Our blogs

Reception Blog- Week Beginning 17.10.22

Date: 19th Oct 2022 @ 5:35pm

This week the children in reception have been learning about Black History Month. 

On Monday the children used the story 'Rumble in the Jungle' and created their own dances pretending to be the different animals thinking carefully about how they would move. 

On Tuesday the children looked closely at tradiitonal african jewellery and enjoyed using pasta, paper plate and card to create their own. 

On Wednesday the children looked at traditional african music and enjoyed playing the drums. They then used paper cups to make their own drums. 

On Thursday the children looked at animals print and patterns and enjoyed creating their own stamps using bubble wrap, bottle tops and cotton wool to create their own patterns on fabric and paper. 



Date: 18th Oct 2022 @ 8:06pm

This week at Greenhill we have been learning about Black History Month. Year 3 and 4 have been given the task to find out about black heroes.  The children have spent 4 days looking at many black heroes but more closely at four different men and women. We found out about their lives, their struggles and their determination to achieve. In class the children have been researching the heroes, fact finding, acting out well known times from the heroes life and being creative using a variety of art media to produce some excellent outcomes. The children have asked so many questions which has lead to some great discussions. Well done Class 9 for your eagerness to learn. You are ALL SUPERSTARS!

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Class Blog- Week Ending - 20.10.22

Date: 18th Oct 2022 @ 10:29am

Why Is February Black History Month? | Sporcle Blog

This week we have been learning all about Black History Month- for Curriculum Week.

We started the week with a wonderful assembly and then began learning all about the Windrush Generation.


Please click on the link to find out more and ask your child some questions about it.


During the week the children have been creative, making hats for our Notting hill "style" Carnival, painting Caribbean art and studying the journey to England for the Caribbean Islands.

The children have also learnt -all about the racism and discrimination, that the Windrush generation faced, when they arrived in England, after World War 2. 

Our children have been amazing, thoughtful in knowledgeable. They have been very empathetic, compassionate and understanding too.

Well done Year 5!

All about Autumn in class 3 WB 10.10.22

Date: 17th Oct 2022 @ 9:28am

This week in class 3 we have been learning all about Poetry and creating our very own poems all about Autumn.

Throughout the week the children used lots of super adjectives to make their poems sound amazing, before performing them on Friday to the rest of the class.



32059F6A-B97D-4EA1-BA46-B0ED98D1C1DC.jpegThe children applied their Science learning to their learning, thinking about their senses to describe what they could see, hear, feel, taste and smell. 

Reception Blog - Week Beginning 10.10.22

Date: 14th Oct 2022 @ 8:37pm

This week in Reception the children have enjoyed learning about traditional foods. In our English learning we have been looking at a story called 'The Runaway Chapatti'. The children have been super Teachers this week as they have been sequencing the story in order, using the language "First, next, then, after that and finally".

In our Maths learning this week, the children have had fun by looking at patterns. The children worked hard all week by making a repetitive pattern. We looked at our patterns in detail, using the language  "Green leaf, red leaf" "Tall block, short block". We made sure that we had to use the language for our patterns to be right. Parents you could use household objects to make a pattern, using the language "Tall spoon, short spoon". 

In our afternoon learning we have enjoyed having the parents in making chapatis and lentils on the Year 3 art bar. The children also got involved by using their imagination in the home area by mixing, stirring and kneading the dough. As a class we talked about our family members and what our families makes at home. The children then drew pictures of their family and their favourite foods using the grapheme mat and phonemes we have been practicing in Phonics. 

Well done Reception!




14.10.22 Learning about money

Date: 14th Oct 2022 @ 3:39pm

The children have been learning about money 

They identified all the coins - 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 and £2.

They then looked at buying objects.

First we started to buy the objects with 1p's and then went onto looking at how many 1p's were in 2p, 5p and 10p. 

The children then started to add 2 objects together and found the total amount in pence. 

Our virtual farm

Date: 14th Oct 2022 @ 8:58am

This week we ended our topic 'The Countryside' with a fantastic virtual farm trip where we met Farmer Dotty and learnt lots about the jobs she has to do on her farm. 


