Class 12: Blog items

w/c 08.01.24 This week in Year 5!

Date: 11th Jan 2024 @ 9:02am

We have loved seeing the children again after the holidays and have enjoyed hearing about all of the exciting things they did. 
This week we have begun our new topic of 'Rivers'. The children have enjoyed creating questions to guide their learning and researching facts about rivers around the world. 
During English lessons we have been reading 'The Tadpole's Promise' and predicting what will happen at the end of the story. In writing lessons we have been focusing on punctuating speech correctly and presenting it in a variety of ways. 
Maths has been focused on negative numbers: reading, ordering and solving calculations.
Notice: PE lessons will take place on Thursday this term. Please ensure that your child wears their PE kit on this day only. 
Have a lovely weekend.  

w/c 18.12.23 This week in Year 5!

Date: 21st Dec 2023 @ 3:39pm

What a week in Year 5! 
The children were fantastic in the Christmas Cracker performance, we were very proud of them and we hope you enjoyed it if you were able to attend. 
This week has been a very busy week, the children have enjoyed some Christmas themed maths and have done some creative writing based on a short film called 'The Man in the Moon'. 
During DT lessons the children have been designing and making their own Christmas themed brooches. The children worked hard to thread needles and stitch accurately. We had some very interesting designs including: a Christmas pudding, snowmen and the Grinch. Please ask your child to show you a photograph of their work. 
We hope that you have a fantastic holiday and look forward to seeing you all again in the new year. 

w/c 04.12.23 This week in Year 5!

Date: 8th Dec 2023 @ 3:05pm

We have had a very busy and festive week! 
We enjoyed Christmas lunch and Christmas jumper day on Wednesday and have been practising songs for the Christmas cracker performance on Tuesday 19th December. 
In English, we have been writing letters to Scrooge, focusing on writing a clear argument to persuade. Our reading comprehension has been a biography of Charles Dickens and we were keen to found out about other novels he wrote. The children enjoyed finding out about Oliver Twist and we even listened to 'Food Glorious Food'.  In maths, we have been learning about comparing and ordering decimals. 
Please be reminded that we will be walking to the pantomime on Wednesday 13th December. 
Have a lovely weekend! 

w/c 27.11.23 This week in Year 5!

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 9:01am

It has been assessment week this week and the children have worked very hard to show all of their learning from this term. We are very proud of their efforts and have enjoyed celebrating their success in class. 
We have also continued learning about the Tudors, focusing on Tudor exploration and the Mary Rose ship. The children have enjoyed researching: daily life, facts, food and roles on the ship. 
During PSHE we have been learning about food and balanced diets. The children have created a list of 'risks of a poor diet' and 'benefits of a healthy diet' to collate their learning. 
Please remember that it is non-uniform day tomorrow. We ask that the children bring in a bottle as a contribution. 
Have a lovely weekend! 

w/c 20.11.23 This week in Year 5!

Date: 24th Nov 2023 @ 8:45am

We have all had another busy and exciting week in Year 5! 
The children have been working very hard to draft their extended write on The Sea Serpent's Daughter in English, focusing on including relative clauses, onomatopoeia, metaphors and personification. We have had some very exciting pieces of writing, please ask your child to tell you about their work. During maths we have been learning about time, converting 24-hour and 12-hour times as well as reading timetables and answering word problems. 
We have begun learning about Christmas and advent in RE, the children found it very interesting researching which countries celebrate Christmas and how their traditions differ. As part of PSHE we have been learning about balanced meals, we children have created their own ideal balanced meal including carbohydrates, protein, vegatables and fats.  
As you are aware, the whole school trip to the pantomime is coming up on Wednesday 13th December, please can you ensure that you have paid for the trip via Parent Pay. 
Have a fantastic weekend!

w/c 13.11.23 This week in Year 5!

Date: 16th Nov 2023 @ 2:26pm

Everyone has had a busy, fun packed week in Year 5! 

We have started on new text this week, the legend of 'The Sea Serpent's Daughter', the children have enjoyed acting it out, generating vocabulary and writing a setting description for the bottom of the sea. Maths has been a little challenging this week, reading, interpreting and drawing line graphs. The children have learnt that it is very important to check what each axis represents before answering any questions. 

Music lessons have been particularly exciting this week. The children have begun a new topic, they began by using the bucket drums to play a Queen song, they also began learning Christmas songs. The children have continued to work on their capoeira dance sequence, this week focusing on 'dodges'.

Class 12 also enjoyed having Dexter visit our class this week, he especially enjoyed 'odd socks day' and Anti - Bullying week.  Anti-bullying week has prompted some great discussions across Year 5. The children enjoyed watching  a live lesson on the BBC which helped them to understand banter and how to understand individual limits. 

