This week in Year 1... Wb 24th June

Date: 27th Jun 2024 @ 3:59pm

This week Class 4 have done lots of fun learning!

We have been looking at the story 'No dragons for tea' and learnt all about fire safety! We have created our own Fire safety posters using imperative verbs and we also did some drama creating freeze frames from the story.

In Topic, we have been comparing now and then in relation to firefighters thinking about the differences. We are enjoying learning lots about The Great Fire of London!

We also had so much fun taste testing in Design and Technology, tasting different biscuits thinking about the smell and taste as we will be creating our own healthy biscuits in a few weeks.

In Science, we learnt all about the properties of materials! working in groups, we thought about what each object was made of and how it felt/looked.

On thursday we had a football tournament which everyone took part in and we got to show off our fantastic football skills! Well done to everyone :)

We have had such a busy week full of lots of different learning - we hope you enjoyed reading all about it.


Next week, we will be doing some letter writing to our dragon friends about fire safety and we will also be doing fractions in Maths!




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Mrs C Glynn - Principal

0161 260 0621

Harmony Trust

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CEO: Antony Hughes

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0161 260 0482 (ext 15)