Class 12: Blog items

Rivers in Y5

Date: 1st Apr 2022 @ 4:34pm

This week in Year 5, we have been writing non-chronological reports. We did a feature search and built up a range of rich vocabulary that we later used in the reports. We developed our report writing skills and did some editing to improve our writing.

Some children even produced some fantastic artwork, creating shimmering rivers using a collage and different shades of blue. They looked amazing!

Newspaper Reports in Y5

Date: 26th Mar 2022 @ 10:36am

This week in Year 5, we have been writing newspaper reports about the disruption that storm Dudley and storm Eunice has caused. The children were fantastic reporters and interviewed a range of witnesses such as a local primary teacher (Mr Bottomley) who had a trampoline roll into his driveway, a children from Glodwick who witnessed the broken minaret on the Greengate Mosque and a concerned resident (Miss Zamir’s Brother) who had tiles blown off his garage roof.

We have spent two weeks on developing our report writing skills, building a bank formal language, using direct and indirect speech and learning about rhetorical questions. The reports were a pleasure to read.

Well done Year 5!

PSHE in Y5

Date: 18th Mar 2022 @ 5:25pm

In Year 5 we have been learning about the dangers of drugs and this week we have been learning the affects that alcohol has on our bodies. The children began with developing their understanding of acohol. In discussion, we looked at the short long term and long term effects alcohol has on our bodies. It was great to see that the children took the discussions very seriously and were very mature with their responses. Well done Year 5.

The Journey of life in Class 12

Date: 10th Mar 2022 @ 4:57pm

In RE, Year 5 have been exploring the journey of life. We discussed how each of us has unique lifestyles and how we all have different experiences and because of this our journeys are different.

We looked at artist’s interpretation of life journeys and how they chose to represent them. We discussed a range of paintings and tried to interpret what they were trying to say about life.

Later, we created our own pieces of art work to show what we thought the journey of life is. The final art pieces were impressive and the children had really put a lot of thought into them. Well done!

Year 5 learning Spring 2 week 1

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 8:15am

This week class 12 have been working hard in literacy in order to plan and write a diary entry as a key character in our story (Mr Toad). The children began the week by using their drama skills to help them understand the story. They worked really well in groups and enjoyed the task. 

Metacognition in Y5

Date: 17th Feb 2022 @ 3:35pm

This week was our curriculum week, linked to metacognition. Year 5 have been involved a range of activities throughout the week.

We read the story ‘The Magic inside you’ and used it as a basis for inspiration for some of the activities that we did. We wrote secret letters to the people that are special to us. Some of the children wrote to their friends while others wrote to grandparents, siblings or cousins.

We also used the metacognition wheel to ‘plan, monitor and evaluate’ how we made scones. We asked ourselves many different questions at the planning, monitoring and evaluating stage. We all agreed that our scones turned out well but could still be better.

We also enjoyed using our artistic skills to show what metacognition is. The finished pieces looked amazing.

We also learnt a new skill of creating a game on the iPads. We planned how we wanted our games to look like and chose our characters. We continuously monitored and evaluated our games, creating changes to make them even better. Children then played each other’s games and gave them a big thumbs up.

The week has been busy but full of learning. Well done Year 5!

Safer Internet Day in Y5

Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 5:57am

This week, it was ‘Safer Internet Day’ and in Year 5 we have been exploring the different experiences we have had with online gaming.

We shared the range of online games we have been playing at home and the children were reminded of being mindful of only choosing games that are age appropriate.

We also discussed who we actually played with and once again were reminded the children to only play with friends and family who they know and trust, and that they have made parents aware of who they are playing with. Playing with and sharing information with people they don’t know is unsafe.

We then went onto looking at games that required team players. These games are great for building skills such as teamwork, co-operation and problem solving. However, there may be times when certain team members become too competitive, their behaviour becomes negative and their only aim is to win. We discussed how sometimes we are put under a lot of pressure by other team players to win. Other players may also use negative comments to make us feel bad or even ashamed and embarrassed if we lose.

