Nursery: Blog items
Nursery Weekly Blog WB 12/6/2023
Date: 16th Jun 2023 @ 9:06am
This week in Nursery we have been continuing our trip around the world with a visit to Africa. We have used the book 'We're going on a Lion Hunt' to help us to develop our knowledge of what it would be like to visit there.
here is a video loink to the book if you would like to watch it with your child.
We have done lots of learning about the sorts of animals we might find in Africa , looking at what they look like including the patterns on their skin. We have done animal yoga and used binocullars to spot animals in the wild.
Next week we will be going on a trip to Pakistan!
Nursery Weekly Blog WB 5/6/2023
Date: 8th Jun 2023 @ 1:00pm
This week in Nursery we have started our new Topic learning abou 'Where in the world would you like to go?'. The children had some fantastic ieas of where they would like to go - like New York and Disneyland.
We stared our trip around the globe in London using our book 'Hello London'.
Here is a video link to the book if you want to watch it with your child.
We have created a range of images of the landmarks of London so that on Friday when we go on an open top bus tour we can see the sights from our seats. We are all very excited to have fish and chips at the end of the tour!
Nexrt week we are off on Safari in Africa!
Nursery Weekly Blog WB 22.5.2023
Date: 25th May 2023 @ 1:03pm
This week we have done some fantastic learning about butterflies using the book 'Butterfly Butterfly' Here is a link to the story if you would like to enjoy it with your child.
We have created butterflies using hand prints, paper plates and even made a giant one with the parachute and made it fly around our garden.
On Wednesday we said goodbye to our own butterflies which we have watched grow from tiny caterpillars into big fat caterpillars then into their coccoons and finally emerge as beautiful butterflies. All the children were mesmerised by the beautiful creatures flying into the air - a fantastic moment I'm sure they will never forget !
All the Nursery staff hope that our children and their families have a fantastic holiday and after the break our new topic will be 'Where in the world would you like to go?'
Reception Weekly Blog WB 15/5/2023
Date: 18th May 2023 @ 1:20pm
This week in Nursery we have been doing lots of fantastic learning about Sunflowers.
We read the book Sam Plants a Sunflower. Here is a video of it if you would like to watch it with your child.
All the children have planted their own sunflower seed and will be bringing it home to look after as it grows.Lets see who's grows the tallest!
We have also been planting in our Nursery garden and are looking forward to eating lots of vegetables that we are growing in the planters.
We have done some fantastic paintings of sunflowers and made our own garden in a tray.
Next week we hope our butterflies will emerge from their cocoons and we can release them into the garden.
Nursery Weekly Blog WB 8/5/2023
Date: 11th May 2023 @ 12:54pm
This week in Nursery we have started our learning about plants. We have read the book Jaspers Beanstalk and started to think about how plants grow. Jasper wanted his beanstalk to grow and got very imaptient while he waited. We thought about howJasper was feeling at different parts of the story and occasions when we had felt like that - everyone was excited when it was their birthday!
Here is a link to the video if you would like to watch it at home.
We have all been measured against our class beanstalk measuring chart so we can see who is the tallest and who is the shortest - adults and children!
We all had great fun playing the 'Bean Game' making up actions for lots of different beans like jumping beans and runner beans! Mrs Middleton's favourite was french beans when we had to shout 'oooh la la'!
Next week we will be doing some more planting - hopefully outside if the weather improves - and learning how to care for seeds so that they grow into healthy plants
Nursery Weekly Blog WB 1/5/2023
Date: 4th May 2023 @ 4:39pm
This week in Nursery we have been getting very excited about the forthcoming coronation on Saturday. We have based our learning on a lovely book called King Charles' Colourful Coronation - here is a link to the book if you would like to enjoy it withe your child
The children have made crown biscuits, a kings collage and even their own crowns. They have learned about the new kings life from being a bay and what will happen in Saturdays coronation.
Next week we will be doing lots of outdoor learning in out Nursery garden when we will be planting lots of seeds in the Nursery planters.
Nursery weekly Blog WB 24.4.2023
Date: 28th Apr 2023 @ 5:01pm
This week we have done some very exciting learning based on this weeks book 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' . The children loved the beautiful pictures in the big book that Mrs Middleton found and laughed as our catterpillar puppet ate his way through the pages. The children learned all about the life cycle of a butterfly through dama and in Maths began to understand how a butterfly's wings are symetrical.
