Our blogs

Christmas learning - 16.12.22

Date: 15th Dec 2022 @ 1:45pm

The children have had a fantastic week making their hats, mats and cards for the christmas dinner and party.

They made handprint placemats.

They had a lovely dinnertime eating their lovell dinner whilst listening to the music. 

Christmas learning - 16.12.22

Date: 15th Dec 2022 @ 1:28pm

The children have had a fantastic week making their hats, cards and placemats.

They made them all using a 'snowman theme'.

The placemats are like a snowstorm. 

The children had a lovely christmas dinner whilst listening to the christmas songs

Class 13 blog Christmas

Date: 15th Dec 2022 @ 12:25pm

Class 13 have been working super hard in Maths and English this week but have particulary shone in Art and DT. They have really got into the Christmas spirit. They looked into the meaning of Christmas, designed cards, hats and mats and have also made a New Year's calendar. The children were very creative. They also took part in the school Christmas cracker where they sang 'Rockin around the Christmas tree.'

Learning in Class 9 16.12.22

Date: 14th Dec 2022 @ 11:46am

Class 9 had their Christmas Cracker performance this week and they sung with enthusiam, did the actions with great gusto, looked fabulously festive in the Christmas clothes and smiled so brightly. Well done Class 9 you were ALL truly AMAZING and we are so very proud of you!! As we always are!

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Class blog- Week Ending- 9.12.22

Date: 11th Dec 2022 @ 8:25pm

It's been a wonderful week as Classes 11 and 12 were fortunate enough to be able to travel to Queen Elizabeth Hall to see a live orchestra perform the music from the 'The Snowman'. It was an incredibly enriching experience and we hope that there might be some inspired musicians in our class. We also enjoyed our Christmas fayre and Christmas jumper days and the festivities will continue next week in the last week of term.

Image result for the snowman

Nursery Weekly Blog WB 5/12/2022

Date: 9th Dec 2022 @ 11:38am

This week we have been doing lots of great learning about Twinkle Twinkle Little Star whilst making lots of preparations for Christmas in Nursery.

Our Christmas hats are looking fantastic and the children have worked really hard with all the other things they have made. We also decorated out Christmas tree and put a twinkly star just like in the rhyme on the top.

All the children have been doing some fantastic singing while they rehearsed for the Christmas performance next week - we look forward to seeing you all there!

Super symmetry

Date: 9th Dec 2022 @ 8:04am

For this past two weeks, class 5 have been learning about 3d and 2d shapes. We have learnt the name of the shapes and what their properties are. We also went on a shape hunt around our school to see if we could find any shapes in our environment. 

We finished our learning this week by learning about symmetry and what shapes are symmetrical. To help us learn about symmetry we made our own symmetrical butterflies using paint.

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9.12.22 - Winter fayre

Date: 9th Dec 2022 @ 8:02am

The children in Learning Base 2 have been making their spectacular biscuits to raise money for out trip in April.

The children designed Christmas biscuits and had to decide which sweet treats they would use for the characters features. 

They designed and created 

  • Father christmas
  • Robins
  • Snowmen
  • Reindeers 

THEY looked fabulous and we sold 190 packets, so £190 raised towards our trip 

WELL done to everybody 

Reception Blog - Week Beginning 5.12.22

Date: 8th Dec 2022 @ 7:14pm

This week in Reception the children have been learning about the story 'The Jolly Postman'. We have enjoyed looking at what different things you need to remember when writing and posting a letter. We have also wrote our own letter to our favourite traditional character. 

In our Maths learning we have been looking at the shapes, rectangles and squares. We also looked at time and talked about day and night. The children enjoyed sequencing different things they would do in the day time and night time, talking about what comes first, next and last.


Learning in Class 9 8.12.22

Date: 8th Dec 2022 @ 11:08am

This week was Christmas jumper day and it happened to fall on Class 9's assembly. We all looked fantastic in our jumpers and were amazing in our assembly. Our confidence had improved such a lot since our last one and we are now super excited for our Christmas Cracker performance. A1.jpgA3.jpgA2.jpg

28th November

Date: 2nd Dec 2022 @ 3:38pm

The children have continued learning about different countries. They have looked at famous buildings in the different countries. 

