Nursery Weekly Blog WB 20.2.2023
Date: 23rd Feb 2023 @ 1:03pm
This week has been our curriculum week at Greenhill and in Nursery we have been inspired by the book Elmer.
The children arrived on Monday to find that Nursery had been transformed into a jungle - they were amazed at the trees and noises! They loved hearing about Elmers adventures and how he loved being different - eventually! All the children have told Elmer why they are special and unique and what they are really good at doing in Nursery and at home.
We have done lots of fantastic learning about colours - as Elmer was a colourful patchwork elephant and not elephant colour at all! All the children have made a collage to add to our class Elmer and have mixed colours using coloured water. We even made an elephant sized elephant outside!
Next week we start our new topic of 'Why things happen!' by looking at floating and sinking