We have loved welcoming parents into Nursery this week to see the chicks and caterpillars and share the fantastic learning we have done this term.
Next week we will be getting excited about the coronation of King Charles and will be doing lots of exciting learning in the build up to the big day!
Just a reminder that Nursery is closed on Thursday 4th May as it is being used as a Polling Station.
Nursery Weekly Blog WB 17.4.2023
Date: 20th Apr 2023 @ 1:14pm
This week in Nursery we have all been extremely excited to welcome some VERY special visitors. On Monday eggs arrived in Nursery and we carefully placed them inside the incubator and waited and watched hoping that they would hatch. On Wednesday we were delighted to see that the chicks started to hatch - boys and girls - and we loved watching them come out and start to grow.
Also on Monday we received our caterpillars. They were very small and we had to be very careful as we put them in pots with some food. They have already started to get bigger and fatter and we are excited to learn about what will happen to them in the coming weeks when we do lots of learning about the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar next week.
We look forward to welcoming grown ups into Nursery next week to meet the chicks and caterpillars and have a look at all the children's fantastic learning.
Nursery Weekly blog WB 37.3.2023
Date: 30th Mar 2023 @ 12:55pm
This week we have done lots of fun learning about the Easter Bunny. We read the book The Story of the Easter Bunny and got excited in case he visited us with his basket of eggs - we have made chocolate nests to put our eggs in just in case!
Here is a link to the story in case you would like to watch it at home!
We have decorated our own eggs using bingo dabbers, played matching games with decorated eggs and played hunt the chick outside.
After the holidays our new topic will be growth and change and we are getting excited for the arrival of chicks and caterpillars!
Nursery Weekly Blog WB 20.3.2023
Date: 23rd Mar 2023 @ 1:08pm
This week in Nursery we have been doing lots of great learning about old and new toys and what is the same and different about them. We have looked at some old toys , how they work and then made some toys of our own like them - some cups and balls and some penny spinners!
We have written shopping lists for the toy shop and painted our favourite toys as well as playing skittles and wheres the tedyy?
Our book this week has been The Toymaker, a lovely story about Matthew who makes dolls out of wood for his poorly daughter Mary to cheer her up. Many years later Mary comes back with her own daughter to the shop to find the dolls still in the cupboard. We used the story to think about different emotions.
Here is a link to a video of the book if you would like to watch it at home
Next week our learning will be all about Easter!
Nursery Weekly Blog WB 6.3.2023
Date: 9th Mar 2023 @ 12:47pm
This week we have done some fantastic learning about night and day based on the book 'Cant you sleep little bear?'They have really enjoyed thinking about how the bears were feeeling throughout the story.Here is a link to the animated version of the story which you could enjoy with your child!
The children arrived on Monday morning to find that there was a cave in Nursery - they loved exploring with lights and shadows and even doing cave drawings on the cave ceiling. They have made some sensational sensory bottles with glow in the dark stars to use in the cave and Nursery - watching how the stars swirled was very relaxing!!
The children have also made a shadow puppet theatre and experimented making shadows with their hands.
Next week we will be looking at pushes and pulls using the book The Enormous Turnip.
Nursery Weekly Blog WB 27/2/2023
Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 1:14pm
This week in Nursery we started our learning about our new topic 'Why things happen!'. We have been learning about things that float and sink and things that are heavy and light.
The children have loved this weeks book - Who sank the boat? - about a group of animal friends who go for a sail in a boat. We discovered that it was not one of the large animals who sank the boat but a tiny mouse who jumped on board.We made a boat outside and used masks to tell the story
The children have also started to explore a new area in Nursery where they can do lots of hands on Maths learning with counting objects,shapes and patterns.
Next week we will be doing lots of learning about Night and Day.
Nursery Weekly Blog WB 20.2.2023
Date: 23rd Feb 2023 @ 1:03pm
This week has been our curriculum week at Greenhill and in Nursery we have been inspired by the book Elmer.
The children arrived on Monday to find that Nursery had been transformed into a jungle - they were amazed at the trees and noises! They loved hearing about Elmers adventures and how he loved being different - eventually! All the children have told Elmer why they are special and unique and what they are really good at doing in Nursery and at home.
