Our blogs
Isolation Home Learning 11/02/21
Date: 10th Jan 2021 @ 3:39pm
Nursery Isolation Home Learning: Week commencing 11th January 2021
Important Announcement All parents have been sent an email invitation to join an online classroom. Please sign up and use the resources to complete these tasks below. All worksheets for planning below is on seesaw. Make sure to save so the teacher can see your children’s lovely work and mark! |
Book of the week: Jack and the Beanstalk |
Time to spend on activity |
Reading |
Read with your child daily. I will attach some links below of story books for you to read online. After reading, question your child on story.
English |
(L.O) Learning objective: To introduce story of the week
You can access the story as a video on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VCpAYajmvo Questions to ask about the story
15 minutes |
Tuesday |
LO: To draw my favourite part of the story from jack and the beanstalk Starter: Re-cap the name of the story to the children and show/describe them a picture of the characters.
Main: Ask the children to draw a jack from the story. Remember to focus on detail. Encourage your child to draw the beanstalk also. Remember the beanstalk was very big so we need to make sure it’s a lot bigger than jack. Draw on a paper at home, parents to upload these pictures onto seesaw so your teacher can see and mark it! |
10 minutes |
L.O: To take part in a listening walk around the house.
Explain to your children that you are going to on a listening walk about the house. Now you need to listen very carefully walk around very quietly Listening walk. Walk around your house and listen out for the different sounds you can hear.
Go around each room focusing on what sounds you could also here.
Talk to your children about what they can hear. Encourage good language.
15 minutes |
L.O: To guess the sound behind the door (Online game)
To follow on from Wednesday listening game, click the link below to take part in a listening game again. This time children have listen out to what animals they can hear. https://www.phonicsbloom.com/uk/game/whats-behind-the-door?phase=1
10 minutes |
Maths |
Practice counting to 20.
Find random objects around your house, to count. Count your steps, your fingers, how many leaves you can see outside.
Count backwards also. |
5 Minutes |
Tuesday |
L.O: To recognise numerals 1 and 2.
Introduce the number 1 and show the amount on your fingers. Do the same with number 2.
Practice writing these numbers out. (Practice on paper and take pictures for seesaw) |
10 minutes |
Wednesday |
LO: to talk about where objects are Introduce propositions to the children. (Positions of place) on / on top of *in *next to *behind *under
Using objects around the house to describe these points. E.g: Look the toy is under the book. Look at the work sheet and discuss the positions with your child. Ask them what they think. Use the worksheet to encourage conversation about where jack is positioned. When your child gets the hang of this, encourage them to have a go. E.g: where the smiley face? Is behind the beanstalk or infront?
Ask questions! This work sheet does not to be edited, the purpose is for you and your child to discuss the positions.
(Worksheets to look at will be attached on the school website and also on seesaw) |
10 minutes |
Thursday |
LO: To draw objects with positional language instructions Find work sheet attached on school website and seesaw. Seesaw gives you the option to edit the work sheet and send it to the teacher so she can mark and be proud of your children. Complete worksheets on seesaw. Children to follow instructions of where to draw objects. For e.g: Draw a flower in the put. Child to then draw a flower in the pot. |
10 minutes |
Science – understanding of the world |
Friday |
L.O: to show a care and concern for the environment.
Starter: Show your child a picture of a labelled plant and discuss the features. Explain that plants need sun and water to grow. How we need to eat our dinners to grow it’s the same for plants. Talk your child about how the plant grows. Look at the example of the cycle also.
Task: Go into your front of back garden and look for what plans you can see.
Go back inside and draw a picture of what you saw. Parents to take a picture of the drawing and upload onto seesaw so teachers can see and mark. |
15mins |
Daily practice for name writing |
Daily Name Writing |
Can all children practice writing their names out every day. Parents to write out the child’s name first so children can copy.
Can I remind parents’ names should be written with one Capital letter at the start and the rest lower case.
For example: Miss Pervez |
5 minutes |
Thank you for your support. Take care and stay safe
Miss Pervez
11.01.21-Remote Learning Videos for Maths
Date: 9th Jan 2021 @ 3:56pm
Monday- Skittle Counting
Tuesday- Number songs
Wednesday- Building towers
Thursday- Colour sorting
Friday- Tracking objects
11.01.21-Remote Learning Videos for English
Date: 9th Jan 2021 @ 3:47pm
Monday-Maisy's Weather
Tuesday- See and Learn
Wednesday- See and Learn
Phonics Play animal noises- https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/1/welcome-to-the-zoo
Thursday- See and Learn
Friday- See and Learn
Remote home Learning for 11th January 2021
Date: 9th Jan 2021 @ 2:57pm
Year 1 Remote home learning video's WB 11.01.21
Date: 8th Jan 2021 @ 3:46pm
Please see below the links to video's that your teachers have set up for each lesson in your learning pack, for Maths and literacy.
