Class 9: Blog items
Date: 30th Mar 2023 @ 4:57pm
Class 9 write non-chronological reports about orangutans in the rainforest. Thet were amazing and everyone was so proud of themselves. They used all the features of a report with lots of interesting facts and great pictures.
Date: 21st Mar 2023 @ 11:35pm
Class 9 were asked to find out about Alexander Graham Bell the inventor of the telephone. The children had fun making their own string and cup phones and worked out the tighter the string the clearer you culd hear your friends voice. They tried different experiments to see how vibrations travelled through different materials. Class 9 went on to create a Powerpoint all bout the inventor Alexander Graham Bell.
Date: 17th Mar 2023 @ 7:57am
This week the children were learning about the digestive system. They used tights and food to recrate what happens when we eat. They were so enthusiastic and used some great technical vocabulary too.
Date: 8th Mar 2023 @ 8:52pm
Class 9 had a great start to their Science topic on teeth and digestion by finding out at home about the different teeth we have. In class children used their iPads to watch which teeth they used for eating a slice of apple. The children found out about the particular job each type of tooth has. Why don't you ask them to tell you all about teeth.
Date: 3rd Mar 2023 @ 7:50am
This week the children were treated to a new book from The Harmony Trust. It was lovely to have time to browse the books and then choose one to keep forever! We went back to class and straight into the new books. The children love the smell of a new book and time to chat to their friends about what they had chosen. Many children chose the same as a friend so they coudl read together.
Date: 21st Feb 2023 @ 9:25pm
This week is Curriculum Week and Class 9 are basing all their learning on a rainforest story called Shaman's Apprentice. The children have made a rainforest in a box, added a vocabulary book with unknown or interesting words. Then they made salt dough rainforest animals and painted them and then added these to their box. The children have also written some AMAZING setting descriptions and used different media to create rainforest pictures. The photgraphs are just some of the super work Class 9 have produced.
Date: 19th Jan 2023 @ 4:49pm
Class 9 were treated to some new books again. A few weeks ago our wonderful student teacher bought Harry Potter books for our book loving children and this week we treated them to Percy Jackson books. They cannot wait to get stuck into these.
Date: 11th Jan 2023 @ 10:40am
Class 9 are studying The Romans for topic and this week we had a wow afternoon to start our learning in a fun and creative way. The children loved making mosaics, a leafy wreath for their head, they made a Powerpoint finding lots of facts using given websites and finally they tasted some of the foods Romans would have eaten like figs, olives and dates. We got a mixed reaction to the food tasting as some children loved them and others thought they were revolting! We had an AMAZING afternoon.
Date: 5th Jan 2023 @ 8:04am
This week the children have returned from their break and have been learning about symmetry. We started with symmetry of shapes which the children remembered doing in prevous years. We then moved onto symmetry of letters. The children looked confused when we first introduced this but then were amazed when they used the mirrors to find the lines of symmetry here.
Date: 14th Dec 2022 @ 11:46am
Class 9 had their Christmas Cracker performance this week and they sung with enthusiam, did the actions with great gusto, looked fabulously festive in the Christmas clothes and smiled so brightly. Well done Class 9 you were ALL truly AMAZING and we are so very proud of you!! As we always are!
Date: 8th Dec 2022 @ 11:08am
This week was Christmas jumper day and it happened to fall on Class 9's assembly. We all looked fantastic in our jumpers and were amazing in our assembly. Our confidence had improved such a lot since our last one and we are now super excited for our Christmas Cracker performance.
Date: 1st Dec 2022 @ 6:03pm
We want to say a 'BIG WELL DONE' to Class 9 this week for their focus, hard work and determination during assessment week. They have listened, followed instructions and have shown great resilience too.
Date: 23rd Nov 2022 @ 9:29am
Class 9 have been learning to talk about the weather in French. We have been 'lucky' with the weather this week as it has given us many opportunities to practise our new words.
Date: 16th Nov 2022 @ 3:17pm
Class 9 have been fully on board with the Anti-Bullying learning this week. Thank you to all parents for sending your children in to school wearing 'Odd Socks' so many took part.
