Our blogs

Reception Blog- Week Beginning 14.11.22

Date: 17th Nov 2022 @ 12:27pm

This week we had a visit from a little monster called Nibbles. He has been eating some of our books and we have completed wanted posters to try and find him so we can put him back inside the book that he escaped from. Whilst learning outside we have been using the crates to make traps to capture Nibbles.

In our maths learning we have been learning about circles and triangles and the artist 'Kandinsky'. We have enjoyed using the shapes to create our own artwork and exploring the environment to find the shapes. 

In our topic learning we have been continuing our learning into the season Autumn. We learnt all about the artist 'Andy Goldsworthy' and have used some of the natural materials to make our own sculptures outside. 

We also followed a recipe to make our own children in need biscuits that we sold to raise money for the charity!

Learning in Class 9 18.11.22

Date: 16th Nov 2022 @ 3:17pm

Class 9 have been fully on board with the Anti-Bullying learning this week. Thank you to all parents for sending your children in to school wearing 'Odd Socks' so many took part.

We also learnt about Reaching Out to help stop bullying or help if we see it, hear it or feel it! All the children know which adults to trust and speak to if anything worries them.

Our class wrote a message about Anti-Bullying which you can see below. Well done Class 9 for your creativity and enthusiasm in everything you do. You are truly amazing! IMG_1105.jpg   IMG_1106.jpg  IMG_1107.jpg


14.11.22 Setting Description

Date: 15th Nov 2022 @ 8:23am

This week in our English lessons we are going to be looking at a setting description of the ice age.

The children watched the film last week and used what they saw to create their own settings.

They worked as a team to create a setting box, where they then thought of adjectives and similies to describe the different parts.


Class Blog- Week Ending - 11.11.22

Date: 12th Nov 2022 @ 5:31pm

This week in English, we have been writing our own adaptaions of the fable 'The Rainbow Crow'


To watch an award winning animated version of the movie follow this link. (35) Crow: The Legend | Official Animated Movie [HD] | John Legend, Oprah, Liza Koshy - YouTube.

And to see the behind of the scenes of how the movie was made you can follow this link (35) Inside Baobab Studios: Behind the Scenes of Rainbow Crow (VR Animated Film) - YouTube. It might inspire you following on for your own stop-motion animation movie-making in Computing. 

See the source image

Throughout the week, we improved our witing skills by learning about a range of new sentance openers, sequencing stories and brushing up on the use of dialogue in our writing. At the end of the week the hard work of all of the class culminated in a big write of our own fables.

Year 5's creativity and interest has shone through with some brilliant pieces of work. We're very proud of what they have come up with, be sure to ask about it at home.


Well done Year 5, a fantastic start to English this term, look forward to our next focus, 'The Sea Serpent's Daughter'.

Reception Blog - Week Beginning 07.11.22

Date: 11th Nov 2022 @ 8:30pm

This week in Reception the children have enjoyed reading the story 'Goldilocks and the Three bears'. The children interviewed Goldilocks, asking her questions they wanted to find out. We worked hard in small groups making a story map, drawing the characters and talking about the story. The children labelled their lovely work using the phonics sounds they have been learning and the tricky words. 

In Maths we have been looking at comparing the numbers 1,2 and 3. We made sure we collected the right amount of objects to match our numbers. We used the language 'one more' and 'one less' when making sure we had the right amounts.

In the afternoon the children had fun talking about the celebration Bonfire night and what different sounds and ways it was celebrated. We have been continuing our Autumn learning by talking about what the animals do during the cold season and how they get ready to hibernate. We used clay to make hedgehogs and sticks to decorate.



SPACE keynote

Date: 11th Nov 2022 @ 4:37pm

This week we have enjoyed carrying on our Space topic finding out new facts about the planets. We then used these new facts in our Computing lessons where we are creating our own Keynote presentation all about Space. 


First we had to draw the planets and make sure they were in the correct order. We then labelled them and recorded ourselves saying our new fantastic facts. 




Date: 11th Nov 2022 @ 3:52pm

The children in the Learning bases have been looking at 'Castles' during their topic learning.

They have used the small world play castles and have enjoyed making the castle walls. 

