Our blogs

w/c 18.12.23 This week in Year 5!

Date: 21st Dec 2023 @ 3:39pm

What a week in Year 5! 
The children were fantastic in the Christmas Cracker performance, we were very proud of them and we hope you enjoyed it if you were able to attend. 
This week has been a very busy week, the children have enjoyed some Christmas themed maths and have done some creative writing based on a short film called 'The Man in the Moon'. 
During DT lessons the children have been designing and making their own Christmas themed brooches. The children worked hard to thread needles and stitch accurately. We had some very interesting designs including: a Christmas pudding, snowmen and the Grinch. Please ask your child to show you a photograph of their work. 
We hope that you have a fantastic holiday and look forward to seeing you all again in the new year. 

This week in Reception (WB 11.12.23)

Date: 14th Dec 2023 @ 12:24pm

This week in Reception has been very exciting as we have been rehearsing for our Christmas Nativity, we have tried on our clothes so are feeling ready for the big performances next week!

We also had a trip to the Queen Elizabeth Hall to watch the pantomime 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. We all had lots of fun and were super sensible when walking through Oldham.

We have also been learning about 2D shapes, we have been using those shapes to make different objects such as houses and rockets!


w/c 04.12.23 This week in Year 5!

Date: 8th Dec 2023 @ 3:05pm

We have had a very busy and festive week! 
We enjoyed Christmas lunch and Christmas jumper day on Wednesday and have been practising songs for the Christmas cracker performance on Tuesday 19th December. 
In English, we have been writing letters to Scrooge, focusing on writing a clear argument to persuade. Our reading comprehension has been a biography of Charles Dickens and we were keen to found out about other novels he wrote. The children enjoyed finding out about Oliver Twist and we even listened to 'Food Glorious Food'.  In maths, we have been learning about comparing and ordering decimals. 
Please be reminded that we will be walking to the pantomime on Wednesday 13th December. 
Have a lovely weekend! 

Nursery Weekly Blog WB 4/12/2023

Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 2:48pm

This week in Nursery we have had an exciting visitor! On Monday Santa left us a letter telling us that one of his elves was making some wobbly choices and he needed the children in Nursery to help him to make some better choices. He left us a book as a reward for helping him. Sadly the elf has carried on making wobbly choices while he was in Nursery - swinging from the bunting and covering our Christmas tree in tissue paper to name just two. Hopefully next week he might make some better choices!!

We have loved welcoming in parents into Nursery this week for  Stay and Play sessions - thank you very much to everyone who made the time to come into Nursery and explore it with your child - they loved it!

Please make sure you have returned your Tapestry consent form so that we can start to post your child's learning on the platform.

This week in Reception...

Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 2:17pm

This week in Reception we have been looking at 'The First Christmas' story. The children have made their own stable and characters. We have also been rehearsing our Nativity performance, we look forward to performing it over the next couple of weeks. We also invited our parents in for 'Play and Stays', a huge thank you to all the parents that attended it was lovely to see. 

Learning in Class 9 6.12.23

Date: 6th Dec 2023 @ 2:47pm

Class 9 have been learning about Ancient Greece this half term. We learnt some fascinating things including why a marathon is called marathon, what the ancient Greeks gave us including democracy, education and medicine and about some of the famous battles. Here are some of our fantastic comic strips showing the Battle of Troy.

Greece 1.jpg                                                  Greece 2.jpg                                                 Greece 3.jpg

Class Blog Week ending 01.12.23

Date: 1st Dec 2023 @ 3:18pm

This week has been assessment week this week in year 6 and the children have worked very hard to show all of their learning from this term.
I am very proud of their efforts and have enjoyed celebrating their success in class. At home, please encourage your child to complete their homelearning and read more- it really does make a difference.
Purple Mash | Wilkinson PrimarymyON - Apps on Google Play

Class 8 Blog

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 4:09pm

This week Class 8 have been retImage (9).jpegImage (10).jpegImage (11).jpegelling the story of The Caveman Next Door. They took part in a story whoosh and retold the story in groups. Well done Class 8!

Nursery Weekly Blog WB 27/11/2023

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 9:21am

This week in Nursery we have been doing lots of fantastic learning about the traditional story The Three Billie Goats Gruff. here is a link to a video of the story that you could share with your child at home.

Read Aloud - The Three Billy Goats Gruff: A Tale of Brotherhood and Courage - Children's Story Book - YouTube

The children have done some fantastic paintings of the troll in the story making great colour choices when deciding what the troll should look like. They have also done some amazing drama learning outside based on the story and have built bridges in our block area. They have played musical instruments that they thought matched the sound that the characters would make and played a maths game based ion the story.

The children have also been busy practising their Christmas songs ready for their performance of the Nativity at the end of term.

Next week the children will find a surprise visitor in Nursery when they arrive on Monday - listen out for them telling you about some strage things happening in Nursery throughout the week!