Click on each video to hear your teacher explain the task you have set for each day.
Tuesday - https://youtu.be/Lc5YL7QKIZc
Wednesday - https://youtu.be/jov60fVkgTM
Thursday - https://youtu.be/1M6JPs2xN5A
Friday - https://youtu.be/RZCKJ3D2Op8
Monday - https://youtu.be/JYp0Poi4x3g
Tuesday - https://youtu.be/HLwayd3Psb4
Wednesday - https://youtu.be/ps_HZ2SvyAw
Thursday - https://youtu.be/pt4hLsOoNQA
Friday - https://youtu.be/x8XKcKbHZdo
Learning videos for week beginning 11.1 21
Date: 8th Jan 2021 @ 2:49pm
Please see below the links to video's that your teachers have set up for each lesson, for Maths and English.
Click on each video to hear your teacher explain the task you have set for each day.
Monday 11.1.21 Maths
Tuesday 12.1.21 Maths
Wednesday 13.1.21 Maths
Thursday 14.1.21 Maths
Friday 15.1.21
Date: 8th Jan 2021 @ 12:59pm
Video Name: Subtraction by Counting Back
Video Name: Subtract a 2-digit number from a 2-digit number - not crossing 10
Today the children are embedding their learning from yesterday and having a go at laying the learning out indepedently. Recap your understanding from yesteryday by rewatching the video.
Read the questions carefully and use all your skills from this week to help you!
Year 6 Remote Learning Videos for English WB 11th Jan 2021
Date: 8th Jan 2021 @ 11:44am
Here are videos to support you with your English learning throughout the week.
Year 5 Remote Learning wb 11.01.21
Date: 8th Jan 2021 @ 11:35am
Please click on the file to see all your learning for this week. You will need to use Purple Mash to access your activities.
Stay safe and we hope to see you soon.
Date: 8th Jan 2021 @ 11:15am
Hello Year 5,
we have been enjoying looking at your fabulous work!
Please remember you must be completing the spelling, reading, English and Maths set each day. There will also be foundation topics set for the week which you can pick one of to complete each day.
We are expecting you to go onto MYON for at least 15 minutes daily and practise your multiplication tables on TT Rockstars for at least 2 minutes daily.
If you are struggling with any learning, send us an email on purple mash and we can try to ring you to go through it with you.
Please keep up the hard work, hopefully we will see you all soon!
Mrs Akroyd, Mrs Baguley and Mr Bottomley.
Year 6 Remote Learning Videos for Maths WB 11th Jan 2021
Date: 8th Jan 2021 @ 9:40am
Here are your videos to support you with your maths learning throughout the week.
Year 2 Remote Learning Videos for Literacy WB 11th Jan 2021
Date: 8th Jan 2021 @ 8:38am
Here are your learning videos for this week:
Year 1 Remote home learning video's WB 4.01.20
Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 3:05pm
Please see below the links to video's that your teachers have set up for each lesson in your learning pack, for Maths and literacy.
Click on each video to hear your teacher explain the task you have set for each day.
Remote home learning Year 1 - WB 4th January 2021
Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 12:22pm
Please see below Year 1 remote home learning overview and resources. Resources have been set as 2'do's on purple mash :
If you have lost your purple mash login, please do not hesitate to get in touch with school, who will provide you with your childs login details.
You can also access video's of your teacher talking you through each activity on your class page on the school website.
Remote home Learning for 5th January 2021
Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 9:20am
Remote Home Learning for WB 4th January 2021
Date: 5th Jan 2021 @ 2:42pm
LB2 - Remote home learning -5.1.2021
Date: 5th Jan 2021 @ 12:26pm
Isolation Home Learning 05/02/21
Date: 5th Jan 2021 @ 12:22pm
Nursery Isolation Home Learning: Week commencing 4th January 2021
Reading. Book of the week: Little red riding hood |
Time to spend on activity |
Reading |
Read with your child daily. After reading, question your child on story.
15 minutes 5 |
English |
LO: To recap story of the week The book of the week is Little red riding hood. The children read the story as a class on Monday. Can parents re-cap the story with the children and question their understanding. You can access the story as a video on Youtube.
Questions to ask about the story
15 minutes |
Wednesday Writing |
LO: To draw my favourite part of the story from Little Red Riding Hood. Starter: Re-cap the name of the story to the children and show/describe them a picture of the characters.
