Class 1: Blog items

WB 15.3.2021 Reception Weekly Blog

Date: 19th Mar 2021 @ 1:49pm

This week Reception have really enjoyed doing some great learning about Toy Story. They have made wooden spoon puppets of the characters and written some fantastic charcter descriptions. 

In maths we have been consolidating our learning about 7 and 8. we even managed to do some magic by being able to say what was on the bottom on a dice just by looking at the top of it!

In P.E. we did some fantastic balancing and jumping on the equipment in the hall - we loved it!

Reception Weekly Blog WB 8.3.2021

Date: 12th Mar 2021 @ 4:28pm

This week in Reception we have been delighted to welcome back all the children. We have continued our learning on toys - looking at a non fiction book to get lots of information.

We have been hearing about each others favourite toys and went into the computer suite to draw them using a software package.

In Maths we have consolidated our knowledge of numbers up to ten and had lots of fun playing hopscotch and other games!

We enjoyed our first P.E. session and remind parents that the children need to come in their P.E. kit every Tuesday.

WB 17/12/2020 Reception Weekly Blog

Date: 17th Dec 2020 @ 5:18pm

This week Reception  practised and performed a fantastic Nativity. Every child took on a major part - with some having to step in at the very last moment! We were all amazed at how talented they are and how confidently they performed.

All the adults in Receptin  were amazingly proud of every single child in the performance. Their Christmas Lunch and party on Thursday was a well deserved reward for  all their effort!

Class 1 Weekly Blog WB 7.12.2020

Date: 13th Dec 2020 @ 9:29pm

This week class 1 have done lots of great learning about The First Chistmas. They have made lots of links to their parts in the Nativity Story which they have been rehearsing - they are excited and ready to film their performance next week.

In Maths Class 1 have done lots of great learning abourt triangles and circles. They have looked at them from lots of different angles and spotted them in the environment.They have made place mats in different shapes ready for their Christmas party on Thursday.

Class 1 looked fantastic in their pantomine outfits. We had lot of Princesses and Princes, a couple of witches and quite a few Superheroes!!

Class 1 weekly blog WB 30.11.2020

Date: 4th Dec 2020 @ 8:02pm

This week Class 1 have been venturing into space and joking Baby Bear on his adventure  to the moon in the book Whatever Next by Jill Murphy. We chose where we would like to fly to in our cardboard box rocket  - the most popular choices were Blackpool and Mars. We built our own rocket outside and blasted off on an adventure. 

In maths we have been doing great learning about 4 sided shapes. We have looked for rectangles and squares in the environment and created shape pictures. 

Nativity rehearsals are in full swing and Class 1 has some fantastic actors and actresses!! 

WB 23/11/2020 Class 1 Weekly Blog

Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 4:33pm

Class 1 have continued their learning about nocturnal animals this week using the book Night Monkey Day Monkey in English. They have made some fantastic zigzag books based on the story and done lots of great storytelling using words and actions. They finished the week by deciding which was their favourite Julia Donaldson book - Zog was most peoples choice !

In Maths we have been looking at 1 more and one less. We have learned new songs - One elephant went out to play and 5 green bottles hanging on a wall - to help us to visualise what this looks like with numbers up to 5.

Our Christmas Nativity rehearsals have started this week - exciting times!

Class 1 Weekly blog Week beginning 16/11/2020

Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 3:40pm

This week we have been doing some great learning about nocturnal animals. We read the story Owl Babies and did some drama outside. We each took on the role of an owl and told the story using words and actions.

In maths we have been looking at the numbers 4 and 5 and looking at different ways of making them. We are learning to recognise what the numbers look like without having to count them and having been spotting them in lots of different ways.

We have also been talking about e-safety and how to stay safe when using the internet.

Class1 Weekly Blog WB 9.11.2020

Date: 13th Nov 2020 @ 4:36pm

This week we started our Topic of Night and Day.

In English we loved our book 'Cant you sleep Little Bear?' We retold the story using actions and words,  with some children being fantastic mini-techers and taking over the storytelling.In Maths we have looked at the language associated with the passage of time and followed and gave instructions about how to look after a baby. We also helped a visitor to our class - Wally the puppet to get ready for school.

We ended the week with a fantastic Pyjama Party as our Wow Starter for our topic. We danced ,sang, ate treats and played games - all in our pyjamas.

