Our blogs

Year 1 Remote home learning overview and resources WB 25.01.21

Date: 22nd Jan 2021 @ 5:34pm

Please see below Year 1 remote home learning overview and resources. Resources have been set as 2'do's on purple mash :


If you have lost your purple mash login, please do not hesitate to get in touch with school, who will provide you with your childs login details.  

You can also access video's of your teacher talking you through each activity on the 2do's set on purple mash. 

Remote Learning Videos for Maths 25th January

Date: 22nd Jan 2021 @ 2:17pm

Monday- Bubble Pop


Tuesday- Number song- 5 Current buns


Wednesday- Building towers


Thursday- Tracking objects


Friday-Colour sorting


Remote Learning Videos for English 25th January

Date: 22nd Jan 2021 @ 9:59am

Monday: The Rainy Day by Anna Millbourne and Sarah Gill



Tuesday: 'B' Initial sound





Wednesday: 'P' Initial sound


Magic writing.



Thursday: 'M' Initial sound





Friday- Animal noises




Y1 Remote Home Learning Overview and Resources WB 18.01.21

Date: 17th Jan 2021 @ 4:56pm

Please see below Year 1 remote home learning overview and resources. Resources have been set as 2'do's on Purple Mash :


If you have lost your purple mash login, please do not hesitate to get in touch with school, who will provide you with your child’s login details.  

You can also access videos of your teacher talking you through each activity on your class page on the school website.

Remote Learning Videos for Maths

Date: 15th Jan 2021 @ 10:04am

Monday- Copying Patterns


Tuesday- Five littel snowmen


Wednesday- Building towers


Thursday- Tracking Objects


Friday- Skittle Counting


Remote Learning Videos for English

Date: 15th Jan 2021 @ 9:52am

Monday: Story- What will the weather be like today? 


Monday Writing- Playdough


Tuesday: See and Learn


Wednesday: See and Learn


Thursday: See and Learn


Friday- See and Learn



Friday Writing- Playdough


Remote Learning Video - English Monday 18th January

Date: 15th Jan 2021 @ 9:31am

Please watch the English video before starting todays learning 


Star Reader Test Guidance with Website Link

Date: 14th Jan 2021 @ 11:24am

For support with your child's Star Reader test, please read through the guidance which will take you through it, step by step.


Website Link: https://ukhosted13.renlearn.co.uk/6013217/

Star Reader Test Guidance

Date: 13th Jan 2021 @ 1:49pm

For support with your child's Star Reader test, please read through the guidance which will take you through it, step by step.

Star Reader Test Guidance

Date: 13th Jan 2021 @ 1:47pm

For support with your child's Star Reader test, please read through the guidance which will take you through it, step by step.

Y1 Remote Home Learning overview WB 11.01.21

Date: 12th Jan 2021 @ 10:08am

Please see below the Remote Home Learning Overview. It will only contain learning for the whole of this week.

Year 1 remote home learning for WB 11th January 2021

Date: 12th Jan 2021 @ 8:19am

Please see below Year 1 remote home learning overview and resources. Resources have been set as 2'do's on purple mash :


If you have lost your purple mash login, please do not hesitate to get in touch with school, who will provide you with your childs login details.  

You can also access video's of your teacher talking you through each activity on your class page on the school website. 

Nursery Home learning 11/02/21

Date: 10th Jan 2021 @ 3:50pm

Nursery Isolation Home Learning: Week commencing 11th January 2021


Important Announcement

All parents have been sent an email invitation to join an online classroom. Please sign up and use the resources to complete these tasks below. All worksheets for planning below is on seesaw. Make sure to save so the teacher can see your children’s lovely work and mark!



Book of the week: Jack and the Beanstalk

Time to spend on activity


Read with your child daily. I will attach some links below of story books for you to read online.  After reading, question your child on story.

  1. Who was in the story?
  2. Where was the story set (setting : forest, home)
  3. What was your favourite part of the story?