We look forward to welcoming all parents into Nursery next week for our Stay and Play sessions when you will have the chance to do some Christmas crafts and explore the Nursery with your child!


w/c 27.11.23 This week in Year 5!

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 9:01am

It has been assessment week this week and the children have worked very hard to show all of their learning from this term. We are very proud of their efforts and have enjoyed celebrating their success in class. 
We have also continued learning about the Tudors, focusing on Tudor exploration and the Mary Rose ship. The children have enjoyed researching: daily life, facts, food and roles on the ship. 
During PSHE we have been learning about food and balanced diets. The children have created a list of 'risks of a poor diet' and 'benefits of a healthy diet' to collate their learning. 
Please remember that it is non-uniform day tomorrow. We ask that the children bring in a bottle as a contribution. 
Have a lovely weekend! 

w/c 20.11.23 This week in Year 5!

Date: 24th Nov 2023 @ 8:45am

We have all had another busy and exciting week in Year 5! 
The children have been working very hard to draft their extended write on The Sea Serpent's Daughter in English, focusing on including relative clauses, onomatopoeia, metaphors and personification. We have had some very exciting pieces of writing, please ask your child to tell you about their work. During maths we have been learning about time, converting 24-hour and 12-hour times as well as reading timetables and answering word problems. 
We have begun learning about Christmas and advent in RE, the children found it very interesting researching which countries celebrate Christmas and how their traditions differ. As part of PSHE we have been learning about balanced meals, we children have created their own ideal balanced meal including carbohydrates, protein, vegatables and fats.  
As you are aware, the whole school trip to the pantomime is coming up on Wednesday 13th December, please can you ensure that you have paid for the trip via Parent Pay. 
Have a fantastic weekend!

Nursery Weekly Blog WB 20/11/2023

Date: 23rd Nov 2023 @ 9:22am

This week in Nursery we have been doing lots of great learning about the traditional rhyme Incy Wincy Spider. The children have loved making spider finger puppets and weaving webs both inside and outside!

We have done spider web maths and played parachute games with Incy as well as creating playdough spiders.

This week the children have chosen their first book from our Nursery library to take home and enjoy reading with a grown up. These books can stay at home for 2 weeks before we ask them to be returned and changed. Please can you ensure that the books are looked after at home as any damage will have to be paid for. Allongside this book the children are also having a weekly reading session in school using a book that is linked to their current phonics phase. This weeks book has been Incy Wincy Spider and the children have been spotting parts of the story on each page as well as spotting things that make a noise and talking about the weather.

Our next weeks learning will be all about The Three Billie Goats Gruff.

The Stone Age

Date: 23rd Nov 2023 @ 8:22am

This half term year three have been learning all about the Stone Age.

They started their learning with a visit from a drama school who explored the Stone Age through drama. 


They then took part in a WOW afternoon where they were able to carve tools, research the different periods of time and create cave paintings.



The children enjoyed recreating a picture of Stone Henge using water colours and collage.


Class Blog Week ending 24.11.23

Date: 21st Nov 2023 @ 8:31pm

We have started a new text this week, The Secret War Diary. The children have enjoyed exploring emotions, thoughts and feeling- in role as Flossy.

My Secret War Diary, by Flossie Albright

Maths has been a little challenging this week, the children have been exploring 2-D shapes, angles and their properties.


Next week will be assessment week. Please help your child to read books and answer questions. It is also important that they get an early night and a good breakfast- in the morning.

Assessment Week – Hampton Preparatory School

Let’s Get Physical

Date: 16th Nov 2023 @ 3:50pm

The children in the hub have been working hard this week on developing their gross motor skills in PE.

We have been practicing travelling on equipment in different ways and trying different jumps.


w/c 13.11.23 This week in Year 5!

Date: 16th Nov 2023 @ 2:26pm

Everyone has had a busy, fun packed week in Year 5! 

We have started on new text this week, the legend of 'The Sea Serpent's Daughter', the children have enjoyed acting it out, generating vocabulary and writing a setting description for the bottom of the sea. Maths has been a little challenging this week, reading, interpreting and drawing line graphs. The children have learnt that it is very important to check what each axis represents before answering any questions. 

Music lessons have been particularly exciting this week. The children have begun a new topic, they began by using the bucket drums to play a Queen song, they also began learning Christmas songs. The children have continued to work on their capoeira dance sequence, this week focusing on 'dodges'.

Class 12 also enjoyed having Dexter visit our class this week, he especially enjoyed 'odd socks day' and Anti - Bullying week.  Anti-bullying week has prompted some great discussions across Year 5. The children enjoyed watching  a live lesson on the BBC which helped them to understand banter and how to understand individual limits. 

Please remember that school is closed for INSET tomorrow, we look forward to seeing the children on Monday.

