Class 1: Blog items
Reception Weekly Blog WB 29.11.2021
Date: 3rd Dec 2021 @ 12:36pm
This week in Reception we have been learning all about The First Christmas to help us with our forthcoming Nativity performance so that we understand the story we are acting out. We have been doing lots of practising of our songs this week and we thnk we are sounding really good!
In Maths we have been doing lots of great learnig about one more and one less and singing lots of songs to support our learning - maybe you could ask your child to sing you one - maybe 5 Little Speckled Frogs or Five Green Bottles!
In our afternoons we have started to get ready for Christmas by making some lovely hats and cards.
Next week we will be doing lots of great learning about The Jolly Postman.
Reception Weekly Blog WB 22.11.2021
Date: 25th Nov 2021 @ 3:28pm
This week in Reception we have done some fantastic learning about The Three Little Pigs. We created story maps and acted out the story using a Story Whoosh - we have some amazing actors and actresses in Reception.
In Maths we have been doing great learning about 4 and 5. Looking at different ways of showing them and sorting sets.
In the afternoons we have had a Science focus and we have been investigating friction, floating and sinking, melting and freezing and which materials are best for keeping out water. Lots of our predictions were right and we had great fun melting chocolate on our fingers (and licking it off!)
Next week we will be starting our Nativity rehearsals - we are VERY excited!
Reception weekly Blog WB 15.11.2021
Date: 22nd Nov 2021 @ 11:36am
This week was very busy in Reception. Nibbles the book monster was spotted in school - he left a trail of footprints all over Class 1! We were very worried as he likes to eat books amongst other things like soap and smelly socks. We created Wanted Posters so that the other children in school could help us to catch him and finally on Friday afternoon the children who were playing outside made a trap to catch him and put him back in his book. Great job Reception!
In Maths we were finding circles and triangles inside and outdoors and creating obstacle courses to show off how fantasteic we are at positional language.
In the afternoon we had great fun challenging our senses in different ways - feeling slimey jelly in a feely box was a firm favourite! We also looked at the work of Artist Andy Goldsworthy and created some natural artwork of our own.
Reception Weekly Blog WB 8.11.2021
Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 11:52am
This week Reception ahve done some fantastic learning about Autumn. We started the week thinking about the sights and sounds of Bonfire Night. We created rockets and firework pictures and learned about how Bonfire Night started.
On Tuesday we all had a lovely time in Alexandra Park on our Autumn Walk. We looked at the different leaves and collected leaves to print with and make leaf men. We saw lots of different birds and even a squirrel!
In English we have been doing some fantastic learning about Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We used the drama technique of Story Whoosh for the first time and discovered we have some great budding actors and actresses!
In Maths we have been continuing our learning in the phases 'It's me 1,2,3' and found lots of different ways to represent the numbers, matching sets and one more and less.
Reception Weekly Bliog WB 1.11.2021
Date: 5th Nov 2021 @ 4:40pm
This week Reception were excited to arrive at school to find that their outdoor learning area had been transformed. Now that the building work has taken place we will be looking to raise lots of money over the coming months to buy some fantastic equipment to make our outdoor learning brilliant. The children will be raising the money themselves so listen out for their ideas!
In English we met Fletcher the fox for the first time - we will meet him every time their is a change of season!- this time he had an Autumn adventure. We loved watching him trying to stop his favourite tree from dropping its leaves and did some fantastic descriptions of the tree in Autumn and winter.
In maths we have been doing some great learning about what shows 1 ,2, and 3 inside and outside!
We learned all about the fesival of Divali and made some very glittery divas to light up our classroom - class 1 used them to add some sparkle to their attendance treat on Friday.
Next week we will be meeting Goldilocks and going on an Autumn walk.
Reception Weekly Blog WB 11.10.2021
Date: 20th Oct 2021 @ 12:26pm
This week Reception had a strange visitor into their singing practice. The Highway Rat barged in and tried to stael all our pastries and puddings. We managed to pursuade him that at Greenhill we only have healthy snacks and that at our school we share not steal !
