Class 1: Blog items
Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 12:12pm
In Reception this week we have been learning about the story 'Little Red Riding Hood'
The children have enjoyed retelling the story, listening to different versions of the story and completing their first table jobs.
In maths the children have been matching items in different ways such as by colour or by size. Why not try some matching at home with different types of pasta or different coloured objects!
On the corridor the children have been making a shop linked to our current topic 'Being Me in my World'. They have made their own signs and the shop should be ready to open next week for the children to enjoty.
Reception Blog Week Beginning 24.04.23
Date: 27th Apr 2023 @ 10:30am
This week in reception we have continued our learning into the season spring!
In literacy we have been learning about the Eric Carle book 'The Tiny Seed' and enjoyed completed some drama activities linked to the book.
In our afternoon learning we have been exploring seeds inside fruit and completed some observational drawings. We were also very lucky to have a visit for the chicks and all enjoyed looking after them for the afternoon.
Reception Blog Week Beginning 20.03.23
Date: 23rd Mar 2023 @ 5:22pm
This week Reception have been learning about the story 'Hattie Peck'. The children acted out the scenes from the book, describing Hattie's journey to find her eggs. Following the theme of the story the children took in creating a story map, drawing one scene from the story with a super sentence.
In Maths we looked at comparing different amounts, discussing which number is bigger and who has more.
To follow the theme about 'Amazing animals, in the afternoon the children have been learning about David Attenborough. They had a go at drawing a self portrait, concentration on his features. We talked about how he looks after animals and the planet.
Reception Blog - Week Beginning 20.02.23 - Curriculum Week
Date: 24th Feb 2023 @ 12:18pm
This week Reception had a special visitor from the story book 'The Tiger who came to Tea'. He left his footprints in our class and made himself at home in our home corner!
To follow the theme for the love of writing, the children in Reception worked hard, re-telling the story using their super phonics knowledge. We wrote inviations for a special tea party which took place on Friday. The children made cheese and jam and sandwiches and enjoyed having snacks to end the curriculum week.
In our maths learning we explored 3D shapes discussing the names of the shapes and enjoyed a shape hunt in our classroom. We also looked at repeating patterns and had a go at creating our own pattern with movements, thinking about what comes next!
In our afternoon learning we talked about homes from the past, discussing what a home in 60's looked like. The children got creative and made their own home and labelled.
Reception Blog - Week Beginning 09.01.22
Date: 12th Jan 2023 @ 5:10pm
This week in Reception the children have been learning about the story 'Handa's Hen'. The children had great fun taking part in creating a story whoosh of the story, acting out the different scenes. The children worked hard in creating a story map in small groups, drawing the scenes from the story, in order and then labelling them using our phonics knowledge.
In our Maths learning we have been looking at comparing numbers to 5. We explored looking at dominos talking about which side had more spots and which side had less. We looked at sharing out equal amounts making sure the teddy bears had the same amount of food.
In the afternoon the children had great fun learning all about Africa. We talked about all of the different animals you would see in Africa and discussed what clothes and accessories you would need for the lovely weather. The children got creative and made colourful, traditional patterned bracelets. Outdoors the children had fun creating a jeep safari, thinking about all of the animals and sounds they would hear in sunny Africa.
Reception Blog - Week Beginning 03.01.23
Date: 5th Jan 2023 @ 8:58pm
Reception have been super busy on their first week back learning all about our new season, Winter! In literacy the children read the story 'One Snowy Night'. We retold the story by drawing a story map and worked hard by describing the main character; Percy's personality in sentences using our phonics skills.
In our maths learning we have started the topic Alive in 5, focusing on the numbers 0-5. We enjoyed finding less than one number, using the rhyme '5 current buns in a bakers shop'. We also worked on different ways of showing the numbers 0-5 by playing a comparing game, looking at which child got the most bean bags in the Hula hoop. We also looked at different ways to write these numbers by looking at the numerals and recording them in a tally.
In the afternoon we learnt more about the season winter, looking at all of the difference changes in the weather and the different clothes you would need to keep warm. The children enjoyed making snowflakes and drinking, warm hot chocolate after taking part in a winter walk.
Reception Blog - Week Beginning 5.12.22
Date: 8th Dec 2022 @ 7:14pm
This week in Reception the children have been learning about the story 'The Jolly Postman'. We have enjoyed looking at what different things you need to remember when writing and posting a letter. We have also wrote our own letter to our favourite traditional character.