We learnt how to be respectful to others online and to recognise healthy and unhealthy online behaviours. We also used our iPad to record ideas for the kind of advice we would give to a player under pressure and the people who put pressure on others.

Sounds of the river in Y5

Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 3:07pm

This week in Year 5, we have been learning about the different parts of the river. We have learnt that the upper, middle and lower course are very different. The water travels a lot faster in the upper course and is much slower in the lower course. The fast-moving water crashes against rocks and falls down waterfalls creating a great deal of sound. 

Y5 have been using musical instruments to create a sound scape of the various parts of the river. It was very loud in the upper course and much quieter and calmer in the lower course by the sea. The sound scape was a pleasure to listen to. Well done Year 5. 

Keeping fit in Year 5

Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 2:43pm

This week in Year 5, the children have been getting creative in their PE lessons. We have had a great time working in small groups and using our imaginations to come up with a sequence of moves, postures and poses that were inspired by the theme music for ‘Mission Impossible’ We imagined that we were a team of experts on a mission to retrieve something that was taken from us. The teachers were very impressed at how agile some of the children were and their performances were a pleasure to watch.

As always, Y5 are also keen to kick a ball around. We have once again been developing and refining our football skills on the pitch with Gary. Keep it up Year 5!

Life Cycles Reports.

Date: 21st Jan 2022 @ 3:43pm

In Year 5 this week, we have been writing chronological reports on the life cycles of a frog and a butterfly. We started the week by researching and making notes on information about frog and butterfly lifecycles. We then drafted and edited our reports.

For our final Big Writes we created our own information pages which included all the features of a chronological report. They look fantastic! Well done Year 5.

Year 5 learning blog wk ending 14.1.22

Date: 13th Jan 2022 @ 12:38pm

Over the last few music sessions, the children studied a famous figure – Joseph Bologne. This raised awareness around the trouble black people faced as Musicians. The children carried out research to identify his challenges and the important aspects of his life, which have shaped society today. The children worked in groups to plan lyrics and create music using various instruments to reflect Joseph’s life.

Science in Y5

Date: 6th Jan 2022 @ 2:31pm

In Year 5 this week, we have started our science topic ‘States of Matter’ which builds on the learning the children did in Year 4. It was great to see how much the children had remembered about solids, liquids and gases.

We carried out an experiment to test whether or not different substances were soluble or insoluble. Many of the children were surprised that some of the predictions they made were actually wrong.

We also explored a range of new vocabulary which we will be using throughout the term.


Citizenship in Year 5.

Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 4:08pm

This week, Year 5 have been learning about what makes a good citizen. They have also looked at how we can be digital citizens when using various devices and communicating online. The children researched good citizens in our country and defined what makes them a good citizen. We also discussed how our school promotes good citizenship and we created posters and art work to represent this.

Read, Achieve, Succeed in Y5

Date: 8th Oct 2021 @ 7:18pm

Yesterday was Read, Achieve, Succeed Day at Greenhill. The children had a great time getting stuck in with activities such as making posters for their favourite Shakespeare plays, creating a Tudor family tree and best of all getting to choose a book from the wide selection bought in by Madeleine Lindley. 

We were also amazed by the wonderful story books and jars that were bought in. We would like to thank all of our parents for supporting their children with this activity. 



Forces in Y5

Date: 30th Sep 2021 @ 4:45pm


Year 5 have been working on their science unit on forces this week. Earlier in the week we explored friction and later we went onto looking at water resistance.

We compared the time a ball of plasticine took to fall through the air and through water. We found out the ball falling through the water took longer than the one in the air.

Year 5 then carried out an experiment to test how the shape of the ball would affect the time it took to fall through water. We found that more streamline shapes helped the ball to fall quicker.

Manners, courtesy and respect in Year 5.

Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 5:50am

In PSHE sessions, Year 5 we have been exploring the importance of manners, courtesy and respect. To begin with, we looked at what each of these meant. We also used role play, small group and peer discussions to look at a range of different scenarios in which we would need to use our manners or show respect towards others. It was amazing to hear how positively many of our children would respond in different situations.

Later on, our focus shifted towards looking at what would make a good leader. The child came up with an array of characteristic and because great minds think alike, there were many points that every group of children came up with such as being a positive role model, a good listener, being fair, being democratic, and showing respect and much more.

Throughout the rest of the term, Year 5 will be setting themselves personal goals to ensure that they use their manners, courtesy and respect. We also look forwards to seeing the children conduct themselves as good leaders.

Tudor portraits in Year 5

Date: 17th Sep 2021 @ 7:00pm

Y5 have started their topic on Tudors and have learnt about the Battle of Bosworth and how Henry VII became King.

This week, the children have been busy developing their artistic skills in art while drawing their own portraits of Tudor Monarchs. To begin with, they sketched an outline of the king or queen and then added more fine details. Finally, to add more depth, they shaded their drawings using colour pencils. The finished pieces are fantastic and the children had paid a great deal of attention to detail. Y5 are very proud their work and so are we.

A great start to Y5!

Date: 10th Sep 2021 @ 8:10pm

Y5 have had a wonderful start to the year. They have settled in well and displayed maturity and enthusiasm for learning.

In literacy, Class 11 have been reading ‘The Secret Lake’ by Karen Inglis and Class 12 have been reading ‘The Wreck of the Zanzibar.’ by Michael Morpurgo. Both classes have thoroughly enjoyed reading the books. They have planned, written and edited great diary entries. They were a pleasure to read.

In Maths, Year 5 have started the term with place value. They have shown a good grasp of the value of different numbers and were able to read and write numbers up to a million. It was also great to see that many of our children have used their time well in the summer holidays and have been learning their tables.

Well done and keep it up Year 5!

Year 5 Blog

Date: 15th Jun 2021 @ 8:23am

This week's star of the week is Abdullah. You have really helped the class with your amazing knowledge and understanding of animals. 



Year 5

Date: 14th Jun 2021 @ 9:48pm

What an amazing week that Year 5 have had.  As part of our curriculum week, we have been working with Chester Zoo to create a new style of orienteering lesson. We used QR codes to find out more information about the different the animals.  The children in both Class 11 and Class 12 have created a new futuristic zoo and a new aquarium for Chester Zoo.  



Class 12's Star of the Week

Date: 14th May 2021 @ 10:22am


Congratulations to Naima.


Our star of the week is Naima, she produces outstanding work every day.  


Keep up the great work. 

Class 12's Blog

Date: 13th May 2021 @ 11:14am

Once upon a time in a classroom along the KS2 corridor, Class 12 embarked on a journey to a fairy tale world.  They found talking wolves, who particularly enjoyed wearing Grandma's clothes and a little girl dressed in red who was very naive.  After writing fantastic newspaper reports the children from Class 12 lived happily ever after. 
We have been looking at the story of Little Red Riding Hood in Literacy and we loved Digital Lift Off Day.  It was inspiring thinking about future careers and the technology involved.

LBQ Code 02/03/21

Date: 2nd Mar 2021 @ 8:27am

The LBQ code for today is BCZ9 

Year 5's Bubble Star of the Week ... Farwa!

Date: 1st Mar 2021 @ 1:20pm

Year 5's Bubble Star of the Week is Farwa! We have all been so impressed with how hard Farwa has been working and the progress that she is making! Keep up the fabulous work! smiley

Class 12's Remote Star of the Week .... Sayem!

Date: 1st Mar 2021 @ 1:18pm

Class 12's Remote Star of the Week is Sayem!  We are really impressed with his effort and dedication to his remote learning! Keep up the good work! smiley

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