Our blogs

Learning in Class 9 23.9.22

Date: 21st Sep 2022 @ 9:44pm

Class 9 have continued their learning about electricity and this week they were set a challenge which was could they light up the bulb or make the buzzer buzz. The children were so enthusiastic and loved the practical learning and the challenge set. They worked out how to make a full circuit so the bulb lit up and then drew the circuit they had made using electrical symbols. Well done Class 9!

                                           IMG_0949 class 9.jpg                                                  Class 9 circuits.jpg

Our WOW Starter!

Date: 21st Sep 2022 @ 9:08pm

We loved exploring different vegetables and playing farmer in class this week. We explored different vegetables that might be grown and harvested at a farm in the countryside. After harvesting the crops we enjoyed tasting the different vegetables. We tasted, swede, radish, cabbage, natural yoghurt and creamy mature cheese. We have been looking at urban and rural areas and discussing as a class where we would like to live when we are older. 



Star of the Week - Class 12 - Ibraheem

Date: 21st Sep 2022 @ 8:30pm

200.gifThis week, the 'Star of the Week' in Class 12 is Ibraheem.


Ibraheem has been fantastic in Maths and has been helping his peers with the work. 


Well Done.

Wow starter!

Date: 21st Sep 2022 @ 7:03pm

This week we have started our new topic 'The Countryside'. We started our new learning by finding out what foods you might see growing on a farm. At first we thought we might see mangos and bananas but after lots of research and talk time we found out that wasn't quite right. 


We discussed how the farmers grow their vegetables and fruit. Then we talked about what food we can get from different animals for example eggs from chickens and milk from cows. 


Then we got to try some foods. The children really enjoyed trying lots of new foods like swede, cabbages and radishes. At home, could you ask your children which food they likes and which one they didn't. 

All things Messy!

Date: 21st Sep 2022 @ 3:54pm

This half term we are focusing on our body and senses. Can you guess what sense we are focusing on this week?

Class 14 - World War II Wow Starter

Date: 16th Sep 2022 @ 1:59pm

Year 6 had a fabulous time with Mr B learning all about World War II.  They learned what life really like for children and adults in World War Two.  To have to cope not only with the rationing and evacuee programmes, but also the Blitz, the Battle of Britain and the threat of being invaded.  They explored how people were able to live in a time when sticking together and standing strong was not only expected but essential.  They got to carry out lots of hands on activities, including creating Black out windows, dressing up and handling WW2 artefacts and even learning how to bandage up their friends using WW2 instructions.  What a fabulous start to our World War II topic! Ask your child all about it and see what interesting facts they know. 




Nursery Weekly Blog WB 12/9/2022

Date: 16th Sep 2022 @ 12:15pm

This week in Nursery we have welcomed lots of new friends1 They have all settled in nicely and have enjoyed exploring the inside and outside space. All week all the children have done lots of great learning - including handprints and portraits for displays in school.

Next week we look forward to our final group of friends joining us on Tuesday.

Class 4

Date: 16th Sep 2022 @ 1:41am

This week Class 4 have been doing lots of fun and interesting learning!

In Literacy we have been looking at the story 'You choose' by Nick Sharratt. We focused on using ADJECTIVES and NOUNS in our writing. Class 4 wrote some amazing descriptive sentences! 

In Maths we developed our numbers learning looking at less than and more than, comparing numbers in lots of different ways.

We also continued with our Topic learning on Our local area. We looked at different types of homes and thought about the types of houses we live in. We had lots of fun using Google Earth looking at Our local area and places we visit and know. 

We hope you enjoyed reading all about what we did this week!

Learning in Class 9 15.9.22

Date: 15th Sep 2022 @ 4:32pm

Class 9 have been a lot of learning this week related to their Ancient Greece topic and their Science learning about electricity. Here they are sorting items into those which are electrical and those which aren't.



Date: 11th Sep 2022 @ 6:11pm

What an amazing start to Class 6 the children have had! 

We began our week exploring our book of the week; Charlie Stinky Socks and the Really Big Adventure. The children loved the different characters that Charlie and his crew met along the adventure through the deep dark wood. They shared amazing adjectives and showed good knowledge of language that blew us away! 

Their number knowledge in maths tested their knowledge of place value which then they had to use to help the pirates solve the clues to solve the problem; Who had stolen the pirates treasure map? We found the suspect just in time for the Jolly Rodger's to set sail in search for the treasure! 


We are excited for our WOW starter in Topic next week which links our Geography lessons this half term to the Countryside. Share stories or family photos from times you may have visited a farm or local countryside together and discuss the following terminology as a family; cattle, stile, hedges, cobbled lane, drystone wall, resevoir. 7F47F9D1-3B63-4046-A246-CEE4EF449225.jpegD410DA64-C501-499D-AB09-861FD7D54D5D.jpeg

Class Blog- Week Ending -9.9.22

Date: 11th Sep 2022 @ 4:09pm

This week we welcome Mr Rose to class 11. He will be teaching in class 11 and is looking forward to getting to know the children over the next few weeks.

We have had a fantastic first week in Class 11.  We have explored the story 'The Secret Lake' in Literacy and we have been recapping our understanding of the four rules of number in Maths.  