Nursery weekly blog WB 13/11/2023

Date: 16th Nov 2023 @ 9:29am

This week in Nursery we started off the week by doing lots of fantastic learning about the festival of Diwali - the Hindu festival of lights. We learned how families prepare for Diwali in their homes and how it is celebrated around the world. The children all made lanterns to decorate the Nursery with.

Later in the week we went back to our topic of Traditional Tales and did some great learning about The Gingerbread Man. We have sequenced the story, drawn our favourite part of the story at Tummy Time and played a memory game with the characters. To finish the week we all made and decorated our own gingerbread men and got to take them home to eat.

Here is a link to the story so that you can enjoy the story at home


Next week we will be doing lots of learning about Incy Wincy Spider!

Class Blog Week ending 10.11.23

Date: 12th Nov 2023 @ 10:00pm

Class 6 have been on a polar expedition over the last 2 weeks.  We have been writing about 'The Great Explorer' by Chris Judge.  The children wrote an alternative ending and even created a missing poster for Tom's dad.
In Maths, we have been learning all about multiplications, we even used cereal to work out arrays.

Learning in Class 1- 10.11.23

Date: 12th Nov 2023 @ 8:55pm

The children have had a fantastic week! 
The classes have enjoyed performing in music, they have played a range of instruments and performed a scat song.
Scat originates from jazz and scat singing or scatting is vocal improvisation with wordless vocables, nonsense syllables or without words at all.

For our reading comprehension we have been exploring  Volcanoes.This has prompted some lively discussions about the history of eruptions and the devistation that they cause.

Please can you ensure that your child is reading at home and record this in their yellow reading diary. 

How to make sure reading with your child has a happy ending – Tips from a  professional Voice Over Artist and Actor - Posy Brewer - The VoiceOver Voice


Stone Age WOW afternoon

Date: 10th Nov 2023 @ 2:21pm

Class 8 have enjoyed our WOW afternoon of the Stone Age this week. They researched of different time periods, carved tools from soap and created their own cave paintings. 

w/c 06.11.23 This week in Year 5!

Date: 10th Nov 2023 @ 8:16am

The children have had a fantastic week! 
Both classes have enjoyed performing in music, they have played a range of instruments and have presented their own compositions. 
The children have enjoyed learning about Space this work during their reading comprehension and science lessons. They found it very interesting that it is difficult to drink water and that astronauts sleep in vertical sleeping bags.  
We are continuing with our Tudor topic this team and this week the children have learnt about Tudor exploration. They have compared Tudor maps with today's world maps and were keen to discover the differences between the two. 
In English, the children have written their own fables. A fable is a story with animals as characters and that teaches the reader a life lesson. They have worked hard on creating an individual story with a moral, please ask your child about their writing. During maths lessons the children have been learning to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions. 
W hope that you all have a lovely weekend! 

Nursery Weekly Blog WB 6/11/2023

Date: 9th Nov 2023 @ 11:07am

This week we have done lots of fantastic learning about the rhyme Baa baa black sheep.

Here is a link to the rhyme if you want to sing it with your child at home!

Baa Baa Black Sheep: BSL Signed Nursery Rhymes | CBeebies - YouTube

During the week we have done lots of learning about the number three and the colour black. We have been on a scavenger hunt to find as many black objects as we could - maybe you could look around at home for some more?

The children have made wooden spoon puppets and even shorn a sheep to practise their cutting skills!

In family groups they have told the story using a tough spot, played musical instruments and done yoga inspired by the rhyme.

Next week we will be doing great learning about The Gingerbread Man and the festival of Divali!

This week in Class 14...

Date: 8th Nov 2023 @ 3:25pm

This week in Class 14 we have been continuing writing our newspaper reports, inspired by the real life experiences of Anne Frank. 


We have also been continuing our new Science topic and learning about how the circularoty system works.  Chidlren enjoyed creating their own models of working lungs.  Make sure you ask your child all about it. 


Learning in Class 13- 05.11.23

Date: 5th Nov 2023 @ 2:21pm

In Science, this week the children have developed their knowledge of the function of oxygen in the body, They now know that Oxygen helps organisms grow, reproduce, and turn food into energy. They also know that humans get the oxygen they need by breathing through their nose and mouth into their lungs. Oxygen gives our cells the ability to break down food in order to get the energy we need to survive. 


Click on the link for more information. Air Facts For Kids | Why Do We Breathe Oxygen? | DK Find Out


 In PSHE the children have been learning all about  coping strategies, particularly for difficult situations that cannot be changed.  Coping with Change | mindyourmind.ca




It’s Halloween!

Date: 4th Nov 2023 @ 3:41pm

This week in the Inclusion Hub the children have been exploring all things Halloween.

They have used fruit to create pumpkins, practiced their fine motor skills making mummies and created potions. 

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