In our Maths learning we have been looking at the shapes, rectangles and squares. We also looked at time and talked about day and night. The children enjoyed sequencing different things they would do in the day time and night time, talking about what comes first, next and last.
Reception Blog- Week Beginning 28.11.22
Date: 1st Dec 2022 @ 12:19pm
This week we have started our Nativity rehearsals and have been learning about the Natvity Story. We have enjoyed making our own box scenes with all of the characters from the story. We have also made our own character puppets on lolly sticks so we can act out the story with our friends.
In our maths learning we have started learning about one more and one less and have enjoyed singing some of our favourite songs that count down one less each time or count up one more each time.
Reception Blog- Week Beginning 21.11.22
Date: 1st Dec 2022 @ 12:15pm
This week in reception we have had a super week! In English we have been learning all about the story 'The Three Little Pigs' and we have all drawn pictrues and written captions and sentences to retell the story in groups. We also took part in some drama activities including a story whoosh to retell the story and enjoying being the different characters and objects from the book.
In our topic learning we have had a science week and have enjoyed taking part in some floating and sinking, melting and checking which materials are waterproof.
We had a super end to the week and went to Oldham Colisuem and watched 'Robin Hood' we had the best time and enjoyed danicng and joining with some of the words!
Reception Blog- Week Beginning 14.11.22
Date: 17th Nov 2022 @ 12:27pm
This week we had a visit from a little monster called Nibbles. He has been eating some of our books and we have completed wanted posters to try and find him so we can put him back inside the book that he escaped from. Whilst learning outside we have been using the crates to make traps to capture Nibbles.
In our maths learning we have been learning about circles and triangles and the artist 'Kandinsky'. We have enjoyed using the shapes to create our own artwork and exploring the environment to find the shapes.
In our topic learning we have been continuing our learning into the season Autumn. We learnt all about the artist 'Andy Goldsworthy' and have used some of the natural materials to make our own sculptures outside.
We also followed a recipe to make our own children in need biscuits that we sold to raise money for the charity!
Reception Blog - Week Beginning 07.11.22
Date: 11th Nov 2022 @ 8:30pm
This week in Reception the children have enjoyed reading the story 'Goldilocks and the Three bears'. The children interviewed Goldilocks, asking her questions they wanted to find out. We worked hard in small groups making a story map, drawing the characters and talking about the story. The children labelled their lovely work using the phonics sounds they have been learning and the tricky words.
In Maths we have been looking at comparing the numbers 1,2 and 3. We made sure we collected the right amount of objects to match our numbers. We used the language 'one more' and 'one less' when making sure we had the right amounts.
In the afternoon the children had fun talking about the celebration Bonfire night and what different sounds and ways it was celebrated. We have been continuing our Autumn learning by talking about what the animals do during the cold season and how they get ready to hibernate. We used clay to make hedgehogs and sticks to decorate.
Reception Blog - Week Beginning 31.10.22
Date: 6th Nov 2022 @ 3:10pm
This week in Reception the children have enjoyed learning about an Autumn book called 'Fletcher and the Falling Leaves'. The children used sentence starters such as 'It is' and 'It has' to describe to Autumn scenes. They also wrote simple sentences describing the pictures using their phonics knowledge.
In our Maths learning the children looked at the numbers 1, 2 and 3. We looked at different ways to represent the numbers by collecting objects and natural materials around the class. We also had fun playing a memory game matching the right number to right amount of spots.
In the afternoon we enjoyed looking at the celebration Halloween and Diwali. The children were busy in the creative area as they made diva lamps from salt dough and created rangoli mendhi patterns on paper. Great fun!
Reception Blog- Week Beginning 17.10.22
Date: 19th Oct 2022 @ 5:35pm
This week the children in reception have been learning about Black History Month.
On Monday the children used the story 'Rumble in the Jungle' and created their own dances pretending to be the different animals thinking carefully about how they would move.
On Tuesday the children looked closely at tradiitonal african jewellery and enjoyed using pasta, paper plate and card to create their own.
On Wednesday the children looked at traditional african music and enjoyed playing the drums. They then used paper cups to make their own drums.
On Thursday the children looked at animals print and patterns and enjoyed creating their own stamps using bubble wrap, bottle tops and cotton wool to create their own patterns on fabric and paper.
