Reception Blog - Week Beginning 03.01.23

Date: 5th Jan 2023 @ 8:58pm

Reception have been super busy on their first week back learning all about our new season, Winter! In literacy the children read the story 'One Snowy Night'. We retold the story by drawing a story map and worked hard by describing the main character; Percy's personality in sentences using our phonics skills. 

In our maths learning we have started the topic Alive in 5, focusing on the numbers 0-5. We enjoyed finding less than one number, using the rhyme '5 current buns in a bakers shop'. We also worked on different ways of showing the numbers 0-5 by playing a comparing game, looking at which child got the most bean bags in the Hula hoop. We also looked at different ways to write these numbers by looking at the numerals and recording them in a tally. 

In the afternoon we learnt more about the season winter, looking at all of the difference changes in the weather and the different clothes you would need to keep warm. The children enjoyed making snowflakes and drinking, warm hot chocolate after taking part in a winter walk. 

Harmony Street, Oldham, Lancashire OL4 1RR

Mrs C Glynn - Principal

0161 260 0621

Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)