Our blogs


Date: 11th Jul 2022 @ 10:12am

Class 14 have had a great week celebrating all their hard work. We visited the cinema on Tuesday and had a tasty lunch of fish and chips afterwards. We are working hard practising our leavers assembly ready to show parents on Tuesday 19th July at 9:30, we can't wait perform it for you. 

Flowering Plants

Date: 9th Jul 2022 @ 9:06am

Y5 have been busy in science learning about plant lifecycles. This week we recapped on the different part of a plant and their jobs. They were amazed to find out that the leaf helps the plant to make its food using sunlight and carbon dioxide.

We then went onto look closely at the parts of a flower. We identified the male and female parts of the flower by taking apart the petals to reveal the stamen, and the carpel. The children had a great time dissecting the flower and labelling the parts.


Learning in Class 8 7.7.22

Date: 7th Jul 2022 @ 6:05pm

Class 8 continued their learning on the Mayan civilisation this week by using their iPads to find out facts about the Mayan writing system. They loved finding out about all the different sounds and symbols they used.

                                                                                          Mayan facts(1).jpg

Intraschool Football

Date: 7th Jul 2022 @ 8:55am

This week we took part in the Intra School Football tournament.

Class 7 played against class 8, 9 and 10.

Clas 7   0-0 Class 8

Class 7   2-0  Class 9

Class 7   2-0 Class 10


They worked as a team to become the champions of the tournament.

Those children who were waiting to have their turn cheered on our team from the side lines and some even created dance moves for our team.

They had a wonderful morning and couldn't believe that they had won the trophy.

A fantastic end to a fantastic year!





Roman Numerals

Date: 1st Jul 2022 @ 10:54pm

This week, Class 11 have been busy learning about Roman numerals. We have learnt to read and write Roman numerals as numbers and dates.

We have also been answering problem solving and reasoning questions based on Roman numerals.


Today we put our knowledge and skills to use. We worked in small groups to solve tri-jigsaw puzzles in which we used Roman numerals. We started with a simple puzzle and then progressed to more challenging ones. The children felt so proud of themselves when they solved a problem. Well done!

Learning in Class 8 30.6.22

Date: 30th Jun 2022 @ 4:56pm

Class 8 have been learning about the Mayan civilisation. They have made chocolate boxes to store all their learning in. This week they have learnt about the different Gods and Goddesses that were worshipped as well as learning about the Mayan number system. They are really enjoying findning out new facts and adding them to their leaflet that they are writing in English. 

Maya numerals - Wikipedia

Year 5 Macbeth rehearsals

Date: 29th Jun 2022 @ 4:32pm

Year 5 have been rehearsing for their big performance - Macbeth. They will be performing at Oldham Coliseum on the 8th of July. The class been working super hard to learn their lines and remember planned actions. We cannot wait for our big performance!

Online Safety

Date: 24th Jun 2022 @ 5:10pm

Today, as part of our Online Safety development, we took part in an assembly presented by the Google and Parent Zone's Be internet legends team. This special interactive event was fun packed and informative. The children enjoyed themselves very much and successfully solved the puzzle.

The children learnt a great deal about how the internet can be a safe place if we follow some very simple but important rules. The children will be coming home with a leaflet which explains everything that was discussed. It would be great if parents could discuss and reinforce online safety at home as well.


Learninig in Class 8 24.6.22

Date: 22nd Jun 2022 @ 6:15pm

In Maths this week we recapped what we already know about measurement before moving on to capacity. We have had a brilliant week so far with our maths because we started measuring out different capacities and reading the scales. Then this lead us on to converting milliltres (ml) to litres (l) and vice versa and then we added and subtracted ml and l. The children have had lots of fun and really understood the learning. Super stars!

                                                                                                capacity 1.jpeg

week ending 24.6.22

Date: 20th Jun 2022 @ 10:15am

This week, in English, we have been developing our written work and the genre is Newspapers.

The children have been working on including the features of a newspaper and tried to include as many as they could.

In Maths, we have been working on Fractions; adding and subtracting them.

This week in Nursery...

Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 8:26am

This week in Nursery we have been learning about Trains and Trams. The children joined in with Train role play and made their own train using chairs. We had children playing the passengers, someone playing the ticket man and another girl playing the snack lady. 

In the creative area the children have been busy junk modelling trains and trams. Working really hard using one handed tools.

In the Maths area we focused on representing numbers. 

Working out volume in Y5

Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 6:21am

This week in Maths, Y5 have been learning about how to work out volume. We started by looking at what volume is and how we can work it out using cubic units. We began with a practical session in which we used cubes to build a variety of simple and complex shapes. We then counted the number of cubes that were used to make the shape in order to work out the volume. We then went on to explored the formula for volume and how we have to multiply three dimensions to get an answer. Surprisingly, Y5 did very well with this. Well done!