Reception Blog - Week Beginning 10.10.22
Date: 14th Oct 2022 @ 8:37pm
This week in Reception the children have enjoyed learning about traditional foods. In our English learning we have been looking at a story called 'The Runaway Chapatti'. The children have been super Teachers this week as they have been sequencing the story in order, using the language "First, next, then, after that and finally".
In our Maths learning this week, the children have had fun by looking at patterns. The children worked hard all week by making a repetitive pattern. We looked at our patterns in detail, using the language "Green leaf, red leaf" "Tall block, short block". We made sure that we had to use the language for our patterns to be right. Parents you could use household objects to make a pattern, using the language "Tall spoon, short spoon".
In our afternoon learning we have enjoyed having the parents in making chapatis and lentils on the Year 3 art bar. The children also got involved by using their imagination in the home area by mixing, stirring and kneading the dough. As a class we talked about our family members and what our families makes at home. The children then drew pictures of their family and their favourite foods using the grapheme mat and phonemes we have been practicing in Phonics.
Well done Reception!
Reception Blog- Week Beginning 3.10.22
Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 9:29pm
This week in reception the children have enjoyed learning about the past. In our English learning we have been looking at the story 'Peepo'. We have been enjoying comparing the rooms in the houses to our own houses and looking closely at the different items that they have in the rooms.
In our maths learning we have been comparing height and length using keywords such as taller and shorter when comparing height and longer and shorter when comparing length.
In our afternoon learning we have enjoyed making a past and present timeline with different items such as toys from the past and present, households items from the past and the present and even pictures of our teachers from the past and the present.
Reception Blog - Week Beginning 26.09.22
Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 10:53pm
We have had a lovely week in Reception. In our English learning we have been reading a story called 'In Every House on Every Street'. On Monday we were shown a wonder picture of images from our local area. The children were busy acting out different scenes from different rooms in the house. We then drew pictures of what our dream home would be and labelled using our super phonics learning.
In phonics this week we been busy learning some new phonemes and graphemes. We have enjoyed learning the new formation rhymes in handwriting and practicing our oral blending everyday!
In our afternoon learning we have been learning all about Maps, reading the story 'Martha Maps It Out'. We looked at maps of our local area which then inspired us to make our own map using junk modelling resources on the corridor. The children also had a go at making their own maps of the local area, which were fantastic!
Reception Blog- Week Beginning 19.09.22
Date: 23rd Sep 2022 @ 9:33pm
We have had a busy week in reception. In our English learning we have been reading about the familiar story 'Little Red Riding Hood'. On Monday we were shown a wonder picture of the big bad wolf and had to say what we could see and what we wondered about the picture. After we read the book we made a story map and then enjoyed following our own map to retell the story using voices and actions.
In phonics this week we have learnt some new phonemes and have enjoyed looking at the grapheme cards and learning the new formation rhymes in handwriting.
In our afternoon learning we have been inspired by the artist Picasso. We looked at his famous painting 'The Weeping Woman' and then looked at our own features in a mirror and made our own pastel pictures.
Reception Weekly Blog WB 2/5/2022
Date: 6th May 2022 @ 8:05am
This week in Reception we have been doing lots of fantastic learning linked to the book The Tiny Seed. We have listened to the story of how a tiny seed travelled through the air over lots of different landscapes , facing many dangers, until finally it grows into an enormous plant. We did some amazing drama making landscapes with our bodies and created our own class book of the story for our reading area.
We have also planted sedds of our own and can't wait for our cress heads to start to sprout!
In Maths we have been continuing our learning about numbers between 10 and 20. The cheeky kangaroo has been back to make us think hard about what these bigger numbers look like!
Reception Weekly Blog WB 25/4/2022
Date: 29th Apr 2022 @ 8:49am
This week in Reception we have started to do lots of great learning about our new topic Get Outdoors!
We have been reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk - and planting beanstalks of our own - and writing our own books using speech bubbles to tell the story.
The children have been getting VERY excited about Eid and we have talked about the traditions they have when they celebrate at home. They enjoyed making cards and sharing their hopes for the festivities.
In Maths we have been extending our learning to numbers up to 20 by looking at them on Ten Frames and seeing that they are one full frame and some more. Could you help your child by looking for numbers up to 20 in the environment and sharing them with your child so that they can recognise them easily?