They have read Concept in print words to describe the buildings and then wrote sentences about the buildings.

They have drawn some lovely detailed pictures of the buildings.

They then drew their ideal school and what they would like to see in it.

Learning in Class 9 2.12. 22

Date: 1st Dec 2022 @ 6:03pm

We want to say a 'BIG WELL DONE' to Class 9 this week for their focus, hard work and determination during assessment week. They have listened, followed instructions and have shown great resilience too. 

Class blog- Week Ending- 2.12.22

Date: 1st Dec 2022 @ 5:26pm

This week has been challenging for the students as they have been put through their paces with assessments in Maths and English. We are very proud of everyone's attitude and approach to the assessments which can be daunting and are sure that it will show the rewards of the hard work and progress that we see in their work every week. 

See the source image


Outside of this we have been studying the life of Charles Dickens and have written biographies on the life of one of Britain's most renowned authors. It has certainly been a change of pace after four weeks of looking and writing our own fables and legends but everyone has adapted very well and demonstrated their abilities to understand the changes which need to take place when writing for different audiences and purpose. To read more into the life of Charles Dickens or to recap on what we have been learning in class, check out this website: Who was Charles Dickens? - BBC Bitesize

Some of Dicken's works have been made into easy-to-watch youtube videos. Here are the links of some  to watch to help to deepen your knoweldge and acquaint yourself with his stories.

A Christmas Carol Fairy Tales and Bedtime Stories for Kids in English - YouTube

Oliver Twist | Stories for Teenagers | English Fairy Tales - YouTube

Great Expectations Animated - YouTube


Nursery Weekly Blog WB 28/11/2022

Date: 1st Dec 2022 @ 12:23pm

This week we have been doing lots of great learning about The Three Billie Goats Gruff. We have retold the story using actions, musical instruments and small world characters.

Our Maths activity involved feeding flowers to the goats to see who had the most!

We have started to practise songs for our Christams performance and the children are really enjoying joining in with the words and actions. We have started to get crafty for Christmas with the children making some decorations for our tree that we will put up next week.

On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we welcomed parents into Nursery for their VIP visits. The children loved showing off their Nursery and working with their grown ups to create Christams trees and wreaths. A massive thank you to all the parents who came to be with their child!

Next week we start joining up with Reception to practise our Foundation Nativity.

Reception Blog- Week Beginning 28.11.22

Date: 1st Dec 2022 @ 12:19pm

This week we have started our Nativity rehearsals and have been learning about the Natvity Story. We have enjoyed making our own box scenes with all of the characters from the story. We have also made our own character puppets on lolly sticks so we can act out the story with our friends.

In our maths learning we have started learning about one more and one less and have enjoyed singing some of our favourite songs that count down one less each time or count up one more each time. 


Reception Blog- Week Beginning 21.11.22

Date: 1st Dec 2022 @ 12:15pm

This week in reception we have had a super week! In English we have been learning all about the story 'The Three Little Pigs' and we have all drawn pictrues and written captions and sentences to retell the story in groups. We also took part in some drama activities including a story whoosh to retell the story and enjoying being the different characters and objects from the book. 

In our topic learning we have had a science week and have enjoyed taking part in some floating and sinking, melting and checking which materials are waterproof. 

We had a super end to the week and went to Oldham Colisuem and watched 'Robin Hood' we had the best time and enjoyed danicng and joining with some of the words!

This week in Class 14...Week ending 02.12.22

Date: 30th Nov 2022 @ 11:11am

Mrs Baguley and Mrs Wall are so proud of Class 14 for their fabulous Class Assembly all about children being evacuated during World War 2.  They amazed us how they could quickly learn their lines and produce dramas with limited rehearsal time.  Well done Class 14!

We have had a very busy week doing assessments.  The children have all tried their best and we look forward to seeing how much progress they have made this term. 

In English we have been creating our own Battle Bunny stories.  The children have been so enthusiastic devising their own characters and writing their own stories.

This week we have been learning...

Date: 30th Nov 2022 @ 11:07am

This week we have been writing diaries in the style of a child and her father during the Second World War.  We explored their emotions and how they would feel at different points.  The writing that the children produced is fantastic.  

