Nursery Weekly Blog WB 22.5.2023
Date: 25th May 2023 @ 1:03pm
This week we have done some fantastic learning about butterflies using the book 'Butterfly Butterfly' Here is a link to the story if you would like to enjoy it with your child.
We have created butterflies using hand prints, paper plates and even made a giant one with the parachute and made it fly around our garden.
On Wednesday we said goodbye to our own butterflies which we have watched grow from tiny caterpillars into big fat caterpillars then into their coccoons and finally emerge as beautiful butterflies. All the children were mesmerised by the beautiful creatures flying into the air - a fantastic moment I'm sure they will never forget !
All the Nursery staff hope that our children and their families have a fantastic holiday and after the break our new topic will be 'Where in the world would you like to go?'