Reception Weekly Blog WB 28.03.22
Date: 31st Mar 2022 @ 4:30pm
On Monday the children had a big shock when they came in and discovered that something had made a mess in our home corners and left footprints. We all became detectives and wondered about who it could have been. The children had some fantastic guesses such as the Gruffalo and Nibbles. The children then found a tiger hiding on the corridor. We read the story 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea' and the children made invitations and shopping lists ready for the tea party on Friday!
As part of our afternoon learning the children drew their own tigers using wax crayons and then used paint to add the background. They also made a house using the junk modelling area similar to the house seen in the book. We looked at items in the house from the past and how some items look different in our houses today such as the kettle and the toilet.
Reception Weekly Blog WB 21/3/2022
Date: 25th Mar 2022 @ 12:06pm
This week in Reception we have continued our learning on our topic Amazing Animals. This week we visited the jungle by reading and enjoying the Julia Donaldson book Monkey Puzzle. We did some fantastic drama where we made our bodies into the different animals and created factfiles which gave clues about the different animals before revealing what they were!
We have learned about different habitats and matched animals to where they live. We have also painted animals and learned to make sensible colour choices when we create pieces of art.
In Maths we have been consolidating this term's learning by playing games with bean bags and hopscotch to check that our knowledge of numbers up to ten is secure.
Next week we will be having a special furry stripey visitor in Reception!
Reception Weekly Blog WB 7/3/2022
Date: 11th Mar 2022 @ 12:25pm
This week in Reception we have done some fantastic learning linked to our topic of Amazing Animals. In English we followed the adventures of a brave little chicken called Hattie Peck who went all over the world looking for abandoned eggs. We created story maps and used drama to recreated the places on her journey.
In Maths we have been continuing our learning about 9 and 10. This week we have been looking at numbers that are more and fewer and we have thought about what two numbers we add together to make 10.
In our afternoon learning we have been learning about the inspirational Sir David Attenborough. We have learned about his life and his work as a conservationist and naturalist. The children have become Recycling Rangers to help to look after our planet!
Next week we will be learning some more about animals that come from eggs.
Reception Weekly Blog WB 28.2.2022
Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 4:21pm
This week in Reception we started our new Topic learning all about Amazing Animals! We started our topic using the book Farmyard Hullaballoo and did some fantastic learning including creating a soundscape of a farmyard in the classroom - it was VERY noisy. We also learned all about baby farm animals and thought about how farms are different around the world.
In Maths we have been developing a deeper understanding of the numbers 9 and 10 using ten frames and playing games to help us and make our learning fun.
We ended the week with a fantastic fun day to celebrate World Book Day. There were some fantastic costumes including The Highway Rat and Rapunzel as well as a vast array of superheroes and princesses.
Next week we will be going on a journey with a little hen called Hattie Peck as she tries to find herself an egg.
Reception Weekly Blog WB 7/2/2022
Date: 10th Feb 2022 @ 4:24pm
Reception have had a fantastic week to end our topic Around the World. We have flown on a magic carpet around the world learning what Granny bought in each country from the book My Granny Went to Market.We did some fantastic drama creating actions for each part of the journey and performing the book as a class. We have also written postcards from Grannie from some of the places around the world - all the children are now confidently applying their phonics when they are writing.
In Maths we have been doing some measuring, identiftying the tallest and shortest objects. We have also been learning to sequence the days of the week - perhaps this is something you could practise with your child at home?
In our topic learning we have looked at the work of Kandinsky and created some artwork of our own in his style. We have also been colour mixing to make new colours from the three primary colours red blue and yellow.
We are looking forward to our Metacognition Curriculum week next week!
Date: 4th Feb 2022 @ 8:17pm
This week Receptin have been doing some fantastic learning about Chinese New Year.
In English we have enjoyed the story of The Runaway Wok, learning about a traditional story about the life of a poor family in Beijing. We have drawn our favourite parts of the story, written captions and enjoyed retelling the story using our own story maps. We learned about how Chinese people celebrate New Year - this year is the year of the tiger - and even made our own lanterns and a dragon to dance with.
In Maths we have been learning about 6,7, and 8 doing different activities to ensure that we can recognise each number in different ways and that our knowledge of each number is secure.
Next week we will be going on a journey all around the world to different markets to buy lots of interesting things!