 (L.O) Learning objective: To introduce story of the week

The book of the week is Jack and the beanstalk. Please listen to this story with your child and question their understanding at the end.

You can access the story as a video on Youtube.


Questions to ask about the story

  • 1. Who was in the story?      2. What happened to the cow?
  • 3. What did the man give to jack when he took the cow?
  • 4. What did mum do with the beans?  5. How was the mum feeling?
  • 5. What happened to the beans when jack when to sleep?
  • Who lived at the top of the bean stalk? What happened at the end of the story?

15 minutes


LO: To draw my favourite part of the story from jack and the beanstalk

Starter: Re-cap the name of the story to the children and show/describe them a picture of the characters.


Main: Ask the children to draw a jack from the story. Remember to focus on detail.

Encourage your child to draw the beanstalk also. Remember the beanstalk was very big so we need to make sure it’s a lot bigger than jack.  

 Draw on a paper at home, parents to upload these pictures onto seesaw so your teacher can see and mark it!

10 minutes





L.O: To take part in a listening walk around the house.


Explain to your children that you are going to on a listening walk about the house. Now you need to listen very carefully walk around very quietly

Listening walk. Walk around your house and listen out for the different sounds you can hear.


Go around each room focusing on what sounds you could also here.

  • What can you hear when I make a cup of tea?
  • Let’s check in the front garden, what can we hear?
  • Does the back garden sound the same?

Talk to your children about what they can hear. Encourage good language.


15 minutes






L.O: To guess the sound behind the door (Online game)


To follow on from Wednesday listening game, click the link below to take part in a listening game again. This time children have listen out to what animals they can hear.



10 minutes




Practice counting to 20.


Find random objects around your house, to count. Count your steps, your fingers, how many leaves you can see outside.


Count backwards also.

5 Minutes


L.O: To recognise numerals 1 and 2.


Introduce the number 1 and show the amount on your fingers. Do the same with number 2.


Practice writing these numbers out. (Practice on paper and take pictures for seesaw)

10 minutes


LO: to talk about where objects are

Introduce propositions to the children. (Positions of place)

on / on top of 


*next to 




Using objects around the house to describe these points. E.g: Look the toy is under the book.

Look at the work sheet and discuss the positions with your child. Ask them what they think. Use the worksheet to encourage conversation about where jack is positioned. When your child gets the hang of this, encourage them to have a go. E.g: where the smiley face? Is behind the beanstalk or infront?


Ask questions! This work sheet does not to be edited, the purpose is for you and your child to discuss the positions.


(Worksheets to look at will be attached on the school website and also on seesaw)

10 minutes


LO: To draw objects with positional language instructions

Find work sheet attached on school website and seesaw. Seesaw gives you the option to edit the work sheet and send it to the teacher so she can mark and be proud of your children.

Complete worksheets on seesaw.

Children to follow instructions of where to draw objects. For e.g: Draw a flower in the put. Child to then draw a flower in the pot.

10 minutes


Science – understanding of the world



L.O: to show a care and concern for the environment.


Starter: Show your child a picture of a labelled plant and discuss the features.

Explain that plants need sun and water to grow. How we need to eat our dinners to grow it’s the same for plants.

Talk your child about how the plant grows. Look at the example of the cycle also.


Task: Go into your front of back garden and look for what plans you can see.


Go back inside and draw a picture of what you saw. Parents to take a picture of the drawing and upload onto seesaw so teachers can see and mark.



Daily practice for name writing


Daily Name Writing

Can all children practice writing their names out every day.

Parents to write out the child’s name first so children can copy.


Can I remind parents’ names should be written with one Capital letter at the start and the rest lower case.


For example: Miss Pervez

5 minutes


Thank you for your support. Take care and stay safe

Miss Pervez

Harmony Street, Oldham, Lancashire OL4 1RR

Mrs C Glynn - Principal

0161 260 0621


Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)
