Our blogs

Class 6 have been inspired by....

Date: 21st Oct 2020 @ 1:14pm

Nelson Mandela! 

During Black History week we have loved learning all about Nelson Mandela and his life. We explored Nelson Mandela in more detail, as an inspirational figure that fought for change for black people. The children were eager to learn lots about him and expressed their thoughts and feelings about his time in prison and how he wanted equal rights for all in South Africa. We are so proud of how thoughtful and empathetic all the children were when thinking about how tough his life had been.

The work that they have produced is amazing and below are a few examples from a variety of children in Class 6.

Class 12 LBQ and Purple Mash 23.10.20

Date: 21st Oct 2020 @ 8:51am

Good Morning Class 12


I hope you are all well.  

Your LBQ code for today is - kry

There is also an activity on Black History Month on Purple Mash for you to complete.


Stay Safe


Mr Bottomley yes

Black History Week - Nelson Mandela

Date: 21st Oct 2020 @ 12:07am

Year 2 have really enjoyed learning about Black History this week. We explored Nelson Mandela in more detail, as an inspirational figure that fought for change for black people. The children were eager to learn lots about him and expressed their thoughts and feelings about his time in prison and how he wanted equal rights for all in South Africa. We are so proud of how thoughtful and empathetic all the children were when thinking about how tough his life had been.

The work that they have produced is amazing and below are a few examples from a variety of children in class 5.

Inspired by... Black History

Date: 18th Oct 2020 @ 10:21pm


This week is Curriculum week. We are Inspired by... Black History and will be learning all about the Windrush generation.

                                                      Britain must pay its debts to the Windrush generation – no matter what it  costs | Colin Grant | Opinion | The Guardian

Windrush Day takes place on 22 June, remembering the day when around 500 migrants from the Caribbean arrived at Tilbury Docks in Essex in 1948.

Britain was just starting to recover from World War Two back then. Thousands of buildings had been bombed, lots of houses had been destroyed and it all needed to be rebuilt.

In the Caribbean, lots of young men and women had served in the British armed forces because at the time, many Caribbean countries were still under British rule and not yet independent.

After the war, some of these people answered an advert to come to Britain where there were lots of different jobs to do. 

Other people just wanted to see Britain, which they had heard so much about.

Watch the link to find out more.- 


Windrush Generation




Amazing learning in LB2 - week ending 16.10.2020

Date: 18th Oct 2020 @ 5:43pm

The children in Learning Base 2 have continued their topic learning about ‘families’ and where they live. The children looked at different houses in different settings and talked about which house they would like to live in. They then designed their own dream house, described it and wrote about it. The children have been using their counting skills to add numbers to 10 using different equipment.

Class 4 Working hard at home this week.

Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 3:23pm

This week, Class 4 have been busy doing their learning at home. We are very proud of the children who have been working hard on their learning packs and have tried their best with their work on Purple Mash. 

Thank you so much to the parents who have helped tremendously to support the children's learning at home. The part you play is invaluable. 

Finally, well done to the fantastic readers who have been reading to Mrs Ali, We know it’s harder reading over the phone but well done for being so resilient.

We have missed all the children and can't wait to see them all again next Thursday!


Class 3 Working hard at home this week!

Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 2:42pm

This week Class 3 have had to be super learners working at home. We have been so impressed with the children getting on with their home learning packs and purple mash at home ,and so grateful to their lovely families who have been helping the children with their learning. 

We know it is much tricker to stay focused at home, but you are doing a super job! Keep up the hard work!

We are so proud of you class 3, and we can't wait to see you on Thursday next week. 

You are all superstars.


Year 1 Remote home learning Overview and resource WB 19.10.20

Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 2:30pm

Please see below the overview and associated resources for the Year 1 remote home learning. The overview will outline all of the activities provided and a break down of each individual task. 

What we have been learning about in class 2! (WB 10.10.20)

Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 12:55pm

This week in class 2 we have been learning all about houses around the world. The children have really enjoyed using the book 'You Choose' to find their perfect house. Every child in the class has drawn their perfect house and then labelled it thinking about the sounds they can hear in the words they want to write. 

In maths this week we have matching numbers and quantities. The children each had a gift bag with a different number in and they had to go around the room to collect that number of objects. 

Throughout the week the children have noticed the leaves that have fallen onto the floor in our garden, we decided to pick them up and on Friday afternoon we completed lots of different learning activities with the leaves. We made leaf people, used crayons to make patterns with the leaves and even collaged pictures of our faces with the leaves. We had so much fun following our interests!