We have spent the week trying to help the Highway Rat become a good Greenhill citizen by teaching him to be caring and kind. We have shown him how to make bird feeders, thank you cards and biscuits to share.
We have also designed Greenhill citizen badges and made cookies to give to people who help us in school.
Reception Weekly Blog WB 11.10.2021
Date: 15th Oct 2021 @ 3:50pm
This week we have been doing lots of great learning about The Runaway Chapatti which is a traditional Indian tale about a little girl who makes a chapatti which escapes and runs away. He ends up in a tiger's tummy but meets lots of characters along the way!We finished off the week by making chapattis and egg curry with Mrs Ali - it was delicious!
In Maths we have been making repeating patterns using different shapes sizes and colours. We have made patterns inside and outside and challenged our friends to carry them on.
We have been singing lots of songs about Autumn and Harvest - ask your child to sing about the Big Red Combine Harvester and I'm sure you will enjoy listening to them!
Next week we will be doing some exciting learning about The Highway Rat in our Curriculum Week.
Reception Weekly Blog WB 4.10.2021
Date: 8th Oct 2021 @ 4:09pm
This week Reception went on Local Area walks. We saw lots of different buildings and other features in the local community. Back in school we have made a map of the area using box modelled buildings. We used Google Eatrth to look at how our local community fits into the world.
In English we did lots of great learning about the book 'In Every House in Every Street' and compared the house in the book to our own. We had fun thinking of silly things which we did in each room!
In Maths we have been comparing length and quantities and seeing who is taller and who is shorter.
Next week our story is The Runaway Chapatti - and our treat on Friday will be to make chapattis and egg curry - we can't wait!
Reception Weekly Blog WB 27.9.2021
Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 1:48pm
Reception have had lots of fun this week learning about houses in the 1940s as part of our English learning about the book Peepo. We looked at the different rooms in a house and said what was the same and different to our own houses. We saw record players, radios and toilets that were very different from what we are used to! We also shared lots of ideas about who is in our familiy.
In maths we have been very busy matching and sorting lots of different sets of objects.
Next week everyone in Reception will be going on a Local Area walk and we will be talking about what we can find in our local community.We will be comparing quantities and sizes in maths as well as singing lots of counting songs.
Reception Weekly Blog WB 20.09.2021
Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 3:40pm
This week in Reception we have done lots of great learning about the traditional story of Little Red Riding Hood. We have drawn story maps and listened to lots of different versions of the story and told it ouselves using puppets. We had lots of fun baking cakes for Grandma too!
We have been looking at some paintings by the artist Picasso and have created our own self portraits in the style of his 'Weeping Woman'.
In Maths we have been singing lots of counting songs and counting movements and objects. In phonics we have focused on the sounds 'i' 'n' 'm' and 'd' learning how to make the sound accurately and form them correctly in our writing.
Next week we will be reading Peepo and we look forward to hearing lots about the childrens homes and families!
Reception Weekly Blog WB13.01.2021
Date: 17th Sep 2021 @ 11:52am
We have had a fantastic week in Reception finding out all about what makes us INCREDIBLE! Our book this week was Incredible You and to start the week we shared our ideas about what animal we would like to be - we had lots of roaring lions and tigers! Later in the week we thought about why we are incredible then went on to say why other people in the class were incredible and to pay them compliments. The children were very kind and supportive of each others feelings and had lots of nice things to say.
Next week we will be reading Little Red Riding Hood and baking some cakes for Grandma.
In Maths we have been doing lots of counting, singing number songs and have become familiar with the classroom visual time table which shows what order things happen in the classroom.
Reception Weekly Blog WB 6/9/2021
Date: 10th Sep 2021 @ 12:01pm
All the Teachers in Reception are amazingly proud of all the children who have started in Reception this week. They have been absolute superstars!! They have got used to school routines really quickly and have followed our Bucket Rules brilliantly.
