Class 5: Blog items

Who has been in our classroom

Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 6:18pm

This week Class 5 had a surprise when they came back into class after break on Monday. In the middle of the floor there was a plant pot with lots of seeds, cabbages, plants and a small creature.


As a class we worked together to figure out which book it might be linked to. After a whole class discussion we realised it was Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter. 


We have then spent the week describing Mr McGregor's garden using our super senses, amazing adjectives and superb similies! 



The Big Bad Owl

Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 6:25pm

This week we have carried on looking at our book ' The Big Bad Owl' and have been retelling the story. We loved reading our story again and laughing at how grumpy Scowl is!!


We started by creating a story map of our story and thinking of lots of exciting expanded noun phrases. We also thought of lots of super similes and were able to describe what we can see, hear and smell in Cupcake Woods. 


At home, could you ask your children to share their favourite part of the story or describe their favourite character. 



Wow starter!

Date: 21st Sep 2022 @ 7:03pm

This week we have started our new topic 'The Countryside'. We started our new learning by finding out what foods you might see growing on a farm. At first we thought we might see mangos and bananas but after lots of research and talk time we found out that wasn't quite right. 


We discussed how the farmers grow their vegetables and fruit. Then we talked about what food we can get from different animals for example eggs from chickens and milk from cows. 


Then we got to try some foods. The children really enjoyed trying lots of new foods like swede, cabbages and radishes. At home, could you ask your children which food they likes and which one they didn't. 

Back to school

Date: 9th Sep 2022 @ 8:43am

What a fantastic first week back we have had! In Maths, we have been looking at number place value. We started the week by practising our careful counting and then moved onto making numbers using our equipment. In English, we have been looking at the book The Night Pirates by Peter Haris. At home, you could ask your child to tell you their favourite part and character. 



Lizzie and the Birds

Date: 13th May 2022 @ 7:51am

This week in Class 5 we have been exploring the book Lizzie and the Birds. We started the week by reading the text and considering if we would like to live in a house filled with birds or if it would be too noisy for us. On Tuesday, we had a fantastic drama lesson where we worked in pairs to become one of the birds from our text. We had so much fun becoming ghost bird, super bird, rainbow bird and crow!



Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 2:17pm

KS1 have had an amazing day celebrating everything.... READING! 

For world book day we have had some amazing character costumes and celebrations of vocabulary! We loved our reading party where we completed our sponsored read-a-thon. We read for 30 minutes in strange places around out classrooms. 

We want to say a massive thank you to everyone who sponsored KS1 for their reading! We raised an amazing £283 towards our classroom funds.

It has been an amazing day to READ, ACHIEVE, SUCCEED!  5156B375-C249-4504-800E-A7451E6E9603.jpeg

Metacognition Curriculum Week

Date: 16th Feb 2022 @ 3:53pm

This week in Class 5 we have been learning all about metacogniton and how this can help our learning. We started the week by thinking about what we thought metacognition was and then listened to the story the ' The magic inside of you'. We then thought about the magic inside of us and create a self portrait. We had to think about all the things that made us special and unique and wrote them inside of our hair and on our clothes. What fantastic artists we are! 


On Wednesday, we then thought about our goals for the end of year 2, end of year 6 and what we would like to be when we are older. We considered how we could meet these goals.


Space Adventure

Date: 10th Dec 2021 @ 8:02am

This week in class 5 we have been continuing our learning about Space. In English, we have been creating our own super space poems. We began the week by imagining we were in space. We thought about what we might see, hear and smell. Then in groups we created some fantastic freeze frames to inspire our poetry! 




Date: 27th Nov 2021 @ 6:05pm

This week we went into our forest school area at Greenhill and looked for mini-beasts. We looked in lots of micro habitats such as on leaves, under rocks and in our bug hotels. We were lucky enough to find lots of mini beasts and enjoyed using the magnifying glasses to look at the small creatures. E9020C51-0F3B-4E77-8E18-7D829B69DD06.jpeg

Our trip to SPACE!

Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 3:01pm

This week Class 5 went on a virtual trip to SPACE. We had a fantastic time visiting the international space centre and walked on the moon! We have also been learning all about the planets this week and the order of them. Maybe you could ask us to sing our new song? 


Read Achieve Succeed

Date: 7th Oct 2021 @ 4:57pm

This week class 5 have had a fantastic week exploring our new book 'The Jungle Book'. We have been retelling the story using the app 'Chatterpix'. We had to make sure we used lots of amazing adjectives, terrific time connectives and wonderful verbs. Please scan the QR code to below to listen to our retell of The Jungle Book.  Capture.JPG


On Thursday, we had a fantastic time going into Greenhill's book shop and choosing our own books to take home with us.One of our favourite part of the day was using the ipad to follow step by step videos on youtube to draw some of our favourite characters from the stories. 



We have also loved sharing our wonderful book in a boxes that we have created at home. Thank you so much to all of our families who spent alot of time making their brilliant book in a box.


Another fantastic week of learning in Class 5!

Date: 30th Sep 2021 @ 7:44pm

This week we have had a fun filled week of learning in class 5! We started the week by imagining we were walking through a jungle. We worked in groups to think about what noises we might hear from the animals, lagoon and waterfall around us. Then in groups we worked together to create a setting box of the jungle thinking carefully about the important physical features of a jungle. How creative we are!


We have also continued our coding unit of work in computing this week. We have been creating algorithms to create our own programs on purple mash. Why not ask us what an algorithm is? 



Our learning journey about... India

Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 8:01pm

This week we have spent lots of our learning time understanding what life is like in India! We have learnt about how the season are different to those in England. We then developed our our seasons wheels where we drew what you would see during those seasons.  Why not ask us the names of the four seasons?


We then used our artistic skills to create collages of the Indian landscapes and made our own maps of India including the Ganges River, Thar Desert, Himalayas and New Delhi. 


PSHE HRE Curriculum Newsletter

Date: 20th Sep 2021 @ 12:04pm

Please find this terms PSHE HRE Curriculum Newsletter

Our Beach Bags

Date: 6th Jul 2021 @ 12:55pm

This week the children have had the opportunity to design and make their own beach bags. They started by looking at a range of different bags and and carrying out some research. Next they used their findings from their research to design their own beach bag and then moved on to making them or transferring their designs on to pre made bags. Finally they finished with an evaluation of their work. Below are some pictures of the work the children have done over the last week. We are so proud of them. 

Punch & Judy

Date: 23rd Jun 2021 @ 10:57am

This week the children in Class 5 have been learning all about the Seaside in the Past. They had a look at different entertainment and actvities that happened at the seaside years ago. They watched a Punch and Judy show and found it hilarious! As part of our Literacy we took part in drama actvities to create our own puppet shows then looked at a variety of scene from Punch and Judy shows and added in our own speech. Later in the week we created our very own Punch and Judy scene and turn our ideas into a playscript.

Below is some of the work we have done this week for you to look at, we are very proud of what we have created!

RE - Teachers & Leaders

Date: 16th Jun 2021 @ 10:06am

This week the children started their final topic in RE all about Teachers and Leaders. They started by thinking about what the role of a teacher or leader is and some of the specific things they would have to do. Then they thought about those at home that would be responsible for them and those in school that would be seen as teachers and leaders in different situations. They recorded their teachers and leaders at home and in school and explained why they felt they were the best option for this role.  

Class 5's Design Technology Work

Date: 8th Jun 2021 @ 10:12am

Over the last half term the children have been creating their own piece of artwork using both chalk pastels and wet felting. The children thought about famous landmarks and created their own representations of them with pencil outlines and chalk pastels to colour them in. Later on in the half term they explored with wet felting using a mixture of different fibres, hot water and soap. They had to add hot water and soap to the material, and then rub and press the fibres in different directions to help the different colours blend and create a colourful background. To complete the piece of work the children cut out their landmarks and attached them to their felt background to mount the pictures. Below are some pictures to show the process the children followed and the final pieces they created. 