Please remember that school is closed for INSET tomorrow, we look forward to seeing the children on Monday.

w/c 06.11.23 This week in Year 5!

Date: 10th Nov 2023 @ 8:16am

The children have had a fantastic week! 
Both classes have enjoyed performing in music, they have played a range of instruments and have presented their own compositions. 
The children have enjoyed learning about Space this work during their reading comprehension and science lessons. They found it very interesting that it is difficult to drink water and that astronauts sleep in vertical sleeping bags.  
We are continuing with our Tudor topic this team and this week the children have learnt about Tudor exploration. They have compared Tudor maps with today's world maps and were keen to discover the differences between the two. 
In English, the children have written their own fables. A fable is a story with animals as characters and that teaches the reader a life lesson. They have worked hard on creating an individual story with a moral, please ask your child about their writing. During maths lessons the children have been learning to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions. 
W hope that you all have a lovely weekend! 

w/c 30.10.23 This week in Year 5!

Date: 2nd Nov 2023 @ 9:43am

The children have had a fantastic start to the new term and we have been excited to hear about everything they did during the half term holiday. 

This week we have been learning about the fable 'The Rainbow Crow', the children have enjoyed acting out the story, sequencing the events and have been focusing on upleveling and improving their writing by using exciting sentence openers. We have enjoyed discussing the moral of the story and linking it to our own lives. 

In maths we have been learning about perimeter and area. The children have learnt to calculate the perimeter and area as well as finding any missing measurements on shapes. 

During topic we have been learning about the Spanish Armada and Christopher Columbus. The children were excited to learn that he discovered an island and named it San Salvador. 

For our reading comprehension we have been exploring an interview with Michael Rosen. This has prompted some lively discussions about his poems and books. 

Please ensure that your child is reading at home and record this in their yellow reading diary. 

Have a lovely weekend!  

w/c 16.10.23 This week in Year 5!

Date: 19th Oct 2023 @ 3:37pm

We have had a fantastic French curriculum week to finish this first half term.

During literacy, we have enjoyed exploring the text: ‘The Hunchback of Notre-Dame’ and writing a description as Quasimodo. We have been using our knowledge from this term to include similes, metaphors and personification in our writing. In maths, we have researched French menus and created our own, adding prices and managing money to buy foods such as: croissants, escargot and croque monsieur. Some children would love to try snails whereas others would prefer to sample some crepes.

We have also explored French landmarks, the children would love to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower and visit the Louvre! The children created their own watercolour paintings of their favourite landmark.

We have used our research skills to discover facts about the French Revolution and Bastille Day. All of the information we have learnt this week can be found in our ‘French Curriculum Week’ keynote presentations, please ask your child to share this learning with you!

Please be aware that next half term the children will have PE on both Thursday and Friday, please can you ensure that they wear their PE uniform on these days.

We hope that you have a fantastic and safe half term and look forward to seeing the children when they return on school on Monday 30th October.

This week in Year 5

Date: 12th Oct 2023 @ 10:31am

This week is Year 5 has been exciting as we have been learning about William Shakespeare's 'MacBeth'. One of his most gripping plays and a story of betrayal, guilt, ambition and supernatural powers. We have been writing setting description of the Scottish highlands where MacBeth encounters the three weird sisters who prophesise that he will become the Thane of Cawdor and one day, the King of Scotland. Aside from engaging with an enthralling text, we have focussed on improving our writing by using figurative language such as personification, metaphors and similes, thinking about what effect this has on our writing and how it aids in achieving our target of describing the Scottish highlands more colourfully. Make sure to ask your child about this learning as they have all thoroughly enjoyed this week's Literacy.

The Literacy has been supplemented by a live workshop by the RSC (Royal Shakespeare Company) who are currently performing 'MacBeth' at the Globe Theatre. The workshop was led by the current director and lead actor and the children learnt about how the actors and director approach scenes in rehearsals and how they unlock language and explore a variety of performing choices. They also discussed the relationship between the characters and the journey they each take through the play. This will be particularly insightful to Class 11 who will become Shakespearian actors themsleves when they perform in the Oldham Shakespeare festival. 

On Friday, we were also fortunate to spend the day learning about Rosa Parks and her influential role as an activist during the black civil rights movement.

We hope that you have a great weekend and come back rested for what will be a very exciting curriculum week- 'Parlez-vous Francais?' and final week before half term.

w/c 02.10.23 This week in Year 5!