Next week we start our learning about nocturnal animals.

6.11.2020 Class 1 Blog Autumn

Date: 6th Nov 2020 @ 12:37pm

In Class 1 this week we have had lots of fun spotting the signs that Autumn is here!

We read the book Fletcher and the Falling leaves and learned some new words like bark and icicle.In the book Fletcher gets very worried about his friend the tree that is losing all its leaves. We thought about how he was feeling at different points of the book.Our investigation area was ful of pumpkins, leaves,acorns, fir cones and beech nuts! Wew have made leaf people and done leaf printing.

In Maths we have become shape experts - not just naming them but recognising some of their properties.

We are looking forward to starting our new topic Night and Day next week.

Week ending 23.11.2020 Curriculum Week

Date: 22nd Oct 2020 @ 4:51pm

This Curriculum Week Class 1 have really enjoyed finding out lots of new information about Ella Fitzgerald the famous singer. We learned about her early life and how she started to perform after winning a Talent Show - our own Talent Show in Golden Time on Friday should be lots of fun!

One of our favourite songs by Ella Fitzgerald is 'Happy Talk'. The chorus says ... 'You have to have a dream, if you dont have a dream, how you going to have a dream come true?' We had a lovely circle time where we shared our dreams for the future. If our dreams come true we will have lots of doctors,policemen, racing drivers and teachers in the future!

After Half Term we are looking forward to our new Topic of Night and Day.

Class 1 Blog - 15.10.2020 Homes Around the World

Date: 15th Oct 2020 @ 12:45pm

This week Class 1 have been looking at different homes around the world. We have seen igloos,treehouses,yurts and many more! We have also designed our perfect house, lots of them had swimming pools and giant trampolines! We made some spectacular houses outside too! We all had to choose our favourite place to live - lots of us choses a treehouse so we could be high in the sky and safe from tigers!

In Maths we were making sets of numbers to match numerals. Lots of children have done the classroom challenge with numbers on wands and special bags to fill.

We are looking forward to Curriculum Week next week when we will be doing lots of learning about Ella Fitzgerald.

week ending 9/10 2020 The Runaway Chapatti

Date: 8th Oct 2020 @ 9:16pm

This week Class 1 have really enjoyed doing lots of learning about the Runaway Chapatti. On Tuesday we all helped to make chapattis and egg curry with Mrs Ali and loved eating it - it was delicious! This week we have also done lots of Maths learning about ordering numbers to 10 - Mr Crocodile kept on stealing numbers from our numberline!! Next week we will be looking at houses around the world

Week Ending 2.10.2020 Weekly Blog Class 1

Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 3:54pm

On Monday morning Class 1 found a very tired teddy asleep in our Story Suitcase! Also in the suitcase was a copy of this week’s book Peace at Last. We did lots of fantastic learning about the book, like sequencing the story and retelling it using actions. In maths we have done lots of counting to 10 and recognising numbers. Class 1  have done lots of outdoor learning including building the bear’s house and sleeping in the garden like Daddy Bear! We are looking forward to the story of The Runaway Chapatti next week!

New to Reception Sept 2020 Home Learning

Date: 16th Jul 2020 @ 2:47pm


Reception Home Learning WB 13th July 2020

Date: 10th Jul 2020 @ 2:06pm

Home Learning Reception - WB:13th July  2020



How long to spend


Phonics: Continue to use:  for various games and resources.


Using the sound mats in your previous pack practise Phase 2 and 3 sounds by pointing at a sound and asking your child to name it.

10 minutes



10 minutes a day


Book of the week: Dogs Eat Frogs

Read the story with your child- let them have a go at some of the words and sentences


After you have read the story use the questions in the Respond to the Story section to ask questions about the story.


Then try some of the Fun Time Extras and play the matching pairs game.


20 minutes a day


Watch the clip of Oi Frog and try to generate some rhyming sentences.

20 minutes



Please continue to practise your handwriting every day.  Use the letter formation sheet in your previous pack to help you.



10 minutes a day

Speaking and Listening

Respond to the oi Frog story by answering questions then bossing some toys around the house.

20 minutes



Mental maths:

Try the counting practice ideas in your pack!

10 minutes a day

Skills application

Try the estimating activity.

Make totals of ten with some number cards.

