Nursery News: Incy Wincy Spider

Date: 12th Nov 2024 @ 1:15pm

We’re back with another exciting week in Nursery, and our learning focus is on Nursery Rhymes and Traditional Tales! This week, we jumped right into the world of Incy Wincy Spider and had a fantastic time exploring hands-on activities, songs, and stories that brought this classic rhyme to life.


Exploring Incy Wincy Spider

To support our fine motor skills, we made handprint spiders, crafted webs, and used tweezers to find hidden spiders in our web-themed tuff trays. The children showed great focus and creativity as they worked on these projects, strengthening their fine motor skills and their hand-eye coordination.


Family Group Time: Learning About Books

In our family groups, we started looking at the features of simple children’s books, exploring elements like:

Front cover: Noticing the title and illustrations that introduce the story

Back cover: Finding the blurb and talking about what it tells us

Characters and settings: Identifying who is in the story and where it takes place

Beginning and end: Learning that every story has an order This exploration helps build our early literacy skills and fosters a love for books and reading!


Singing with Our Voices and a Parachute!

The children practiced singing Incy Wincy Spider with different voice levels. With a parachute, we made small waves for quiet voices and big waves when we sang loudly! This activity was not only a fun way to practice using our voices differently but also helped the children understand rhythm and volume control.


Maths Learning: Numbers and Shapes

In maths, we worked on our number recognition and counting by placing a specific number of spiders on matching webs. The children also practiced positional language by placing the spider "on top of" and "under" different objects, which is part of our WELLCOME language learning program.


In the maths area, we explored shapes and patterns with a “match the object to the outline” tuff tray activity. This was a wonderful opportunity for the children to practice their shape recognition and spatial awareness while having fun!


A Moment for Remembrance Day

On Monday, we observed a two-minute silence for Remembrance Day. We had a gentle discussion about why it’s important to remember people who may no longer be with us in person but remain with us in our hearts. The children showed great respect and understanding during this time.


Play and Stay Nursery Rhyme Parties

This week, we were delighted to welcome parents into our Nursery for our Play and Stay Nursery Rhyme Parties! Parents and children explored different areas together, doing all kinds of fun activities, from crafts to games. We ended the day with a lively song and dance session, and our parents did an amazing job singing and dancing along with us!


Thank you for all your support, and we look forward to sharing more nursery rhyme adventures and learning with you this term!

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Mrs C Glynn - Principal

0161 260 0621

Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)