On Friday, they used the large boxes to try and create their own large castle. The had so much fun investigating the boxes that the castle is yet to be built. 

The children also created an extention to their castle role play using junk modelling. 

We are Computing STARS!

Date: 11th Nov 2022 @ 8:25am

This week we started our new Computing lessons using KeyNote on our iPads. We used our facts we had learnt so far about Space to add some information to our slides. We look forward to building our presentation over the next few weeks in order to share these facts with other people around school. 



Nursery Weekly Blog WB 7.11.2022

Date: 10th Nov 2022 @ 11:09pm

This week we have done some fantastic learning about the traditioal rhyme Baa Baa Black Sheep. We have learned the signs to accompany the rhyme and have had great fun retelling it using masks and puppets we have made.

We have learned about where wool comes from and even shorn our own sheep!We have used our hands to print sheep and used playdough to create 3D sheep.

This week we have started our weekly reading sessions and next week the children will be selecting books to bring home and share with grown ups at home. We are excited to start children off on their journey to .... READ BELIEVE ACHIEVE !!


This week in Class 14...Week Ending 11.11.22

Date: 10th Nov 2022 @ 9:51pm

This week in Class 14 we have been writing Newspaper Reports inspired by the discovery of Anne Frank and her family in 1944.  Ask you child who she was and what happened to her family.

In Maths we have been consolidating our understanding multiplication and division.  We have been applying our understanding to reasoning problems.

We have had great fun in Music.  We have started learning our song for the Christmas Cracker.  We have been tasked with the job of creating actions for the song.  We can't wait to perform it. 



Learning in Class 9 10.11.22

Date: 9th Nov 2022 @ 7:46pm

This week Class 9 had a special treat for winning the Word Millionaire for October. They have read 333,546 words as a class, beating Year 6 by just ten words. They truly are a class of readers. Here they are enjoying cookies and hot chocolate and an afternoon in the library.


Reception Blog - Week Beginning 31.10.22

Date: 6th Nov 2022 @ 3:10pm

This week in Reception the children have enjoyed learning about an Autumn book called 'Fletcher and the Falling Leaves'. The children used sentence starters such as 'It is' and 'It has' to describe to Autumn scenes. They also wrote simple sentences describing the pictures using their phonics knowledge. 

In our Maths learning the children looked at the numbers 1, 2 and 3. We looked at different ways to represent the numbers by collecting objects and natural materials around the class. We also had fun playing a memory game matching the right number to right amount of spots. 

In the afternoon we enjoyed looking at the celebration Halloween and Diwali. The children were busy in the creative area as they made diva lamps from salt dough and created rangoli mendhi patterns on paper. Great fun!

4.11.22 - Going to school in China

Date: 6th Nov 2022 @ 2:49pm

The children looked at the pobble picture 'Going to school in China' this week in Literacy.

They looked at the pictures and videos showing the children's journey to school. It was a very dangerous journey.

Ask your children what they noticed. 

They then read words and added them to the picture, describing what they noticed. They then wrote sentences to describe the picture. 


In maths, the children have been working on different games on the ipads. They have enjoyed investigating 

- topmarks - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/

Our Space Adventure

Date: 5th Nov 2022 @ 5:29pm

We loved venturing to the International Space Station on Monday! We began our new history topic (The Space Race) by visiting the international Space station and having a virtual call with astronaut Chris Hadfield. He taught us how to survive on the space station by keeping our hair, teeth and hands nice and clean! We cannot wait to learn more about space over the coming weeks! 




Date: 4th Nov 2022 @ 5:37pm

We loved venturing to the International Space Station on Tuesday! We began our new history topic (The Space Race) by visiting the international Space station and having a virtual call with astronaut Chris Hadfield. He taught us how to survive on the space station by keeping our hair, teeth and hands nice and clean! We cannot wait to learn more about space over the coming weeks! 



Nursery Weekly Blog WB 31.10.2022

Date: 4th Nov 2022 @ 5:18pm

This week in nursery we have been on a leaf hunt! We have done lots of fantastic learning about Autumn and how the seasons change. We have colour sorted leaves and created repeating patters using different coloured leaves. We have retold the story using a story tray and got on our tummies to draw the different parts of the story.

