Our blogs

Nursery Weekly Blog WB 20.2.2023

Date: 23rd Feb 2023 @ 1:03pm

This week has been our curriculum week at Greenhill and in Nursery we have been inspired by the book Elmer.

The children arrived on Monday to find that Nursery had been transformed into a jungle - they were amazed at the trees and noises! They loved hearing about Elmers adventures and how he loved being different - eventually! All the children have told Elmer why they are special and unique and what they are really good at doing in Nursery and at home.

We have done lots of fantastic learning about colours - as Elmer was a colourful patchwork elephant and not elephant colour at all! All the children have made a collage to add to our class Elmer and have mixed colours using coloured water. We even made an elephant sized elephant outside!

Next week we start our new topic of 'Why things happen!' by looking at floating and sinking

Learning in Class 9

Date: 21st Feb 2023 @ 9:25pm

This week is Curriculum Week and Class 9 are basing all their learning on a rainforest story called Shaman's Apprentice. The children have made a rainforest in a box, added a vocabulary book with unknown or interesting words. Then they made salt dough rainforest animals and painted them and then added these to their box. The children have also written some AMAZING setting descriptions and used different media to create rainforest pictures. The photgraphs are just some of the super work Class 9 have produced. 

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Date: 20th Jan 2023 @ 4:49pm

The children in LB2 have been adding and subtracting this week in maths .

The children partitioned the numbers and made the amounts.

They have used dienes and numicon to do their calculations.

Something is growing!

Date: 20th Jan 2023 @ 4:47pm

This week in Base 1 we have been looking at flowers and exploring the differetn parts. The children have enjoyed taking plants appart, creating a flower with materials and using parts of their body to create flowers with paint.

Another Exciting week in Class 3

Date: 20th Jan 2023 @ 8:19am

This week Class 3 have had so much fun...

In topic we have been exploring the United Kingdom, looking at maps and identifying the different landmarks around Great Britain.


In Science we have been learning all about Plants. The children had so much fun using their continuous provision area to make models of trees.


In PSHE the children have been learning all about road safety and how to cross the road correctly. We had so much fun practicing this in class.


Our India stunning start

Date: 19th Jan 2023 @ 6:29pm

We have started our India topic this week and what a fantastic afternoon we had! We began by boarding a virtual plane and setting off to India. When we arrived we decided to find out lots of information about our new topic. We enjoyed using the iPads to find out fascinating facts, creating our own images of Indian landmarks on the iPads and creating our own flags,  mendi and rangoli patterns. 

At the end of our lesson we then enjoyed taking part in some Bollywood dancing and showing off our amazing dance moves!

Learning in Class 9

Date: 19th Jan 2023 @ 4:49pm

Class 9 were treated to some new books again. A few weeks ago our wonderful student teacher bought Harry Potter books for our book loving children and this week we treated them to Percy Jackson books. They cannot wait to get stuck into these. 

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Year 5 Blog 19.01.23

Date: 19th Jan 2023 @ 2:54pm

After all the fun of our France Day, we have got stuck into our new topic.  We have been looking at the regions of France and what the country is famous for.
In Literacy this week we have been writing all about the life cycle of a butterfly or a frog.  Did you know that a butterfly tastes with its feet and frogs have super stretchy tongues to eat its prey? 
It's been all about division this week with Year 5 working on some super challenging problems. 


Nursery Weekly Blog WB 16.1.2023

Date: 19th Jan 2023 @ 12:59pm

This week in Nursery we have been carrying on our learning about 'What I would like to be when I grow up'. This week we have been thinking about what it would be like to be a farmer. We have used the book Old MacDonald had a farm to look at the type of animals we would find on a farm and have made masks so that we could wear them while we were singing the rhyme!

During the week we have done some animal movements and created our own farm on the wallpaper. We have made tractors in the making area and used the big tractor to act out driving in the fields. We have also been shopping to think about what crops are grown on farms.

By the end of the week we knew lots of things that a farmer does every day so we could decide if that is what we would like to do when we are older!

Next week we will be learning about Chinese New Year and thinking about what an author does - We will even be having a visit from an author on Wednesday!

