Our blogs

Nursery Weekly blog WB 37.3.2023

Date: 30th Mar 2023 @ 12:55pm

This week we have done lots of fun learning about the Easter Bunny. We read the book The Story of the Easter Bunny and got excited in case he visited us with his basket of eggs - we have made chocolate nests to put our eggs in just in case!

Here is a link to the story in case you would like to watch it at home!



We have decorated our own eggs using bingo dabbers, played matching games with decorated eggs and played hunt the chick outside.

After the holidays our new topic will be growth and change and we are getting excited for the arrival of chicks and caterpillars!


Year 5 Weekly Blog

Date: 30th Mar 2023 @ 10:58am



Year 5 have been writing newspaper reports this week, all about the storms of 2022.  We have been writing headlines and getting eye witness acounts of Storm Dudley and Storm Eunice.


In maths, we have been looking at percentages and we have all been putting 100% into our work. 


During our PE lessons, Year 5 have created a dance relating to our topic on rivers. 


Over the Easter break, we will be looking at the Victorians.  Can your child create a project over the holidays all about Victorian life?  This could be a poster or a model - the choice is up to you.  #BeAnExpertLearner



24.3.23 - My mum is special

Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 4:05pm

The children in learning base 2 have been continuing their learning all about 'My mum'.

They were extending the learning that they were doing for Mother's Day. 

The children drew their mum wearing her favourite clothes and the talked about why their mum is special. 

They then read words and wrote captions to describe them. 

Reception Blog Week Beginning 20.03.23

Date: 23rd Mar 2023 @ 5:22pm

This week Reception have been learning about the story 'Hattie Peck'. The children acted out the scenes from the book, describing Hattie's journey to find her eggs. Following the theme of the story the children took in creating a story map, drawing one scene from the story with a super sentence.

In Maths we looked at comparing different amounts, discussing which number is bigger and who has more. 

To follow the theme about 'Amazing animals, in the afternoon the children have been learning about David Attenborough. They had a go at drawing a self portrait, concentration on his features. We talked about how he looks after animals and the planet.

Nursery Weekly Blog WB 20.3.2023

Date: 23rd Mar 2023 @ 1:08pm

This week in Nursery we have been doing lots of great learning about old and new toys and what is the same and different about them. We have looked at some old toys , how they work and then made some toys of our own like them - some cups and balls and some penny spinners!

We have written shopping lists for the toy shop and painted our favourite toys as well as playing skittles and wheres the tedyy?

Our book this week has been The Toymaker, a lovely story about Matthew who makes dolls out of wood for his poorly daughter Mary to cheer her up. Many years later Mary comes back with her own daughter to the shop to find the dolls still in the cupboard. We used the story to think about different emotions.

Here is a link to a video of the book if you would like to watch it at home


Next week our learning will be all about Easter!

Learning in Class 9 24.3.23

Date: 21st Mar 2023 @ 11:35pm

Class 9 were asked to find out about Alexander Graham Bell the inventor of the telephone. The children had fun making their own string and cup phones and worked out the tighter the string the clearer you culd hear your friends voice. They tried different experiments to see how vibrations travelled through different materials. Class 9 went on to create a Powerpoint all bout the inventor Alexander Graham Bell.

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17.3.23 - Mother's day learning

Date: 17th Mar 2023 @ 3:41pm

The children in learning base 2 have been learning about Mother's day

They discussed what their mums do for them and why they love them

They then wrote an acrostic poem describing their mum

They then made these into cards for their mums.

We hope that their mum's love the cards 

A week of Sensory fun!

Date: 17th Mar 2023 @ 3:14pm

This week in class we have been exploring our learning using our different senses.

The children had great fun playing with the snow, mark making in the sand and using the instruments to create music.

We have also been using paint to create caterpillar and butterfly pictures.

Learning in Class 9 17.3.23

Date: 17th Mar 2023 @ 7:57am

This week the children were learning about the digestive system. They used tights and food to recrate what happens when we eat. They were so enthusiastic and used some great technical vocabulary too.