We have been learning about... Incy Wincy Spider!

Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 12:45pm

This week we have been learning the nursery rhyme-Incy Wincy spider.
Children have been joining in with the actions to the song and we have been reading The Very Busy Spider story by Eric Carle.
We have made spiders using egg boxes and pipe cleaners and made web pictures out of wool.
The children have been looking for lots of spiders hidden in our room!

Class 12 LBQ and Purple Mash 16.10.20

Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 7:21am

Good Morning Class 12


I hope you are all well.  

Aswell as your Literacy and Numeracy I have set up some home learning for you today online.  

Go on the LbQ website and enter the code for today which is - sgh

I have also set a reading activity on Purple Mash for you to be working on. 


Stay safe everybody.


Mr Bottomley laugh

Class 12's Numeracy Lesson 16/10/20

Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 7:16am

Hi Class 12.


Hope you are all well.  I have added some videos and an information sheet to this blog to help you with today's learning.

Video 1

Make sure you try your best and I am looking forawrd to seeing what you can do.


Keep safe

Mr Bottomley laugh

Class 12 Literacy Lesson 16/10/20

Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 7:11am

Hi Class 12

Your work today is based on the work we have completed so far on Macbeth as well as looking at a new topic on Newspapers.  

Watch the videos as a guide and use the information as well as the article to help you with the lesson.

You will need to watch the YouTube video

Stay Safe

Mr Bottomley 

What we have been learning about this week (12.10.20)

Date: 15th Oct 2020 @ 6:30pm

We have finally got our full intake of Nursery children. During circle time we had the confidence to share our names to our new class with lots of our new friends. Our topic this week was 'My family'. We listened to a story about Mum and Dad and shared our own thoughts about our parents, we made paintings of our parents. We also made little paper houses with drawings of our family members. To end the week we shared family photographs and spoke about out family members to our class. 

Class 1 Blog - 15.10.2020 Homes Around the World

Date: 15th Oct 2020 @ 12:45pm

This week Class 1 have been looking at different homes around the world. We have seen igloos,treehouses,yurts and many more! We have also designed our perfect house, lots of them had swimming pools and giant trampolines! We made some spectacular houses outside too! We all had to choose our favourite place to live - lots of us choses a treehouse so we could be high in the sky and safe from tigers!

In Maths we were making sets of numbers to match numerals. Lots of children have done the classroom challenge with numbers on wands and special bags to fill.

We are looking forward to Curriculum Week next week when we will be doing lots of learning about Ella Fitzgerald.

Y1 Remote home learning videos WB 19.10.20

Date: 15th Oct 2020 @ 10:47am

Please see below the links to video's that your teachers have set up for each lesson in your learning pack, for Maths and literacy.

Click on each video to hear your teacher explain the task you have set for each day. 


Class 12 Literacy Lesson 15/10/20

Date: 14th Oct 2020 @ 11:45pm

Hi Class 12

Your work today is based on the work we have completed so far on Macbeth as well as looking at a new topic on Newspapers.  

Watch the videos as a guide and use the information as well as the article to help you with the lesson.

You will need to watch Literacy Part 1, followed by the YouTube video

Stay Safe

Mr Bottomley 

Class 12 Numeracy Lesson 15/10/20

Date: 14th Oct 2020 @ 11:30pm

Hi Class 12.


Hope you are all well.  I have added some videos and an information sheet to this blog to help you with today's learning.

Video 1

Video 2

Make sure you try your best and I am looking forawrd to seeing what you can do.


Keep safe

Mr Bottomley laugh

Class 12 LBQ and Purple Mash 15.10.20

Date: 14th Oct 2020 @ 11:29pm

Good Morning Class 12


I hope you are all well.  

Aswell as your Literacy and Numeracy I have set up some home learning for you today online.  

Go on the LbQ website and enter the code for today which is - vxa

I have also set a reading activity on Purple Mash for you to be working on. 


Stay safe everybody.


Mr Bottomley laugh

Year 6 Science Investigation

Date: 14th Oct 2020 @ 3:43pm

This week year 6 have been learning about microorganisms in science. We discovered that they can be both good and bad microorganisms, like mould and penicillin. We then decided on an investigation to see what makes mould grow fastest. We came up with a range of ideas including how temperature, light and dampness would effect mould growth. We are now going to monitor the bread for the next week and measure mould growth. We all also made predictions about what we thought would happen.

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Mrs C Glynn - Principal

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CEO: Antony Hughes

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