Class 9: Blog items
Date: 9th Jun 2022 @ 8:31pm
This week we have been learning all about the Queen and celebrating her Jubilee.
During the week we have been writing postcards and creating fact file. The children have also created flags and have made pop art for our school gallery.
Date: 18th Mar 2022 @ 7:17am
This week we have been writing and researching information about Rainforests and orangutans.
The children had to share their information with each other and write their facts using extended sentences.
In Maths we have beeing working on Multiplication and in Science we have been learning all about the digestive system.
Date: 7th Mar 2022 @ 3:44pm
This week we are continuing to exploring the story, titled LEAF. The children will be writing a retell of the story and will be planning out how they want to write it by choosing a planning proforma wich best suits their style.
In Maths, we are studying Geometry and the children will be learning all about shape and different types of line.
Click on the link for some games to support your knowledge.
Date: 15th Feb 2022 @ 9:55am
This week has been Curriculum Week. The children have been developing their Metacognition.
What is Metacognition - you ask?
The term metacognition refers to an individual’s ability to plan, monitor, evaluate, and make changes to their own learning behaviours in order to confront challenges more effectively.
You might have heard it defined as ‘thinking about thinking’,
It is also a form of self-regulation, involving self-awareness, critical analysis skills, and the ability to problem-solve.
Having metacognitive skills means that they are able to recognise their own abilities, direct their own learning, evaluate their performance, understand what caused their successes or failures, and learn new strategies.
It can also help them learn how to revise when they are having tests as well as develop their memory, attention, activation of prior knowledge, and being able to solve or complete a task.
Overall- It makes them learn more efficiently and more effectively, and so they are able to make more progress.
Date: 25th Jan 2022 @ 9:46am
This week we have been learning to play the recorder in Music and have been doing very well.
Why don't you purchase a recorder for yor child to practise at home. Press on the link below.
Date: 25th Jan 2022 @ 9:44am
This week we have been learning to play the recorder in Music and have been doing very well.
Why don't you purchase a recorder for them to practise at home.
The Star of the Week is.... Faatima B
Date: 14th Jan 2022 @ 7:33am
Class 9 – Faatima B for being confident when speaking in front of the class.
Date: 10th Jan 2022 @ 8:21am
This week we have been writing character descriptions in English, Adding money in Maths and learning all about living and non living things in Science.
The children have been learning to recall their 6 times tables and are making amazing progress with it.
Please support your child to develop the knowledge and recall so that they are ready for the Multiplication test in June.
Date: 4th Jan 2022 @ 1:08pm
This week we have had a positive start to our first week back. In Maths we have been mastering symmetry and in English we have been learning all about Boudica- the Icini Queen.
Date: 13th Dec 2021 @ 9:11am
This week is Christmas week. The children have been making hats, mats and table decorations.
We have also been completing our Design Technology by making a buzzer games. Ask you child all about it.
Did their plan work? Would they do anything different?
Date: 7th Dec 2021 @ 2:14pm
We have had a super week of learning and the children have made amazing progress with their writing.
We have been writing setting descriptions and the children have been focussing on similes, fronted adverbials and adverbs. I have seen HUGE improvements and I and very proud!
In Maths, we have been developing our knowledge of angles- Can your child describe these angles to you?
Date: 30th Nov 2021 @ 10:49am
This week we have been working on Money and in English we have been writing a persuasive text all about The Lakes District.
The children have become very persuasive and I am sure they will be asking you to take them there on holiday!
Did you know that the Lake District is in the North West of England?
Date: 24th Nov 2021 @ 10:31am
This week we have been working on the four proceedures in Maths and have been carring out assessments to look at the children's progress and in English we have been writing a persuasive text all about London.
In Science the children have been learning all about sound and how the ear works and in PSHE we have discussed sharing emotions and recognising different emotions and knowing that those emotions are NORMAL.
Date: 18th Nov 2021 @ 8:55am
This week we have been working on fractios in Maths and an alternative retell in English.
In Science the children have been learning all about sound and how sound travels through vibrations.
In PSHE we have explored feelings and emotions.
Date: 9th Nov 2021 @ 9:37am
We have had a super week this week !
The children have been exploring Great Britian, Sound, Fractions and the story titled "The Queen's Handbag"
They have also been working very hard to develop their knowledge of farctions of shapes and they have also created a fraction wall.
Why don't you ask them about their learning- what can they tell you?
Date: 2nd Nov 2021 @ 1:58pm
Please enjoy taking a look at our class page in the e-book, from Citizenship week.
Date: 29th Oct 2021 @ 10:49am
This week, during Citizenship Week, the children learned that being a Citizen means that a person belongs to a particular country, and they have rights, duties and privileges of being a citizen.
Citizenship education aims to develop the capacity of children to participate in a fair and inclusive society throughout their lifetime. It also teaches them the importance of independence of thought and to recognise the power of reflection and debate.
Citizenship education enables young people to explore personal and social values, as well as their peers’, in light of concepts such as diversity, equality, justice and democracy.
Date: 20th Oct 2021 @ 9:45am
This week has been Curriculum Week. Our theme for the week has been, how to be a good citizen.
The children have learnt a lot about what it means to be a good citizen and they have explored what it means to them now and in the future.
They now understand that Citizenship involves people working together to make positive differences to the society in which they live – locally, nationally and globally. ... And that in many countries – where democratic society and its institutions are facing threats – citizenship education is becoming increasingly important.
Date: 12th Oct 2021 @ 9:59am
This week, in Class 9, the children have been working on develoing their multiplication knowledge and understanding through problem solving. They have also been working on persuation in English and have created advertisements to sell a Mythical Toy.
In Science the children have been making circuits and have checked to see if the materials are conductors or insulators.
They had lots of fun !
Date: 6th Oct 2021 @ 5:01pm
This week, in Class 9, the children have been working on using their iPads and they have been researching information and developing their knowledge.
In English, the children have been developing alterate endings for their Greek myth story and they have subtracting in Maths !
Well done class 9
Date: 28th Sep 2021 @ 10:41am
This week, we have been working very hard to devlop the children's Metacognition so they are "Thinking about their Thinking" before, during and after lessons, to understand how they are learning.
They have also continued to learning all about Theseus and the Minotaur and they have written a detailed retell of the story!
In Maths, the children have been rounding up or down to make quick estimations and in PSHE they have been thinking about responsibilities at home and school.
Maybe you could give your child a responsibilty at home, that they could talk about in the classroom?
The children have also been continuing to learning all about Hinduism, Electricity and Travelling in PE.
Date: 22nd Sep 2021 @ 7:57am
We have had another super week of learning! The children are working very hard and are trying their best in every subject.
This week the children have bee learning all about Theseus and the Minotaur and they have also been developing the Number knowledge and place value.
The children have also been learning all about Hinduism, Electricity and Travelling in PE.
PSHE Autumn 1 Parents Newletter
Date: 20th Sep 2021 @ 4:37pm
Date: 14th Sep 2021 @ 9:54am
We have had a super week of learning!
The children have bee learning all about Persus and Medusa and they have also been revising and revisiting - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division-- in Maths.
The children have also composed music on the Garage Band App- using the rock guitar and drums.
Date: 12th Sep 2021 @ 2:51pm
The children have had a brilliant first week! They have all been determined to try their best and work hard!
Ask your child what they have enjoyed learning about this week .
Below is a photograph of our first year group display. Each child shared their new target for the year on a sunbeam.
Mr Padley said the our display was AMAZING !