Year 5 Blog 10.03.23

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 1:59pm

Year 5 have been writing diaries from Toad's point of view based on the classic book - The Wind in the Willow.  It has been an amazing week for emotive writing with the children using a plethora of skills to bring their work to life. 
In our maths lessons we been looking at the use of protractors to measure and draw a variety of different angles. We are now experts with acute, obtuse, reflex and right angles.
Don't forget that Parents Evening is on Tuesday, and we are celebrating Comic Relief on Friday when we will be donning Crazy Hair or Colourful Scarves to raise money for this wonderful charity. 

10.3.23 - Refugees

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 10:31am

Class 13 have been learning about refugees over the last few weeks. 

They have empathised with them, written in role as refugess and carried out their own research in order to find out more. 

Here we can see class 13 role playing as refugees in a drama lesson.

They have also created acts of kindness that they would show to a refugee child in response to #3000 chairs campaign for refugee children.

10.3.23 - SNOW day learning

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 9:01am

10.3.23 - SNOW day learning 

Learning Base 2 - you have additional learning to the 'Victorian memorial in India learning which is added on the website weekly.

YOU have a SNOW day learning plan xxxx

1/. Look out of the window - What can you see?

If you can see any snow, please find some wellies, gloves, hat and scarf and your warmest coat

2/. Go and play outside

Jump in the snow and make footprints. Roll a snow ball and see if you can make it into a massive ball. Turn it into a snowman. 

What will you use for the eyes, nose and mouth??

3/. Come inside and have a nice warm drink

Talk to your parents about how playing in the snow made you feel. Were you excited, happy or even scared?

4/. Create a picture - draw, collage or paint a picture of playing in the snow

5/. Snuggle on the sofa reading your favourite books 

10.3.2023 - 'The Victoria memorial' in India

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 8:02am

The children have been looking at buildings and gardens in different countries.

This fortnight they are looking at 'The Victorian memorial' in India. 

They looked at the pictures and videos of the Victorian memorial and described it.

They then read concepts in print words to describe it and then wrote a caption to add to the picture. 

Next week they will write an advertisement to describe it. 

Nursery Weekly Blog WB 6.3.2023

Date: 9th Mar 2023 @ 12:47pm

This week we have done some fantastic learning about night and day based on the book 'Cant you sleep little bear?'They have really enjoyed thinking about how the bears were feeeling throughout the story.Here is a link to the animated version of the story which you could enjoy with your child!


The children arrived on Monday morning to find that there was a cave in Nursery - they loved exploring with lights and shadows and even doing cave drawings on the cave ceiling. They have made some sensational sensory bottles with glow in the dark stars to use in the cave and Nursery - watching how the stars swirled was very relaxing!!

The children have also made a shadow puppet theatre and experimented making shadows with their hands. 

Next week we will be looking at pushes and pulls using the book The Enormous Turnip.

Learning in Class 9 10.3.23

Date: 8th Mar 2023 @ 8:52pm

Class 9 had a great start to their Science topic on teeth and digestion by finding out at home about the different teeth we have. In class children used their iPads to watch which  teeth they used for eating a slice of apple. The children found out about the particular job each type of tooth has. Why don't you ask them to tell you all about teeth.                                                                                                                                   IMG_1446.jpg

3.3.23 - 'Polata palace' in China

Date: 3rd Mar 2023 @ 4:36pm

The children have been looking at the 'Potala palace' in China. 

It is the highest Palace in China.

The children looked at pictures of the palace and described it.

They then designed their own palace and described the features that they had created.  


Learning in Class 9 3.3.23

Date: 3rd Mar 2023 @ 7:50am

This week the children were treated to a new book from The Harmony Trust. It was lovely to have time to browse the books and then choose one to keep forever! We went back to class and straight into the new books. The children love the smell of a new book and time to chat to their friends about what they had chosen. Many children chose the same as a friend so they coudl read together.

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Magical Maths!

Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 4:20pm

This week in Maths we have been looking at measuring volume and capactiy. We recieved an exciting letter from the Grinling's asking us to create a spring sizzling drink for their party. We had to follow a recipe and measure the different amounts of liquid making sure we were accurate and didn't spill any drinks. 


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Nursery Weekly Blog WB 27/2/2023

Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 1:14pm

This week in Nursery we started our learning about our new topic 'Why things happen!'. We have been learning about things that float and sink and things that are heavy and light.

The children have loved this weeks book - Who sank the boat? - about a group of animal friends who go for a sail in a boat. We discovered that it was not one of the large animals who sank the boat but a tiny mouse who jumped on  board.We made a boat outside and used masks to tell the story

The children have also started to explore a new area in Nursery where they can do lots of hands on Maths learning with counting objects,shapes and patterns.

Next week we will be doing lots of learning about Night and Day.

Year 5 Blog 03.03.23

Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 7:17am

Class 11 have had a fantastic week reading the book, titled the Wind in the Willows.

The children have hot- seated Mr Toad, asked questions and demonstrated empathy.

In Topic we have been exploring France and types of holiday that can be taken there. The children have created promotional holiday posters.

What a fantastic week we have had.



All about Minibeasts

Date: 24th Feb 2023 @ 3:49pm

This week we have been looking at the book Minibeast, Follow the trail.

The children have been creating their own minibeast book and mark making using different materials. We have looked at the lifecycle of a butterfly and created music for the butterfly to dance to.

The children have loved getting messy with all the minibeasts!

Curriculum Week Learning

Date: 24th Feb 2023 @ 2:04pm

Class 14 have had a fantastic curriculum week, which has been centered about the book 'The Day War Came'. Linked to our refugee topic, the children have written some brilliant diary entries from the point of view as the main character in the book. The have used a range of drama techniques, such as freeze framing, to bring the story to life. Becuase the book is about not having a chair, Class 14 were challenged to bring in items from home to decorate their classroom chair to highlight what is important to them. We invited Mrs Glynn to come and view our 'Chair Art Gallery'. As well as this, the children have created some creative art work showing how the emotions of a refugee child may change over time. 

What a fantastic week we have had.

Reception Blog - Week Beginning 20.02.23 - Curriculum Week

Date: 24th Feb 2023 @ 12:18pm

This week Reception had a special visitor from the story book 'The Tiger who came to Tea'. He left his footprints in our class and made himself at home in our home corner! 

To follow the theme for the love of writing, the children in Reception worked hard, re-telling the story using their super phonics knowledge. We wrote inviations for a special tea party which took place on Friday. The children made cheese and jam and sandwiches and enjoyed having snacks to end the curriculum week. 

In our maths learning we explored 3D shapes discussing the names of the shapes and enjoyed a shape hunt in our classroom. We also looked at repeating patterns and had a go at creating our own pattern with movements, thinking about what comes next!

In our afternoon learning we talked about homes from the past, discussing what a home in 60's looked like. The children got creative and made their own home and labelled. 

24.2.23 - Curriculum week learning - Room on the broom

Date: 23rd Feb 2023 @ 4:51pm

The children have had a fabulous time this week. All their learning has been based around the story 'Room on the broom'. 

The children came into class on Monday to find a massive, dirty slimy swamp with eyes looking at them. 

They had to talk about they thought was in the swamp. 

They recalled the story that they knew about some animals that fell into a swamp - The room on the broom.

They then discussed what the creatures in the swamp might say and enjoyed acting out the story in different ways. 

The children created their own witches or wizards, cauldrons and spells. 

During music, they also created sounds to match the characters in the story.

Year 5 Blog 24.02.23

Date: 23rd Feb 2023 @ 1:57pm

 This week is Curriculum Week and Class 11 are basing all their learning on a story titled "A River- by Marc Martin.




The children have made a setting on the river in a box, and added a vocabulary in word art. The children have also written about the water cycle and rivers. The photgraphs are just some of the super work Class 11 have produced. 




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Mrs C Grainger - Office Manager

0161 260 0621