At the end of the week we learned all about Divali. we followed a little girl as she prepared for and then celebrated with her family. We thought about how our own family celebrations were the same and different to Divali. We made lanterns and were very lucky that Mrs Noor made us some Divali food to taste!

Next week we will be dooing lots of learning about Baa Baa Black Sheep!

The stone age

Date: 4th Nov 2022 @ 1:18pm

This week the children have begun their learning all about the stone age.

They started their learning off with a WOW afternoon where they took part in carving tools, cave paintings, role play and even used their iPads to research the different periods of time.




Introduction to Stone Age

Date: 3rd Nov 2022 @ 12:16pm

This week Class 8 have enjoyed our introduction to our new history topic The Stone Age. We have enjoyed soap carving, creating cave paintings and researching on our iPads about the Stone Age. In English we have been reading Stone Age Boy and have produced some fantastic pieces of writing retelling the story. 


Well done Class 8, a super start to our new term!

Making pancakes in Class 3

Date: 2nd Nov 2022 @ 7:33pm

This week in Class 3 we have had so much fun reading a new story - Mr Wolf's Pancakes. As a class we made and tasted our very own pancakes as well as creating our  own set of instructions as part of our Literacy learning. 

Take a look at the photos below to see what we got up to :







Learning in Class 9 4.11.22

Date: 2nd Nov 2022 @ 5:43pm

Welcome back Class 9. 

We have started a new book in English this week called The Queen's Handbag. The children have enjoyed hearing the story and then bringing it to life using drama. They became the different characters and used their voice and actions to recreate the story. They used props, great facial and body expressions and lots of humour too! They have then looked at the vocabulary used and found rhyming words, definitions, synonymns and showed they understand by writing their own sentences. A great start to Autumn 2. Well done Class 9!         


21.10.22 - Black history month

Date: 21st Oct 2022 @ 2:29pm

This week the children have been learning about 'Black history' month.

They joined in with the song 

Listen to the song – Jack Hartman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_Xqloj9m4w

They looked at the artist - Sonia Boyce and reproduced some of her artwork 


The children listened to music and joined in by playing musical insruments. 

They then produced their own musical instruments


This week in Year 6

Date: 21st Oct 2022 @ 11:13am

This week in Year 6 we have had a fabulous Curriculum Week based on Black History Month.  We have learned about the Windrush Generation and explored different people's experiences.  We created Notting Hill Carnival masks and paraded around school.  We had an amazing time.

We hope you all have a fabulous half term!

Black History Curriculum Week

Date: 20th Oct 2022 @ 7:24pm

This week we have had a wonderful week learning about the importance of celebrating Black History Month. We looked at the book Coming to England by Floella Benjamin who came to England from Trinidad in 1960. We have enjoyed learning about her culture, important work for equality and Bernado's, life in Trinidad and creating lots of art work.


We had a fantastic afternoon on Wednesday where we explored what life is like in Trinidad where we....

  • learnt about the culture and life in Trinidad
  • tasted fruits that grow there
  • made our own Trinidad inspired music and danced to it
  • created our own Trinidad landscape using oil pastels. 


What an amazing week we have had! 



Nursery Weekly Blog WB 17/10/2022

Date: 20th Oct 2022 @ 4:30pm

This week Nursery have had a fantastic curriculum week inspired by Black History Month. Early Years focus has been African dance, art and music.

We started off the week looking at African animals and creating dance moves for some of the animals. We had some very scary lions,lazy hippos, tall giraffes and slithering snakes. Then we started to put some of the movements to the music of African drums. We all had a turn to beat our rhythyms on the drums and some of us made drums of our own to play along.

We also made some jewelry inspired by Africa which we wore at our fantastic finish on Thursday when we played and moved along to some African drumming music.

We have had a fantastic half term in Nursery and hope that all our children have a lovely half term break and come back refreshed and ready to do some more great learning!

Black History Month - Curriculum Week Learning

Date: 20th Oct 2022 @ 2:28pm

We have been learning about Black History Month especially the Windrush Generation as part of our curriculum week.

We found out about the Caribbean and the people who came to the UK after World War II.

This week, we have been looking at inspirational individuals, who have made a differeIMG_0252.JPGnce to this country.

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