13.1.23 - Shalimar gardens

Date: 15th Jan 2023 @ 7:17pm

In Literacy, the children watched videos and looked at photos of 'Shalimar gardens in Lahore in Pakistan. 

They described what they saw in the garden.

They looked at Concept in print words and selected the words they needed to describe the gardens.

They then wrote sentences about the features of the gardens. 

In Maths, the children have been adding and subtracting using numbers up to 10, 20 and 50. 


Reception Blog - Week Beginning 09.01.22

Date: 12th Jan 2023 @ 5:10pm

This week in Reception the children have been learning about the story 'Handa's Hen'. The children had great fun taking part in creating a story whoosh of the story, acting out the different scenes. The children worked hard in creating a story map in small groups, drawing the scenes from the story, in order and then labelling them using our phonics knowledge.

In our Maths learning we have been looking at comparing numbers to 5. We explored looking at dominos talking about which side had more spots and which side had less. We looked at sharing out equal amounts making sure the teddy bears had the same amount of food. 

In the afternoon the children had great fun learning all about Africa. We talked about all of the different animals you would see in Africa and discussed what clothes and accessories you would need for the lovely weather. The children got creative and made colourful, traditional patterned bracelets. Outdoors the children had fun creating a jeep safari, thinking about all of the animals and sounds they would hear in sunny Africa. 

Looking at plants in Class 3

Date: 12th Jan 2023 @ 5:00pm

This week, class 3 have been looking at our topic of plants, as part of our science learning. The children had so much fun dissecting and labelling a tulip with the correct parts.




Year 5 Blog - 12.01.23

Date: 12th Jan 2023 @ 1:01pm

Wow what a week.


We have started our topic all out France.  We carried out our 'Wow Starter,' which involved carrying out our own research.  We found out some amazing facts about France including France is the most visited country in the world. The children got to taste some French foods including brie and coissants.  


In English we have been writing alternative endings to the book Madeline.


Maths has involved some very tricky multiplications.  Can you solve this question 47 x 32?  


Thank you for your continued support


The Year 5 Team. 



Nursery Weekly Blog WB 9.1.2023

Date: 12th Jan 2023 @ 12:55pm

We have had a really exciting week in Nursery this week to start our learning about our new topic - 'What I want to be when I grow up!'. On Monday all of Nursery left Greenhill Airport on flight 9876 to Australia. The Greenhill Airways flight lifted off with its pilot - Pilot Savage - in the cockpit. Before the passengers were allowed to board they had to present their passport to the controller and collect their boarding passes. When they got onto the plane the cabin crew checked their passes before they could take their seats and enjoy the flight.

The children loved experiencing what a flight felt like - complete with refreshments on board!!

After our flight we have spent the week learning about what it would be like to be a pilot with some help with our book this week - 'I want to be a pilot'.


It would be fantastic if you could talk to your child about this weeks learning and tell us about what they say on SeeSaw!

Learning in Class 9 13.1.23

Date: 11th Jan 2023 @ 10:40am

Class 9 are studying The Romans for topic and this week we had a wow afternoon to start our learning in a fun and creative way. The children loved making mosaics, a leafy wreath for their head, they made a Powerpoint finding lots of facts using given websites and finally they tasted some of the foods Romans would have eaten like figs, olives and dates. We got a mixed reaction to the food tasting as some children loved them and others thought they were revolting! We had an AMAZING afternoon.IMG_1172.jpg                       IMG_1198.jpg

Class blog- Week ending- 05.01.2023

Date: 8th Jan 2023 @ 3:44pm

This week the children have returned from their Christmas break and have been revising addition and subtraction, with a focus on place value. We started with column addition and subtraction and then moved on to two step problems.

In English the children have looked at the book titled "Madeline" and have written Character description. They have been developing their writing skills by including adjectives, adverbs and imagery among other features to bring the text to life.


Year 5 have returned back to school, focused and determined to make 2023 a FANTASTIC YEAR!



Madeline - Wikipedia


Date: 6th Jan 2023 @ 3:07pm

Happy New Year 

The children in LB2 came back to school ready and eager to learn.

During Literacy, the children talked about what they did and where they went during the Christmas holidays. They then looked at Inprint words to add to their picture. They then wrote about what they had done. 

