Class 5: Blog items
Date: 13th Feb 2025 @ 12:17pm
In our singing assemblies this half term we have been looking at the weather and Chinese New Year. We have been singing some lovely songs that we would like to share with you.
w/c 13.01.2025 This week in Year 2!
Date: 17th Jan 2025 @ 2:58pm
We have had a fantastic week creating our character descriptions for the Tiger Child, some children were able to include similes and described his 'claws as sharp as a knife'.
We have learnt about the five oceans and facts about each one.
Everyone is very excited to share their learning with you on Tuesday morning at our year group assembly. We do hope you can join us.
Have an excellent weekend!
w/c 06.01.25 This week in Year 2!
Date: 10th Jan 2025 @ 3:56pm
We have had a great first week back after the holiday! The children have loved telling their teachers and friends about their holiday.
We have started our new Topic: India. The children enjoyed eating Indian food, dressing up in sarees and listening to Bollywood music.
Our focus text is English is 'The Tiger Child', the children have been writing descriptive sentences based on his appearance and personality.
-PE this term will be on Wednesday and Friday
-Our Year 2 assembly will be on Tuesday 21st January 2025 at 9.05 in the main hall.
Have a lovely weekend.
w/c 02.12.24 This week in Year 2!
Date: 6th Dec 2024 @ 12:57pm
We had a fantastic start to the week going on our trip to Queen Elizbeth Hall to watch 'The Snowman' with a live orchestra.
The children loved hearing the music live alongside watching the film. It was a great start to December.
We have also enjoyed reading 'The Darkest Dark' in English and learning how to mearue length in maths.
Have a great weekend!
w/c 25.11.24 This week in Year 2!
Date: 29th Nov 2024 @ 2:38pm
We have had a great week!
Today we finished writing our alternative endings to the book 'Toys in Space'.
In maths we have been learning about money and finding the totals of a group of coins.
Next week is very exciting - we will be going on our trip to watch 'The Snowman' at Queen Elizabeth Hall. Please remmber to send a warm coat and sutiable shoes as we will be walking there and back. We will be back at school at approximately 3.30pm.
Monday 2nd December is also Christmas jumper day - if you're child would like to wear their jumper they can donate a toy that they no longer use at home.
w/c 18.11.24 This week in Year 2!
Date: 21st Nov 2024 @ 10:11am
What a fantastic week we have had!
Thank you to all those parents who joined us on Monday for our reading session. The childrne loved having you in class and sharing their learning with you.
We have begun learning a new text in English, 'Toys in Space', we have already had some brilliant home learning based on the book and look forward to seeing lots more.
In Maths, we have been consolidating our subtraction skills by using number lines to solve calculations.
Topic has inspired some great discussions about space, the space race and what it would be like to be an astronaut.
Have a fantastic weekend.
w/c 11.11.24 This week in Year 5!
Date: 14th Nov 2024 @ 4:33pm
We have had a great week celebrating anti-bullying week, the children loved wearing their odd socks and talking about how to kind, helpful friends.
We have been learning more about the space race this week and have enjoyed readign about Neil Armstrong and watching videos of astronauts in space.
The children cannot wait to see you in school on Monday morning for our Year 2 open morning (9.15-9.45).
w/c 04.11.24 This week in Year 2!
Date: 8th Nov 2024 @ 8:13am
We have had a great start to the term!
This week we began our new topic: Space Race. The children have enjoyed researching, designing and making moon buggies as requested by NASA for their next mission into space.
In PE the children have started their dance topic and have enjoyed exploring different movements. Our PE days remain the same this term: Wednesday and Thursday.
Please can you ensure that your child wears their PE kit to school on Thursdays and bring their uniform in their bags, they will change into their uniform after their PE lesson.
Please be aware that our KS1 star of the week assemblies will now take place at the end ofthe day on Mondays - teachers will inform you if your child is receiving a star of the week certificate.
Have a lovely weekend!
w/c 14.10.24 This week in Year 2!
Date: 18th Oct 2024 @ 4:20pm
We have had a fantastic week!
In English, the children enjoyed recording their recounts on their iPads before completely their big write.
In Maths, we have been learning about multiplication and arrays. Everyone enjoyed using the cereal as a concrete resource and then eating their maths lesson!
We have been busy learning more about farms in topic and singing harvest songs in music.
We can't wait for next week!
Class 5 trip to Northern Roots urban farm
Date: 8th Oct 2024 @ 10:22am
We had a fantastic time at Northern Roots farm yesterday.
We met the farmers, Georgia and Tom, who showed us the polytunnels and what goes inside and outside. We picked some flowers and tasted some vegetables.
Then we spent time planting some daffodil bulbs - we can't wait to see them grow in the spring.
w/b23.09.24 This week in Year 2!
Date: 26th Sep 2024 @ 4:09pm
What a fantastic week we have had in Year 2!
The children have loved reading 'The Tale of Peter Rabbit' and finding out more about Peter's personality and appearance.
In maths we have worked on adding two digit by two digit numbers.
During science we discussed the words: herbivore, ominvore and carnivore and sorting animals into these categories.
Please do write in your child's yellow reading diary if you read with them - they love getting feedback on their progress.
We hope you have a great weekend!
Date: 19th Sep 2024 @ 1:42pm
We have had a very creative week in Class 5 & 6!
The children have enjoyed using our maker's space and create countryside collages.
They have also done a fantastic job retelling the story of 'The Big, Bad Owl' and used adjectives to describe the characters in the story.