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 7:50am

We started the week with an exciting ‘meet the author’ event, via Teams. The children were able to listen to Sir Lenny Henry discuss what it’s like to be an author and create stories and characters. We also talked about his involvement in Comic Relief and was he pleased to hear we are learning about Black History Month – his hero is Nelson Mandela.   

He gave the children a great tip when writing stories... start with the question ‘What if....?’ This led to some lively discussions in class: what if I was invisible? What if I was king? What if I went to space?  

The children have also completed their William Shakespeare biographs this week and have been learning about division in maths. Keep practising your times tables on TTRockstars to help with your division skills. The children have particularly enjoyed reading Romeo and Juliet, please do ask them about it.  

Please continue to read at home and have a great weekend! 

w/c 25.09.23 This week in Year 5!

Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 8:14am

We have had a busy and exciting week in Year5! The children have enjoyed learning facts about William Shakespeare in preparation for writing a biography about him. They were very interested to learn that he died on his birthday when he was 52. Please ask them what else they found out.  

In science we have investigated friction and water resistance, we have learnt more about Henry VIII’s wives and used different methods to solve multiplication problems. In PE, we have been learning how to roll safely, completing log rolls, egg rolls and forward rolls from different starting points.  

Please continue to read at home, quiz on MYON and test your times tables on TTRockstars.  

Have a fantastic weekend!  

This week in Year 5!

Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 8:29am

Many thanks to those of you who attended our ‘Meet the teacher’ sessions this week, it was great to see you and share what exciting things we have planned for this year. 


The children have had an exciting week in Year 5! They have produced some fantastic big writes based on our focus text: ‘The Boy, The Bear, The Baron and The Bard’. They have enjoyed writing their own word problems in Maths and using newton meters in Science to measure the force of objects.  


We have continued to learn about the Tudors, researching and creating a timeline of the monarchs' reigns. We were very interested to find out that Edward VI became king when he was 9 years old. Please ask your children what other exciting facts they discovered.  


Please continue to read at home and have a great weekend!

w/c 18.09.23 This week in Year 5

Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 8:27am

Many thanks to those of you who attended our ‘Meet the teacher’ sessions this week, it was great to see you and share what exciting things we have planned for this year.  

The children have had an exciting week in Year 5! They have produced some fantastic big writes based on our focus text: ‘The Boy, The Bear, The Baron and The Bard’. They have enjoyed writing their own word problems in Maths and using newton meters in Science to measure the force of objects.  

We have continued to learn about the Tudors, researching and creating a timeline of the monarchs' reigns. We were very interested to find out that Edward VI became king when he was 9 years old. Please ask your children what other exciting facts they discovered.  

Please continue to read at home and have a great weekend!  

This week in Year 5

Date: 15th Sep 2023 @ 5:19pm

This week has been amazing in Year 5, we have travelled back in time for our very own reconstruction of the Battle of Bosworth as well as to visit the Globe Theatre, explored the science of Sir Izaak Newton and created our own Tudor style portraits. We really are immersing ourselves in the Tudor world. It has been so encouraging to see the enthusiasm in Year 5 for our new topic, please do ask about your children about what has interested them this week in class.

It has been a wonderful first two weeks back and we are all excited for Week 3. Please continue to read at home and write in your reading records, quiz on MYON and test your times tables skills on TT Rockstars... Remember: if you don't use it, you'll lose it!


Have a restful and happy weekend and we can't wait to see you on Monday!

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Year 5 Weekly Blog

Date: 23rd Jun 2023 @ 10:51am

What a fantastical week in Year 5. We have started our learning on 'The Spiderwick Chronicles' and exploring all of the things that might be living in our walls. It might just be a squirrel... it might be something a lot more daunting. Keep asking your children how their literacy lessons are going as we continue our learning on this exciting topic. If you were interested in continuing at home, you could create a poster of some of the peculiar and amazing creatures that we will go on to read about. 

Come With Me If You Want To Read: The Spiderwick Chronicles: A ReviewPin on Enchanted Inspiration

Class 11 have had an exciting week, full of rehearsal for the Oldham Shakespeare festival. They are working so hard and their performance is shaping up to be amazing. Please don't let all of their talent and hard work go to waste, come and watch us perform on Wednesday 19th July at Middleton Arena. Letters regarding tickets have been sent out via ParentMail and the deadline is not until next week and anyone is welcome!

Year 5 Weekly Blog

Date: 17th Jun 2023 @ 8:54pm

It's been a gruesome week in Year as we finished our disgusting recipes on how to cook children. We're amazed at our student's creativity and some of the fantastic recipes that were made. It's a delight to see how far you have progressed with your writing since September and we're all so proud of you.