The children had had a wonderful Christmas break from school and had enjoyed 

" going on holiday with my family", "going to winter wonderland", " doing the climbing on the wall", " going to my family house". 

We are all looking forward to learning this term.

Reception Blog - Week Beginning 03.01.23

Date: 5th Jan 2023 @ 8:58pm

Reception have been super busy on their first week back learning all about our new season, Winter! In literacy the children read the story 'One Snowy Night'. We retold the story by drawing a story map and worked hard by describing the main character; Percy's personality in sentences using our phonics skills. 

In our maths learning we have started the topic Alive in 5, focusing on the numbers 0-5. We enjoyed finding less than one number, using the rhyme '5 current buns in a bakers shop'. We also worked on different ways of showing the numbers 0-5 by playing a comparing game, looking at which child got the most bean bags in the Hula hoop. We also looked at different ways to write these numbers by looking at the numerals and recording them in a tally. 

In the afternoon we learnt more about the season winter, looking at all of the difference changes in the weather and the different clothes you would need to keep warm. The children enjoyed making snowflakes and drinking, warm hot chocolate after taking part in a winter walk. 

All about weather

Date: 5th Jan 2023 @ 2:50pm

This week in class we have been learning all about different types weather and what clothes we need wear. The children had great fun dressing up in different clothes and learning about the weather.

Nursery Weekly Blog WB 3/1/2023

Date: 5th Jan 2023 @ 1:19pm

All the children have come back from the holidays very happy to catch up with their friends and tell us all about the things they have been doing in the holidays - it sounds like they had lots of fun!

This week we have been doing lots of great learning about Winter. We read the book Kippers snowy day and talked about what it feels like in Winter and the sorts of things that people do and aear in the cold weather - all we needed was some real snow!

All the children are now loaded  on See Saw - please use their individual logins to register them and do some fantastic home learning!


Anicient Egypt WOW Afternoon

Date: 5th Jan 2023 @ 9:36am

This week we have introduced our new topic Anicient Egypt. The children took part in a WOW afternoon where they researched the Egyptian Gods, wrote their name in hieroglyphs, observed and drew different artefacts, created headdresses and became archaeologists.




Learning in Class 9 5.1.23

Date: 5th Jan 2023 @ 8:04am

This week the children have returned from their break and have been learning about symmetry. We started with symmetry of shapes which the children remembered doing in prevous years. We then moved onto symmetry of letters. The children looked confused when we first introduced this but then were amazed when they used the mirrors to find the lines of symmetry here.

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Class blog- Week ending 16/12/22

Date: 18th Dec 2022 @ 7:09pm

What a lovely end to the Winter term! Thank you to everyone for their behaviour over the week which allowed us to be able to do everything festive that we had planned. We were mega impressed by the Christmas cracker performances which attests to the hard work done to learn the words and dance moves to the songs and we loved the Christmas party (especially the visit from Santa with his gifts of new books!).

Please do keep on reading, find a book that interests you or on something that you want to learn more about. Oldham library on Greaves Street is a great place to go to get access to more books with a vast range of genres. You could also spend some time on SumDog or TT Rockstars so that when you come back you are still sharp and ready to learn. 

Well done to you all for your efforts over the whole term and we hope that you enjoy a very well earnt rest over the next two weeks. 


We can't wait to see you all again in 2023!!!

Merry Christmas

Date: 16th Dec 2022 @ 3:52pm

Class 7 have had a wonderful week celebrating Christmas.


They loved the presents they recieved on Thursday off Father Christmas.




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Merry Christmas to all of our wonderful families and friends.



And a Happy New Year!

Our Christmas week!

Date: 16th Dec 2022 @ 11:55am

What a fantastic week we have had filled with Christmas crafts, performances and parties!


In English this week we have been looking at the story The Lighthouse Keeper's Christmas and have enjoyed retelling the story through drama. We imagined what it would be like to spend Christmas Eve inside a Lighthouse during a storm. We also enjoyed descriptions Mr Grinling! 


In Maths, we have been collecting data and making tally charts, block graphs and pictograms about our favourite Christmas activities and foods. 

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Mrs C Grainger - Office Manager

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