Class 4

Date: 16th Jun 2022 @ 4:28pm

This week class 4 have looked at the story 'The Kiss that Missed' focusing on using verbs and suffixes. We have done some lovely writing using a re-tell. 

In Maths, we have been re-capping addition and subtraction thinking about the inverse which we did fantastic with!

Class 4 really enjoyed our new Topic Iin ICT this week where we began creating animated stories on the ipads using purple mash. 

Overall, we have had a week full of fantastic learning! 



Learning in Class 8 16.6.22

Date: 16th Jun 2022 @ 12:36pm

This week we took our Ipads outside to edit our introductions in the sun. We felt it was our best editing lesson so far. This was because we were editing on the IPads rather than written work, editing someone else's writing instead of our own and enjoying the gorgeous weather at the same time. We all want to do this again.

sunny days.jpg

week ending 17.6.22

Date: 15th Jun 2022 @ 4:16pm

This week in maths we have been learning about Mass. The children have converted kilograms in to grams and have been weighing.


Why dot you bake with your child to allow them to weigh things out on the scales?

Queen Elizabeth

Date: 10th Jun 2022 @ 4:41pm

We have had a fantastic week learning all about the history of Queen Elizabeth II. We started the week by researching what the jubilee means and what events have happened to celebrate such a fantastic time for history. We then explored the different events from the Queen's life. We used our creativity skills to use pointillism techniques to make our own art work for the Jubilee celebrations. 



Y5 Art work

Date: 10th Jun 2022 @ 6:44am

This week was curriculum week in which we celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The children been busy learning about Queen Elizabeth and her life. They have also been involved in range of activities in which they have been able to put to use their creative ideas, such as designing their own crowns. Other highlights of the week were sports day and the Jubilee Lunch.

Today, we hosted our Jubilee art exhibitions in which Y5 created art work inspired by the artist Claude Monet. It was a pleasure to watch the children taking time to create the depth and textures they wanted. They took great pride in their work and made sure it was just right. Well done Y5, your work was amazing!


Week ending 10.6.22

Date: 9th Jun 2022 @ 8:31pm

This week we have been learning all about the Queen and celebrating her Jubilee.

During the week we have been writing postcards and creating fact file. The children have also created flags and have made pop art for our school gallery.



Learning in Class 8 10.6.22

Date: 7th Jun 2022 @ 10:09pm

This week has been Curriculum Week and our theme was The Queen's Jubilee. The week started with an assembly from Mr Padley all about the Queen and her jubilee. Then the children have researched all about the queen and her family tree, made crowns for our royal tea party and created some amazing art work. There's been lots of questions asked, many new facts learned and lots of fun being creative. Well done Class 8!


Year 5 meet the author Frank Cottrell-Boyce

Date: 26th May 2022 @ 1:39pm

Today, Year 5 paid a visit to Northmoor Academy where we were lucky enough to meet the much loved children’s author Frank Cottrell-Boyce. The children where fascinated by the stories he had to tell and were bursting to ask questions about his life experiences and the books that he has written. All the children have been presented with one of his books and we have set them the challenge of reading it over the half term break. Happy reading Year 5!


Writing letters to the Queen

Date: 26th May 2022 @ 1:11pm

This week in Class 3 we have been reading a book called ‘The Queen’s knickers.’  In the story the Queen lost her knickers, so the children have designed their very own knickers for the Queen, writing her a letter all about their amazing designs...


As part of our maths learning class 3 have also been re-capping our knowledge of time, addition and subtraction. The children worked together in pairs to solve a range of different addition and subtraction questions.


Learning in Class 8 25.5.22

Date: 25th May 2022 @ 7:32pm

This week we ended our Computing and Topic learning. In Topic we have been learning about volcanoes and have been fascinated by the things we have learnt. Our research skills have developed so well as we discovered new and interesting facts. In Computing we have been learning how to create a Power Point Presentation. We linked the two to create a PPT about Volcanoes. We visited Year 4 to buddy up and show them what we have been doing. They were so complimentary about our learning and enjoyed seeing what we had done as it reminded them of when they did it last year.

 volcano 1.jpgvolcano 2.jpg


Date: 25th May 2022 @ 2:51pm

Today we completed our volcano artwork!

The children have loved creating their own collage volcano!





Super writers

Date: 24th May 2022 @ 4:40pm

A few weeks ago children from across school took part in a writing competition.

Many children had the opportuinity for their writing to be published in a book.


These two superstars have now bought a copy of the book where their own writing has been published.



I am so proud of them and all of the other children who entered the competition!

Class 7s Super artwork

Date: 24th May 2022 @ 4:37pm

This week Class 7 have started their art work.

This half term we have been learning about volcanoes in English and Topic and to finish the half term we have decided to create pictures of volcanoes through collage.

The children have begun their artwork this afternoon and have had lots of fun.


We cannot wait to see the finished piece!


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Mrs C Grainger - Office Manager

0161 260 0621