We hope that you have a great weekend and come back on Monday ready to take a dive into the weird and wonderful world of the Spiderwick Chronicles.

Year 5 Weekly blog

Date: 21st May 2023 @ 2:41pm

It's been a busy and exciting week in Year 5. We have had a trip to North Moor Academy to hear Emma Carrol read from her new book 'Escape to the River Sea' which all students were able to take home a signed copy of. The pupils from both classes were excellent ambassadors for the school and were engaged and enjoyed the experience.


We have also had a visit from Oldham Council to deliver Road Safety lessons and again both classes painted wonderful pictures of themselves and showed a growing maturity and responsability.


And alongside all this, we have had some excellent learning take place from writing to acquit the wrongly-accused Little Red Riding Hood of murder to exploring the lives of school children in Victorian Britian and being a bit grateful that we didn't have to go to school 150 years ago.


One week to go until half term, let's have a great push to finish on a real high.

Year 5 Weekly blog 08/05/23

Date: 12th May 2023 @ 1:38pm

Year 5 have had a great week in our learning. We've made some beautiful stories on Little Red Riding Hood in the form of powerpoint books and folded binded books. Alongside this we have made some really fascinating diagrams on the lifecycles of birds, amphibians and mammals. Can you ask your child if they can remember the 7 type of animal?


Next week we have a great trip lined up to visit an author which will be a brilliant enrichment activity that we are really looking forward to to widen our literary horizons.

Please can you make sure that you have returned the Road Safety letters that were sent home so that your child can particpate in the activities. 

Year 5 weekly blog

Date: 8th May 2023 @ 6:01pm

We hope that you all enjoyed the King's coronation and that you were able to spend the bank holiday with your friends and family.

It's been a great week in year 5, with some fantastic progress being made. We have loved expanding our knowledge in foundation subjects, learning more a range of fascinating subjects including Queen Victoria and life cycles.

Class 11 loved their launch into the world of Shakespeare and we're looking forward to delving deeper into the world of 'Twelfth Night' before the Oldham Shakespeare Festival in July.

Year 5 Weekly Blog 24/04/23

Date: 2nd May 2023 @ 4:58pm

Happy bank holiday weekend.


We hope that you all had a fantastic weekend and enjoyed the extra day off with your friends and families. We're reflecting on a really challenging week, which ended with some superb diary entry big writes as well as conquering some multiplying two digit by three digit numbers. We are mega impressed and proud of how well you've done. We also loved watching you enjoy orienteering around the school and creating some wonderful illustrations in art. We know we have lots of exciting things coming up so keep on being enthusiastic, engaging and outstanding learners. 

Year 5 Weekly blog 16/04/23

Date: 23rd Apr 2023 @ 10:57am

Eid Mubarak! We hope that you have a fantastic weekend celebrating with your families and friends.


It's been a great start to the half term and we've been so impressed with how well you have all got back into the flow of things so quickly. We can't wait to see all of the amazing things you're going to do over the next half term, particularly in our new topic... The Victorians!

Year 5 Weekly Blog

Date: 30th Mar 2023 @ 10:58am



Year 5 have been writing newspaper reports this week, all about the storms of 2022.  We have been writing headlines and getting eye witness acounts of Storm Dudley and Storm Eunice.


In maths, we have been looking at percentages and we have all been putting 100% into our work. 


During our PE lessons, Year 5 have created a dance relating to our topic on rivers. 


Over the Easter break, we will be looking at the Victorians.  Can your child create a project over the holidays all about Victorian life?  This could be a poster or a model - the choice is up to you.  #BeAnExpertLearner



Year 5 Blog 10.03.23

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 1:59pm

Year 5 have been writing diaries from Toad's point of view based on the classic book - The Wind in the Willow.  It has been an amazing week for emotive writing with the children using a plethora of skills to bring their work to life. 
In our maths lessons we been looking at the use of protractors to measure and draw a variety of different angles. We are now experts with acute, obtuse, reflex and right angles.
Don't forget that Parents Evening is on Tuesday, and we are celebrating Comic Relief on Friday when we will be donning Crazy Hair or Colourful Scarves to raise money for this wonderful charity. 

Year 5 Blog 19.01.23

Date: 19th Jan 2023 @ 2:54pm

After all the fun of our France Day, we have got stuck into our new topic.  We have been looking at the regions of France and what the country is famous for.
In Literacy this week we have been writing all about the life cycle of a butterfly or a frog.  Did you know that a butterfly tastes with its feet and frogs have super stretchy tongues to eat its prey? 
It's been all about division this week with Year 5 working on some super challenging problems. 


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