Class 8: Blog items

This week in Class 8

Date: 23rd Oct 2024 @ 2:21pm

Class 8 have done some amazing learning this week. They have used the trundle wheel to measure in metres in maths, performed poems with body percussion and instruments and have taken part in our diversity and inclusion curriculum week. Thinking about how we are all different but the importance to all be included. We have also have had  Dexter join our learning this week. Well done Class 8!



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Learning in Class 8 11.10.24

Date: 10th Oct 2024 @ 8:27pm

This week Class 8 have been finding 4 figure grid reference points in our Geography lessons. They have also used all their knowledge of our Great Britain topic to produce a non - chronolgical report in Literacy. In maths they have recognised the value of coins and notes and have been making amounts. Well done Class 8 for a fantastic week of learning!

This week Class 8 have...

Date: 22nd May 2024 @ 4:30pm

... been looking at the properties of 3D shapes in maths. They have named the properties and identified different angles in the shapes. In literacy, Class 8 have produced a non - chronological report all about The Mayans. They have included all the features and made it eye catching to the audience. Class 8 have also done some DT this week. They have planned, designed and created chocolate bars inspired from our Mayan topic this half term. Well d done Class 8! tyfedytd.PNGfjdtdtd.PNGCapturep.PNGhgchgcjuh.PNG

Class 8 Blog

Date: 30th Nov 2023 @ 4:09pm

This week Class 8 have been retImage (9).jpegImage (10).jpegImage (11).jpegelling the story of The Caveman Next Door. They took part in a story whoosh and retold the story in groups. Well done Class 8!

Stone Age WOW afternoon

Date: 10th Nov 2023 @ 2:21pm

Class 8 have enjoyed our WOW afternoon of the Stone Age this week. They researched of different time periods, carved tools from soap and created their own cave paintings. 

Class 8 blog web 18.9.23

Date: 21st Sep 2023 @ 4:44pm

Class 8 have worked incredibly hard this week to write their alternative endings to Harry and the Jaggedy Daggers. They have been very creative and used a range of features in their writing and their handwriting and spelling is improving massively. Well done Class 8! IMG_1241.jpeg

DT Curriculum Week

Date: 7th Jul 2023 @ 5:13pm

Class 8 have had a fantastic start to our cooking curriculum week! They have started their DT booklets and researched exisiting products and designed their own banana bread to sell at our Summer Fayre. They are looking forward to making it next week. IMG_1089.jpg

Mayan WOW afternoon

Date: 9th Jun 2023 @ 11:19am

This week Class 8 took part in our WOW afternoon to introduce our topic of The Mayans. They all tried different chocolate and tasted Xcolatol, the special chocolate drink the Mayans would drink. They also started to decorate their Mayan boxes which all their topic work this half term will go into. Image (2).jpegImage (3).jpegImage.jpegImage (1).jpeg

WOW starters

Date: 27th Apr 2023 @ 1:52pm

Class 8 enjoyed our WOW afternoons last week to introduce them to our new topic. They researched volcanoes and how to stay safe during an Earthquake for our Topic learning. They also tried different fruits and created their own Eatwell Plate for our Science learning.IMG_0809.jpg IMG_0811.jpgIMG_0797.jpg

Anicient Egypt WOW Afternoon

Date: 5th Jan 2023 @ 9:36am

This week we have introduced our new topic Anicient Egypt. The children took part in a WOW afternoon where they researched the Egyptian Gods, wrote their name in hieroglyphs, observed and drew different artefacts, created headdresses and became archaeologists.




Introduction to Stone Age

Date: 3rd Nov 2022 @ 12:16pm

This week Class 8 have enjoyed our introduction to our new history topic The Stone Age. We have enjoyed soap carving, creating cave paintings and researching on our iPads about the Stone Age. In English we have been reading Stone Age Boy and have produced some fantastic pieces of writing retelling the story. 


Well done Class 8, a super start to our new term!

Great Britain Non Chronological report

Date: 13th Oct 2022 @ 5:51pm

This week Class 8 have been using the IPads to find facts about Great Britain. They made posters to display their facts and have written a non - chronological report on Great Britain for their big write. Well done Class 8!

Introducing the iPads!

Date: 23rd Sep 2022 @ 2:19pm

This week in year three we have introduced the iPads that we will be able to take home.

We have been very excited to learn all about our iPads and how to keep them safe.

We have all made a promise to our teachers that we will look after our iPad and use it for our learning in school and for homework outside of school.

