Class 9: Blog items
What a lovely week of learning in Class 9
Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 9:18am
It has been another lovely week in Class 9.
The children have been fantastic with both their behaviour and learning.
This week in maths we have been learning about symmetry and identify lines of symmetry within a range of shapes and images.
In English the children are working towards writing a poem based on the rainforest. We can’t wait for you to read our amazing and creative poems!
Lastly, it was lovely seeing you all on parents evening and sharing all the amazing things the children do at Greenhill.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Khalil
Date: 31st Jan 2025 @ 11:16am
We have been extremely busy in Class 9 this week, creating our DT paper mechanism booklets linked to our Beneath the Canopy topic. The children have learned lots of transferrable skills and have had lots of fun creating rotating mechanism, levers and pivats.
In English, we have also finished off our explanation text based on deforestation. The children have become #expertlearners and can thoroughly explain the causes and effects of deforestation.
In Maths the children have been learning about area and perimeter and have become superstars at this also.
Lastly, we have had Dexter join us this week in Class 9 and he has been involved in all of our learning. What a fun experience it has been for us all!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Khalil
Date: 22nd Jan 2025 @ 11:15am
What an amazing week we have all had!
This week in English the children have been busy building up to create an explanation text based on the rainforest. They have researched the various rainforests, looked at the causes and effects of deforestation and carried out some drama.
In Maths, the children have been learning about fractions, where they have added and subtracted fractions, identified equivalent fractions and found fractions of amounts.
Their behaviour and attitude to learning has been impeccable – Keep it up Class 9
Have a lovely weekend all
Mrs Khalil & Mrs Latif
Date: 17th Jan 2025 @ 9:15am
This week in Class 9 the children have been really busy with their learning.
For English, we have completed our first person re-tell based on the text the 'Vanishing Rainforest.' The children produced some super examples of writing.
Our maths focus this week was addition and subtraction, the children used the column method to solve these. Towards the end of the end of the week the children solved missing number problems and balancing equations. How fantastic they all were!
We have had a lovely week in Class 9, with all the children showing how wonderful they truly are – Keep it up Class 9!
Mrs Khalil & Mrs Latif
Date: 10th Jan 2025 @ 8:44am
It has been lovely settling in and getting to know Class 9 this week. Their behaviour and attitude to learning has been outstanding!
This week we have had our WOW starter for our Beneath the Canopy (Rainforest) Topic. The children thoroughly enjoyed researching and learning new facts about rainforests.
We had a range of activities planned, such as creating origami frogs, oil pastel animal portraits, researching about rainforests and performing drama based on the rainforest – What a fantastic experience it was for everyone involved!
In English we are working on an extended piece of writing, the children will be writing a first person re-tell based on the Vanishing Rainforest.
Our Maths focus this week is Place Value, where the children are identifying the value of a number, rounding and ordering numbers.
It has been a pleasure this week and we can’t wait to get to know the class and share our lovely learning with you all.
Mrs Khalil & Mrs Latif
Date: 15th Oct 2024 @ 8:34am
Date: 7th Jun 2024 @ 10:50am
This week we have continued our learning about Invaders and Settlers. We learnt about the withdrawal of the Romans and the entering of the Anglo Saxons. All our learning so far plus what is to come was placed on a timeline. We are really enjoying the interesting and exciting topic.
Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 4:40pm
Class 9 have been learning about the human and physical features of the rainforest. We understand what makes a feature human or physical and can talk about the impact of human features. We are loving working in our handmade rainforest books.
Learning in Class 9 2nd February
Date: 4th Feb 2024 @ 8:25pm
All of Class 9 have been working very hard at school and at home to improve their handwriting. They have been coming into school and using their Letterjoin App and their handwriting book to try and perfect their joins. We are so proud of their fantastic efforts and you can see a huge improvement. Well done to all of Class 9.
Also, Mrs Glynn tweeted a picture of Class 9's handwriting where they were using the Letterjoin App and their homework books and Letterjoin saw it and sent each child a magnetic writing board. The class were so excited to use them for the first time.
Date: 11th Jan 2024 @ 4:51pm
Class 9 made terrariums today as part of our WOW starter on the rainforest. We were so excited to make them and can't wait to see if the plants grow.
Date: 6th Dec 2023 @ 2:47pm
Class 9 have been learning about Ancient Greece this half term. We learnt some fascinating things including why a marathon is called marathon, what the ancient Greeks gave us including democracy, education and medicine and about some of the famous battles. Here are some of our fantastic comic strips showing the Battle of Troy.
Date: 3rd Nov 2023 @ 8:33am
This week we had a time travelling visitor who took us on a journey right back to the beginning of time up to the current day. We then got in the time machine and went back to Ancient Greece. There was so much to learn and this super experience was a great start to our new Topic learning this half term.
