilst outside. 

Amazing learning in LB2 w/b 5/10/2020

Date: 4th Oct 2020 @ 11:47am

The children in Learning Base 2 have had an amazing week continuing their learning about 'My family'.

The children talked about who lives in their family and created a 'family tree' showing all the family members.

They then created a collage family tree and added their family to it. 

The children continued their creativity by collaging their house and drawing in detail. 

Amazing learning in Class 4 W/B 28/09/20

Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 4:28pm

In Class 4 this week we have read 'The Gingerbread Man'. We had a great time pretending to be the Gingerbread Man and being chased by different characters from the story. 

We had great fun retelling the story and sequencing it using time connectives. Our folding story books look amazing! 

We also developed our fine motor skills by cutting out and putting together a Gingerbread Man puppet. They were hard work but looked fantastic when they were finished.

In Geography this week, we discussed and compared physical and human features in our local area. Class 4 were wonderful at using their sorting skills.

Macbeth in the news

Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 4:09pm

For the next two weeks Class 11 will be investigating newspaper reports. Here are of the reports read this week.

Week Ending 2.10.2020 Weekly Blog Class 1

Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 3:54pm

On Monday morning Class 1 found a very tired teddy asleep in our Story Suitcase! Also in the suitcase was a copy of this week’s book Peace at Last. We did lots of fantastic learning about the book, like sequencing the story and retelling it using actions. In maths we have done lots of counting to 10 and recognising numbers. Class 1  have done lots of outdoor learning including building the bear’s house and sleeping in the garden like Daddy Bear! We are looking forward to the story of The Runaway Chapatti next week!

Super Star Writers!

Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 11:45am

This week Mrs Wilson and I are extremely proud of Amaya and Haider on their amazing BIG WRITE! 

This week we became authors and retold the story of "The Tiger Child". 

Amaya and Haider thought about how to rewrite the story and used amazing adjectives, time connectives and conjunctions to explain what happened to the cheeky Tiger Child! 


Ask your children all about our story this week. 

Look how amazing we are at ART!

Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 8:51am

This week we loved learning about the Indian artist; Gogi Saroj. We started our Art topic by researching our artist and discussing what we liked about her work. We then used our sketching skills to create our own version of her art and then explored mixing primary colours to create colours we will use next week in our final art piece! 

What an amazing end to the half term!

Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 8:35am

I would first like to start my message by stating how incredibly impressed I am with our parents this half term. You have displayed a strong commitment in ensuring that all the children in Class 10 and Greenhill have access to a full education at school - Thank you! The children have thoroughly enjoyed their time in school.

This term for topic we researched the rainforest, we really enjoyed learning about the different layers of the rainforest, the animals of the rainforest and the impact of deforestation – I think we may have some budding climate activist in the making!

For science we learned about teeth and digestion; the children thoroughly enjoyed writing fact files, which explained the process of digestion and an information leaflet about how to keep your teeth healthy and shiny. How informative they all were!

I cannot wait for next half term!

Stay Safe and take care.

Mrs Khalil

What we have been learning about this week in class 2! (WB 28.09.20)

Date: 1st Oct 2020 @ 9:26pm

This week in class 2 we have been learning about the story 'Peace at Last'. The children have enjoyed retelling the story using pictures and have had a go at labelling their pictures. We have also introduced the children to table jobs which we use each week in our English learning and always links to the weekly story. We were very impressed with Zaynab who completed a table job independently. She labelled the pictures from the story by looking at the intial sound in the words. 

In our maths learning the children have been learning about the numbers 1,2 and 3. The children have enjoyed writing the numerals and have been listening to how many times Miss Bradshaw and Miss Seddon play the different instruments and showing that number on their number fans. 

What we've been learning about this week! 28/9/20

Date: 1st Oct 2020 @ 4:41pm

In Nursery we have been welcoming lots of new children. We have been painting our own self potraits focusing on the detail of our features. We have also been familarising ourself with all of the area's we have to explore. Lots of children were busing in the creative area using glue. 


This weeks learning in class 3 (W/B 28.9.20)

Date: 30th Sep 2020 @ 4:46pm

This week in class 3 we have done some super learning and really impressed our teachers. In literacy we have been reading the book 'The gingerbread man' and taking part in lots of exciting activities, working hard to write some super sentences. See if you can re-tell the story to family and friends at home. 

In our maths learning we have been carrying on looking at number and place value. We have worked really hard to practice our number formation and started working on partitioning numbers into tens and ones using dienes. 

In the afternoons during our topic sessions,  we have started learning lots of new things about our class topic of 'our local area.' We were so impressed with some of the fantastic 3D crafts that children brought in for their home learning, and the super facts that they could tell us about Oldham town. We cant wait to carry on finding out even more about our local area and where we live!

Class 3 have had a fantastic week this week, and we can't wait to carry on with even more super learning next week! Make sure you keep practicing your phonics Phase 2 and Phase 3 sounds at home as well as reading your books as much as possible! 

Our INDIA afternoon

Date: 30th Sep 2020 @ 4:44pm

This week we ended out topic all about INDIA with a carousel of activities, to give the children a taste of what life in India would be like. We tried Indian food, designed Indian clothing, created Indian patterns, listen to Indian music and even had a go at yoga. The children were very enthusiastic and enjoyed each of the activities.

Ask your children what they have found out about India during our first topic in Year 2.

Class 12's Weekly Blog

Date: 30th Sep 2020 @ 4:34pm

We are extremely glad to be back in class and have really enjoyed the work on the book 'The boy, the bear, the baron, the bard.' We have been creating our own version of the story using our own imagination.  We will be sharing some of our work in the gallery on Friday. 


We have been learning all about the Tudors in our topic lessons and found out some interesting facts about Henry VIII. Did you know that Henry VIII condemned bullfinches for their ‘criminal attacks’ on fruit trees, and an Act of Parliament declared that one penny would be paid for every bullfinch trapped and killed.




Year 6 Travel Back in Time

Date: 30th Sep 2020 @ 4:29pm

Year 6 have had a great few weeks learning all about World War II. Class 13 and Class 14 enjoyed a World War II day. We got to look at artefacts and we had to guess what they were, we made some great guesses. We also experienced life as an evacuee, we thought how we would feel in this situation, even experiencing an air raid.  We had great fun using a Morse code machine! In Topic, we have since looked at: the countries involved in the war, the leaders of these countries, important dates in World War II and have started to create our own collage books (that look like evacuee labels).

''Creating our own secret messages was so much fun! No one could guess mine.'' Eesa

''My favourite part of the day was when we had to go under the tables due to an air raid.'' Salahur

Yumu Music

Date: 29th Sep 2020 @ 9:48am

Online Music Lessons


username: p1351500

password banana


Make sure you make your musical intrument at home.  

We are learning about...India!

Date: 23rd Sep 2020 @ 7:58pm

We loved starting our new India topic... We are so proud of all the childrens home learning! We even mindmapped lots of questions about India too. We cannot wait till our next lesson to learn more 

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