Our blogs

Class 4's learning 03.05.23

Date: 4th May 2023 @ 2:18pm

This week Class 4 have done lots of exciting learning!

In literacy, we have created our very own fact files about African animals which link to our Topic Africa! We did lots of fact finding and made sure we knew all of the features of a fact file. 

We have found out lots of interesting facts about different African animals. 

In R.E, we are learning about 'belonging' and this week we spoke about what it meant to belong to Greenhill Academy!


Some of us also made/designed some crowns at home for the King's coronation! We hope you enjoyed reading all about our learning and looking at the pictures.IMG_1613.jpgIMG_1612.jpgIMG_1614.jpg

Learning in Class 9

Date: 3rd May 2023 @ 7:51pm

Class 9 enjoyed a visit from Danny Evans a professional basket ball player. The children had a chance to see where Danny started from and how he now plays for Great Britain. The children asked lots of questions, for example from Hammad, " who is your sporting idol?" They also had a chance to try out some skills and take part in a work out that Danny does most days to keep fit. The class loved the whole experience and went outside at playtime and played basket ball.

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Year 5 Weekly Blog 24/04/23

Date: 2nd May 2023 @ 4:58pm

Happy bank holiday weekend.


We hope that you all had a fantastic weekend and enjoyed the extra day off with your friends and families. We're reflecting on a really challenging week, which ended with some superb diary entry big writes as well as conquering some multiplying two digit by three digit numbers. We are mega impressed and proud of how well you've done. We also loved watching you enjoy orienteering around the school and creating some wonderful illustrations in art. We know we have lots of exciting things coming up so keep on being enthusiastic, engaging and outstanding learners. 

Nursery weekly Blog WB 24.4.2023

Date: 28th Apr 2023 @ 5:01pm

This week we have done some very exciting learning based on this weeks book 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' . The children loved the beautiful pictures in the big book that Mrs Middleton found and laughed as our catterpillar puppet ate his way through the pages. The children learned all about the life cycle of a butterfly through dama and in Maths began to understand how a butterfly's wings are symetrical.

We have loved welcoming parents into Nursery this week to see the chicks and caterpillars and share the fantastic learning we have done this term.

Next week we will be getting excited about the coronation of King Charles and will be doing lots of exciting learning in the build up to the big day!

Just a reminder that Nursery is closed on Thursday 4th May as it is being used as a Polling Station.

Healthy living

Date: 28th Apr 2023 @ 10:58am

Class 7 started their science learning for this half term with a WOW afternoon.


They took it in turns to taste different fruits and vegetables, create obseervational drawings of the fruit and vegetables, learn about the five food groups and create a healthy balanced plate.

They had lots of fun and took part in lots of discussions about how to stay healthy.


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28.4.23 - visit to Boomerang

Date: 28th Apr 2023 @ 7:53am

The children in the learning bases had a fantastic trip to 'Boomerang' soft play centre in Bury.

They travelled in style on a large executive coach

All the children had fun investigating the different climbing equipement and the different slides. 


Learning in Class 9

Date: 27th Apr 2023 @ 4:52pm

Class 9 became a human timeline this week. We are learning about the Vikings and ordered ourselves into events during the Viking era. 4CFA8BCD-3E5A-4B61-BC70-973D4E566D35.jpeg83755644-40D4-4E2F-A3A8-70B9DF8D818C.jpeg

WOW starters

Date: 27th Apr 2023 @ 1:52pm

Class 8 enjoyed our WOW afternoons last week to introduce them to our new topic. They researched volcanoes and how to stay safe during an Earthquake for our Topic learning. They also tried different fruits and created their own Eatwell Plate for our Science learning.IMG_0809.jpg IMG_0811.jpgIMG_0797.jpg

Reception Blog Week Beginning 24.04.23

Date: 27th Apr 2023 @ 10:30am

This week in reception we have continued our learning into the season spring!

In literacy we have been learning about the Eric Carle book 'The Tiny Seed' and enjoyed completed some drama activities linked to the book. 

In our afternoon learning we have been exploring seeds inside fruit and completed some observational drawings. We were also very lucky to have a visit for the chicks and all enjoyed looking after them for the afternoon. 

We met DANNY EVANS!!!!

Date: 27th Apr 2023 @ 9:36am

On Monday we had a personalised HITT sessions with pro basketball player Danny Evans! He taught us all about how nutrition and fitness is key to a good level of fitness! We enjoyed our circuit session with him and it has definitely inspired a lot of us to practise our basketball skills in the playground! 





Date: 25th Apr 2023 @ 10:33am

We loved completing our Design and Technology learning this week. We enjoyed learning about knife skills and showed safety when using sharp knives. We enjoyed choosing our desired fruit from our designs and tasting the deicious fruit salad.


At the Carwash

Date: 24th Apr 2023 @ 2:03pm

This term the children are looking at different modes of transport. This week, they were using cars to mark make and then clean them. 

The children really enjoyed using the copayment water to clean the cars.

This week in Class 14...

