Our blogs

Who has been in our classroom

Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 6:18pm

This week Class 5 had a surprise when they came back into class after break on Monday. In the middle of the floor there was a plant pot with lots of seeds, cabbages, plants and a small creature.


As a class we worked together to figure out which book it might be linked to. After a whole class discussion we realised it was Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter. 


We have then spent the week describing Mr McGregor's garden using our super senses, amazing adjectives and superb similies! 




Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 5:20pm

Class 6 have loved using their coding skills in Computing this week. We have been learning how to use timers to help the magician complete his magic tricks on time. We have been learning how to write code and build this into our algorithms for our programmes. 


This week in Class 14

Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 4:25pm

This week in Class 14 we have been learning all about the true story called 'The Harmonica'.  We have created our own playscripts which follows the life of a Jewish boy who got taken into the concetration camps, but he had a secret passion that kept him and the other inmates spirits up.  

In maths we have been learning all about Fractions - finding equivalent fractions, as well as adding and subtracting fractions too. 

During PSHE we explored the importance of manners and courtesy and the effect using your manners has on others.  

Creating our own sensory toys

Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 2:34pm

This week in class 3 we have carried on looking at out five senses. The children got the exciting opportunity to create their very own sensory toys. Take a look at some of our creations below...




English- Harry and the Jaggedy Daggers

Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 1:59pm

Over the last three weeks class 7 have been looking at the story 'Harry and the Jaggedy Daggers'.

The children have worked really hard to create a setting description, character description and an alternative retell.

During their lessons the children have really impressed Miss Gilmour with their knowledge and vocabulary.

It has been a great start to Year 3 and Miss Gilmour is very excited to see how the children's writing progresses over the year.


Ask your children if they can remember the story we have been reading.

Harry and the Jaggedy Daggers (Bottlenose Bay): Amazon.co.uk: Fearnley,  Jan: 9781405261692: Books

Science - senses

Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 12:09am

This week we continued learning about our senses in Science! We got to make sensory toys thinking about all of our different senses - we had lots of fun making them using lots of different materials! 



Reception Blog - Week Beginning 26.09.22

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 10:53pm

We have had a lovely week in Reception. In our English learning we have been reading a story called 'In Every House on Every Street'. On Monday we were shown a wonder picture of images from our local area.  The children were busy acting out different scenes from different rooms in the house. We then drew pictures of what our dream home would be and labelled using our super phonics learning.

In phonics this week we been busy learning some new phonemes and graphemes. We have enjoyed learning the new formation rhymes in handwriting and practicing our oral blending everyday! 

In our afternoon learning we have been learning all about Maps, reading the story 'Martha Maps It Out'. We looked at maps of our local area which then inspired us to make our own map using junk modelling resources on the corridor. The children also had a go at making their own maps of the local area, which were fantastic!



Learning in Class 9 29.9.22

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 5:07pm

This week the children have made PPT about Greek gods and goddesses. We have been fascinated by some of the things we have found out and the family tree blew our mind! Have a look at one of our slides we have created...


30.9.22 - Learning

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 3:59pm

The children in learning base 2 have had a very productive week. In Literacy, the children looked at the pobble picture 'Going to school in Pakistan' that was introduced last week.

They spoke about -

What does the school looks like in Pakistan?

What do the children learn in school?

What does the classsroom looks like in Pakistan?

The children had to then decide which school they would like go to and the reason why.

All the childern would like to go to the school in England because it is more fun and the classrooms are exciting. 

Nursery Weekly Blog WB 26/09/2022

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 3:40pm

This week in Nursery we started our topic for this term 'All About Me!'. Our learning was based on our book of the week 'My Mum and Dad Make Me Laugh!'

We enjoyed reading about a family where Mum liked spots and Dad liked stripes - and the little boy liked grey. We talked about the different animals the characters liked and the different colours in the book. We created collages using our favourite colours and used collage materials created images of our faces - they look fantastic!

In our Family Group time we have been visiting the different areas in Nursery investigating the resources,and talking about  what expectations there are about caring for our things in Nursery.

Next week we will be talking about our families. It would be fantastic if the children could bring in a photograph of their family to talk about in their Family Group.

Star of the Week - Rayyan

Date: 26th Sep 2022 @ 1:18pm

This week the 'Star of the Week' in Class 12 is Rayyan.  He has shown a wonderful attitude to his learning and is quickly becoming a role model for the class. 


Well Done200.gif

Using our senses in class 3

Date: 25th Sep 2022 @ 10:29pm

This week in Class 3 we have had so much fun exploring our five senses. As a class we got the exciting opportunity to create our very own cup telephones to test our sense of hearing. Take a look at some of them below...




Next week we will be creating our very own sensory toys in school. We can't wait to show you the end result! 


Date: 25th Sep 2022 @ 4:54pm

This week we have been working on subtraction in Maths and in English we have been writing a scene from  a story, titled "The boy, the bear, the baron and the Bard.

Please ask your child to describe their setting for you or ask them which speech they will be using in the scene.


In Science, the children are exploring gravity and the children are using force meters.


As part of our Tudor topic, the children have been writing a diary, as if they were taking part in the Battle of Bosworth.


Here is a link to gravity for you to watch and share with your child.

What is gravity? - BBC Bitesize

Next week the children  will be looking at Fiction.

Here are a few videos to get a head, with friction,

BBC - Search results for friction

See the source image


Date: 25th Sep 2022 @ 4:51pm

Class 12 have been  learning all about stop motion animation in their Computing lesson.

