Our blogs


Date: 23rd May 2022 @ 12:28pm

The children have been developing their magic skills. We made wands like the witch and created bubbling potions.

The children were very interested in what happens when certain ingredients are mixed together.

Our London Cityscapes...

Date: 20th May 2022 @ 8:01pm

This week as part of our art learning class 3 have been creating some beautiful cityscapes of London inspired by the artist Paul Klee. We linked our art learning to our topic learning, looking at Great Britain. The children added different shapes to their cityscape of London and coloured them in using brightly coloured oil pastels. Take a look at some of our finished pieces below...




Is it Haunted?

Date: 20th May 2022 @ 11:54am

This week in class, the children have been learning about Haunted houses.

They have focused on the language and words that can be used to describe a haunted house and used this language to write sentences.

The children also used 2Simple to draw their own house and followed instructions in art to draw one using pencils.

Learning in Class 8 18.5.22

Date: 18th May 2022 @ 10:44pm

Our comprehension this week was a playscript called Rama and Sita. The children enjoyed reading and discussing the play before acting it out with great interest and creativity. After acting out the play the children answered questions about the text like what is different about this text to what we normally read? Can you think of descriptive words to describe the characters? The children had to skim and scan for answers and use deduction to work out answers. 

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Learning in Class 8 13.5.22

Date: 13th May 2022 @ 3:00pm

Class 8 had a fantastic Eid party to end a wonderful week of learning. The morning was spent writing a beautiful story of love based on Disney's short film Lava - every child excelled in this! The afternoon was spent having extra long golden time followed by dancing and games. Eid 1.jpgeid 2.jpgeid 3.jpg

Maths in Year 5

Date: 13th May 2022 @ 11:02am

This week Year 5 have been learning how to divide by a 2-digit number in maths. The children have learnt how to build 2 digit multiple lists in order to complete the short division method accurately. They have been brilliant when exhcnaging within the method also. 

Lizzie and the Birds

Date: 13th May 2022 @ 7:51am

This week in Class 5 we have been exploring the book Lizzie and the Birds. We started the week by reading the text and considering if we would like to live in a house filled with birds or if it would be too noisy for us. On Tuesday, we had a fantastic drama lesson where we worked in pairs to become one of the birds from our text. We had so much fun becoming ghost bird, super bird, rainbow bird and crow!


Room on the Broom

Date: 12th May 2022 @ 4:53pm

This week we have been looking at 'Room on the Broom' by Julia Donaldson.

The children had a visit from the witch and have been learning all about the characters in the story.

In ICT the children have been using 2Simple to draw a picture from the story. They have been developing their turn taking and matching skills in a bingo game.

Our germs experiment in Class 3

Date: 6th May 2022 @ 4:45pm

This week in Class 3 as part of our PSHE learning we have been exploring the topic of 'germs.' As a class we thought about what germs are and what we can do to stop them spreading and making us poorly.

We took part in a whole class experiment to highlight the importance of washing our hands.

Three children were chosen and each put their hands in a different coloured glitter to represent three different types of germs.


The children then shook hands with each other and noticed that they now had lots of different types of germs on their hands when 'playing' with other children.


After that we had a go at washing our hands with and without soap. We found that the germs could only be washed off properly if the children used hot water and soap.


Diary writing in Year 5

Date: 6th May 2022 @ 11:51am

Year 5 have written some excellent diary entries as Mr Wolf from Little Red Riding Hood. They have realy enjoyed this. The children included many features of writing, such as fronted adverbials, relative clauses, parenthesis, rehtorical questions, emotive langage and much more. The children will continue to use this story as a hook next week but we will be writing a newspaper report to prove the wolf's innocence - how interesting! 

Reception Weekly Blog WB 2/5/2022

Date: 6th May 2022 @ 8:05am

This week in Reception we have been doing lots of fantastic learning linked to the book The Tiny Seed. We have listened to the story of how a tiny seed travelled through the air over lots of different landscapes , facing many dangers, until finally it grows into an enormous plant. We did some amazing drama making landscapes with our bodies and created our own class book of the story for our reading area. 

We have also planted sedds of our own and can't wait for our cress heads to start to sprout!

In Maths we have been continuing our learning about numbers between 10 and 20. The cheeky kangaroo has been back to make us think hard about what these bigger numbers look like!

Learning in Class 8 6th May 2022

Date: 4th May 2022 @ 10:22pm

Class 8 are continuing their learning on Volcanoes and in English this week they are writing songs about how one volcano feels, hopes and dreams. The children watched the short clip called LAVA and recorded the feelings of the volcano and then they will start to write and perform their song. The children are really enjoying their task and we are very excited to see the outcomes.


Reception Weekly Blog WB 25/4/2022

Date: 29th Apr 2022 @ 8:49am

This week in Reception we have started to do lots of great learning about our new topic Get Outdoors!

We have been reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk - and planting beanstalks of our own - and writing our own books using speech bubbles to tell the story. 

The children have been getting VERY excited about Eid and we have talked about the traditions they have when they celebrate at home. They enjoyed making cards and sharing their hopes for the festivities.

In Maths we have been extending our learning to numbers up to 20 by looking at them on Ten Frames and seeing that they are one full frame and some more. Could you help your child by looking for numbers up to 20 in the environment and sharing them with your child so that they can recognise them easily?