We started by meeting the goats and listening to Lola the goat sing. Farmer Dotty then took us to met her sheepdog who had a very important job on the farm. She showed us how the sheepdog herds the sheep across the field each day so that they can eat different patches of grass. 


We then went to the coop where we met Elizabeth the hen and all her friends. We were able to look inside the coop at 3 different types of eggs- maybe you could ask your child what colours they were? 


Finally, Farmer Dotty showed us her solar panels and explained how she is using them to keep her farms electric and hot water running. 


What a fantastic finish we had! 



Fruity Faces

Date: 13th Oct 2022 @ 9:27pm

This week the children have been learning about their bodies and created faces using fruit.

They selected the fruit they wanted for the different parts of the face. When they had finished, the children had fun eating them!

This week in Class 14...Week ending 14.10.22

Date: 13th Oct 2022 @ 6:48pm

This week in Class 14 we have done some super maths learning all about algebra. We have learned how to solve algebraic equations, continue linear sequences using the nth term and how to solve reasoning problems involving algebra. The class have done so well and we are very proud!


In English we have been continuing with our creative writing based on 'The Harmonica'. We were challenged to write in present tense as if we were an inmate in a concentration camp. 


We have also finished our Science topic about living things. Class 14 went into the school grounds to identify the different plants and use a classification key.

Great Britain Non Chronological report

Date: 13th Oct 2022 @ 5:51pm

This week Class 8 have been using the IPads to find facts about Great Britain. They made posters to display their facts and have written a non - chronological report on Great Britain for their big write. Well done Class 8!

Learning in Class 9 13.10.22

Date: 13th Oct 2022 @ 4:49pm

Class 9 have been amazing designers this week in their DT lessons. Their task was to create a Greek Temple using boxes and masking tape. You can clearly see what a huge success they had. They also created a digital floor book of their learning with design plans, evaluations, photographs and video. Some children even went home and created their own temple there. Super learning continuing throughout home and school. Greek.jpg       Greek 2.jpg

Nursery Weekly Blog WB 10.10.2022

Date: 13th Oct 2022 @ 1:31pm

This week we have had a fantastic week of learning all about 'We're going on a Bear Hunt' We have retold the story in lots of diofferent ways - using actions,a story tray,story maps and on our tummies using giant markers and wallpaper. We all went on a bear hunt, with our map, back pack and binoculars, We had to be VERY brave. We have created bears with paint and playdough and made our own bear cave outside.

We have also started looking for the signs of Autumn and been looking at some of the things we can already see outside that tell us that Autumn is on its way.

Next week it is our Curriculum Week when the whole schools learning will focus on Black History Month. Nursery will be doing lots of Dance Art and Music linked to this - we cant wait!

Class Blog- Week Ending - 14.10.22

Date: 11th Oct 2022 @ 1:00pm


This week in Class 14 we have done some super maths learning all about Fractions. The class have done so well and we are very proud!


In English we have been continuing with our creative writing based on 'Macbeth'. The children in year 5 have a passion for William Shakespeare's work. It is wonderful to see.

In Computing This week we have had a fantastic time developing our stop motion animations.



William Shakespeare - Quotes, Plays & Wife - Biography



In Year 6 this week....Week Ending 07.10.22

Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 8:13pm

Year 6 have had a very busy week! We have started to write our first person narratives based on the story 'The Harmonica'.  We explored a range of descriptive features that we could use within our writing.  Children also enjoyed using drama to examine how our main character would have felt.

In Maths we have been working hard to find equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages.  We have tried really hard learning the new concepts!

To finish the week, Year 6 have had the most amazing poetry week. The children have written some fantastic poems.

Make sure to ask your child what they have been learning this week. 


Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 4:19pm

We have had the most amazing poetry week. The children have written some fantastic poems and loved performing their poetry to Class 12! We hav even used our creativity by starting our art topic: Collage! Look out for more pictures of our completed display!


Nursery Weekly Blog WB 3/10/2022

Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 1:56pm

This week in Nursery we have been continuing our learning about 'All About Me!'. Our book for this week's learning was 5 Minutes Peace and we found out lots about the Large family and their lives. We played memory games about the things Mrs Large took upstairs and made her favourite food, marmalade on toast - we got to eat it as well.