In Maths, the children have been exploring number and place value, focusing on partitioning tens and ones.
Please can you ensure that your child brings their book bag, with their reading book and yellow diary, to school everyday - we love reading together!
Have a lovely weekend.
Date: 13th Sep 2024 @ 12:42pm
Welcome Back to another school year.
It has been a super week in Year 2, we have been looking at the book 'The Big Bad Owl' by Steve Smallman. The children have been strating to write about the main character Scowl and will be writing a retell next week.
Have a look at the class pages for the Parent's Meeting PowerPoint that has been uploaded.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mr Bottomley and Miss Coyle
Date: 3rd Nov 2023 @ 8:20am
This week in Class 5 we have started looking at the book 'The Great Explorer' by Chris Judge. We started the week by looking at some clues to find out where we think the Great Explorer might be going.
Then on Tuesday, we used the dictionaries to find the definition of new words! It was lots of fun.
Date: 18th May 2023 @ 4:24pm
This week in class 5 the children have been learning about how to stop the spread of germs. We took part in an experiment to find out the best way to wash your hands. We used glitter to show to the bacteria on our hands and tried a range of methods including soap and water, a paper towel or just water. We had so much fun!
Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 4:20pm
This week in Maths we have been looking at measuring volume and capactiy. We recieved an exciting letter from the Grinling's asking us to create a spring sizzling drink for their party. We had to follow a recipe and measure the different amounts of liquid making sure we were accurate and didn't spill any drinks.
Date: 19th Jan 2023 @ 6:29pm
We have started our India topic this week and what a fantastic afternoon we had! We began by boarding a virtual plane and setting off to India. When we arrived we decided to find out lots of information about our new topic. We enjoyed using the iPads to find out fascinating facts, creating our own images of Indian landmarks on the iPads and creating our own flags, mendi and rangoli patterns.
At the end of our lesson we then enjoyed taking part in some Bollywood dancing and showing off our amazing dance moves!
Date: 16th Dec 2022 @ 11:55am
What a fantastic week we have had filled with Christmas crafts, performances and parties!
In English this week we have been looking at the story The Lighthouse Keeper's Christmas and have enjoyed retelling the story through drama. We imagined what it would be like to spend Christmas Eve inside a Lighthouse during a storm. We also enjoyed descriptions Mr Grinling!
In Maths, we have been collecting data and making tally charts, block graphs and pictograms about our favourite Christmas activities and foods.
Date: 9th Dec 2022 @ 8:04am
For this past two weeks, class 5 have been learning about 3d and 2d shapes. We have learnt the name of the shapes and what their properties are. We also went on a shape hunt around our school to see if we could find any shapes in our environment.
We finished our learning this week by learning about symmetry and what shapes are symmetrical. To help us learn about symmetry we made our own symmetrical butterflies using paint.
Date: 25th Nov 2022 @ 4:34pm
The past 2 weeks in Year 2 we have been learning about money. We started last week by looking at different amounts and how we can make them. This week we have focused on adding amounts and giving change.
Over the weekend, maybe you could play shops at home and ask your children to be a shop keeper.
Date: 11th Nov 2022 @ 4:37pm
This week we have enjoyed carrying on our Space topic finding out new facts about the planets. We then used these new facts in our Computing lessons where we are creating our own Keynote presentation all about Space.
First we had to draw the planets and make sure they were in the correct order. We then labelled them and recorded ourselves saying our new fantastic facts.
Date: 5th Nov 2022 @ 5:29pm
We loved venturing to the International Space Station on Monday! We began our new history topic (The Space Race) by visiting the international Space station and having a virtual call with astronaut Chris Hadfield. He taught us how to survive on the space station by keeping our hair, teeth and hands nice and clean! We cannot wait to learn more about space over the coming weeks!
Date: 20th Oct 2022 @ 7:24pm
This week we have had a wonderful week learning about the importance of celebrating Black History Month. We looked at the book Coming to England by Floella Benjamin who came to England from Trinidad in 1960. We have enjoyed learning about her culture, important work for equality and Bernado's, life in Trinidad and creating lots of art work.
We had a fantastic afternoon on Wednesday where we explored what life is like in Trinidad where we....
- learnt about the culture and life in Trinidad
- tasted fruits that grow there
- made our own Trinidad inspired music and danced to it
- created our own Trinidad landscape using oil pastels.
What an amazing week we have had!
Date: 14th Oct 2022 @ 8:58am
This week we ended our topic 'The Countryside' with a fantastic virtual farm trip where we met Farmer Dotty and learnt lots about the jobs she has to do on her farm.
We started by meeting the goats and listening to Lola the goat sing. Farmer Dotty then took us to met her sheepdog who had a very important job on the farm. She showed us how the sheepdog herds the sheep across the field each day so that they can eat different patches of grass.
We then went to the coop where we met Elizabeth the hen and all her friends. We were able to look inside the coop at 3 different types of eggs- maybe you could ask your child what colours they were?
Finally, Farmer Dotty showed us her solar panels and explained how she is using them to keep her farms electric and hot water running.
What a fantastic finish we had!
Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 5:17pm
This half term we have been looking at coding on Purple Mash. We started by learning what an algorithm is and why they are important. We then started looking at creating our own code using collision, timers and different objects.
This week, we have been looking at debugging a program and finding a resolution. We have been extremely resilient and have worked so hard! At home, you could ask your child to share their code with you.