In English we have introduced the children to the story behind their classes reading area and they have explored all the other areas in their classrooms.
In Maths we have sung lots of counting songs and counted to 10 using our bodies.
We are looking forward to finding our what makes us all INCREDIBLE next week when we read the book Incredible You!
Date: 5th Jul 2021 @ 12:59pm
In Reception we started doing lots of fantastic learning about The Rainbow Fish. The children have been sequencing the story and thinking about the characters we read about. We did lots of thinking about the choices that the Rainbow Fish made and if we would do the same.
In Maths we have been doing lots of tricky learning about problem solving. The Cheeky Kangaroo came and stole some things from our board and we had to work out what he had take!
We also used the books Harry and his Bucketful of Dinosaurs and Mr Gumpys Outing to help us with our learning.
Reception Weekly Blog WB 21.6.2021
Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 11:08am
This week we have continued our learning about sea creatures. We have devised some riddles to give clues about a sea creeature and we guessed which animal it was - there were some tricky clues!
In maths we have been learning about odd and even numbers - looking at putting sets of objects into pairs and seeing if there are any left over. It is tricky learning!
In our garden the bean plants are getting really tall now and the carrot seedlings have poked through the soil. We have planted strawberries too. Lots of children say that the sunflower plants that were sent home as seeds at Easter are getting REALLY tall now - we would love to see some phtos of them on Seesaw!
Reception Weekly Blog WB 14.6.2021
Date: 18th Jun 2021 @ 12:15pm
This week Reception started their new topic of 'Water'.We read the book Commototion in the Ocean which introduced us to lots of poems about sea creatures. We reasearched some of them using iPads and found out lots of amazing facts - did you know that an octopus has three hearts and can grow new arms! We wrote some fantastic descriptions of the creatures too!
In maths we have been learning how to divide by sharing equally. We helped teddy bears to have a fair picnic and gingerbread men have an equal number of buttons!
Next week we shall be writing riddles about the sea creatures and odd and even numbers.
Curriculum Week in Reception WB 7.6.2021
Date: 11th Jun 2021 @ 3:57pm
Reception had a really exciting week looking at what technology could be used in space and space travel.We used search engines to investigate some of the planets and found out some really amazing facts! We constructed Moon Buggies inside and outside and went on an adventure into space! We made Aliens after we had read the book The Way Back Home which told the story of a little boy and an alien getting stuck on the moon and helping each other to mend ther space craft and get home.
We thought about what one special thing we would take on our journey in space - there were some interesting choices including a bouncy castle!
Reception Weekly Blog WB 24.5.2021
Date: 27th May 2021 @ 4:38pm
This week Reception have been learning 'How to Grow a Dinosaur'! We have created some fantastic Story Maps and really enjoyed retelling the story about Albie and his magic seeds from them. In the garden we have been planting some seeeds of our own - not magic ones!- and hope that the flowers and vegetables we planted outside will start growing soon.
In Maths we have been looking at shapes an how to create new bigger shapes from a collection of smaller ones. We worked to gether to make the longest thinnest rectangle we could from squares and the biggest square we could from smaller ones.
Next week is Half Term and Reception Holiday Learning is on the Website and Seesaw. We hope all our children have a fantastic break and come back excited to take part in our Digital Lift Off Curriculum Week.
Reception weekly Blog WB 17.5.2021
Date: 21st May 2021 @ 4:51pm
This week we were amazed how much the chicks had grown. We loved having them in our classrooms and were sad to see them leave us and go back to the farm on Friday.
This week in English we did some fantastic learning about a wonderful book called 'Who is in the egg?'.We learned that it is not just caterpillars and chicks that come from eggs but other animals like alligators and platypus! We did some internet research about some of the animals and all the children presented their facts to the whole class on Friday. They were all fantastic!
