Class 5's Design Technology Work

Date: 8th Jun 2021 @ 10:12am

Over the last half term the children have been creating their own piece of artwork using both chalk pastels and wet felting. The children thought about famous landmarks and created their own representations of them with pencil outlines and chalk pastels to colour them in. Later on in the half term they explored with wet felting using a mixture of different fibres, hot water and soap. They had to add hot water and soap to the material, and then rub and press the fibres in different directions to help the different colours blend and create a colourful background. To complete the piece of work the children cut out their landmarks and attached them to their felt background to mount the pictures. Below are some pictures to show the process the children followed and the final pieces they created. 

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Mrs C Glynn - Principal

0161 260 0621

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