Class 8: Blog items

Learning in Class 8 28.9.21

Date: 28th Sep 2021 @ 9:37pm

This week Class 8 have shown great listening skills and focus during their iPad training. They have set up passwords, changed avatars, found their way around all the function buttons, explored different Apps and read and quizzed on how to look after and keep their iPad safe. Once they have completed all 5 trainingiPad photo.jpg lessons they will be bringing their iPad home.

PSHE in Autumn 1 2021

Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 7:42pm

Please see the letter for information about what we are learning in PSHE this half term. /uploads/533/files/PSHE Aut 1 Parent Newsletter.pdf

Learning in Class 8 23.9.21

Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 7:27pm

Class 8 have had a mind blowing Science/Topic lesson. We learnt about the magnetic force of the earth and how a compass works as part of our Forces and Magnets topic. We then went on to make our own compasses using a magnet and a paper clip. We used these on a map of the UK to describe where cities and towns are on the map. Such an exciting afternoon!


Learning in Class 8 15.9.21

Date: 15th Sep 2021 @ 4:51pm

This week in Clas 8 the children are reading Harry and the Jaggedy Daggers. We are writing a retell of the story and to help us get in role we acted out the story with our Harry masks. We had some super acting and great, descriptive retells. Super writing Class 8.

Harry JD.jpg

Learning in Class 8

Date: 10th Sep 2021 @ 8:13am

In Class 8 we have been learning about The United Kingdom. Our WOW starter involved traditional dancing and a tea party in the sun tasting traditional food. We then moved onto map work using the atlases which the children LOVED! We were so excited we needed a five minute run outside to calm down!IMG_0115.jpg

Learning in Class 8 16.7.21

Date: 16th Jul 2021 @ 8:29am

This week, Class 8 were super excited to receive their IPads. They had lessons on the basics of getting on, getting set up and getting ready to learn. 

On Friday afternoon we had an end of term/Eid party. What a great way to end an exciting week!

Learning in Class 8 9.7.21

Date: 9th Jul 2021 @ 7:48am

Class 8 have been doing super learning at home this week. Lots of Purple Mash activities - we will be the best spellers in the school after all these spelling tasks! We have shown great comprehension skills using Serial Mash and shown our understanding of some tricky time telling. See below for an example of the high standard of learning the children are doing at home.

What a fantastic attitude to learning. :)


Learning in Class 8 2.7.21

Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 12:20pm

Class 8 have been reading Julia Donaldson books this week. We have been comparing them and swapping them with friends.

"I really like the way they rhyme" - Fatima

"I like the way they have glitter on the pages" - Zara

"I noticed that in every Axle Sheffler book has a picture of the Gruffalo in it" - Zak

"I enjoyed it when we switched books with a friend" - Hafsah.


Learning in Class 8 25.6.21

Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 4:36pm

Class 8 have been learning how to write a tourist information leaflet about the area of the Mayan Civilisation. We were amazed by their ability to create the layout independently and to use the style of language suitable for this. Take a look at the photograph to see just what super stars Class 8 are!IMG_0162[1].JPG

Learning in Class 8 18.6.21

Date: 17th Jun 2021 @ 7:05pm

This week has been the start of our topic on the Ancient Maya Civilisation. Wow! What a lot of new learning we have taken in. Teachers and children learning together to find out some amazing facts about these people. We have used the IPads to research in Topic and Literacy as well as at home on Purple Mash. We have learnt about life in general, chocolate, sports and their amazing buildings. We ended the week making a special box to keep all our learning about the Maya in. Capture.PNG                       Capture 2.PNG

Learning in Class 8 11.6.21

Date: 11th Jun 2021 @ 4:41pm

Class 8 have had a fantastic Out of This World Curriculum Week. We have thought about which planet we would like to live on and what our house could be like. We had some fantastic ideas and did some great designs. We then made our planet including biomes where we would live. We thought about all the aspects of life including entertainment. This led us to use Garage Band on the IPads to create our music. We have some talented musicians in class!IMG_0112(1).JPG

Learning in Class 8 28.5.21

Date: 28th May 2021 @ 2:29pm

We had a super end to our Volcano Topic. Art all afternoon. The children loved being creative and making a layered collage volcano picture. 

Zara said, "It was nice to have this art session on the last day."