We have done lots of fantastic learning about colours - as Elmer was a colourful patchwork elephant and not elephant colour at all! All the children have made a collage to add to our class Elmer and have mixed colours using coloured water. We even made an elephant sized elephant outside!
Next week we start our new topic of 'Why things happen!' by looking at floating and sinking
Nursery Weekly Blog WB 16.1.2023
Date: 19th Jan 2023 @ 12:59pm
This week in Nursery we have been carrying on our learning about 'What I would like to be when I grow up'. This week we have been thinking about what it would be like to be a farmer. We have used the book Old MacDonald had a farm to look at the type of animals we would find on a farm and have made masks so that we could wear them while we were singing the rhyme!
During the week we have done some animal movements and created our own farm on the wallpaper. We have made tractors in the making area and used the big tractor to act out driving in the fields. We have also been shopping to think about what crops are grown on farms.
By the end of the week we knew lots of things that a farmer does every day so we could decide if that is what we would like to do when we are older!
Next week we will be learning about Chinese New Year and thinking about what an author does - We will even be having a visit from an author on Wednesday!
Nursery Weekly Blog WB 9.1.2023
Date: 12th Jan 2023 @ 12:55pm
We have had a really exciting week in Nursery this week to start our learning about our new topic - 'What I want to be when I grow up!'. On Monday all of Nursery left Greenhill Airport on flight 9876 to Australia. The Greenhill Airways flight lifted off with its pilot - Pilot Savage - in the cockpit. Before the passengers were allowed to board they had to present their passport to the controller and collect their boarding passes. When they got onto the plane the cabin crew checked their passes before they could take their seats and enjoy the flight.
The children loved experiencing what a flight felt like - complete with refreshments on board!!
After our flight we have spent the week learning about what it would be like to be a pilot with some help with our book this week - 'I want to be a pilot'.
It would be fantastic if you could talk to your child about this weeks learning and tell us about what they say on SeeSaw!
Nursery Weekly Blog WB 3/1/2023
Date: 5th Jan 2023 @ 1:19pm
All the children have come back from the holidays very happy to catch up with their friends and tell us all about the things they have been doing in the holidays - it sounds like they had lots of fun!
This week we have been doing lots of great learning about Winter. We read the book Kippers snowy day and talked about what it feels like in Winter and the sorts of things that people do and aear in the cold weather - all we needed was some real snow!
All the children are now loaded on See Saw - please use their individual logins to register them and do some fantastic home learning!
Nursery Weekly Blog WB 5/12/2022
Date: 9th Dec 2022 @ 11:38am
This week we have been doing lots of great learning about Twinkle Twinkle Little Star whilst making lots of preparations for Christmas in Nursery.
Our Christmas hats are looking fantastic and the children have worked really hard with all the other things they have made. We also decorated out Christmas tree and put a twinkly star just like in the rhyme on the top.
All the children have been doing some fantastic singing while they rehearsed for the Christmas performance next week - we look forward to seeing you all there!
Nursery Weekly Blog WB 28/11/2022
Date: 1st Dec 2022 @ 12:23pm
This week we have been doing lots of great learning about The Three Billie Goats Gruff. We have retold the story using actions, musical instruments and small world characters.
Our Maths activity involved feeding flowers to the goats to see who had the most!
We have started to practise songs for our Christams performance and the children are really enjoying joining in with the words and actions. We have started to get crafty for Christmas with the children making some decorations for our tree that we will put up next week.
On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we welcomed parents into Nursery for their VIP visits. The children loved showing off their Nursery and working with their grown ups to create Christams trees and wreaths. A massive thank you to all the parents who came to be with their child!
Next week we start joining up with Reception to practise our Foundation Nativity.
Reception Weekly Blog WB 14.11.2022
Date: 18th Nov 2022 @ 1:10pm
This week in Nursery we have been doing some fantastic learning about The Gingerbread Man. We have listened to different versions of the story and created actions to acoompany the story. We have practised our fine motor skills by using tweezers to add eyes and buttons to gingerbread men and finished off the week by making our own gingerbread biscuits - thank you to everyone who bought one to raise money for Children in Need.
Last week the children started reading in Nursery using books without words linked to their current phonics phase - Phase 1 - this will happen every FRiday. In addition, this week they have all chosen a book from our Nursery library to take home and enjoy reading with adults at home. This will be changed in family group time evry 2 weeks. We will not be able to send a book home unless we have a book bag in school.