In maths we learnt all about different angles and practised using a protractor to draw and measure angles. 

Class Blog- Week Ending - 25.11.22

Date: 27th Nov 2022 @ 8:35pm

On Thursday we were lucky enough to be able to go to the panto and it was great to see the children enjoying the show. Lots of singing and dancing along, "it's behind you" and "oh no you didnt"'s later we all had a great time. Well done to everyone for being really well behaved, responsible for the younger years during the walk to the theatre and for showing a really good image of the school, we're very proud of you!

In class we rounded off our 4 weeks of learining on fables and legends with a polished piece of writing a legend with our own alternate endings. The creative minds got to work and the progress from the first week's writing to the most recent is fantastic. Next week we will be starting to learn about Charles Dickens and if you want to get a headstart on your learning then have a look at these.

Charles Dickens | Biography, Books, Characters, Facts, & Analysis | Britannica

Who was Charles Dickens? - BBC Bitesize

Charles Dickins Facts | Newsround | CBBC - Bing video

See the source image

Money money money

Date: 25th Nov 2022 @ 4:34pm

The past 2 weeks in Year 2 we have been learning about money. We started last week by looking at different amounts and how we can make them. This week we have focused on adding amounts and giving change. 


Over the weekend, maybe you could play shops at home and ask your children to be a shop keeper. FAEE0FC7-2EE8-4540-92AF-25BED49C02B5.jpeg

Class 4

Date: 24th Nov 2022 @ 7:51pm

This week Class 4 continued looking at the Story One Snowy Night focusing on re-telling the story. We used our fantastic drama skills to create a story whoosh, acting out the story. We really enjoyed re-telling the story through drama. We have also focused on re-telling the story through sequencing and writing using time connectives and adjectives!

In Maths this week we began looking at 2D shapes thinking about their properties and also looking at shape patterns creating our own patterns. We got to go on a shape hunt using the iPads to take pictures of different shaped objects around our classroom.

We also started out new Art topic this week drawing self portraits and portraits of our friends using the same style of art used by Picasso. We really enjoyed our art lessons and created some beautiful portraits!




Learning in Class 9 23.11.22

Date: 23rd Nov 2022 @ 9:29am

Class 9 have been learning to talk about the weather in French. We have been 'lucky' with the weather this week as it has given us many opportunities to practise our new words. 49FB4333-092F-4A2D-8EE4-C41352DDB030.jpeg

Class Blog- Week Ending - 18.11.22

Date: 19th Nov 2022 @ 7:31pm

This week Year 5 started the week by wearing odd socks to raise awareness of and kickstart anti-bullying week. By wearing odd socks we celebrated uniqueness, to symbolise that we are all different and that children should be themselves, accepting of one another and celebrate difference. We continued our learning of anti-bullying in our weekly PSHE lesson. To continue your learning you can watch this 'live lesson' Anti-bullying Week 2022 – Live Lesson - BBC Teach

See the source image

18.11.22 - Children in need

Date: 18th Nov 2022 @ 3:38pm

The children in Learning Base 2 have been decorating biscuits for children in need.

They looked at Pudsey's face and copied it onto the yellow iced biscuits. 

They loved describing the facial emotions of Pudsey - happy, sad, grumpy, afraid, excited.


They also came to school dressed in their spotty clothes to raise money for Children in need. 

Reception Weekly Blog WB 14.11.2022

Date: 18th Nov 2022 @ 1:10pm

This week in Nursery we have been doing some fantastic learning about The Gingerbread Man. We have listened to different versions of the story and created actions to acoompany the story. We have practised our fine motor skills by using tweezers to add eyes and buttons to gingerbread men and finished off the week by making our own gingerbread biscuits - thank you to everyone who bought one to raise money for Children in Need.

Last week the children started reading in Nursery using books without words linked to their current phonics phase - Phase 1 - this will happen every FRiday. In addition, this week they have all chosen a book from our Nursery library to take home and enjoy reading with adults at home. This will be changed in family group time evry 2 weeks. We will not be able to send a book home unless we have a book bag in school.

On Friday we had a fantastic 'Children in Need' day in Nursery - all the children looked splendidly spotty!!

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Mrs C Grainger - Office Manager

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