Date: 19th Oct 2023 @ 5:07pm
This week has been a French Curriculum Week. We have done lots of super learning about France in general and learning the language. Here are some of our fantastic paintings in the style of Georges Seurat.
Date: 12th Oct 2023 @ 5:08pm
This week the children have been learning about Black History. The theme this year is 'Saluting our Sisters' and we have learnt about Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock who is a British space scientist and science communicator. She is best known as the presenter for BBC astronomy series The Sky at Night. Maggie was born in London in 1968 to Nigerian parents and became fascinated by space travel and science when she was a young girl. We found her story inspirational. Here are our fact files about her life.
Date: 27th Sep 2023 @ 2:46pm
Class 9 have had an exciting start to their Science learning All about Electricity. They are experimenting making different circuits and have found out what a complete circuit needs. Ask your child to tell you all about it.
Date: 5th Jul 2023 @ 4:18pm
The children in Class 9 have been learning all about First Aid in their PSHE lessons. They have acted out scenarios about what to do if someone has a common injury. The children worked as teams to come up with the simple steps for how to help someone who has one of the common injury. They created powerpoints with the key steps of how to help someone and added images to make it clear and easy to follow. The childrens' learning was AMAZING and we are sending it to the teachers in Year 1, 2 and 3 to share with the children so they also know what to do. Well done Class 9 for being super First Aiders.
Date: 20th Jun 2023 @ 5:50pm
Class 9 have been learning all about first aid and what to do if an injury happens. The acted out different role plays making sure they reassured the person injured, helped them with either applying pressure, keeping them still or getting their asthma pipe then they called an adult or 999. They are all super star first aiders.
Date: 16th Jun 2023 @ 1:04pm
Fractions with smarties. Lots of work today involving totaling, tally charts, division and fractions including simplifying and equivalents. Well done to the children for not eating the equipment during the task.
Date: 6th Jun 2023 @ 10:21pm
Class 9 have continued their learning on States of Matter. Today we looked at cooling and decreasing the temperature. We took the classrom temperature and then put the thermometer in to icy water with ice and saw the temperature decrease (go down) to nearly negative numbers. we talked about when the temperature decreases then the particles in the state slow down and contract. We then blew up balloons to different sizes and submerged them into cold icy water. We watched and observed the balloons getting smaller as the gas particles slowed down and contracted. Next week we are looking at heating and seeing how solids, liquids and gases respond.
Date: 25th May 2023 @ 8:17am
This week Class 9 were measuring capacity. They were great at their estimates and so sensible when they were measuring - although we did have a few wet books! Great skills from everyone.
Date: 20th May 2023 @ 10:25am
Class 9 have been working hard on their new science topic States of Matter and this week they used thermometers to carry out an experiment using ice and recorded the temperature and length of time it took to melt. They kept the test fair by testing every 5 minutes, using the same amount of ice and having the ice in the same container on each table. They found that the temperature increased over the period and finished at + 20 which was the temperature of the room. The children bserved the solid ice melt and turn to liquid water over the timed perid. The children concluded that the ice would melt and eventually match the temperature of the environment it was in. The children are all science stars!
Date: 11th May 2023 @ 5:10pm
Class 9 have really been uplevelling their editing skills this week. We edited a Teams assignment with twenty mistakes - it took a long time to find them all! After this warm up we turned to our own writing from yesterday. Before we handed our learning in we put on our 'fresh eyes' glasses for one last check. Mrs Tomlinson is very proud of how our skills are improving.
Date: 3rd May 2023 @ 7:51pm
Class 9 enjoyed a visit from Danny Evans a professional basket ball player. The children had a chance to see where Danny started from and how he now plays for Great Britain. The children asked lots of questions, for example from Hammad, " who is your sporting idol?" They also had a chance to try out some skills and take part in a work out that Danny does most days to keep fit. The class loved the whole experience and went outside at playtime and played basket ball.
Date: 27th Apr 2023 @ 4:52pm
Class 9 became a human timeline this week. We are learning about the Vikings and ordered ourselves into events during the Viking era.
Date: 19th Apr 2023 @ 9:11pm
Class 9 came back to school after the Easter holidays ready to learn. Our new topic The Vikings has already grabbed the childrens' attention.
We have also started our Science learning on States of Matter and the first lesson looked at solids, liquids and gases. The children had to find out about particles and how these particles can vibrate and spread out.
In PSHE the children talked about having a good bedtime routine to help them sleep, like reading a book, having a bath or listening to music was a few ideas. Then the children came up with a guide to having a gd sleeping routine.