On Friday we had a fantastic 'Children in Need' day in Nursery - all the children looked splendidly spotty!!
Nursery Weekly Blog WB 7.11.2022
Date: 10th Nov 2022 @ 11:09pm
This week we have done some fantastic learning about the traditioal rhyme Baa Baa Black Sheep. We have learned the signs to accompany the rhyme and have had great fun retelling it using masks and puppets we have made.
We have learned about where wool comes from and even shorn our own sheep!We have used our hands to print sheep and used playdough to create 3D sheep.
This week we have started our weekly reading sessions and next week the children will be selecting books to bring home and share with grown ups at home. We are excited to start children off on their journey to .... READ BELIEVE ACHIEVE !!
Nursery Weekly Blog WB 31.10.2022
Date: 4th Nov 2022 @ 5:18pm
This week in nursery we have been on a leaf hunt! We have done lots of fantastic learning about Autumn and how the seasons change. We have colour sorted leaves and created repeating patters using different coloured leaves. We have retold the story using a story tray and got on our tummies to draw the different parts of the story.
At the end of the week we learned all about Divali. we followed a little girl as she prepared for and then celebrated with her family. We thought about how our own family celebrations were the same and different to Divali. We made lanterns and were very lucky that Mrs Noor made us some Divali food to taste!
Next week we will be dooing lots of learning about Baa Baa Black Sheep!
Nursery Weekly Blog WB 17/10/2022
Date: 20th Oct 2022 @ 4:30pm
This week Nursery have had a fantastic curriculum week inspired by Black History Month. Early Years focus has been African dance, art and music.
We started off the week looking at African animals and creating dance moves for some of the animals. We had some very scary lions,lazy hippos, tall giraffes and slithering snakes. Then we started to put some of the movements to the music of African drums. We all had a turn to beat our rhythyms on the drums and some of us made drums of our own to play along.
We also made some jewelry inspired by Africa which we wore at our fantastic finish on Thursday when we played and moved along to some African drumming music.
We have had a fantastic half term in Nursery and hope that all our children have a lovely half term break and come back refreshed and ready to do some more great learning!
Nursery Weekly Blog WB 10.10.2022
Date: 13th Oct 2022 @ 1:31pm
This week we have had a fantastic week of learning all about 'We're going on a Bear Hunt' We have retold the story in lots of diofferent ways - using actions,a story tray,story maps and on our tummies using giant markers and wallpaper. We all went on a bear hunt, with our map, back pack and binoculars, We had to be VERY brave. We have created bears with paint and playdough and made our own bear cave outside.
We have also started looking for the signs of Autumn and been looking at some of the things we can already see outside that tell us that Autumn is on its way.
Next week it is our Curriculum Week when the whole schools learning will focus on Black History Month. Nursery will be doing lots of Dance Art and Music linked to this - we cant wait!
Nursery Weekly Blog WB 3/10/2022
Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 1:56pm
This week in Nursery we have been continuing our learning about 'All About Me!'. Our book for this week's learning was 5 Minutes Peace and we found out lots about the Large family and their lives. We played memory games about the things Mrs Large took upstairs and made her favourite food, marmalade on toast - we got to eat it as well.
We have also been doing lots of colour mixing - using our hands to print with primary colours them mixing them together to see what colour we produce.
Some children have also been sharing their family photos with us. It has been lovely to hear them confidently telling us all about the people in their family. We will be carrying on this learning next week if any other families would like to give or send us a photo.
Next week we will be going on a bear hunt with lots of exciting learning inside and out!
Nursery Weekly Blog WB 26/09/2022
Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 3:40pm
This week in Nursery we started our topic for this term 'All About Me!'. Our learning was based on our book of the week 'My Mum and Dad Make Me Laugh!'
We enjoyed reading about a family where Mum liked spots and Dad liked stripes - and the little boy liked grey. We talked about the different animals the characters liked and the different colours in the book. We created collages using our favourite colours and used collage materials created images of our faces - they look fantastic!
In our Family Group time we have been visiting the different areas in Nursery investigating the resources,and talking about what expectations there are about caring for our things in Nursery.
Next week we will be talking about our families. It would be fantastic if the children could bring in a photograph of their family to talk about in their Family Group.