We cannot wait to be able to take them home with us next week!

Learning in Class 8 14.7.22

Date: 14th Jul 2022 @ 4:03pm

Today we had our awards assembly. Here are our Class 8 award winners. Well done to the whole class for their amazing effort in learning this year. They should all be proud of themselves. Award.jpeg

Learning in Class 8 7.7.22

Date: 7th Jul 2022 @ 6:05pm

Class 8 continued their learning on the Mayan civilisation this week by using their iPads to find out facts about the Mayan writing system. They loved finding out about all the different sounds and symbols they used.

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Learning in Class 8 30.6.22

Date: 30th Jun 2022 @ 4:56pm

Class 8 have been learning about the Mayan civilisation. They have made chocolate boxes to store all their learning in. This week they have learnt about the different Gods and Goddesses that were worshipped as well as learning about the Mayan number system. They are really enjoying findning out new facts and adding them to their leaflet that they are writing in English. 

Maya numerals - Wikipedia

Learninig in Class 8 24.6.22

Date: 22nd Jun 2022 @ 6:15pm

In Maths this week we recapped what we already know about measurement before moving on to capacity. We have had a brilliant week so far with our maths because we started measuring out different capacities and reading the scales. Then this lead us on to converting milliltres (ml) to litres (l) and vice versa and then we added and subtracted ml and l. The children have had lots of fun and really understood the learning. Super stars!

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Learning in Class 8 16.6.22

Date: 16th Jun 2022 @ 12:36pm

This week we took our Ipads outside to edit our introductions in the sun. We felt it was our best editing lesson so far. This was because we were editing on the IPads rather than written work, editing someone else's writing instead of our own and enjoying the gorgeous weather at the same time. We all want to do this again.

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Learning in Class 8 10.6.22

Date: 7th Jun 2022 @ 10:09pm

This week has been Curriculum Week and our theme was The Queen's Jubilee. The week started with an assembly from Mr Padley all about the Queen and her jubilee. Then the children have researched all about the queen and her family tree, made crowns for our royal tea party and created some amazing art work. There's been lots of questions asked, many new facts learned and lots of fun being creative. Well done Class 8!


Learning in Class 8 25.5.22

Date: 25th May 2022 @ 7:32pm

This week we ended our Computing and Topic learning. In Topic we have been learning about volcanoes and have been fascinated by the things we have learnt. Our research skills have developed so well as we discovered new and interesting facts. In Computing we have been learning how to create a Power Point Presentation. We linked the two to create a PPT about Volcanoes. We visited Year 4 to buddy up and show them what we have been doing. They were so complimentary about our learning and enjoyed seeing what we had done as it reminded them of when they did it last year.

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Learning in Class 8 18.5.22

Date: 18th May 2022 @ 10:44pm

Our comprehension this week was a playscript called Rama and Sita. The children enjoyed reading and discussing the play before acting it out with great interest and creativity. After acting out the play the children answered questions about the text like what is different about this text to what we normally read? Can you think of descriptive words to describe the characters? The children had to skim and scan for answers and use deduction to work out answers. 

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Learning in Class 8 13.5.22

Date: 13th May 2022 @ 3:00pm

Class 8 had a fantastic Eid party to end a wonderful week of learning. The morning was spent writing a beautiful story of love based on Disney's short film Lava - every child excelled in this! The afternoon was spent having extra long golden time followed by dancing and games. Eid 1.jpgeid 2.jpgeid 3.jpg

Learning in Class 8 6th May 2022

Date: 4th May 2022 @ 10:22pm

Class 8 are continuing their learning on Volcanoes and in English this week they are writing songs about how one volcano feels, hopes and dreams. The children watched the short clip called LAVA and recorded the feelings of the volcano and then they will start to write and perform their song. The children are really enjoying their task and we are very excited to see the outcomes.


Learning in Class 8 28.4.22

Date: 28th Apr 2022 @ 12:42pm

This week we started our new topic about volcanoes. Despite being upset that our learning about Ancient Egypt had come to an end we were EXPLODING with excitement about our new topic. We started the week by making a volcano. We then wrote instructions for someone else to follow if they wanted to do the same. We labelled a volcano and learnt what was involved in the process of a volcanic eruption. We can't wait to see what else we will find out. 

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Mrs C Glynn - Principal

0161 260 0621

Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Anthony Hughes

Chair of Governing Body: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)