Learning in Class 8 28.4.22

Date: 28th Apr 2022 @ 12:42pm

This week we started our new topic about volcanoes. Despite being upset that our learning about Ancient Egypt had come to an end we were EXPLODING with excitement about our new topic. We started the week by making a volcano. We then wrote instructions for someone else to follow if they wanted to do the same. We labelled a volcano and learnt what was involved in the process of a volcanic eruption. We can't wait to see what else we will find out. 

Volcano 1.jpg                Volcano.JPG

Week ending 29.4.22

Date: 26th Apr 2022 @ 3:04pm

This week, in class 14, we have been reading a story titled- The colour of home. Our writing journey is all about a retell. The children used drama to bring the story to life and used freeze frames.

In Maths, we have been revising all area of Maths and have been ensuring that we know our times tables. We have been using Sumdog to develop our fluency and confidence.


The Colour of Home By Mary Hoffman



Space learning

Date: 8th Apr 2022 @ 8:13am

The children have loved our topic this term. They have learnt all about 'Space'.

During Literacy the children have looked at pobble pictures which generate lots of talk for writing. 

The children then use Inprint to read space words and describe the pobble pictures. 

They then write about the pictures using their phonic knowledge. 

The children then do their own drawings related to the picture - solar systems, galazy, space, space travel etc.

During topic learning the children have looked at lots of different aspects related to space - space travel to different planets, who goes to space? why do they go to space?

The children have thoroughly enjoyed the topic and made an assembly all about it. 

Please ask them about it. 

Poetry Performances in Y5

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 5:03pm

This week, Year 5 has been writing Ramadan Poems.  At the beginning of the week, we read a poem and as a group we performed it. In order to make our poems sound more interesting to listen to, we made sure to use our facial expressions, gestures and remembered to change the tone of our voices.

We then explored the features of a poem and learnt that a good poem should include things such as rhyme, interesting adjectives, powerful verbs, alliteration, onomatopoeia and even a simile or two.

We then went onto plan and write our own poems about Ramadan, which we will be using later on to make Eid cards. Well done Year 5!

Learning in Class 8 7.4.22

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 12:44pm

Class 8 have done so much great learning that we couldn't decide what to show! We decided to show our brilliant big writes and our amazing art work.

Our big writes were adventure stories based on Charlie Stinky Socks. We added new parts to the adventure in our handmade journals.

In art we were using a printing technique. We made a design based on our Egyptian learning and then created a print. We have enjoyed our learning so much!

8 blog.jpg 

Fantastic newspaper reports by Y5

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 10:28am

Year 5 have been working extremely hard to create newspaper reports all about Storm Dudley and Storm Eunice. They researched effects of the storms and spoke to real life witnesses in regards to the damage caused by the horrfic storms. This really enjoyed this element of Literacy. 

8.4.22 - I-pad learning

Date: 7th Apr 2022 @ 8:57am

Class 6 have loved getting to use th i-pads in school. They have definitely grown in confidence and skill since September. The children generated some amazing apps of their own on Keynote all to do with SPACE! They also enjoyed using pages to create their very own e-books.

Rivers in Y5

Date: 1st Apr 2022 @ 4:34pm

This week in Year 5, we have been writing non-chronological reports. We did a feature search and built up a range of rich vocabulary that we later used in the reports. We developed our report writing skills and did some editing to improve our writing.

Some children even produced some fantastic artwork, creating shimmering rivers using a collage and different shades of blue. They looked amazing!

Money Money Money...

Date: 1st Apr 2022 @ 4:26pm

This week in class 3 we have been looking at Money as part of our maths learning...



The children have had so much exploring a range of different coins, as well as making different amounts, using their knowledge of their 2, 5 and 10 times tables.


Spring learning - 1.4.22

Date: 1st Apr 2022 @ 7:48am

The children were full of the joys of Spring watching the daffodils and crocus sprout in the Spring sun. 

The children observed and talked about the flowers.

They then created observational drawings, paintings and collage of the daffodils. 

We have been talking about the typical weather and that one day it was glorious sunshine and warm and the next day we had rain, sleet and snow. At least the children get to see the full range of weather conditions. 

Reception Weekly Blog WB 28.03.22

Date: 31st Mar 2022 @ 4:30pm

On Monday the children had a big shock when they came in and discovered that something had made a mess in our home corners and left footprints. We all became detectives and wondered about who it could have been. The children had some fantastic guesses such as the Gruffalo and Nibbles. The children then found a tiger hiding on the corridor. We read the story 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea' and the children made invitations and shopping lists ready for the tea party on Friday!

As part of our afternoon learning the children drew their own tigers using wax crayons and then used paint to add the background. They also made a house using the junk modelling area similar to the house seen in the book. We looked at items in the house from the past and how some items look different in our houses today such as the kettle and the toilet. 

Sir Charlie Stinky Socks and the Mummy's Gold

Date: 30th Mar 2022 @ 8:16am

Over the past two weeks we have been learning all about Sir Charlie Stinky Socks and the Mummy's Gold. The children started their learning by creating a setting box using different materials. The children really enjoyed working as a team to create their own desert box.



Once they had created their setting box, the children thought of similies to describe the different parts of the desert. They then used this learning to write a setting description.

This then supported their learning for this week. The children acted out the story and then wrote a alternative retell. They had to think of a new ending for our story and everyone was very creative!

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