Shakespeare festival launch
Date: 12th May 2023 @ 12:57pm
It was a super exciting afternoon in Class 11 when we kicked off our preparation for the Oldham Shakespeare festival. We started our enrichment into Shakespeare's 'Twelfth Night' by exploring the setting of the play, the land of Illyria.
First, we mapped out the borders of the island with string and then we plotting the key geogrpahical features of our Illyria. Mountains, beaches and palaces were key features of the stunning scene of our play. We then explored the theme of deception in the play and about how the trope runs deep through not only the characters and plot but within the island itself.
Some of our favourite were:
'Illyria, a land where there is peace and harmony everywhere and the cities are glorious, but really there there are many backstabbers who are plotting for King Orsino's death.'
'Illyria, a land where the fruit is juicy and succulent but when you bite inside, CRUNCH, there are cockroaches inside.'
Illyria, a land that seems peaceful and beautiful, but behind closed doors, war is taking place.'
We're really looking forward to further exploring 'Twelfth Night'. The performance will be taking place at Middleton Arena on Wednesday 19th of July. Ticket information will be released soon!