We also learnt about Reaching Out to help stop bullying or help if we see it, hear it or feel it! All the children know which adults to trust and speak to if anything worries them.
Our class wrote a message about Anti-Bullying which you can see below. Well done Class 9 for your creativity and enthusiasm in everything you do. You are truly amazing!
Date: 9th Nov 2022 @ 7:46pm
This week Class 9 had a special treat for winning the Word Millionaire for October. They have read 333,546 words as a class, beating Year 6 by just ten words. They truly are a class of readers. Here they are enjoying cookies and hot chocolate and an afternoon in the library.
Date: 2nd Nov 2022 @ 5:43pm
Welcome back Class 9.
We have started a new book in English this week called The Queen's Handbag. The children have enjoyed hearing the story and then bringing it to life using drama. They became the different characters and used their voice and actions to recreate the story. They used props, great facial and body expressions and lots of humour too! They have then looked at the vocabulary used and found rhyming words, definitions, synonymns and showed they understand by writing their own sentences. A great start to Autumn 2. Well done Class 9!
Date: 18th Oct 2022 @ 8:06pm
This week at Greenhill we have been learning about Black History Month. Year 3 and 4 have been given the task to find out about black heroes. The children have spent 4 days looking at many black heroes but more closely at four different men and women. We found out about their lives, their struggles and their determination to achieve. In class the children have been researching the heroes, fact finding, acting out well known times from the heroes life and being creative using a variety of art media to produce some excellent outcomes. The children have asked so many questions which has lead to some great discussions. Well done Class 9 for your eagerness to learn. You are ALL SUPERSTARS!
Date: 13th Oct 2022 @ 4:49pm
Class 9 have been amazing designers this week in their DT lessons. Their task was to create a Greek Temple using boxes and masking tape. You can clearly see what a huge success they had. They also created a digital floor book of their learning with design plans, evaluations, photographs and video. Some children even went home and created their own temple there. Super learning continuing throughout home and school.
Date: 5th Oct 2022 @ 9:07pm
Class 9 have had a super week writing a Greek myth about Theseus and the Minotaur. The childrens' writing was lovely to read and they were all very proud. In PSHE we have been looking at why we need rules, having the right to vote, using our manners and being respectful. The children were creative with their scenarios showing respect to each other. Well done Class 9! Another great week!
Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 5:07pm
This week the children have made PPT about Greek gods and goddesses. We have been fascinated by some of the things we have found out and the family tree blew our mind! Have a look at one of our slides we have created...
Date: 21st Sep 2022 @ 9:44pm
Class 9 have continued their learning about electricity and this week they were set a challenge which was could they light up the bulb or make the buzzer buzz. The children were so enthusiastic and loved the practical learning and the challenge set. They worked out how to make a full circuit so the bulb lit up and then drew the circuit they had made using electrical symbols. Well done Class 9!
Date: 15th Sep 2022 @ 4:32pm
Class 9 have been a lot of learning this week related to their Ancient Greece topic and their Science learning about electricity. Here they are sorting items into those which are electrical and those which aren't.
Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 12:08am
Class 9 children came back to school after their Summer holidays with big smiles and LOTS of enthusiasm.
This week we have been reading the story 'The Great Green Forest by Paul Geraghty'. The children have loved writing speech and thought bubbles for what they think the rainforest animals would be saying. They drew and painted an animal of their choice in the style of the author and illustrator Paul Geraghty. They have written descriptions of the animals and the forest, which they will edit and improve. What a great start to Year 4! Well done Class 9!
Date: 20th Jun 2022 @ 10:15am
This week, in English, we have been developing our written work and the genre is Newspapers.
The children have been working on including the features of a newspaper and tried to include as many as they could.
In Maths, we have been working on Fractions; adding and subtracting them.
Date: 15th Jun 2022 @ 4:16pm
This week in maths we have been learning about Mass. The children have converted kilograms in to grams and have been weighing.
Why dot you bake with your child to allow them to weigh things out on the scales?