As an introduction to our new topic, The Tudors, we  created the Battle of Bosworth. In Science we have explored Forces and in PSHE we have created class rules.

Miss Cummins and Mr Rosel are so proud of Class 11 and the super start they have had to Year 5! 

Richard III’s death at the Battle of Bosworth was a turning point in history

First week back!

Date: 9th Sep 2022 @ 10:17pm

Welcome back, hope you had a lovely holiday!

The children have come back to school ready to learn. It has been great to see how much they have grown over the summer.

There has been some lovely focus and learning with our task boxes and the children really enjoyed making chocolate brownies this week too!

Our first week back In Year 1

Date: 9th Sep 2022 @ 6:50pm

Class 3 have had a fantastic week this week getting to know their new teachers and settling into Year 1. In Literacy we have been reading the story ' The lion who wanted love,' writing a character description all about Leo the lion. The children had so much fun creating a class story whoosh to tell the story using their super drama skills.

In maths this week, the children have been working on our number skills, practicing their counting, ordering and sequencing of numbers. 

We can't wait for another fun week of learning next week! 


WB 5.9.2022 Nursery Blog

Date: 9th Sep 2022 @ 5:10pm

The children who have started Nursery this week in the morning and afternoon have made a fantastic start with both their behaviour and learning. They have all settled really well and made lots of new friends - enjoying exploring inside and outside !

We look forward to welcoming lots of new faces next week!

Our first week in Class 14

Date: 9th Sep 2022 @ 4:32pm

We have had a fantastic first week in Class 14.  We have explored the story 'The Heart and the Bottle' in Literacy and we have been recapping our understanding of the four rules of number in Maths.  As an introduction to our new topic, World War 2, we have started to create the basis of our Art project for the term.  We have made Evacuation label books, using collage to line our pages.  We have been really inspired by different war time artists. 

Mrs Baguley and Mrs Wall are so proud of Class 14 and the super start they have had to Year 6! 

Back to school

Date: 9th Sep 2022 @ 8:43am

What a fantastic first week back we have had! In Maths, we have been looking at number place value. We started the week by practising our careful counting and then moved onto making numbers using our equipment. In English, we have been looking at the book The Night Pirates by Peter Haris. At home, you could ask your child to tell you their favourite part and character. 



9.9.22 - Back to school

Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 4:15pm

The children have all settled back into the Learning base after the summer holidays. 

They have spent a lot of their learning time talking to the other children and their friends about what they did in the holidays. Some children went on adventures on a plane and some went on a boat. Lots of adventures were had to lots of different places - water theme parks, dinosaur lands, parks, zoo. 

The children all sounded as though they had a fun packed holiday. 

Parents, if you have any photos of some of the activities that you did with your child in the school hoildays, could you please send them into school and we will do some work around it. 

Great Britain

Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 8:33am

This week the children took part in a WOW afternoon!

The children discussed what they already knew about Great Britain and what they would like to learn.

They then looked at the flags, traditional dances, clothing and food from the four countries.

They had a wonderful time!


Learning in Class 9 7.9.22

Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 12:08am

Class 9 children came back to school after their Summer holidays with big smiles and LOTS of enthusiasm. 

This week we have been reading the story 'The Great Green Forest by Paul Geraghty'. The children have loved writing speech and thought bubbles for what they think the rainforest animals would be saying. They drew and painted an animal of their choice in the style of the author and illustrator Paul Geraghty. They have written descriptions of the animals and the forest, which they will edit and improve. What a great start to Year 4! Well done Class 9!

                                                                                                    Class 9.jpg

Getting Active in Y5.

Date: 16th Jul 2022 @ 6:45am

On Friday, at Greenhill  it was ‘Get Active’ day, where the children learnt all about why it is important to stay active.

The children wore sports clothing and took part in different sporting tasks. Y5 played rounder's, and did a few sporting challenges based on a long jump, running, and throwing.

We also designed a few poster about keeping fit  and healthy. The money raised from this day will go towards new PE equipment. Well Done  Y5!


Learning in Class 8 14.7.22

Date: 14th Jul 2022 @ 4:03pm

Today we had our awards assembly. Here are our Class 8 award winners. Well done to the whole class for their amazing effort in learning this year. They should all be proud of themselves. Award.jpeg

Do you want to be a Superhero?

Date: 12th Jul 2022 @ 4:34pm

This week, the children have been learning all about Superhero's. We were lucky enough to have a visit from a Superhero and enjoyed making our own costumes.

They wrote about their superpowers and designed their costumes.

Little Red Riding Hood

Date: 12th Jul 2022 @ 4:26pm

The children have been looking at the story of Little Red Riding Hood. 

We loved making biscuits for Granny and making a basket for them. The children were careful to watch out for the big bad Wolf!

Using the mirrors, the children looked to see if they had big facial features like the wolf and practiced making funny faces.


I am a ROBOT!

Date: 12th Jul 2022 @ 4:21pm

This week the children have been learning about Robots. They have designed and made their own robots by following instructions and makino choices.

The children also use Communication Inprint to describe their robots.

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