Reception weekly Blog WB 15.11.2021

Date: 22nd Nov 2021 @ 11:36am

This week was very busy in Reception. Nibbles the book monster was spotted in school - he left a trail of footprints all over Class 1! We were very worried as he likes to eat books amongst other things like soap and smelly socks. We created Wanted Posters so that the other children in school could help us to catch him and finally on Friday afternoon the children who were playing outside made a trap to catch him and put him back in his book. Great job Reception!

In Maths we were finding circles and triangles inside and outdoors and creating obstacle courses to show off how fantasteic we are at positional language.

In the afternoon we had great fun challenging our senses in different ways - feeling slimey jelly in a feely box was a firm favourite! We also looked at the work of Artist Andy Goldsworthy and created some natural artwork of our own.

Harmony Street, Oldham, Lancashire OL4 1RR

Mrs C Glynn - Principal

0161 260 0621

Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)