Our blogs
Date: 3rd Nov 2023 @ 8:33am
This week we had a time travelling visitor who took us on a journey right back to the beginning of time up to the current day. We then got in the time machine and went back to Ancient Greece. There was so much to learn and this super experience was a great start to our new Topic learning this half term.
Date: 3rd Nov 2023 @ 8:20am
This week in Class 5 we have started looking at the book 'The Great Explorer' by Chris Judge. We started the week by looking at some clues to find out where we think the Great Explorer might be going.
Then on Tuesday, we used the dictionaries to find the definition of new words! It was lots of fun.
w/c 30.10.23 This week in Year 5!
Date: 2nd Nov 2023 @ 9:43am
The children have had a fantastic start to the new term and we have been excited to hear about everything they did during the half term holiday.
This week we have been learning about the fable 'The Rainbow Crow', the children have enjoyed acting out the story, sequencing the events and have been focusing on upleveling and improving their writing by using exciting sentence openers. We have enjoyed discussing the moral of the story and linking it to our own lives.
In maths we have been learning about perimeter and area. The children have learnt to calculate the perimeter and area as well as finding any missing measurements on shapes.
During topic we have been learning about the Spanish Armada and Christopher Columbus. The children were excited to learn that he discovered an island and named it San Salvador.
For our reading comprehension we have been exploring an interview with Michael Rosen. This has prompted some lively discussions about his poems and books.
Please ensure that your child is reading at home and record this in their yellow reading diary.
Have a lovely weekend!
Learning in Class 13- 03.10.23
Date: 1st Nov 2023 @ 7:39pm
This week has been a fun first week back in school, where we have been adding and subtracting fractions, developing our knowledge about the digestive system and also learning all about Ann Frank.
During the week we have also been developing our Computing skills by using notes, scanning to text and using grids.
Date: 19th Oct 2023 @ 5:07pm
This week has been a French Curriculum Week. We have done lots of super learning about France in general and learning the language. Here are some of our fantastic paintings in the style of Georges Seurat.
Date: 19th Oct 2023 @ 3:57pm
This week we have had LOTS of fun as it was french week!
We read the story Madeline in Literacy and wrote setting descriptions using our senses which links to our Science learning. We also used our acting skills to perform a story whoosh!
We also learnt our numbers in French!
And our favourite was creating a beautiful watercolour painting of the sunset with the Eiffel Tower in Art.
w/c 16.10.23 This week in Year 5!
Date: 19th Oct 2023 @ 3:37pm
We have had a fantastic French curriculum week to finish this first half term.
During literacy, we have enjoyed exploring the text: ‘The Hunchback of Notre-Dame’ and writing a description as Quasimodo. We have been using our knowledge from this term to include similes, metaphors and personification in our writing. In maths, we have researched French menus and created our own, adding prices and managing money to buy foods such as: croissants, escargot and croque monsieur. Some children would love to try snails whereas others would prefer to sample some crepes.
We have also explored French landmarks, the children would love to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower and visit the Louvre! The children created their own watercolour paintings of their favourite landmark.
We have used our research skills to discover facts about the French Revolution and Bastille Day. All of the information we have learnt this week can be found in our ‘French Curriculum Week’ keynote presentations, please ask your child to share this learning with you!
Please be aware that next half term the children will have PE on both Thursday and Friday, please can you ensure that they wear their PE uniform on these days.
We hope that you have a fantastic and safe half term and look forward to seeing the children when they return on school on Monday 30th October.
Nursery Weekly Blog WB 16/10/2023
Date: 19th Oct 2023 @ 1:18pm
This week at Greenhill it has been Curriculum Week and all the school ,including Nursery have based their learning on France. The children in Nursery have learned to say hello in French and started to learn to count the days of the week.
On Monday we made bunting by collaging French flags with different textures in the three colours. On Tuesday we learned all about the Eiffel Tower and created images of it at sunset using our fingers. On Wednesday we had a real treat and made crepes - we put chocolate on top - they were delicious! At the end of the week we looked at the artist Claude Monet and recreated his water lillies paintings using CDs and tissue paper.
After half term our new topic will be Traditional Tales after we have learned all about Autumn the first week back.
We hope everybody has a fantastic Half Term holiday and we look forward to seeing all the children again on October 30th.