Our Trip to Alexandra Park

Date: 24th May 2021 @ 1:00pm

Last week the children had the opportunity to visit Alexandra Park and complete a variety of tasks. We linked our trip last week to our Literacy this week and wrote a recount of our experience at the park. The children were excitied and eager to get out of the classroom and take their learning to a different environment. Even thought the weather was a little soggy, the children were very enthusiastic about the four different activities we did. We started our afternoon by completing an orienteering course to find all the different symbols, they worked really hard to follow the map and spot the signposts. Next we played some ball games in the Lion's Den and had a little rest before our next activity. Later the children sat on benches around the fountain and created some observational drawings of the fountain it's self and the surrounding plants and flowers. To complete our afternoon we played 'I Spy' around the park and found different buildings and features, they each recorded what they saw on their spotter sheet to refer to this week in Literacy. The children were amazing and so well behaved! We have really enjoyed looking back at the pictures this week and discussing our trip to the local park. 

Summer 1 Topic Learning - Countryside

Date: 18th May 2021 @ 3:09pm

This half term the children have been learning all about the countryside. They have explored Castleshaw using aerial maps and labelled key features. They have invesigated different signs and symbols we might find on maps or in the environment and we have carried out different activities in our local park including observational drawings of plants and flowers and orienteering. They have also started to create their own glossary of countryside words and used dictionaries to find the definitions of the words they selected. 

Below are some pictures of some of the things we have been doing this half term. 

Our Computing - PowerPoint

Date: 10th May 2021 @ 1:01pm

This week the children had the opportunity to work in the computer room to complete their learning on Microsoft PowerPoint. Each child created a title slide and an information slide all about the countryside. They picked and inserted a backgrounds, inserted pictures, typed and altered text including changing the font, size and colour and animated the slides ready for the final show on the big screen. 

Below are some pictures and videos of the children hard at work and some of the slides they created.

Our Amazing Artwork

Date: 27th Apr 2021 @ 1:37pm

This week the children enjoyed a relaxing art afternoon. They looked at a variety of different landmarks from around the world and then created their own representations using chalk pastels. They created an outline using pencil and looked carefully at the features and positioning of each part before adding in the colour. See if you can guess which famous landmarks they have recreated below. 

Half Term Projects

Date: 20th Apr 2021 @ 1:50pm

Over the Easter holidays the children were set two different projects one linked to last half terms topic on Inventors and Inventions and one linked to this half terms topic all about The Countryside. 

Some children decided to look at the Inventors and Inventions project - they had to research an inventor and then create a model of something they had invented. They came back to school this week and presented their models to the class and explained what they had found out about this invention. 

Some children decided to look at the Countryside project - they had to research what the countryside looks like and then create a scene in their own way to represent their findings. They shared their pictures/models with the peers and explained what the countryside looked like to them. 

Below are some of the superb models and pictures the children created. A big thank you to the parents also for supporting their children with their home learning and engaging with these projects. 

Wendel's Workshop - Our Own Retells

Date: 30th Mar 2021 @ 9:31pm

This week the children have enjoyed reading the story of Wendel's Workshop. They started the week by sequencing the events and creating a story mountain to record each part of the story. Next they explored the three main characters further through drama, they became Wendel, Wendelbot and Clunk and used facial expressions, body language and voices to bring the characters to life. Then they developed their own retell of the story and thought about the language they could used from the book, as well as their own vocabulary to enhance the events. Finally they edited the first draft themselves and wrote the final version using the improvements they had thought about. 

Fruit Salad Project Completed!

Date: 24th Mar 2021 @ 9:35am

Following on from last week, the children have completed their Design Technology project - Fruit Salads. They used their research and designs from last week to turn the images into reality. The children worked in small groups to choose their fruits, chop and prepare them, share them out in to bowls and add their favourite juice! They enjoyed working with their friends and eating their yummy fruit salad in class. They completed the project by evaluating what had gone well and what they would improve or change next time. 

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Mrs C Glynn - Principal

0161 260 0621

Harmony Trust

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CEO: Antony Hughes

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