Main: Ask the children to draw a scene from the story. This can be their favourite part or any part they remember from the story.
Remind the children to draw in detail, thinking about the setting also. Draw grandma’s house or the forest in the back of the picture.
Colour your picture in. |
10 minutes |
Phonics – Phase 1 Rhyme and Rhythm |
Thursday |
LO: to develop an awareness of rhymes and rhythms Explain to your child that how we sing songs in nursery we are going to practice at home also. Songs to sing with actions: - Hockey Cocky - A ring a ring a roses - Farmers in his den - Wheels on the bus - Incy wincy Spider You can search these songs on youtube also. .
10 minutes |
Maths |
Tuesday & Wednesday |
Practice counting to 20.
Counting your fingers and toes.
Count backwards also. |
5 Minutes |
Thursday & Friday |
LO: To select small amounts of objects when asked.
Go around your house and find 10 small objects you can count, this can be anything from coins, to toys.
Lay them in front of you and count with your child. Ask your child to give you 2 objects. When handed the objects, count with your child to see if the amount is correct.
Try again with asking for 3 objects, 4 objects, 5 objects (ect)
10 minutes |
Daily Name Writing |
Can all children practice writing their names out every day. Parents to write out the child’s name first so children can copy.
Can I remind parents’ names should be written with one Capital letter at the start and the rest lower case. For example: Miss Pervez |
Thank you for your support. Take care and stay safe
Miss Pervez
Date: 19th Dec 2020 @ 11:17am
This week in Class 3, it has been Christmas week.
Not only have we been making super reindeer hats, Christmas cards and lovely Christmas mats, but we have had a class party and watched the school nativity.
We have had so much fun this week getting in the Christmas spirit and getting ready for our 2 week holiday.
We hope everyone has a lovely relaxing break, and we can't wait to see you all again in the New year.
Date: 19th Dec 2020 @ 7:40am
This week in Class 4 we have had a great time taking apart in Christmas fun and games. We had our Christmas party, where the children came dressed in their favourite Christmas jumpers of all shapes and sizes. We wore our reindeer party hats and got to use our Christmas place mats.
Santa coming to visit our classroom was such an exciting moment. He was so jolly and happy that we decided to make our own Santa Christmas cards for our parents. We hope you liked them!
On party day, we played many games such as pass the parcel and musical statues. Many children managed to win a prize.
We have finally come to the end of a hard working term. We would like to wish all our parents a fantastic Christmas break. Thank you for all your help and support this term and we hope to see you all back in January.
We have been learning about... Let's Celebrate Me!
Date: 18th Dec 2020 @ 3:38pm
This week in Preschool our topic was -Let’s Celebrate Me!
We talked about celebrations. We have done some maths activities with cakes and candles and had a dolls tea party.
We have made some Christmas cards, decorations and crafts using a variety of materials.
We have also been practicing our present wrapping skills using tools like scissors and tape. We celebrated by having a Christmas party with lots of games and dancing!
WOW what a fantastic end to a busy week!
Date: 18th Dec 2020 @ 11:48am
The children have been absolutely amazing this week especially during our bubble closure. I was really impressed with the children's level of engagment with our homelearning - Keep it up Class 10!
This afternoon, the children had a Eid party, and it was lovely to all the children dress up and have lots of fun!
I hope you have all had a wonderful time celebrating Eid this year, Eid Mubarak!
Mrs Khalil
WB 17/12/2020 Reception Weekly Blog
Date: 17th Dec 2020 @ 5:18pm
This week Reception practised and performed a fantastic Nativity. Every child took on a major part - with some having to step in at the very last moment! We were all amazed at how talented they are and how confidently they performed.
All the adults in Receptin were amazingly proud of every single child in the performance. Their Christmas Lunch and party on Thursday was a well deserved reward for all their effort!
Date: 17th Dec 2020 @ 1:41pm
Wow it's been a busy few weeks. Class 12 have been making their own animations in Computing. We used the technique called 'Stop Go Animation to create short videos using plastercine.
We have thoroughly enjoyed learning about learning about Charles Dickens. We have been persuading Scrooge to celebrate Christmas as well as solving a murder mystery in Maths.
We hope you have a lovely break. Stay safe and we will see you all in the new year.
Date: 14th Dec 2020 @ 4:30pm
Over the final couple of weeks the children have done a few fun festive activities. They watched the pantomime of Hansel and Gretel and dressed up as different panto characters, they made Christmas placemats and hats ready for their Christmas party day, they had a visit from Santa who brough them a gift each, they made Christmas cards to take home for their families and they loved coming to school in their fantatsic Christmas jumpers and playing party games with their friends!