Date: 13th Oct 2023 @ 9:01am
Class 3 have enjoyed learning all about Autumn this week. We have been very crafty and created some beautiful Autumn pictures. We have also had some FANTASTIC home learning where families have enjoyed a local area walk to see the signs of Autumn. See our amazing learning below...
Date: 12th Oct 2023 @ 7:27pm
This week the children have been learning about Black History. The theme this year is 'Saluting our Sisters' and we have learnt about Rosa Parks who was an American activist in the civil rights movement best known for her pivotal role in the Montgomery bus boycott. The United States Congress has honored her as "the first lady of civil rights" and "the mother of the freedom movement".
We found her story inspirational.
Date: 12th Oct 2023 @ 5:08pm
This week the children have been learning about Black History. The theme this year is 'Saluting our Sisters' and we have learnt about Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock who is a British space scientist and science communicator. She is best known as the presenter for BBC astronomy series The Sky at Night. Maggie was born in London in 1968 to Nigerian parents and became fascinated by space travel and science when she was a young girl. We found her story inspirational. Here are our fact files about her life.
This week in Reception (09.10)
Date: 12th Oct 2023 @ 2:56pm
In Reception this week we have been learning about the story 'The Runaway Chapati'.
The children have enjoyed retelling and the sequencing the story. The children also completed their table jobs relating to the story.
In maths the children have been looking at measurements and patterns. Why not try pointing out things that are big or small and try finding patterns at home.
Nursery weekly blog WB 9/10/23
Date: 12th Oct 2023 @ 12:23pm
This week in Nursery we have done lots of fantastic learning abased on the book 'We're going on a bear hunt!'. Here is a link to the story - I'm sure child would love to join in with it at home!
Michael Rosen performs We're Going on a Bear Hunt - YouTube
As well as having lots of fun putting actions to the story, we have done yoga based on the book, made playdough bears and made binoculars ready to go on our own bear hunt on Friday!
The children have also done some den building to make a bear cave - they were very brave to go inside!
Next week is our school curriculum week on France and we have lots of exciting activities incuding making crepes and constructing the Eiffel Tower!
Date: 12th Oct 2023 @ 10:31am
This week is Year 5 has been exciting as we have been learning about William Shakespeare's 'MacBeth'. One of his most gripping plays and a story of betrayal, guilt, ambition and supernatural powers. We have been writing setting description of the Scottish highlands where MacBeth encounters the three weird sisters who prophesise that he will become the Thane of Cawdor and one day, the King of Scotland. Aside from engaging with an enthralling text, we have focussed on improving our writing by using figurative language such as personification, metaphors and similes, thinking about what effect this has on our writing and how it aids in achieving our target of describing the Scottish highlands more colourfully. Make sure to ask your child about this learning as they have all thoroughly enjoyed this week's Literacy.
The Literacy has been supplemented by a live workshop by the RSC (Royal Shakespeare Company) who are currently performing 'MacBeth' at the Globe Theatre. The workshop was led by the current director and lead actor and the children learnt about how the actors and director approach scenes in rehearsals and how they unlock language and explore a variety of performing choices. They also discussed the relationship between the characters and the journey they each take through the play. This will be particularly insightful to Class 11 who will become Shakespearian actors themsleves when they perform in the Oldham Shakespeare festival.
On Friday, we were also fortunate to spend the day learning about Rosa Parks and her influential role as an activist during the black civil rights movement.
We hope that you have a great weekend and come back rested for what will be a very exciting curriculum week- 'Parlez-vous Francais?' and final week before half term.
w/c 02.10.23 This week in Year 5!
Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 7:50am
We started the week with an exciting ‘meet the author’ event, via Teams. The children were able to listen to Sir Lenny Henry discuss what it’s like to be an author and create stories and characters. We also talked about his involvement in Comic Relief and was he pleased to hear we are learning about Black History Month – his hero is Nelson Mandela.
He gave the children a great tip when writing stories... start with the question ‘What if....?’ This led to some lively discussions in class: what if I was invisible? What if I was king? What if I went to space?
The children have also completed their William Shakespeare biographs this week and have been learning about division in maths. Keep practising your times tables on TTRockstars to help with your division skills. The children have particularly enjoyed reading Romeo and Juliet, please do ask them about it.
Please continue to read at home and have a great weekend!
Date: 5th Oct 2023 @ 4:54pm
This week in Nursery we have been continuing our learning on our topic "All about me!'.
We followed the Large Family through the book 5 Minutes Peace.
Here is a link to the story if you would like to share it with your child.