In maths this week we have been learning to subtract and tell subtraction stories using the language First ,Then , Now. Next week we will be looking at shapes and how to combine them.
Reception Weekly Blog WB 10.5.2021
Date: 13th May 2021 @ 11:36am
This week Reception were very excited to welcome the chicks into our classes. They arrived on Monday and we put them straight into the incubator. We didnt have to wait long before the chicks started to peck their way out of their shells. Once one arrived the rest followed very quickly. When they had dried out we transferred them to the brooder and we are very excited for next week when they will be strong enough to hold.
To help us to understand the life cycle of the chicks we have been looking at a non-fiction book - Egg to Chick - in English.We have discussed how non fiction books are laid out and have found lots of facts inside them.
In Maths we have started 3 weeks of learning about First, Then and Now. We have been looking at stories that involve looking at a group of characters and adding on one, then more than one to find the total at the end.
Reception Weekly Blog WB 3.5.2021
Date: 13th May 2021 @ 11:26am
This week Reception were very excited to come into school on Monday to find that their caterpillars had got VERY fat and that some had even turned into a chrysalis! We used the magnifying glasses to have a very close look at them. By the end of the week we transferred them to the butterfly net and now we just have to wait for them to emerge!
We did some great English learning about The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We sequenced the story and described the character through the different stages of his life.
In Maths we did some tricky learning with numbers up to 20. We used 10s frames and other representations to see what each numeral looked like in lots of different ways.
Reception Weekly Blog WB 22.3.2021
Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 4:46pm
This week in Reception we went on an adventure with Harry and his Bucketful of Dinosaurs. We learnt lots of names for dinosaurs by singing songs and ,sequenced the story and told it ourselves using a story map.
In Maths we have been consolidating our knowledge of 9 and 10, finding lots of different ways to make each number and adding sets of numbers.
On Friday both classes saw some fantastic hats come into school. Thank you so much everyone for your creativity and generous donations!
WB 15.3.2021 Reception Weekly Blog
Date: 19th Mar 2021 @ 1:49pm
This week Reception have really enjoyed doing some great learning about Toy Story. They have made wooden spoon puppets of the characters and written some fantastic charcter descriptions.
In maths we have been consolidating our learning about 7 and 8. we even managed to do some magic by being able to say what was on the bottom on a dice just by looking at the top of it!
In P.E. we did some fantastic balancing and jumping on the equipment in the hall - we loved it!
Reception Weekly Blog WB 8.3.2021
Date: 12th Mar 2021 @ 4:28pm
This week in Reception we have been delighted to welcome back all the children. We have continued our learning on toys - looking at a non fiction book to get lots of information.
We have been hearing about each others favourite toys and went into the computer suite to draw them using a software package.
In Maths we have consolidated our knowledge of numbers up to ten and had lots of fun playing hopscotch and other games!
We enjoyed our first P.E. session and remind parents that the children need to come in their P.E. kit every Tuesday.
WB 17/12/2020 Reception Weekly Blog
Date: 17th Dec 2020 @ 5:18pm
This week Reception practised and performed a fantastic Nativity. Every child took on a major part - with some having to step in at the very last moment! We were all amazed at how talented they are and how confidently they performed.
All the adults in Receptin were amazingly proud of every single child in the performance. Their Christmas Lunch and party on Thursday was a well deserved reward for all their effort!
Class 1 Weekly Blog WB 7.12.2020
Date: 13th Dec 2020 @ 9:29pm
This week class 1 have done lots of great learning about The First Chistmas. They have made lots of links to their parts in the Nativity Story which they have been rehearsing - they are excited and ready to film their performance next week.
In Maths Class 1 have done lots of great learning abourt triangles and circles. They have looked at them from lots of different angles and spotted them in the environment.They have made place mats in different shapes ready for their Christmas party on Thursday.
Class 1 looked fantastic in their pantomine outfits. We had lot of Princesses and Princes, a couple of witches and quite a few Superheroes!!