Isolation Home Learning 05/02/21

Date: 5th Jan 2021 @ 12:22pm

Nursery Isolation Home Learning: Week commencing 4th January 2021



Book of the week: Little red riding hood

Time to spend on activity


Read with your child daily. After reading, question your child on story.

  1. Who was in the story?
  2. Where was the story set (setting : forest, home)
  3. What was your favourite part of the story?

15 minutes





LO: To recap story of the week

The book of the week is Little red riding hood. The children read the story as a class on Monday. Can parents re-cap the story with the children and question their understanding.

You can access the story as a video on Youtube.


Questions to ask about the story

  • 1. Who was in the story?      2. Who was the bad guy in the story?
  • 3. Why was the wolf bad, what was he doing?
  • 4. What happened to the wolf in the end?  5. Who saved the girl?
  • 5. What was your favourite part of the story?


15 minutes



LO: To draw my favourite part of the story from Little Red Riding Hood.

Starter: Re-cap the name of the story to the children and show/describe them a picture of the characters.


Main: Ask the children to draw a scene from the story. This can be their favourite part or any part they remember from the story.  


Remind the children to draw in detail, thinking about the setting also. Draw grandma’s house or the forest in the back of the picture.


Colour your picture in.

10 minutes


Phonics – Phase 1 Rhyme and Rhythm



LO: to develop an awareness of rhymes and rhythms

Explain to your child that how we sing songs in nursery we are going to practice at home also.

Songs to sing with actions: 

- Hockey Cocky  

- A ring a ring a roses 

- Farmers in his den 

- Wheels on the bus 

- Incy wincy Spider 

You can search these songs on youtube also.



10 minutes  


Tuesday & Wednesday

Practice counting to 20.


Counting your fingers and toes.


Count backwards also.

5 Minutes


& Friday

LO: To select small amounts of objects when asked.


Go around your house and find 10 small objects you can count, this can be anything from coins, to toys.


Lay them in front of you and count with your child.

Ask your child to give you 2 objects. When handed the objects, count with your child to see if the amount is correct.


Try again with asking for 3 objects, 4 objects, 5 objects (ect)


10 minutes

Daily Name Writing

Can all children practice writing their names out every day.

Parents to write out the child’s name first so children can copy.


Can I remind parents’ names should be written with one Capital letter at the start and the rest lower case.

For example: Miss Pervez




Thank you for your support. Take care and stay safe

Miss Pervez

Files to Download

Harmony Street, Oldham, Lancashire OL4 1RR

Mrs C Glynn - Principal

0161 260 0621

Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)