During the week we had lots of fun learning songs about elephants ,sequencing the story and comparing the Large Familiy to our own,
Thank you very much to the parents who sent in photos of the children's family - the children loved sharing them with us!
The highlight of the week for lots of children was making marmalade toast. The children loved waiting for the toaster to pop then spreading the marmalade on the toast, They thought it was yummy!
Next week we will be going with another family on a bear hunt!
Date: 2nd Oct 2023 @ 8:47pm
This week the children have been looking at where they live and what their homes are like. We had great fun using Google maps to find our house and practiced writing our address.
The children used the blocks to build houses and used the dolls furtinure to set up different rooms.
Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 9:19am
This week in Nursery we started our new topic 'All About Me !' and we read the book 'My Mum and Dad make me laugh' to help us with our learning here is a link to a video of the book if you would like to share it with your child.
Read Aloud MY MUM AND DAD MAKE ME LAUGH by Nick Sharratt - YouTube
In the book Mum loves spots and Dad likes stripes - we decided which we liked the best!
We have created our faces using paper plates and had tummy time to help us with our fine motor skills.
We have also spent time learning how to care for our Nursery and all the equipment in it.
Next week we will be reading about the Large Family in the book 5 Minutes Peace and we would love it if your child could bring in a photo of their family to share in Family Group time.
w/c 25.09.23 This week in Year 5!
Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 8:14am
We have had a busy and exciting week in Year5! The children have enjoyed learning facts about William Shakespeare in preparation for writing a biography about him. They were very interested to learn that he died on his birthday when he was 52. Please ask them what else they found out.
In science we have investigated friction and water resistance, we have learnt more about Henry VIII’s wives and used different methods to solve multiplication problems. In PE, we have been learning how to roll safely, completing log rolls, egg rolls and forward rolls from different starting points.
Please continue to read at home, quiz on MYON and test your times tables on TTRockstars.
Have a fantastic weekend!
Date: 27th Sep 2023 @ 2:46pm
Class 9 have had an exciting start to their Science learning All about Electricity. They are experimenting making different circuits and have found out what a complete circuit needs. Ask your child to tell you all about it.
This week in Reception (25.09)
Date: 27th Sep 2023 @ 1:01pm
In Reception this week we have been learning about the story 'In Every House In Every Street'
The children have enjoyed learning about houses, looking at different types of house and completing their table jobs.
In maths the children have been matching items in different ways such as by colour or by size. Why not try some matching at home with different types of socks or different coloured objects!
On the corridor the children have been making a junk model maps in relation to our topic 'Being Me in my World'.
Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 3:06pm
This week in the Inclusion hub we have been focusing on our family. The children have been drawing and painting pictures of themselves and their family.
Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 12:12pm
In Reception this week we have been learning about the story 'Little Red Riding Hood'
The children have enjoyed retelling the story, listening to different versions of the story and completing their first table jobs.
In maths the children have been matching items in different ways such as by colour or by size. Why not try some matching at home with different types of pasta or different coloured objects!
On the corridor the children have been making a shop linked to our current topic 'Being Me in my World'. They have made their own signs and the shop should be ready to open next week for the children to enjoty.
Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 8:29am
Many thanks to those of you who attended our ‘Meet the teacher’ sessions this week, it was great to see you and share what exciting things we have planned for this year.
The children have had an exciting week in Year 5! They have produced some fantastic big writes based on our focus text: ‘The Boy, The Bear, The Baron and The Bard’. They have enjoyed writing their own word problems in Maths and using newton meters in Science to measure the force of objects.
We have continued to learn about the Tudors, researching and creating a timeline of the monarchs' reigns. We were very interested to find out that Edward VI became king when he was 9 years old. Please ask your children what other exciting facts they discovered.
Please continue to read at home and have a great weekend!
w/c 18.09.23 This week in Year 5
Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 8:27am
Many thanks to those of you who attended our ‘Meet the teacher’ sessions this week, it was great to see you and share what exciting things we have planned for this year.
The children have had an exciting week in Year 5! They have produced some fantastic big writes based on our focus text: ‘The Boy, The Bear, The Baron and The Bard’. They have enjoyed writing their own word problems in Maths and using newton meters in Science to measure the force of objects.
We have continued to learn about the Tudors, researching and creating a timeline of the monarchs' reigns. We were very interested to find out that Edward VI became king when he was 9 years old. Please ask your children what other exciting facts they discovered.
Please continue to read at home and have a great weekend!