Zak said, "We had a super art session today."

Our birthday girl said, "It was a very fun day."


Learning in Class 8

Date: 21st May 2021 @ 7:36am


This week we have been writing about the Disney short film, LAVA. This piece of writing blew us away. The child who has written it has made so much progress this year. He wrote...

The bright gold sun is in the distance behind a lonely volcano. He was happy amd then it went dark and the sun set. Then the morning came and his lava turned to stone and sunk into the deep blue water. But then, the other volcano was in the water and listening to his song. It was meant for her. She was ready to meet him. Then her lava grew and grew and there was a grey splash and Uka watched his dreams come true. 

Learning In Class 8 14.5.21

Date: 14th May 2021 @ 4:10pm

What a super Eid party we had today! The children returned to school after Eid with stories of their fantastic Eid celebrations. This morning we wrote songs for literacy and solved maths word problems about multiplicaiton and ended the morning with learning the months of the year in French. Then after dinner it was party time. We are sure the children will all sleep soundly tonight!


Learning in Class 8 7.5.21

Date: 7th May 2021 @ 3:44pm

Class 8 had a great day on Friday making Power Point Presentations. They worked amazingly hard and their work looked like that of a much higher year group. I was so proud of them. They loved making the animations and transitions effects. Some are going to go home and carry on this learning on their laptops! 

Learning in Class 8 30.4.21

Date: 30th Apr 2021 @ 7:43am

The Class 8 Eco Team have been thinking about how to improve the school grounds. Ayat suggested,

Learning in Class 8 23.4.21

Date: 23rd Apr 2021 @ 4:48pm

Class 8 have had a fantastic day on our Digital Lift Off. We have been amazed with how much information technology is part of our everyday lives. We thought about our future jobs and what technology would be involved in them. We are very excited to receive IPads and enhance our learning further.  

Here is our knowledge map this morning. 
Here is our knowledge map this afternoon. 

Learning In Class 8 1.4.21

Date: 2nd Apr 2021 @ 9:35am

This week the children in Class 8 have taken part in a DT project to create Egyptian Collars. They used skills such as rolling magazine paper to make beads. They were so creative and the results showed their individual creativty. The children were extremely proud of their work.


In maths we have been learning to tell the time - this is usually a tricky subject for the children but we think we have cracked it. Well done Class 8. The week ended with Purple Mash time activities and the learning buzz in the classroom was palpable. 

We have enjoyed a lot of class stories this week - we have made an effort to get more in. Our favourite this week was I want My Hat Back by Jon Klassen.



Learning in Class 8 26.3.21

Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 10:52am

Class 8 had a super day today raising money for the Brain Tumour Charity. We were amazed with the effort that some children put in. We had Alice in Wonderland, Easter and Food themed hats. I'm sure you would agree that Zak's hat stole the show with his Healthy/Unhealthy hat. Which side would you choose?

Learning in Class 8 19.3.21

Date: 19th Mar 2021 @ 4:57pm

Class 8 have been continuing their learning on hobbies in French. Today they were asking a partner 'Aimez vous...?' Their partner responded with a 'oui' or a 'non' and then went on the say 'mais je prefere...' Class 8 are getting so good at speaking, reading and writing in French.


Learning in Class 8 12.3.21

Date: 12th Mar 2021 @ 4:30pm

This week Class 8 have been writing fact sheets about themselves in Literacy and in Maths we have been recapping the learning we did during lockdown.

Our best lesson this week was French. We were learning about hobbies and played a game of charades. A child came to the front and acted out a hobby and whether they liked it, loved it, disliked it or detested it. The others had to write the sentence on the board to describe it e.g. Je deteste jouer au football or J'aime nage. It was lots of fun and great skills reading and writing French.

Learning in the Year 3 Bubble

Date: 26th Feb 2021 @ 12:45pm

The Year 3 Bubble have had a great week learning about the Ancient Egyptian Myth - Seth, The Evil One. They have written their own books and some children were recorded reading them so we can share them with other classes.


In Science we have been learning about plants and what each part of the plant and flower is for. We then did some lovely paintings of flowers. 

In Maths we are learning to tell the time including AM and PM. We are ending the week feeling confident in our new learning. 

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Mrs C Glynn - Principal

0161 260 0621

Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)