Count totals of fingers.

10 minutes a day




Your new teacher has set you some exciting home learning on a sheet in your pack !




Two Afternoons

Don’t forget- we love seeing your home learning. You can always take a photo and email to school ! We are looking forward to seeing what you have been up to.

Hathershaw Transition - Virtual tour

Date: 7th Jul 2020 @ 9:14pm

If your child is due to start at Hathershaw in September, here is a useful link for you and your child to watch.  This is a virtual tour of Hathershaw and will help to give children a feel of what it will be like when they return.  This link can also be accessed via the Transition area of Hathershaw's website.


Reception Home Learning WB 6th July 2020

Date: 3rd Jul 2020 @ 11:03am

Hello to all our Reception children and families,

Here is an overview of learning for children to complete at home, week beginning 6th July 2020. If you require a paper copy of this learning pack please contact school and they will arrange for you to collect a copy from the school office. 

Don't forget - we love seeing your home learning. You can always take a photo and email to school or tweet us!  We are looking forward to seeing what you have been up to.

Mrs Bamber's Drama Lesson - What's in your letter?

Date: 23rd Jun 2020 @ 12:07pm

We hope you are all having a good week.

Are you all ready for some drama with Mrs Bamber?


This week's lesson is - What's in your letter? 

Can you act out receiving a letter and showing us how your character feels about it?


Mrs Bamber's Drama Lesson - Opposites

Date: 17th Jun 2020 @ 1:18pm


Hello there,

Here is Mrs Bamber's weekly video - this week she is challenging you to use different emotions to create new characters.

We would love to know how you get on!  laugh

Drama lessons for families

Date: 20th May 2020 @ 12:46pm

04 May, 2020

Lesson 1-

SEND learning resources.

Date: 20th May 2020 @ 12:45pm

May 04, 2020

Here are some resources to support children with special educational needs whilst at home.

Resources to support time management and timetabling of different tasks:

First and Then board — A resource to help structure tasks into short manageable tasks. 

First we will do this….Then we will do… 

Visual timetable ideas — Design a visual timetable to support your child's learning at home. Click on this link for ideas on how to set this up.

Task Management Boards — Create a task management board to help your child work their way through a particular task. Click on the link for guidance on how to do this effectively. 

Turn Taking boards


Links for different websites to support SEND learners at home:

QEST - Links for lockdown — QEST Oldham different ideas for supporting learning at home and links for different online learning.

Ipad apps for Reading and Writing  — Different Ipad / phone apps to support children with reading and writing difficulties

Ipad apps for Numeracy — Different Ipad/ phone apps to support children with difficulties with Numeracy.

Purple Mash - Updated weekly

Date: 20th May 2020 @ 12:44pm

Apr 20, 2020

Access Purple Mash here to find tasks set by your child's class teacher.

All children at Greenhill Academy have access to Purple Mash.  

Your child’s teacher will set work on here.

Check the alert button on your child’s home page for work that has been set. Otherwise, there are 1000s of fun resources for your child to explore on here, for all curriculum areas

Year 1 - Science Home learning Easter holidays (3rd April 2020)

Date: 20th May 2020 @ 12:43pm

03 Apr, 2020

Take a look at our new science topic for the Summer term, and have a go at some of the fun activities listed in our home learning pack for the easter holidays!

Year 1 Science home learning pack 3rd April

Year 1 - Topic Home learning (3rd April 2020) Easter holidays

Date: 20th May 2020 @ 12:43pm

03 Apr, 2020

Take a look at our new topic for the Summer half term 'Great Britain'. Below you will find some extra information about our new topic along with a home learning task set for over easter. (Year one home learning ) For those of you wanting to do some extra research alongside this, click on the 'home learning pack' link for some super lesson ideas.

Year one home learning — Homework topic activity set for completion over the Easter holidays.

Year one home learning pack — Extra home learning tasks and lesson ideas to complete at home. 

01 Apr 2020 - White Rose Hub Maths- Daily Learning

Date: 20th May 2020 @ 10:42am

White Rose Hub is a website that we use to help support our Mathematics curriculum. They have kindly put on an activity of the day for you to access at home.

Check it out:


Harmony Street, Oldham, Lancashire OL4 1RR

Mrs C Glynn - Principal

0161 260 0621

Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)