Date: 24th Apr 2023 @ 12:25pm

Mrs Baguley, Mrs Wall and Miss Wray are so impressed with the effort all our pupils are putting in to their SATs build up.  Their focus and drive to do well is really shining through and they are all trying their best.  Keep it up Class 14, not long left to go now! 

Year 5 Weekly blog 16/04/23

Date: 23rd Apr 2023 @ 10:57am

Eid Mubarak! We hope that you have a fantastic weekend celebrating with your families and friends.


It's been a great start to the half term and we've been so impressed with how well you have all got back into the flow of things so quickly. We can't wait to see all of the amazing things you're going to do over the next half term, particularly in our new topic... The Victorians!

Who ate MY Lunch?

Date: 21st Apr 2023 @ 2:44pm

We loved receiving a special delivery this week. It was a basket full of food... and a beautiful new book for us to read...The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch. We enjoyed making predictions and bringing the story to life in our Story Whoosh style. We then wrote our own diaries pretending to be Mr Grinling to explain that had happened on the day his lunch was stolen by those scavenging seagulls. 


We have also begun our DT Learning that is linking to our science learning for Healthy Lifestyles and Living Things this half term. We have carried our product research on popular fruit salad combinations and look forward to designing and making our desired products next week. 



21.4.23 - Frogspawn to frog

Date: 20th Apr 2023 @ 3:58pm

The children in Learning Base 2 have been looking at the frogspawn that Mrs.Sullivan-Boardman brought from the pond in her garden.

They watched a video to explain what will happen to the frogspawn over the next few weeks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAcwjWi6I9Y

They are so excited to hold the frogs before Mrs.Sullivan-Boardman takes them back to the pond. 

Nursery Weekly Blog WB 17.4.2023

Date: 20th Apr 2023 @ 1:14pm

This week in Nursery we have all been extremely excited to welcome some VERY special visitors. On Monday eggs arrived in Nursery and we carefully placed them inside the incubator and waited and watched hoping that they would hatch. On Wednesday we were delighted to see that the chicks started to hatch - boys and girls - and we loved watching them come out and start to grow.

Also on Monday we received our caterpillars. They were very small and we had to be very careful as we put them in pots with some food. They have already started to get bigger and fatter and we are excited to learn about what will happen to them in the coming weeks when we do lots of learning about the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar next week.

We look forward to welcoming grown ups into Nursery next week to meet the chicks and caterpillars and have a look at all the children's fantastic learning.

Learning in Class 9 21.4.23

Date: 19th Apr 2023 @ 9:11pm

Class 9 came back to school after the Easter holidays ready to learn. Our new topic The Vikings has already grabbed the childrens' attention.

We have also started our Science learning on States of Matter and the first lesson looked at solids, liquids and gases. The children had to find out about particles and how these particles can vibrate and spread out. 

In PSHE the children talked about having a good bedtime routine to help them sleep, like reading a book, having a bath or listening to music was a few ideas. Then the children came up with a guide to having a gd sleeping routine. 


Date: 18th Apr 2023 @ 4:16pm

We had an amazing time on our class trip to Alexandra park looking for plants in our local area. We saw so many from our plant check list and had lots of fun doing it! 




Date: 18th Apr 2023 @ 4:12pm

BELIEVE ACHIEVE SUCCEED! Thank you to The Harmony Trust for our amazing books we received as a gift for world book week. We love reading and cannot wait to get our noses stuck into these amazing stories. Some children needed a little tap to bring them back to the room as they were already lost in their new adventures. 









FIRE SAFETY! Thank you to Greater Manchester Fire service

Date: 18th Apr 2023 @ 4:06pm



We loved having the fire service come into school this week. We learnt about how to stay safe in a fire and they fire service even showed us some of the features on their fire truck! We learnt how to use the water hose and gave a few of the teachers cars abit of a wash. 









There has been a break in!!!!!

Date: 18th Apr 2023 @ 3:58pm

There has been an intruder in Year 2! We have had very suspicious activity within our classrooms and learning areas this week. We used our inference skills to work out what had happened and who it could have possibly been breaking into our school over the holidays. CCTV has shown us that a cheeky mouse and his robot friend have left tools, design sheets and foot prints all over over classrooms.

We then created our own design just like the inventor who raided our classrooms! 





31.3.23 - Victoria Memorial in London

Date: 31st Mar 2023 @ 4:01pm

The children have been learning about the 'Victoria memorial in London'

They had previously looked at the 'Victoria memorial in India.

They compared the features of both memorials and wrote about them. 

This week in Class 3...

Date: 31st Mar 2023 @ 8:39am

This week Class 3 have had so much fun! We had a very special visitor - Dexter the bear who loved joining in with all of our learning.


We loved practicing and creating actions to The Great Fire of London song...


We also had to say goodbye to our very special Mrs Roscoe, moving on to work for her husband. We will miss her so very much!


Learning in Class 9 30.3.23

Date: 30th Mar 2023 @ 4:57pm

Class 9 write non-chronological reports about orangutans in the rainforest. Thet were amazing and everyone was so proud of themselves. They used all the features of a report with lots of interesting facts and great pictures.

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Mrs C Grainger - Office Manager

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