Year 1 Weekly Blog WB 23/9/2024

Date: 26th Sep 2024 @ 1:55pm

This week in year 1 we have been continuing our learning about the book Martha Maps it Out. We looked closely at the main character - Martha - and have thought about both her appearance and her personality. Our Big Write has been a character description to include both aspects.

In Science we have been looking more closely at our bodies and thinking about our senses. We have focused on touch, sight and hearing this week and will be looking at taste and smell next week. We have done lots of activities to develop our understanding of which parts of our bodies we use when using these senses.

In Geography we have been looking at our local area and sorting human and physical features then thinking of similariities and differences between towns and the countryside.

In maths we have been finding one more using practical resources and number lines. Next week we will be finding one less. Maybe you could practise both of these with your child at home using some simple activities here is one idea for you!

Bee Hive - More & Less (

Next week we start a new book called The Lonely Beast.

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Mrs C Glynn - Principal

0161 260 0621

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CEO: Antony Hughes

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