They have researched what it is and they have also watched animations which use this method of filming.

Watch this space for some of the children's super atempts.

Take a look...

How To Make Stop Motion Animation - Bing video


See the source image

Class Blog- Week Ending -30.9.22

Date: 25th Sep 2022 @ 4:49pm

This week wIill  be working on multiplication in Maths and in English we will be researching information all about William Shakespeare.

William Shakespeare - Quotes, Plays & Wife - Biography

Please ask your child to share their facts that they have learnt. Next week the children  will be using their facts to create biographies. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zfkk7ty/articles/zbj3sk7


In Computing, this week, the children will be creating storyboards for their Stop motion animations. We are all very excited to get started!

Storyboard Example Image


Reception Blog- Week Beginning 19.09.22

Date: 23rd Sep 2022 @ 9:33pm

We have had a busy week in reception. In our English learning we have been reading about the familiar story 'Little Red Riding Hood'.  On Monday we were shown a wonder picture of the big bad wolf and had to say what we could see and what we wondered about the picture. After we read the book we made a story map and then enjoyed following our own map to retell the story using voices and actions. 

In phonics this week we have learnt some new phonemes and have enjoyed looking at the grapheme cards and learning the new formation rhymes in handwriting. 

In our afternoon learning we have been inspired by the artist Picasso. We looked at his famous painting 'The Weeping Woman' and then looked at our own features in a mirror and made our own pastel pictures. 

Maths in Year 2

Date: 23rd Sep 2022 @ 7:42pm

We have had an amazing start to Year 2! We have been using our knowledge of number to explore place value and look forward to extending this understanding into our addition learning over the next few weeks!!! 44A870C1-EE14-490E-8416-F2BC009673EE.jpeg7F47F9D1-3B63-4046-A246-CEE4EF449225.jpegD59A136A-FAED-4D5A-9388-8CDAD718C753.jpeg

Introducing the iPads!

Date: 23rd Sep 2022 @ 2:19pm

This week in year three we have introduced the iPads that we will be able to take home.

We have been very excited to learn all about our iPads and how to keep them safe.

We have all made a promise to our teachers that we will look after our iPad and use it for our learning in school and for homework outside of school.

We cannot wait to be able to take them home with us next week!

23.9.22 - Going to school in pakistan

Date: 23rd Sep 2022 @ 9:10am

In Literacy the children have been looking at 'children going to school in pakistan.

The children looked at how the children got to school and what they learnt at school. 

The children decided that they like the school in England better. 


In Maths, the children are continuing with their quantity to numeral. They partitioned a number and then found the correct amount of objects.

They continued to use dienes and numicon to make the amount. 

The children started adding 2, 2 digit numbers


16.9.22 'going to school in England'

Date: 23rd Sep 2022 @ 7:57am

During Literacy, the children in the learning base have been looking at 'children coming to school' in England.

They looked at pictures and talked with a partner. they described what they noticed in the pictures. 

They watched video clips of what the children wore, what the class looked like and what they learned in class. 

They talked about -

How they come to school 

who brings them to school 

What do they learn in school 


During Maths learning, the children have been recognising numerals and finding the correct quantity of objects using different equipment 

They also used the numicon and the dienes to count out the correct amount to match the numeral.  


The Big Bad Owl

Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 6:25pm

This week we have carried on looking at our book ' The Big Bad Owl' and have been retelling the story. We loved reading our story again and laughing at how grumpy Scowl is!!


We started by creating a story map of our story and thinking of lots of exciting expanded noun phrases. We also thought of lots of super similes and were able to describe what we can see, hear and smell in Cupcake Woods. 


At home, could you ask your children to share their favourite part of the story or describe their favourite character. 



Nursery Weekly Blog WB 19/9/2022

Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 4:29pm

This week we have welcomed our final group of new friends into Nursery - they have all made a fabulous start! All the children have done some great learning in all areas both inside and out! 

Inside some children have made some fantastic models in our block area and others have done some great portraits of the Nursery staff.

Outside children have been practising balancing, jumping and swinging on the monkey bars. Lots of the children are very excited to watch the tomatoes, cucumbers and cougettes grow in the planters.

Next week we will be starting our new topic of All About Me with our first book being called My Mum and Dad Make Me Laugh!

This week in Class 14...Week ending 23.09.22

Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 3:57pm

This week in Year 6 we have been writing formal letters, inspired by the World War Two text, Rose Blanche. We have explored the features and shared the type of vocabulary you would need in this type of letter. 

In maths we have been consolidating our understanding of multiplication and division. Then we've been challenged with reasoning problems.

Class Blog- Week Ending -23.9.22

Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 9:07am

 This week we have been working on subtraction in Maths and in English we have been writing a scene from  a story, titled "The boy the bear, the baron and the Bard.

Please ask your child to describe their setting for you or ask them which speech they will be using, in the scene.

In Science, the children are exploring gravity and the children are using force meters.


As part of our Tudor topic, the children have been writing a diary, as if they were taking part in the Battle of Bosworth.


Here is a link to gravity for you to watch and share with your child.

What is gravity? - BBC Bitesize

Next week the children  will be looking at Fiction.

Here are a few videos to get a head, with friction,

BBC - Search results for friction

See the source image

Class Blog- Week Ending -16.9.22

Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 8:53am

Class 11 have been  learning all about stop motion animation.

They have researched what it is and they have also watched animations which use this method of filming.

Watch this space for some of the children's super atempts.

Take a look...

How To Make Stop Motion Animation - Bing video


See the source image

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Mrs C Grainger - Office Manager

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