We have also been doing lots of colour mixing - using our hands to print with primary colours them mixing them together to see what colour we produce.

Some children have also been sharing their family photos with us. It has been lovely to hear them confidently telling us all about the people in their family. We will be carrying on this learning next week if any other families would like to give or send us a photo.

Next week we will be going on a bear hunt with lots of exciting learning inside and out!


Oceans and Seas

Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 8:26am


This week in topic we used our atlases to look for the seas and oceans that surround the UK.

We worked with our partner and labelled the map of the UK.

Miss Gilmour then challeneged us by asking us to find 10 different rivers that could be found across all four countries of the UK.

We enjoyed using the atlases and were able to find all of the rivers.


We will link our topic lesson to National Poetry day where we will learn about how we can save our oceans by recycling!



7.10.22 - Going to school in Bangladesh

Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 8:13am

During Literacy, the children have been looking at 

  • How do the children get to school in Bangladesh?
  • What type of school is it?
  • What do they learn at school?

We talked about which school the children would prefer.

On poetry day on Friday, during literacy the children wrote an acrostic poem about going to school on a school boat. 


During Maths this week, the children have been introduced to money. 

PLEASE work with your children this weekend on money

  • take them to the shop where you could pay with cah
  • play shop with the children using your coins at home 



Class 4

Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 11:36pm

This week Class 4 have done lots of learning!

In Literacy, we continued looking at the story the story The Lonely Beast and we focused on letter writing thinking about the different features!

In Maths, we continued looking at addition looking at number bonds and using the part-whole model.

In Design and Technology, we have really been really excited learning about levers and sliders and have looked at different toys as well as designed our own.

In Computing, we continued to explore Purple mash on the iPads becoming more familiar with the different tools and being able to navigate around it independently to be able to help us when we use it at home.

Overall, we have had a fun and interesting week and are looking forward to Poetry day! :)E241D382-C324-48A4-9FB8-8DCDFA3F8F23.jpeg90EA3F04-CA84-4098-9499-CD508C4410E1.jpeg

Reception Blog- Week Beginning 3.10.22

Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 9:29pm

This week in reception the children have enjoyed learning about the past. In our English learning we have been looking at the story 'Peepo'. We have been enjoying comparing the rooms in the houses to our own houses and looking closely at the different items that they have in the rooms. 

In our maths learning we have been comparing height and length using keywords such as taller and shorter when comparing height and longer and shorter when comparing length. 

In our afternoon learning we have enjoyed making a past and present timeline with different items such as toys from the past and present, households items from the past and the present and even pictures of our teachers from the past and the present.  


Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 5:17pm

This half term we have been looking at coding on Purple Mash. We started by learning what an algorithm is and why they are important. We then started looking at creating our own code using collision, timers and different objects. 


This week, we have been looking at debugging a program and finding a resolution. We have been extremely resilient and have worked so hard! At home, you could ask your child to share their code with you. 



Class 13 Blog - Autumn

Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 12:50pm

Year 6 have been learning all about World War 2. They began the topic with a visit from Mr B. They really enjoyed learning about the events thak took place during WW2. We are currently writing in role as evacuees and will move onto exploring propaganda. 

Learning in Class 9 7.10.22

Date: 5th Oct 2022 @ 9:07pm

Class 9 have had a super week writing a Greek myth about Theseus and the Minotaur. The childrens' writing was lovely to read and they were all very proud. In PSHE we have been looking at why we need rules, having the right to vote, using our manners and being respectful. The children were creative with their scenarios showing respect to each other. Well done Class 9! Another great week!


Class Blog- Week Ending -07.10.22

Date: 4th Oct 2022 @ 8:45pm

In English, this week, the children have been writting a biography all about William Shakespeare.During their lessons they have been gathering, planning and organising their information. The children have been making sure that they have written in chronological order.

Brilliant Brits: Shakespeare By Richard Brassey

In Maths, the children have been dividing, using the division bracket and have been exploring remainder, The children have inpressed us with knowledge, progress and skills.

Creating sensory toys in Class 3

Date: 2nd Oct 2022 @ 6:45pm

This week we have carried on our learning looking at senses and made some extra special sensory toys using all of the 5 senses. Take a look at out creations below:



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