Reception Blog WB 31/1/2022
Date: 4th Feb 2022 @ 8:17pm
This week Receptin have been doing some fantastic learning about Chinese New Year.
In English we have enjoyed the story of The Runaway Wok, learning about a traditional story about the life of a poor family in Beijing. We have drawn our favourite parts of the story, written captions and enjoyed retelling the story using our own story maps. We learned about how Chinese people celebrate New Year - this year is the year of the tiger - and even made our own lanterns and a dragon to dance with.
In Maths we have been learning about 6,7, and 8 doing different activities to ensure that we can recognise each number in different ways and that our knowledge of each number is secure.
Next week we will be going on a journey all around the world to different markets to buy lots of interesting things!